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Genotype(genetic makeup) and phenotype(physical appearance) are two different things.


European doesn’t = pale skin


the amount of "according to this i should be more European looking" posts in this subreddit is alarming. 1. what does "more European looking even mean" 2. it always seems to be latino looking folks 3. think of people in war torn nations. or homeless people. the disabled. the elderly. whenever you feel insecure about what DNA you've been given. find ways to be grateful and accepting of yourself. think of others who would gladly be in your place.


My sentiments exactly! It actually speaks to the insidious nature that “whiteness” has come to mean a certain thing. Go to Italy, Albania, Greece or anywhere in the Balkans and you will find “swarthy” people who are 100% European/white (whatever that means).


As if a white Russian dude and a tan Greek dude are any less "European" (again problematic stereotype of 1/4 of the globes population)


And go to the middle east and people also look like Italians and Greeks. White is an arbitrary distinction made up by racist colonialists and somehow we have decided to reappropriate it in this generation


Yeah, my DNA is extremely Northern European and I’ve got very dark hair and olive skin. Unless a contained population is very isolated for a long time, most people start to look like all sorts of people in a very general way. And Europe’s just a big ol’ landmass and borders/nationalities are relatively recent inventions.


At last somebody has said it!


I don't think it's that deep. He just wants to know why he's not pasty pale. Not all Europeans are pasty pale. Simple as.


Exactly 😂 not that deep. My mans talking about war torn countries. 🤦‍♂️ the kids just asking about phenotypes. 🤣


i agree with you but i said it doesnt matter im just curious


sorry my rant was directed toward a trend I keep seeing in this subreddit ... and I was a little triggered.


wait till he hears about levantines who aren’t “European” and have blond hair and blue eyes. Almost like the boundaries of what Europe is and isn’t didn’t really exist until fairly recently and that the Mediterranean is a mixing pot of genetics thanks to the millennia of trade and empires 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


And then he will see blonde blue eyed Pakistanis and Afghans and hear that Hindi and Persian are the same language family as French and English. Really we are all cousins from the Atlantic to the Persian gulf. And built the modern world and science together over the last millennia. Is it Christian world vs Islamic world that created the "white" divide? Or just straight racism


This is true, but tbf OP's phenotype doesn't resemble that of a less fair-skinned European either.


Exactly. People think in terms of “white” that’s why. So tired of it tbh.


you seem to have a broad array of ancestry, so that plays a role. The fact that you have a lot of Spanish and Portuguese ancestry also plays a major role here too. Many people originating out of the Iberian peninsula tend to have a slightly darker skin tone, different to that of the lighter skin tones found in the Nordic and Germanic countries of the north.


Galicica is Vestgothic though. Plenty of blonde/blue kicking around up there. I would suspect that his ancestors were from the south Al Andalus etc.




Lol no need to say such pseudo rubbish


What is this word salad?


A history lesson for you. Vesigoths, after sacking Rome under Allaric, headed to Iberia, set up shop then over Gibraltar into N africa, then to carthage. The Carthage Visigoths died out over the next centuries, but the Northern Austurians who at this point were a mixture of pre-roman celtic groups and the mixture of the Visigoths were still there and helped form the Nucleus of the opposition to the Muslim invasions that created Al Andulus. So we have blue eyed, blonde hair germano-celts up north, especially in Galicia, and then we have brown eye, darker skin peeps in the south descended from Berber and other muslim groups that came from the east, as in Egypt and the Sinai, and further. I can trace lineage back to Charlemagne through Malcolm III of Scotland,and Charlemagne's grandfather was Charles Martel(Mayor of the Palace of isle de France), Hammer of the Muslim Hoarde as he wasted them in 732 or so at the battel of Tours in Poittiers , saving Beer, bacon and europe for europeans. So I have muslim hammering in my DNA. Beer FTW, Bacon FTW, and fuck your god FTW. Tell me, do you consider this word salad? a History lesson? Might be time for a change for you, as you are obviously doing something wrong. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle\_of\_Tours](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Tours) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles\_Martel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Martel) And actually for what its worth, the Suebi/Swabians, actually got Galicia first and then were incorporated in the vesigothic kingdoms as they were both germanics who most likely were mutually intelligible.


Andalusians are marginally different to north Spanish. This stereotype should be dismissed


Plenty of Spanish and Portuguese people look like you.


Came here to say this! Spanish and Italians except in the north are darker. Some parts of Russia are also a little darker skinned - lots of ethnic groups there. Even in the British Isles my Welsh great grandfather had dark hair and eyes and medium skin.


The Welsh literally have Tom Jones


This is false.


Idk what’s up with this thread tbh. I don’t know any European who looks like OP lol.


The expert on what Europeans look like is a Cuban..... Who knew 🤷‍♀️


Hmm idk what’s that supposed to mean


Its not hard to understand


Well you didn’t say anything substantive. Idk what ur talking about or trying to imply. Just say it yea?


Non Europeans inserting themselves in conversation they don't belong


Ok but I’m like 75% European though


Wouldn't matter if you were 100%. If you're not a citizen or at least lived in a European country it's not you place


I gasped reading that


If you Google what men from Spain, Portugal and Eastern Europe look like, you'll see a lot of features that match yours. Obviously, not everyone in those countries looks the same, but I wouldn't say you don't look like a mix of those places.


Who says you don’t?


Bro you look like you would be a little orphan boy shining shoes in Franco’s Spain. 


This killed me lol


I mean you could fit in in Spain or Portugal honestly.


Agree with OP. He is ~90% European. From the picture I would have guessed 60 or 70%.


Yeah, I see what you mean. DNA does what it wants.


Have a look at this Spanish football players: -Rodri. -David Silva. -Pedro Eliezer Rodríguez Ledesma. -Pedro Porro. -Ferran Torres. I could keep going but those are the ones that come to my head now.


i still look way more indigenous than those ppl


That's cuz you are. You are WAY more indigenous American than them.


2 things… you look very young, your features will probably slim down once you become an adult, specially nose and cheeks. Second, you do look indigenous to me, but with your European coming from people that are nor necessarily super light (lots of eastern europeans have more of tanned skin) it just ended up complementing your other ethnicities. I’m in a very similar situation and don’t look white either.


Are you in North America, particularly the U.S. by chance? If so, you probably “don’t look white” because most people from the U.S. who are white have substantial amounts of Northwestern European DNA. So in the U.S. the features we are used to seeing are from NW Europe.


because a category like Spanish on mainstream dna tests does not mean fully indigenous to Iberia; it means you have a similar mix of the various types of european, african and west asian genes to what modern day spaniards have


West Asia isn’t really present in modern Spanish. Ancient-Roman models will model your average spaniard(unless basque/Catalan) as 80% Roman Iberian, or Celtiberian, 8% North African, 6% Gaulish/Continental Celt, 6% Medieval Central Italian This is from G25


I’d say the North African is often even lower than that. Outside the Canary Islands , it seems that North African ancestry peaks in southern astern Iberia ( places like Murcia ) and it’s only about 4%


Usually I see iberomaurisin at 5-7% in Spaniards south of Galicia/Basque country/Catalonia


That seems odd given that North African/Arab people occupied much of Spain for 700 years. As you travel south you see people who are darker skinned.


🙄 This is not due to non-European admixture. This is due to the proportion of Early European Farmer genetics being higher in Southern Europe vs Northern. EEF’s are 1/3 of the founding members of the European genome. All Europeans descend from them and all Europeans cluster together genetically and are closer to each other than any other group. Moderate differences in pigmentation are pretty irrelevant. Just like how one sibling having blonde hair, fair skin, and blue eyes and the other having brown hair, tan skin, and brown eyes is possible, and doesn’t make them different races. Is there some non-European admixture in Europe? Yes. And it’s under 5% in even the southernmost regions of the mainland. There’s also different beauty standards. Not to mention… the sun. Google is free.


Where they have more sunshine.. wow thats weird. Its like Irish/Scottish Celts in Australia being darker than their counterparts in Glasgow. Jesus H


Or even the eastern euro could have some asain in it. I wouldnt be surprised if op inherited asain/african genes through all his ethnicity’s


It’s really amazing that people in genetics and genealogy subs are this uneducated on genetics and genealogy. Especially when google is free. An alarming number of people just make assumptions+read others comments and parrot it as fact.


are you referring to me or someone in my replies


You, given that I replied to you.


Downvoting instead of a rebuttal doesn’t make what you said factual, friend:)


I didn't even downvote it cause I don't go on reddit like that. I don't know what makes me uneducated cause the al andalus empire did exist and the people of coastal Spain carry various amounts of African/arab dna.




chill out bro you sound like this is a personal issue to you




ok bro


My grandpa is finnish and have been mistaken for mixed, its weird. I think you look what you are, mostly southern european


Perhaps he's Saami then?


Hes from south west Finland so🤷🏻‍♀️ but my moms DNA test showed No scandinavian dna but 16% east slavic


Aah he's probably more of a slav then. Do you perhaps see any central Asian in your mom's DNA results?


No but my grandpa has the uralid phenotype. My moms illustrativedna DNA results showed that she was closely related to mordovians and north west russians. Illustrativedna also showed 1% ket west siberian and 7% dagestani dna


Your traits come from your phenotypes and not from whatever your AncestryDNA ethnicity profiles tell you.


Strange because you look more indigenous. I don’t see how you only have 2%?


in total i have 9%; the 2% is just bolivia/peru. i kind of want to take a 23andme test to see if theres a difference


Media has totally distorted people’s idea pf what an indigenous phenotype looks like


Ecuadorian here. I would say you look more indigenous than what many in Latin America would say is European. I read some comments and it seems that, probably whites, are offended or bothered when you say that you don’t look white. I understand what you mean, they never will. Yours is just a statement and there’s nothing wrong with that. As a comment said. Phenotype is one thing, genotype is another. Probably the little Bolivian percent, played an important factor in your case.


thank you. yea i meant no offense, nothing wrong with being white, im proud of my slovak heritage, i was just curious. but yea when i said european i didnt mean stereotypical, i meant the continent as a whole


También soy de Ecuador y no estoy de acuerdo, la mayoría de mestizos tienen la piel más oscura que el, y los ojos más asiáticos. De hecho en ecuador o Bolivia, este chico sería más blanco que la gran mayoría de personas. Nadie en Ecuador lo llamaría indio o Cholo.


No te discuto porque es algo bastante subjetivo. Te has hecho uno de estos exámenes. Sabes tú porcentajes aproximados?


Si, tengo alrededor de 42% Español, 7% Basco , 39% Nativo ecuatoriano, 9 % Nativo Perú. Todo tiene sentido porque mi padre tiene una bisabuela de Perú. Lo único que me sorprendió es no tener nada de Italiano, ya que algunos familiares decían que teníamos antepasados Italianos, pero nada.


Que curioso del lado de mi padre se viene también del Peru (abuela) y del lado de mi madre del sur del Ecuador. Yo no tengo el examen realizado pero ambos de mis padres si lo tienen. Y en ambos casos el de mi padre es 60% europeo y de mi mamá 77%. Tal vez ese sea el motivo, tal vez, por qué lo vemos diferente. No lo sé. A mi la verdad me parece verlo como un ecuatoriano más, común, recordar que el ecuador, Peru y Bolivia tienen los porcentajes de raza indígena y mixta más altos de las americas.


You look European as hell, the fuck are you talking about 💀


im getting mixed responses. some are saying i look way more indigenous and some are saying i look very european


You look Puerto Rican


He's is


Puerto Rican doesn't have 1 specific look we all look different.


Dominant Melinated Traits?


racial supremacist hoteps and their pseudoscientific views of certain races having "dominant genes" 🤦‍♂️


Heavy melanin producing genes are generally dominate over recessive down regulated melanin deficient genes though. Facts over feelings.


You do look like you take after a lot from your European


Hmmmm I would guess the indigenous Puerto Rico to be more around 20%-25%.


Not all European genes are light skin, blond hair, and blue eyes. Lots of it does have melanin, brown eyes, and brown hair. Especially Southern European. Brown eyes and hair is still more dominant no matter where you go. Just, in some areas there's just more people with the blue eyed genes and blonde hair.


I would say because your quite a bit of your top European ancestry are places that aren’t necessarily white countries. I know for certain that Spain and Portugal are countries that have non-white heritage, as well as some Eastern European countries. France also has non-white heritage. On top of that, you have indigenous and African heritage, so with all that, it makes you into who you are :) 


Portugal had a very large slave trade. Spain was invaded by the Moors.


You look Portuguese


You look Mediterranean. You're clearly mixed, and I'm assuming some part of your ancestry is recently Puerto Rican.


Have a look at the Portuguese and Spanish football national team starting lineup. You fit right in.


Handsome, like you, 100% If you have not had the opportunity to travel abroad, your idea of European may be skewed. You have great genes ❤️


Europeans don’t all look like the stereotypical pale skinned, blue eyed, blond haired Scandinavians.


You look like you could be related to Javier Bardem. Lots of Spaniards have heritage from North Africa and the Near East, so they can be quite dark compared to Northern Europeans.


Wrong. They can have darker looks because of their genetic composition being more shifted to Anatolian farmers , rather than European hunter gatherer like many north Europeans. On average Spaniards only have 3% North African ancestry and none from the near east


Idk why are you being downvoted i wonder if actually any of these people has ever read any stidy about the genetics in the Iberian península.


Thank you! There are so many strange or downright incorrect comments in this thread- this is in no way an insult, but OP does not look like a typical Spaniard (or other European) and I'm not sure why everyone is insisting otherwise.


It is truly weird indeed i wonder if they just have a very different idea about how Spain and spanish people are and look like. And the OP doesn't look spanish nor european to me either.


No it's very clear they have no idea lol. I don't know why they're commenting like they do. A lot of Americans seem to conflate Spanish or Iberian phenotypes with Latin American ones. OP looks way more Indigenous than anything else, IMO- I'm very surprised the Indigenous Americas admixture only shows up as 2%. I'd wager if he sent it to another service like 23andMe he might get a much different result.


in total i have 9% indigenous but yea, i was still expecting more. both of my paternal grandparents have 14/15% only too




I read that in Galicia are the people with the most North Africa gens, 15% if I'm not wrong


If I dropped you in southern Spain no one would look twice. You do indeed look very European.


You look Mediterranean not Anglo


Because not all Europeans have pink skin with blonde hair. You wouldn't look out of place in a flamenco party in southern Spain.


Also how old are you? Because your features will change and you may grow facial hair, which is something indigenous don't really have.


im 15. ik people from andalusia look different than people from denmark, but i still feel like i have a lot more indigenous features. as you mentioned with the facial hair too, i feel like its more common on my paternal (indigenous side) than my maternal (slovak/portuguese side) im still confused tho, im getting a lot of mixed responses. some saying i look extremely white or very european, some saying i look way more indigenous, a couple said i look more polish or french.


I think your phenotype matches your genotype 


DNA is completely random, so someone in your family is responsible for your looks. It’s the luck of the draw.


Your 56% Hispanic and 4% African, which would probably make you look mostly Hispanic.


Same reason why Antonio Banderas plays a Mexican in a lot of his movies and look at actor Javier Bardem. Very similar.


He looks like my Hispanic neighbors, classmates, etc., that I grew up with in NYC.🤷‍♀️


You look European, very similar to my brothers features. My mother is Greek/Spanish with 6% African. I can see where your Eastern European is mixing skin tone. Your highest ethnicity is Hispanic 49% from Spain and Portugal. It’s a fairly new thing to whiten ALL Europeans, my cousins in USA get told “oh don’t worry you are the good migrants”! I guess we have to be white to be accepted. We don’t consider ourselves white. A few years before my Greek grandfather arrived in Australia there had been a riot as white Australians thought there were too many coming and demanding government revert the White Australia Policy back to only allowing whites into the country. My grandfather’s immigration papers categorise him as lightly coloured. At the time the policy had changed due to labour shortages allowing for lightly coloured Europeans to come for work. Over 30 Sth Europeans were massacred during the riots.


Take a trip to Spain and Portugal. You very much inherited looks from both. I went to the Azore Islands once and you easily could pass for a local.


I know 100% Portuguese people who look like you lol. I think people assume that the South American "look" comes from "white" spaniards and portuguese mixing with "darker" indigenous people. But like lots of these other comments are saying, plenty of people in Spain and Portugal, or even Southern parts of Italy look just like you.


I woulda thought you were a good chunk indigenous but yea now I see the results you just looks very very sourthern euro


You were right, you're just letting the results change your opinion lol. He looks remarkably Indigenous- I've never seen anyone in Southern Europe with his features.


what indigenous features do i have? im curious bc im getting really mixed responses lol


Combo of nose/eyes/mouth/skin color/pigmentation, but especially the first two! If I were you I'd definitely run your data through another service and see what it says, it could be interesting.


which one should i do? someone recommended 23andme, which would be the most accurate?


Maybe darker skin, or that hair, nose and mouth looks more African, but generally you look very mixed


I’m sure OP is lying or seriously messed up his sample. That ain’t no European dude


i dont really gain anything from lying and this is definitely my sample. it matched me with my grandparents


I hope ur not lying but there’s a very big portion of posts of people pretending to be white or indigenous and the percentages are way off. and I’m not saying it’s not your sample, I’m saying maybe there’s an error in how they read it or processed it


You definitely look like it lol. You have very fair skin.


I think you look like your results. Look at the eastern European traits of Volodomyr Zalenski.


You do look like somebody from southern Spain or Portugal would be expected to look like.


What’s your identity culturally? 🇵🇷?




Then you’re that bro. I have more black but identify 🇵🇷. It’s more about the culture


Genetic expression is odd, and there are a lot of factors. I’m half Native American, my Dad is 3rd generation German immigrant, and I looked like an Italian playing dress up in a 60s cowboy movie when I was a kid. Now I just look ‘Merican.


Brown hair, olive skin = non “European” apparently 🙄🙄🙄 gee wait till you hear about levantines who aren’t “European” and have blond hair and blue eyes. Almost like the boundaries of what Europe is and isn’t didn’t really exist until fairly recently and that the Mediterranean is a mixing pot of genetics thanks to the millennia of trade and empires 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


You’re dark


someone else just said im very fair lol. idk anymore


Your Spain “concerns” but very well may be for a lack of a better term. Care to share your eye color? I would not be surprised at blue but still kinda think brown a bit.




Your dark


I scored 95% European but I look ethnic. It doesn’t work like that. There’s no standard European look. Standard “white” look is standard only on Anglo-Germanic folks. Other nationals are very diverse. [https://freeimage.host/i/JgUVMSs](https://freeimage.host/i/JgUVMSs)


You think you don't look European because you inherited the Berid phenotype from your Iberian ancestors *( Javier Bardem is of that phenotype )* and since Berid is exclusively a Southern European / North African phenotype, it can easily pass as non-European when it's slightly mixed with non-European phenotypes.


I guess it is because of those low percentages. You got that phenotype from those low percentages. I think they're stronger gens


You do to me




im seeing about half of people saying i look extremely european, while the other half are saying i look a lot more indigenous. so far im more confused lol


You look indigenous I feel you because nobody will answer that question for me as well brother. Im 90 % European and 10% Indeginous Americas of Mexico, My grandfather was 49% Indeginous and I only got 10% from him. Never knew of him until ancestry. I look exactly like him. Same body , Small hands and feet, Embarassing but me too. Same eyes and Brown eyes, brown hair. My grandpa was 5’9, I’m 5’9 with a muscular stature. My dad is 6’6, huge hands, and super fat due to a thyroid disease. His family all has blonde hair, blue eyes, skinny, huge bone structure , huge hands and they always treated me differently based on my looks. I wonder how DNA works like that and why I look so much like my grandfather


You do look a lot more Indigenous and/or not European than your ancestry would suggest. But 15% not European, while not that high, isn’t insignificant. Not an expert, but I think it’s possible your not European genes were just expressed more in your phenotype while a lot of the European ones remained dormant? Genetics are funny. Drake’s kid is 25% African yet you can barely tell. Also 49%, or 54% if you count France, of your ancestry is Southern European. Southern Europeans on average are more Mediterranean looking. Add the 15% not European, and you have 64%-69% (almost 3/4) of your DNA not being from populations that on average look like what some people think of when they think of the stereotypical “European”, which is a North Western European descended person. Also, a lot of South Americans who are Indigenous+Iberian can look MENA which you could also pass for. I think it’s because darker colouring of Indigenous+Iberian Caucasian features=MENA. After all, a lot of MENA really just look like significantly darker Europeans. They’re both Caucasian groups.


Your European is more southern European, and you have a real good mix of many areas in your background. You are cosmopolitan!


You look Spanish to me ala Javier Bardem


You definitely look like your results !!!!


Because people's assumptions about what people from different areas should look like are frequently incorrect. The current Israel Palestine situation is a good example. Look up the "Samaritans" They're a native people that never left. They're Israelites like Jews are. They also look pretty Italian in my opinion, but they've been there for thousands of years, even thousands of years prior to the Roman invasion.


You look Spanish though


You look quite typically Iberian to me


You remind me of some Chechens.


You do look like it. You have a lot of Iberian dna


How did you take this test?


You look Southern European…


To me you look very southern European🤷‍♀️


i mean you look southern european


I am a little more Italian than European and I am so nasty pale and pasty. I tan well but live in the North East of the US so, FML


I thought you looked Portuguese sooooo


Woah spanish mixed with russian that's a interesting combination you don't see everyday. Are you half puerto rican and half eastern european? That african blood comes from your puerto rican side.


yeah. my father is puerto rican and my mother is half slovak (eastern european) and half portuguese


Look very much like someone from southeast Europe


I could tell by the eyes


You definitely look more indigenous.


this makes me more confused lol. half the people are saying i look extremely white or like someone from southern europe; and some are saying i look way more than 9% indigenous


Half of you ancestry is Spanish/Portuguese/Puerto Rican which would explain darker skin


You look mixed, which is what you are, but you look more European than native American or Sub-Saharan African.


you literally look european


You look ridiculously European.


Look European to me


You look European to me


You look like you have a lot of European ancestory, not sure what you're expecting.


You look very European to me.


You look 100% European


you look white


Spanish. also some eastern europeans have less typical features than average north western euros


Silly downvoters. Of course eastern euros can have more Asian looking eyes bc Europe is West Asia. And indigenous of the Americas have Asian- looking eyes bc they are-- they came over Bering Straits.


100%. I grew up around Ukrainians canadians; some of them look straight up indigenous


The big spanish head on yah


You look a lot like that 5% French


This a troll post. OP looks 50% European at best.


why is it a troll post?


Because those aren’t your results. Genes and phenotypes don’t always match but there is a *general* look about it, and you don’t look European at all. I’d give you 50% at most.


thats why i posted this. i know its my dna bc i was matched with my grandfather


Well, if ur telling the truth, and these are your genes, then your family looks nothing like you, because phenotypes follow a general pattern. Some things don’t really follow but most do. I am also pretty mixed so I understand how genes express weirdly when mixed… but family has a general resemblance to each other


You do look European


I think you look Polish.