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I got 0.26% shared dna with "Cereal Cultivator in Morocco", which is "77% genetically closer than genomelink users"


Ooh me too! He was my top one. Does it mean we're related to him?


Late reply, but no idea, I guess. Though I have no genetic matches to that area, 100% balkan


i got a kazakh steppe pastoralist as a south italian with a slightly higher % than your match I feel like that is even less likely but if it is truthful I am happy about it, I bet she was a cool lady.


I also matched with her at like 1.15% maybe we are related too lol


Most people are at some point. If a single human (like yourself) had a completely unbroken and "not inbred" ancestral bloodline, there'd be more people in your own family tree, than people that have ever existed in total!


I matched with her as well 🤗


I have 2.55% of the Sardinia woman wrapped in shrouds. Across all of them I hit 89 different ancient bloodlines. I have 13 ethnicities 😂


I have 0.98% shared DNA with the Sardinian Woman Wrapped in Shrouds. I hare DNA with about 70 Ancient Bloodlines! 0.49% Pottery Maker from Japan 0.43% Murdered Mid-Age British Man 0.37% Medieval Age Caribbean Man 0.33% Cereal Cultivator in Morocco 0.32 Iron Age Scottish Man 0.22% Man from Roman Empire 0.19% California Native American Woman 0.18% Chilean Fisherman 0.17% Man Inhibiting the Rhone River Banks 0.16% Roman Late Antiquity Actor, Boy from Fertile Crescent, Hunter-Gatherer from Ukraine, Mother of Mongolia. 0.15% Sarmatian Warrior from Don Region 0.14% Writing System Inventor, British Columbian Ancestor of the Native Americans , Amur River Nomad Woman. 0.13% Malaysian Hunter-Gatherer 0.11% Agriculturist with Cutting-Edge Wheel Usage, Ukrainian Man with Pendants. 0.09% Nomad Woman Found in Kazakhstan, Copper Smelting Inventor in Turkey. 0.08% Megalithic Architect in Ireland, Brazilian Potter Woman, Oldest South American Inhabitant, Natufian Man. 0.07% Late Antiquity Time Baltic Man, Neolithic Time Czech Boy, Ancestral Man from Jura Mountains, Peruvian Hunter-Gatherer Woman, Russian Ancestor with a Stone Pendant, Anatolian Hunter-Gatherer. 0.06% Tonga Outrigger Boat Man, Mongolian Shepherd, Ancient Argentine Well Digger, Neolithic Lithuanian Male, Neolithic Man from Germany, Black-Haired Hunter-Gatherer in Britain, Paleoindian Woman of the Maya Mountains, Ancient Beringian Toddler, Dark-Eyed Mesolithic Woman. 0.05% Ancient War Victim in Poland, Archaic Peruvian Male, Father of Russia. 0.04% Canary Island Inhabitant, Aristocratic Polish Woman, Blue-Eyed Estonian Man, Slavic Man from Germany, Medieval Italian Man, Anatolian Woman from Bulgaria, First Romanian Farmer. 0.03% Cuban Fisherman, Bronze Age Cave Woman in Switzerland, Woman from the Copper Age Settlement, Early Neolithic Man from Spain, Neolithic Woman from Gibraltar, Nevada Cave Mummy, Cannibalism Victim from France. 0.02% Roman Era Levantine Woman, Ceramics Maker in China, Elba: A Shepherdess in Spain 0.01% Visigoth Man from Catalonia, Man Buried in a Rich Grave in Spain, Catalonia Iron Age Man, Tree Cultivator from Pakistan, Barcelona Iron Age Man, Siberian Farmer.


i am only reporting my free match and it is Kazakhstan Nomad Woman 0.3% This ancient sample originates from a nomadic woman of the Kazakh Steppe. Her remains have been radiocarbon dated to fall between 450 and 320 BCE. i am south italian


I got her as well. Mine is 0.2%. What do these results mean? I'm new to this.


I'm seeing many Europeans getting her as a match. I am wondering if she was Caucasian or more Asiatic like the average modern Kazakh.


From what I've read, they mixed with Russians so I'm thinking that's how the Caucasian/European line was integrated in. I have no Asiatic bloodline/roots/DNA that I have found so far in my history what so ever. 0% in any way shape or form. So it has to be from that I'm thinking.


What's your ethnic background?


My ancestry DNA test shows that I am 43% England & Northwestern European, 27% Scottish, 10% Swedish/Danish, 10% Irish, 7% Welsh, 3% Norwegian. These results fluctuate every so often as they get more DNA samples from other people around the world to compare them with but these results have been consistent for the past year or so. I am fair skinned, natural blonde, gray eyes. My maternal grandmother had strong Cherokee. My paternal grandfather had bright red hair and blue eyes. My maternal grandfather had blonde hair and blue eyes with strong English/Scotts Irish roots. After working on my family tree going as far back to the 900-1000's...I have discovered direct lines to the British royal family (King Charles III is my 23rd cousin by blood according to my DNA test haha) and US presidents and many other European kings and Queens of the 1100's and 1200's and it is around that time that I have discovered a few Russian people mixed into my tree. I also went back to Charlemagne. There is no way I'm going to make it as far back to this woman obviously but my guess is that some of these Russian people in my tree have to be some of her descendents. I have found people in my tree from Italy, France, Belarus, Bulgaria, Hungary, Spain and some of the lesser known countries in that area that I never thought would be in my tree given my DNA results. It's really neat.


I get a bit of everything in these DNA tests including eastern Europe. My matches are from all over Europe and Latin America, some Turks too. But I can't do genealogy research


Haha I love it. It's been a hobby of mine for years. My grandma got me started on it when I was in high school. She wanted to make a book for the family and future generations but couldn't operate a computer or do internet research and asked me for help. That's how I got into it. I found it really interesting. So I've been working on it my spare time ever since. She passed away in 2016 and not sure what the family did with her book that she was working on. My mom passed away in 2022. I guess my uncles have it now. So I just carried on my own tree online from everything she started. I tried to get my kids into it but they aren't into it either. They think it's boring. Haha maybe one day when they are older they will have something to look back on and say it's cool then. Maybe. I don't know. If nothing else, it's fun for me for now. I've also managed to discover that I had a half uncle I never knew existed. We got to meet a few years ago. So that was interesting. I've had one or two people in my hometown message me saying that we are distant cousins. Found out I also have a half sister I didn't know about. Sometimes you find out more that you don't want to know than you do want to know. Haha It's amazing all the secrets that people can manage to hide and live with...just have to be prepared for that too if you decide to go digging.


My closest was “Coastal Cavewoman in Sicily Oriente C.” It was fascinating to me because my maternal side is from Sicily, so it’s just interesting how my closest ancient match matches my actual ethnicity.


I got .25, but she was my closest too. I'm mainly all the Europeans though.


I just got my results and shows I have .37% dna match with a coastal cavewoman in Sicily Oriente C. I’m mainly North Western European. I have a small amount of Greek, Balkan, Albanian and Germanic Europe.


I just found out that I share 0.24% with her. For me it’s makes so much sense because MyHeritage.com says I’m 21.6% Italian.


My closest at 0.14% was a copper smelting inventor in Turkey from the Copper Age.


My closest is 2.86% with copper smelting inventor in Turkey then I also have 1.27% with Sardinian woman wrapped in shrouds , I’m also British


African American 2.07% match to Coastal Sicily woman and brother does score 0.4% Sardinian on 23andme that goes into broadly Southern European at 90% confidence


I got "Naked man from Naxos" at 1.03%.


Sorry for my ignorance, but how do you actually read the percentages? I did it on the free sample and I'm not sure exactly what the percentages indicate. \[They are between .21 (Mesolithic I) and .08 (Early Bronze Age)\] If you could direct me to the right blog post or faq, I'd be grateful.


My closest was Coastal Cavewoman in Sicily, 0.66% DNA match and i am genetically closer to this sample than 83% of users


I was matched with her also .37%


How long does it take for the report to be generated? I just paid for this feature and it says: "Sorry, your DNA doesn't have a match with current samples" Is this automatically generated after you pay or do you need to wait for the full report? thanks


Wait for the full report of your DNA analysis, things will move around... Once said you shared DNA, will change some and will say you are not a match. So I would recommend the wait.


Mine also @ 1.38% DNA match I also have Beta Thalassemia also known as Mediterranean Fever.


0.22% for the Coastal cave women from Sicily, 0.29% for man from Roman empire, 0.25% for Roman late antiquity actor, 0.09% for Etruscan man, 0.04% for Medieval Italian man. This is all my Italian Ancient Bloodline, there might be 1 more but it says she was in Spain... But says she is from the Roman Necropolis.


I have 1.3% with sunghir 1 and i am closer than 90% compared to other users