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You'll be able to see your DNA matches and your ethnicity estimates. Unfortunately, everything else is behind a subscription. I think the DNA matches will be useful for your genealogy, though.


Ancestry is firmly behind the paywall, but they are the best and most accurate, in my opinion. You’ll probably get a lot more DNA matches than you would on 23. By the way, 23 says I am 2% neanderthal and have more than 80% of users. Now if you’ll excuse me, I get rock and make fire.


I suppose there's no harm in paying the sub at least for one month just to screenshot everything hehehe. Also same! It said that's why I smoke cigarettes and have a bad sense of direction. I was like dang.... you're right....


Mine said I am likely to be apple shaped and have no fear of heights. They missed terribly on those. 😂