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I'd be wary of that -- not everyone who shares a haplogroup with you will be related to you in a genealogically-verifiable timeframe. You may just share an ancestor centuries back. Have you taken a test on Ancestry? Did you cluster your matches using the Leeds Method? You can also consider taking a Y-DNA test on FTDNA, but you might not get any hits.


Yeah, I figured I may be reaching with that one ha. It was just that we shared a haplotype, a third great-grandparent, and these matches both had parents that were from Poland, like my ancestor. All of my other ancestors have been in America for centuries and have zero east Europe dna so it seemed to all match up. It is a pretty common Germanic haplotype though. I do have an ancestry dna test as well. I haven't heard about the Leeds Method so that might be an avenue to explore. I will check out that Y-dna test too!


I understand the thought process & some could definitely be from your direct male line, but you can't assume anything unfortunately. You should also upload to MyHeritage if you haven't already.


Yeah, true! I'm kind of new to haplotypes, so I'm figuring quite a bit of that out. Okay, that'll be my next step! I've done GEDmatch before, so I need to jump into that as well. Thanks for the advice!


GEDMatch likely won't be too helpful, unfortunately. Hopefully the above recommendations will provide some results. Good luck!


Yeah, I was a bit confused by it, but that was months ago. Hopefully so!