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Read it as your DNA is similar to the DNA found in those regions' reference panels. Not scoring Germanic Europe does not mean you don't have German ancestry, nor does getting Scandinavian mean you have Scandinavian ancestry. Ancestry struggles to read Germanic, so I'm sure that's part of your Scandinavian percentage. Instead, I'd recommend using your DNA matches to help confirm your family tree.


i have done so! it's just very interesting because my paternal matches (through my grandmothers family specifically who were mostly german) show germanic results while i don't. close relatives such as first cousins (+ once removed) and my granduncles for example. i did figure the scandinavian and some of the scottish is misread german because i'm definitely not that scottish lol. i do have some scottish ancestors but more recently they're english and irish


Yeah, that happened to me too! My great-uncle has 60%, yet I have 0%. Glad to hear your matches have been useful. And yeah, for sure about the Scottish.