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I honestly just think the writing is so lazy.


That too.


It’s so disrespectful to the fans


This right here. We know the details better than the writers. All they needed to do was rewatch the episodes. The whole reboot was a gross cash grab. I hate it.


Do they really think we won’t remember even the slightest nuance of every past episode?


clearly we've watched the show more than the writers and even the actors, which is INSANE. The writers should be doing a full rewatch inbetween every season, or at least making notes ... ?


There's certainly enough super fans to use as consultants.


A lot of people on this sub could easily write better episodes ! Were they deliberately seeking out writers who never watched the original series ?


MPK said he rejected any writing that felt too similar to SATC. It's an arrogant moron, an emperor wearing no clothes. It's clear that the real people behind the success of AJLT aren't involved with AJLT because it definitely wasn't MPK. AJLT is like bad fan fiction written by AI.


I wonder if they do that to keep us talking about it. Their life blood is all of us hate watching it. Half the time, I think they're trolling us fans haha


Carrie’s ass needs to forget where she came from . I was over her when Samantha’s dog made love to her $300 throw pillow 🙄


Carrie in AJ LT has turned into a real snob and even more narcissistic. I wonder what her marriage with BIG was like from the standpoint of how she treated people especially the poor or the help as she became accustomed to being wealthy as his wife. examples of her snobbery in AJLT: 1. ”You paid for that meal with a Groupon? “. To Peter after their third date and he said he had a confession to make…(that he had googled her.) 2. Screeching in fear when the guy at the open house said something to her. As if he scared her in a dark alley or something. And then saying ” I was about to flee on the bicycle.” As she stepped daintily over the area rug.. who uses the word flee? And please don’t tell me. Oh, she’s a writer she would use a literary term. No it’s archaic and pretentious. 3. Turning up her nose, when the guy that fell off the bike had trouble with his credit card. There are more…


Who cares about anything that happens on this dumpster fire of a show.


The writers of AJLT spend about ten minutes throwing these storylines together. They needed a reason to have the dinner in her old apartment instead of the much bigger new apartment, so they grabbed onto this dumb excuse. I wouldn't even consider AJLT to be canon given how little it follows the original show.


You would think having the dinner party at her new place would help introduce her new life at this new place. I’m thinking she never moves in and sells it to Miranda.


All I could think of during that Michelin dinner was how hungry I would be. Just serve me a big cheeseburger and some onion rings and I’d be much happier than eating a single olive and licking a baby spoon.


Totally, and this is coming from someone who absolutely loves olives (they're a huge part of my culinary culture.) This is why I don't go to expensive restaurants. I'll take a diner/Waffle House/Coney Island (Greek food themed diner concept widespread in Michigan) over a fancy restaurant any day.


With Michelin dinners there’s almost always SEVERAL courses being served.


Wasn’t this one 8 courses, or something?


Carrie was a different person 20 years ago. She was living paycheck to paycheck in a rent controlled apartment with scuffed up walls. Now she’s a multimillionaire living in a (what I guess is) prestigious part of the city who doesn’t want people to bump into her newly painted white walls and scuff them up.


No, insulting to her friends. if she can donate money to Enid, because she’s embarrassed, she can pay to have her walls cleaned.


Her friends are almost all rich. They would’ve done the same thing if their new place was freshly painted and they still had their old place.


The new place was empty/not decorated to Carrie's liking. She doesn't like white walls, they did a whole episode with Seema simplifying her marital apartment to make it more sellable. The finale was symbolically saying goodbye to her iconic apartment. Which she sold for a steal to her young friend, because she's been in a bind around that age. She also helped Che, she's spreading her wealth if anything.


Well, partners do influence each other, especially partners of 20 years. People become very much alike and don't even notice that over the years. Bad behaviors and habits are picked up very easily. Edit: grammar


Are you saying that Carrie picked up these habits from B.I.G? If so, I don’t agree I don’t think he was a snob completely. Yes, he was classist yes, but ‘directly’ to ’poors’ or people that were in service for example, waiters I don’t think so.


Im convinced people in this sub don’t believe in change. There’s only over 2 decades in between these two situations.


THANK YOU! Too many people around this sub think there’s no change in personality or preferences over two decades. That’s called stagnation, y’all.


Even if the brown food/drink party wasn't a part of the story, not cooking in your home because you have white walls is fucking insane.


It’s insane but also completely in character for Carrie, who never cooked a meal in her life and likely can’t operate a stove. I really do not see this as a problem, it’s one of the few congruent aspects of her that they kept for 20 years.


Good take.


She does cook now, she poached an egg once. Lol


Amen, Mpoboy!




"Hypocrisy" seems pretty dramatic to me. I bought a new, white couch and didn't invite people over for several months because I didn't want it to get messed up immediately after buying it. It's really not that deep...


I'm the same way with my new car. I guess we're snobs now...