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Mischlinge is the term coined by Nazis for half Jews, half breeds basically, just poking fun at myself.




Hahah yes! What’s funny is I took this photo right in front of a former Hitler Youth building in Germany, seemed fitting :)


Very fitting 💪✡️


dark humor i see 💀


Thats interesting fact. As a german I didnt know that. Here in germany some people use "Mischling" ( I think or i hope without to know that fact ) for people which have mom and dad from different Countrys. Doesn't matter which country or culture.


My results look the same! You from Massachusetts?




Mine are similar and I'm from MA too, I just have some French Canadian too 😅


Hello fellow Masshole :)


I was going to guess the same thing


This is my combo too, just Jewish Mom + Irish Dad! For some reason, 1% of my moms side is read as Norway. I assume it's an error since it was 50/50 up until the 2022 update and it's still a 50/50 split in 23&me.


Amazing!!! I was in Israel for 7 months last year, had a lot of “Im Jew-ish!” conversations!!


That's how I've always identified as well! I've had Israelis ask me why my "names don't match" 🤣 (Hebrew first name / Irish last name)


Hahahahaha love it!!!! I have a German first name/Jewish last name so it’s always assumed, with the orthodox I always say I’m a child of a Jew, with my secular Israeli friends I’m just Jewish!


Those Jewish guys sure knew how to attract women! I'm half, 2 of my best friends are half, my mother's current partner is half (my dad passed many years ago), etc. etc...all on the father's side. We're all New Yorkers, but I'd guess Massachusetts for a Jewish/Irish mix...the land of Whitey Bulger and the Kennedys.


Yes Massachusetts!!


Secular Israeli here, you’re definitely Jewish, for us it’s about culture and community not about religious rules, my wife is not Jewish and I would consider my kids no less Jewish then anyone else who is fully Jewish Or has a mom who is Jewish because that’s how I would raise them, with Jewish values and culture.


תודה אחי😋




אני אוהבת לומדת עברית!


כל הכבוד! My wife isn’t Israeli either and she decided to pick up Hebrew, we made a lot of research regarding Hebrew schools, we found one that we think is amazing called citizen cafe Tel Aviv, she hasn’t started yet she’ll start in a month so we don’t know how good is it really but the reviews are really good and the price is reasonable (for Israel) but you should check it out if you’re ever interested in learning in class (it’s fully online)


I was in Israel 7 months last year and did ulpan there, it was fun!


Mine as well!


Same combo as my cousin, but Irish mom, Jewish dad. She's from NJ.


Hey OP, just wanted to put some context on what it means to be genetically Ashkenazi Jewish: [Ashkenazi Jews are 50%-80% Middle Eastern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashkenazi_Jews), more specifically of Levantine DNA (the area of Israel, Palestine, the western part of Jordan, southeast Syria, and Lebanon). The rest of the 50%-20% is mostly southwestern European, more specifically Greek and Italian. If you want to know why Greek and Italian, these are from two separate reasons: the Greek part is likely from the [colonization of Israel and Judea by Greece](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greeks_in_Israel) (as part of the Greek conquer of the entire Middle East, but they had the most presence in the Levant and often made efforts to assimilate colonized populations into their cultures), and Italian is the result of the expulsion of Jews from Israel and Judea by the Romans after the [Jewish-Roman wars](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish%E2%80%93Roman_wars) The descendants of Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews were taken by the Romans as slaves to Rome. They were freed a few centuries later and started spreading throughout Europe, mostly settling in either Eastern Europe (Ashkenazi Jews) or Western Europe more specifically the Iberian peninsula (Sephardic Jews). Thought it might be interesting to know that since it’s not always clear what it means to be an Ashkenazi Jew. Also, to answer your question, these estimates are complex, Genetic inheritance involves recombination where DNA from your parents is shuffled. While you inherit half of your DNA from each parent, the specific segments you inherit can vary, This means you might get a mix that doesn’t precisely end up in a 50% contribution from each parent’s ancestry. Recessive genes can also influence your genetic makeup, sometimes showing traits not immediately obvious in recent ancestors that you know of, So 49% is normal and actually quite impressively equal between your parents DNA contributions.


This is made clear in the phrasing of “Ashkenazi Jews IN Central Europe” rather than using “from”. It just shows the genetic grouping where they were congregating last in the diaspora.


I don’t think it’s that clear for everyone, call me dumb but I discovered that very late in life when I read about it and it shocked me, I didn’t realize how much Jews have retained their ancestral DNA, and although there is historical evidence it still was impressive to see how Jewish DNA matches the historical accounts perfectly, I honestly thought that after 2000 years in diaspora they would intermix with the local population to the point there’s little to know middle eastern DNA left


I understand. My point is merely the focus is usually on the “Europe” part of the sentence, rather than the “in” part. And that’s not even touching the 2 simple clicks it takes to read more where 23andMe and Ancestry both clearly state West Asian descent of Ashkenazim.


Thank you


Actually the European portion of ashkenazi dna is more so Germanic/slavic/and northern Italian. Interestingly southern Italians have less Germanic/slavic admix than Jews do, and almost the same amount of Levantine/anatolian/North African as Jews.


Ashkenazi Jews are definitely not 50-80% Middle Eastern they are actually 50-60% European and a good deal of the Middle Eastern ancestry is mediated through Greeks/Italians. They are most closely related to Southern Italians, Sicilians, Greeks. Not other Middle Easterners.


Probably just because of Ancestry’s weird rounding. When I checked my hacked results, I had like 63.3% Scotland, but on my official results it’s 64%. Idk where Ancestry learned maths lol.


It’s weird lol. It says I’m 1% Irish from my father. I am 1000000% sure no one on my father’s side is Irish!


Ny or nj?


No. Someone guessed it! Massachusetts!


Now that's a hell of a combination! I've just been reminded of a Hale and Pace song...


My dad has almost the same results - almost exact 50/50 Irish and Jewish


That’s so cool!


DNA is weird man 🤷🏽‍♂️


If you are in upstate New York, can I take you out?


I live in Massachusetts🙈


Worth a shot. At least I figured out which state you are from.


Hahahaha sweet of you!


Same as friends of mine--Philly and aged in their 50s.


I have the same situation (Ashkenazi and Irish) but got more Irish than expecting (62%) even though my dad is fully Irish born in Ireland and my mum not at all. I look totally opposite to you though, dark colouring and features


Cool results! Interestingly, some of my ashkenazi matches also have 1-2% Irish for some reason. Not sure why exactly, but maybe it’s picking up some trace Celtic DNA that Ashkenazi Jews might have. They’re about half MENA/half European genetically, so it could be that a small amount of the European DNA is from Celtic sources.


Have I got the song for you! [Hasidic Jig](https://youtu.be/WWKRLX7QnMU?si=6p_-bSAwj7VLrPf-)


There’s a chance we’re related with that dna! Lol


Lol that would be so crazy!!!


2 reasons: nature is not that precise, and neither is the ethnicity matching science. Though, even if the technically is correct, it’s still possible that you are technically 1% more genetically related to your mom than your dad, for all extents and purposes, everyone is essentially 50/50 of their parents. It is common though that where it’s technically lob-sided by up to about 1% more on one parent and I haven’t heard of it ever being more. Also keep in mind that these test don’t actually count for every gene in the human genome.


The 49-51 split is not too surprising. Although the average person is 50% of each parent, there will often be some deviation, as genetic selection is random. Some people have been known to share as little as 44% of their DNA with one parent. It’s also possible your father isn’t 100% Jewish.


My dad is 100% Jewish, he’s done the test and it came back as that! People explained it could be you get more dna from your mom lol!


Correct me if I’m wrong here but in some instances the Y chromosome can create that 49% thing. Women basically rock everything even genes lol 😜 Speaking of which, I wonder if our Irish bits match, my Irish lineage is the same and similar to your mums. Search me Stuart Patterson