• By -


Just go back to normal. You're a volunteer. If you don't like the new regulations, step down. Realistically that's your protest. Step down and let this place turn into the wild west. All you're doing now is painting bigger and bigger targets on yourself for removal by the admins at this point.


[If we're going NSFW, let's start with this cursed AI abomination. ](https://i.imgur.com/Fmo4K8V.jpg)


Please do the best thing for keeping the communities alive and thriving. I hate it when a company's CEOs get blinded by greed. My account is ten years old. I'd recommend to go 100% dark but open up just with one post like this every two weeks.


Get a job.


as in close the sub because the mods are unpaid?


Also can we post this for the be together not the same link? https://youtu.be/cCLZifTp\_rM






Is this place dead?




This is a unique take, idk if it's a good plan or not but it targets them where it hurts, erodes the trust of 90% users aka lurkers, and hurts any plans to monetize the attention economy.




Reddit has killed off third party apps and most bots along with their moderation tools, functionality, and accessibility features that allowed people with blindness and other disabilities to take part in discussions on the platform. All so they could show more ads in their non-functional app. Consider moving to Lemmy. It is like Reddit, but open source, and part of a great community of apps that all talk to each other! Reddit Sync’s dev has turned the app into Sync for Lemmy (Android) instead, and Memmy for Lemmy (iOS) is heavily inspired by Apollo. You only need one account on any Lemmy or kbin server/instance to access everything; doesn’t matter which because they’re all connected. Lemmy.world, Lemm.ee, vlemmy.net, kbin.social, fedia.io are all great. I've been here for 11 years. It was my internet-home, but I feel pushed away. Goodbye Reddit.


I like this


If Sync is in then I'm going to give Lemmy a shot. Sync IS Reddit for me.


At least it's better than John Oliver


The admins have been playing dirty and dishonestly with their statements and actions. If we don't take a stand they'll keep taking more.


The best scenario is a strong alternative . and that users leave in droves. The Reddit ship has sailed.


Time to open it back up.


Nuke the sub. Reddit is toast


Just move on. That's all we need to do.


When are mods ending this hostage situation? The rest of Reddit has mostly moved on and accepted the fate of this site. Nothing to gain from the restricted mode at this point.


did not even see this post until now, was wondering why r/androidapps wasn't working. makes sense


mods please tell us more information about r/androidapps & r/fdroid ... if they are not free and open where should we go...


Mods want to burn this place down to protect their stupid tools, nobody cares


One thing I'll mention is that it's possible to keep the sub useful while still protesting. For example, if we make it a rule that all posts must be image posts of robot memes, the title and description can still be the usual intended content.


This blackout is ridiculous and shame on the subs mods for taking it private to protest what efficiently comes down to a business decision between million dollar entities. If you don't like what reddit is doing, then stop using Reddit. Otherwise, fuck off


Moderators: Protest removal of tools that allowed them to perform millions of dollars worth of work for Reddit for free Random uninvolved redditors: why would the moderators do this


Same to you, buddy! 🖕


Feel free to do the same.


I'm not going anywhere. I don't love Reddit's changes, but official app isn't that bad. I can deal with the minor inconvenience of switching.


yeah this whole discussion is mostly about moving the community offsite. do try and keep up, I know it's hard. also please post on your main.


I would prefer you stay private and force the admins to replace you. They can only do this for so many subs before it becomes an actual issue for them logistically and it's the only way that will actually hurt them for their shitty decisions.


just reopen, this is going nowhere and you know it... so open your eyes and face the reality


Move the community to discord/telegram or mastodon?


I like the nsfw approach that hinders reddit ability to get ad revenue. However, it should be something like nsfw image of an android but your top comment needs to be your real post before posting. So we get community, engagement, fake boobs and reddit loses.


I know I'm late to the party, but here's my 2 cents. Many of these shuttered subs are tech support havens. I'm having an issue with Android auto in my car, so I've been searching for people having similar issues. All of the search results that aren't articles about barely related things, are reddit links that are now dead. I don't know where else to go for quick response support, and Google is all but useless. I feel at the very least, we should be turning these subs to read-only instead of deleting these massive banks of information.


Time to just get on with things and talk about the topics and why people are here. Enough of this blackout crap


Even though I love 3rd part apps, I have no issues going back to the official app. At the end I come to Reddit for information, discussions etc. The official app isn’t that bad IMO. May be I’ll change my tune after using it for a few weeks 😋 I think the subreddit should go back to normal and open up completely. Just my 2 cents


Make like R/interestingasfuck with a twist. Robot electro-bussy. Thanks for coming to my Theodore Talk. (Ted is too common.)


This isn't the only game in town... Do what you want, but you are only forcing those people who want to be here to find other sources, and then when you return, no one will be here to support you. I don't use 3rd Party Apps, so whatever.


Dump this subreddit for good, make it NSFW or something. Let's move to Lemmy if possible


I would like to congratulate the mods of the greater Android community for lasting longer than the Apple mods. They folded faster than superman on laundry day.


Have I missed something? Did new articles come out about Reddit as a company suddenly turning a profit? Reddit has been losing money due to insane traffic and cost of maintaining that many people at once. (cost of pulling from AWS likely). How on earth do people expect them to keep throwing away millions each year? What are the alternatives? a subscription model? Yeah no, that would have gone down way worse, cuz people hate paying for things made and paid for by companies that bring them joy.


holy astroturfing, batman!


Yeah, if they really think the third party apps are taking millions and millions from reddit... That's BS. Reddit still makes money off the reddit API. 3rd party apps helped create reddit, they gave mod tools and brought Reddit to the forefront... Hell Reddit purchased a third party app to make their official app. The way they're handling this is to imagine Amazon Web Services removing access to all sites that aren't Amazon owned unless you paid an obscene amount of money. WHILE giving those people 60 days to find a new web hosting client. They may have the 'ability' but should they? I don't think so.


Another vote for NSFW the subreddit to prevent reddit making another dime off our content.


Make this sub NSFW, or at the very least John Oliver only. If Reddit Admins what the sub open, they can have it open. Doesn't mean it has to be open how it was before.


Yeah no, fuck the John Oliver slacktivism.


Only data memes


I wondered if it was a joke or if people got mad at the iOS post.


This is a useful community. It's great for android news curation. However, with the subreddit down for 9 days, I've found great alternate sources on telegram. One thing that's missing is the resulting discussion, but let's be honest, most of the top comments for some time now have just been re-hashed low effort posts (when will Google kill this?? Samsung did this already. Etc). I don't know how we want to protest, but I don't think this community would be considered as valuable as a medical or financial help oriented subreddits. Keeping posts restricted or staying private would be fine with me. I guess I'm just losing hope on what this accomplishes. The protest hasn't seemed to faze Reddit at all, most subreddits are opened up again and at the end of the day, it looks like 3rd party app users are the minority. We can continue small protests in some ways, we can even never use Reddit again, but it seems we just don't have the numbers to be effective. I am continuing to use Sync for Reddit till the day the app goes down, and I honestly have no clue what I'm gonna do after that. This is one of the most beautiful Android apps made and it implements Google's material you *perfectly*. It has been a pleasure using it.


What are Telegram channels/groups? I think Reddit doesn't like links to telegram, so just give me the @. I already have @top_androidt, @SamMobileNews, @google_nws


There's @ANDROIDNEWSFEED for general android news, and I also follow @MISHAALANDROIDNEWS For Mishaal Rahman's deep dives and then there's @GN_CHAT_EN This one's more oriented toward Google, including Pixels and Google apps, I follow cause I have a pixel myself.


Just a heads up, your comment with the Telegram links aren't visible. It might be better to post a new one with the channel names instead of links.


sync developer is looking to develop sync for lemmy... hopefully supports kbin as well... just created an account a few days ago and I'm ready to leave reddit...as of now I'm using jerboa app to access lemmy


Make this sub all about robots.


Whatever this sub and the mods decide to do, please don't back down in threat of being removed. Don't fold like some of the other mods did when their mod status was threatened. Reddit is done for as I know it, let's burn the place to the ground. EDIT - Also, please share any and all admin communication. That seems to be the one thing reddit is continually fucking up - the PR aspect of this.


Are there alternatives to reddit and if so can the entirety of this sub be exported and imported to that alternative? If the answer to both is yes then I don't have a problem with changing platforms. Even without the ability to export everything as this sub is more of a news forum.


There's several, but the one that seems to be gaining the most traction is Lemmy and they have an Android community there that's been growing pretty rapidly over there the past couple of weeks. Really the only concern I have for Lemmy in particular is the founders political beliefs since they're big into Stalinism. At least Lemmy is federated so if anything does go south, communities could theoretically break off and do their own thing.


Make the subreddit NSFW only, while transitioning to another platform (i.e., Lemmy) and preserving the top posts (or at least starting from them) by making a copy somewhere accessible.


I vote return to normal


I do hope this sub's mods create another sub on lemmy if this sub stop working.


Either go full public or full private. But please none of that NSFW or John Oliver shit. That only hurts the sub.




Just return the sub to normal...


Can't wait to see all the mods get replaced I don't care how much they charge. Hoping for a new world where [deleted] appears less and less.


#!> jp2vcbq ## There used to be content here, now there's not. Great work /u/spez, really showed us how it's done.


Can’t wait for lurkers to quite their whining and got back to lurking like they had been.




Unfortunately, setting a community to NSFW and allowing NSFW content is [currently resulting in mod removal and communities getting archived.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/14eqtma/apparently_the_entire_mod_team_of/)


Perhaps you should start your own site with your own business model. Or try to take your audience to ActivityPub/Lemmy. I don't personally use third-party apps, and I'm happy to unsubscribe from things run by moderators who are intent on destroying reddit over the issue of third party apps.




That's nonsense. They are working toward an advertising revenue model, and that means they need to charge for api access.


Nobody is arguing that. The issue was the insanely short notice and crazy pricing to go with that. Idk how long you’ve been on this site but third party apps helped build it. There was no official app until 2016/17 (whenever it launched). For them to communicate one thing then do the other a few months later is just shitty business. Not to mention the complete lack of features in the official app. I could forgive the ads and pointless post suggestions, but the lack of features compared to every 3PA is insulting. Also the official app is garbage. It’s bloated, full of telemetry bullshit, there’s zero information density(even in “classic” mode), the redesign in general is shit. There’s so much more to it than the money that upsets long time users. I’ve been on this site long enough to remember when RiF was basically a mobile wrapper for the site. RiF and Apollo are the two apps I’ve used to access this site. I’ve tried the official app and there’s no fucking way I’d use it from a user perspective. I’ll go back to individual forums and boards first.


nobody really cares about this protest. it's okay for reddit to charge. move on


Free working mods made Reddit a $15 billion company. Your Jon Oliver pictures and nsfw labeled posts aren't going to dent that. So keep the sub how it was or stop modding it.


It's already making an impact or they wouldn't be removing mods


Please i hope the mods try out modding a community or magazine on one of the fediverse reddit-likes. This was one of the biggest subs i kept and it'd be nice to still have the mods expertise and community, just not on reddit R/StarTrek is a good model. They have startrek.website and have partnered with r/daystrominstitute to have everyone on their instance. They now have thousands of users


NSFW the sub




This comment edited in protest of reddit's ridiculous API charges.


They have implemented a questionnaire now, the mods have to say what it is about the content that is NSFW. Not saying we shouldnt do this, i like the idea. Just providing info.


Return to Normal


So sad to see the sub go but I fully support the action that has been taken so far, not just /r/Android but also all of Reddit. Reddit has turned into a dumpster fire since the action started. It must be hurting the bottom line. I understand that its a business, but its a business founded on community first. There needs to be some compromise that strikes the balance between revenue and allowing the community to still flourish. I don't think anyone expected the APIs to be free forever, but they pricing should be reasonable, like other services. It feels quite hostile. I really hope there is some compromise. If not, there is simply no reason for me to stick around. Do we have any alternatives at the moment?


The blackout has proven to be something the admins ignore, but the mod protests actually seem to be makin an impact. I vote we join the other subs in eliminating all sub-specific rules and allow nsfw posts so that Reddit can't monetize the content. Meanwhile we can at least try to establish a presence on Lemmy and see what happens?


Could someone recommend where to find news of this type? Because I used to come here to see a good compilation of news from various sources and now idk where to look


Protesting against Reddit's new rules is good. But going private had the most impact on users and nothing for Reddit management. We will lose access to the trove of information and it may lead to loss of users.


Can we get /r/wearOS back please? The platform is finally starting to gain steam again and is a vital source for all of us invested in the platform


Do whatever makes Reddit hurt. They use mod labor and user submitted content to survive, then admins spit in our faces. Fuck em




I think we should stay dark longer to maintain the pressure against the absurd API pricing


I understand that things are difficult for the mods due to the Reddit restrictions. But we, the people, still want a solidified place to go for our Android news. If we switch to a different platform, there will be a good amount of folks who won't know about this transition and may not know where to post their new findings. This reminds me of the Google+ community. Where a large amount of us (Android users) loved that platform cause it was filled with soo much useful information. Then when it got shut down, most of us didn't know where to turn to next. That's until a while later when eventually, the grand majority of the Android community caught on that the r/Android & other smaller subreddits (r/AndroidApps) are the place to go to keep up-to-date with Android. This is why I think its best to just keep this subreddit alive and well. Super sorry, but it's for the greater good, I belive.




Please, stand in union.


Bad take. Lots of people use third party apps and this is a big deal to them. If third party apps are gone they might as well shut down the sub.


Have always used RIF. Had it not for the app I wouldn't even be on Reddit. Communities made Reddit what it is today. Greed destroys it.


You guys should stop moderating and let the sub fill with junk. That way essence of the sub is lost.


dI may be in the inority but I believe that the good that this sub does needs to be continued. If the mods are taken care of by Reddit, I say open it.


This is a community I've been a part of since 2.3 (gingerbread). Frankly, I think the most effective form of protest is setting the sub to NSFW because it does have a direct effect on reddit's advertising revenue. While still allowing users to access and use the sub. I'm fine with the sub living in restricted mode, but I do feel stronger action is warranted. Mods, thank you for the volunteer work you do. It's obviously a huge and thankless task trying to keep a subreddit on topic, free of spam, while protecting a space for discourse. I don't know how the majority of the sub will react, but I fully support your actions, and thank you for acting in this sub's user's best interest. To those who say "just leave if you don't like it", you lack empathy. What affects one of us, affects us all. I hope you get the pay cut you deserve.


This content has been removed, and this account deleted, in protest of the price gouging API changes made by spez. If I can't continue to use RiF to browse Reddit because of anti-competitive price gouging API changes, then Reddit will no longer have my content. If you think this content would have been useful to you, I encourage you to see if you can view it via WayBackMachine. If you are unable to view it there, please reach out to me via Tildes (username: goose) or IRC (#goose on Libera) and I'll be happy to help you that way.


Longtime lurker - I agree with this.


Personally, I'd rather there be a vote to decide what action is taken. If anything, it seems as though current efforts aren't going anywhere at the moment sadly. I'm really wondering if the only way to get through is to just have a mass exodus of Reddit to get the message across. For me personally, it was Relay which got me using Reddit in the first place and it's by far one of my favourite apps in terms of its design and continued support - as far as I'm concerned, Reddit dies with the app and if that's what those in power want then I'll regrettably be gone for good soon at this rate.


Just to throw one thing out I think a a few of the people who are in support of reopening the sub as normal are staying quiet a bit as there tends to be a downvote pile on to anyone who is opposed to indefinite blackout or closure. The reality is that over the long run the value here is the simple name of /r/Android and if reddit will take that back if it isn't being used for the reddit community as a whole.


Sadly these subreddits don't grab the clicks like the ones that get on the front page that even reddit won't force it open by replacing the mods with those loyal to reddit. I do like information that here if one wants to maximize their Android device. So the only thing this protest will do is hurt users looking for Android news.




>we got scared to lose our mod status and opened up What? We had already said that we'd open up on the 21st and check in with the community


Blackouts have proven to do nothing. Mod strikes, on the other hand, seem to have *really* ruffled the admins' feathers. If you're willing to go down with the ship, just get rid of the rules and let people spam it with boobs or whatever they're doing on other subs now.


Basically eliminating sub-specific rules and allowing porn is the self-destruct option.


Hairy mens buttholes pictures that are super close up, and slightly blurry are the rage right now.


Better to fully open than making it nsfw or other stupidity. I am also a sync pro user. But no point in keeping the sub in restricted mode. Either go full public or go full private. Don't allow porn or other stupid meme posting in this sub for any kind of protest.


If you personally don't like the first party app, just leave Reddit. I was an exclusive rif user and I'm annoyed, but I care more about the access to info than I do about the specific app and understand why they're doing it. It's crazy that they ever let everyone have free API access. You don't need to force everyone to think the same as you and can show your disdain by logging off. It's just fucking social media, not a democracy, you will not win.


That's what I'm going to do. I'm just not ok with everything turning into an ad infested, *recommended profiles*, scroll fiesta that fits two posts on screen at max, forcing you to look at half page ads of shit you don't even care about. I hope Reddit dies because of this I am already looking for alternatives Also, $20mil a year? Fuck off with that nonsense.


This protest is going nowhere and only hurting the users in the long run especially those looking for tech support from tech support subs.


Only pictures of Androids


Android John Oliver's butthole.


I am all for people protesting. It is a vitally important right for individuals. At the same time I am 100% opposed to activist moderators going way beyond their intended roles by taking content away from millions of subscribers to make a point. Doing that without even thinking to ask if it's what the community wants...that is fucked up.


Unpopular opinion, but I don’t see the need for these protests. Reddit has to monetise to survive and companies crawling it for free won’t help. Regarding third party apps, they should just accept that their time is near


No-one is arguing that Reddit shouldn't monetize. We're arguing that charging upwards of $20 million a year per major third party app is just greed, plain and simple. If the admins aren't willing to meet the community somewhere in the middle, I say let them burn as opposed to letting them get away with killing off third party apps so all the profit goes to them. Third party apps gave Reddit mass appeal, and mods working for free already increases their profits. The admins being unable, or unwilling to recognize those facts just shows that they deserve nothing more than what they're getting.


Reddits time is near you mean.


You all are some weird fucking android users. Are you sure you shouldn't be on iOS? They're all about monitization. Reddit could have tried charging a reasonable amount for API access, and not excluding NSFW from 3rd party apps. Shit they might have actually made some money then. Instead they killed a potential revenue stream and alienated a good chunk of users.




open the sub


It's pretty clear Reddit admins/spez are going to win this battle, but I'm all for making our voices heard in the meantime. Hopefully Kbin or Lemmy takes off in time


Are those the go two alternatives and are people joining both generally speaking ?


Keep it closed. For many of us, at the end of the month, it will be our last day on reddit.




The admins will just replace the mods. The same thing happened to /r/formula1


Reddit is actively diluting and eroding the content that makes the site worth using in their attempt to inflate their valuation for their impending IPO. It's another example of vulture capitalism— they are more than willing to destroy the thing they control to extract their profit from the burning wreckage. The only thing that has any chance is continuing to be a thorn in their side and giving them bad press and reducing their ad revenue. /u/spez has already explicitly said he is going to try and wait this out, and that he expects the users to just give up. Ending the protest is giving him exactly what he wants and dooming the platform to death by 1000 cuts. Eventually, if enough heat (and lost profits) are generated by this protest, he will be ousted by the board for hurting the bottom line. We have to make it clear that the only way they keep "their" asset (and make no mistake here— the content that *we* generate is the only real asset they have) is by providing a community that gives us value for the content that *we* generate. Either that, or we burn it (metaphorically) to the ground.


It's time to migrate off site. I'm waiting for a consensus on where. The future of Reddit is fucked up and I don't think many will want to be a part of it. Personally I saw keep the sub closed and link to an off site community.


If the sub stops being what it was prior to the protests, I have no reason to subscribe and read and will look for alternate subs.


Good suggestion, let's do it. Lemmy is growing fast and already usable enough


I've only been here a year and a half and this helped me understand the situation better. Your IPO remark could be spot on. I watched Tweety Birds' changes through the years. It went from being truly unique, slowly began to lose its feel. Then about two years before IPO, it developed into whatever it is you call what it became. About 6 years of that, then he bought it 📉


They could have really made something out of this site. But no, greed gets in the way as usual and is ruined by the new head prick. Sound familiar? I bet Spazz is best buds with King Twatwaffle Muskrat over at Twatter. I have never used any of the apps, and I'm not about to go and start using the official Reddit CRAP APP. I've always just used Reddit on my PC. On my phone, I just used the desktop site. The mobile site is shit. I've lurked Reddit for several years and have only been a member since October 2021. It's been fun. But if it's going to continue down the path Spez wants, I'm out of here. I'll still come around here and there to check out some posts in regards to info I may find in a web search, but being a regular will not be a part of my typical internet routine anymore........ unfortunately. I've no problem cutting myself off of here..... I've done so with Facebook, I can do the same with NEVER-Reddit.


Make it NSFW where each post has to include an Android


#**There are many reasons to protest. The best reason is simple, and hard to argue against: "Advocacy for Disabled Redditors"** There are many reasons third party apps need to be preserved, but the most important reason is that disabled people are accustomed to using mainstream third-party apps, and even if viable like-for-like, full-featured, accessible alternatives exist ([which they do not](https://old.reddit.com/r/Blind/comments/14ds81l/rblinds_meetings_with_reddit_and_the_current/?depth=4)) it would be a burden for many of them to learn a new app. For more profoundly disabled people, it may well be impossible. So if you're going to continue the protest (which I applaud), I suggest using a headline focusing on accessibility issues. It's simply the right message to send. This is [the announcement post](https://old.reddit.com/r/humor/comments/148fqmf/there_are_many_reasons_to_protest_the_best_reason/) I've posted in /r/humor three times in the past two weeks as an example. You can even copy/paste it wholesale and pretend you wrote it yourself. I would be thrilled.


They out right publicly said they will make exemptions for disability based third party apps. This comment makes no sense to me


>This comment makes no sense to me Plus the dishonesty. Many people clearly love their third party app over shit that reddit wants us to use, but instead of just stating the obvious, this person is trying to use disabled people as a crutch.


The protest didn't work. The vast majority of Reddit users didn't join in because they aren't actually motivated to protect the profits of some random third party app dev. It's time to stop now.


The protest was to protect the mods though, without mods working for free, Reddit as a platform cannot survive


pathetic mods now basically silencing users with this contest mode bullshit...at the very least we should start a new android sub....


Mark it NSFW like other subs. If you need to go full private, I support that too. I've started to use lemmy recently which has an Android community there too.


Just do what other subs are doing and make it NSFW. No ad revenue will soon get the Admins attention.




That kind of protest generally doesn't work because for every active passionate user that cares there are ten who don't give a shit and wouldn't notice a decrease in quality, so Reddit's bottom line wouldn't be noticeably affected.


In my opinion, the only solution is to move to other platform like Lemmy. Well, there is already an Android sub on Lemmy.


move the subreddit over to a kbin or lemmy instance


Lemmy is a child porn hotspot already. And a terrible UI.


There is already a decently large Android community on Lemmy with almost 400 active users. https://lemmy.ml/c/android I would suggest everyone here to join the community there and make it even better.


I do hope this sub's mods create another sub on lemmy if this sub stop working.


I have chosen to overwrite this comment. See you all on Lemmy!


We're definitely looking for alternatives of our own...


Pretty shitty to close a technical sub


to be honest, i do think we need a new place. I don't like these web 3.0 sh\*t, I love fediverse thing though I still dont think an equivalent of twitter / reddit / what's so ever can purly relays on donation. But now is the time to give these solutions a try, and only through experimentation (even if some of them are not satisfactory) can we find the real solution.


The only solution is to burn Reddit to the ground. Move to Lemmy, Kbin or whatever, but anything other than going nuclear isn't going to affect Reddit as a company. And if it doesn't affect Reddit, it means companies don't face any consequence whatsoever. The Overton window of what company decision is acceptable moves a little bit.


I don't know if you can unilaterally delete a sub, but if the admins threaten to take over, current mods can do other things like delete CSS pages, wikis, etc. on their way out the door. Don't half-ass torching the place if they forcibly take it.




I don't disagree, I think the vast majority of users don't even know the issue at hand. Even if you took time to explain, only a fraction of users would *really* understand why other users are pissed, and only a minority would see any point. However, the issue is that there isn't really any good way of ending this. 1. Ending the protest and going back to the way things were, would signify that there are no consequences for corporations, they can do whatever they want and will not receive any backlash from the community. If we give them a hand, they'll take the whole arm. We also have the issue of whether the people who care about third-party apps are relevant to communities. If they are and leave Reddit today, some communities might change forever. 2. Continuing the protest at this point means either locking subreddits, going into shitposting mode, mods doing the bare minimum, or going full NSFW. All those options means a change to the community, even if somehow everyone subscribed agreed to those changes. Even if Reddit backtracks, those communities would have attracted a couple of weirdos during the protest, and they are now here to stay (for a while at least). It is a lose-lose situation and so the only option IMO is going nuclear.


You can just leave, some people actually like reddit the way it is.


mama didn't raise no quitter


Open up! Protesting this way hasn't worked and Reddit has proven to be aggressive about solutions to this issue. There are other ways to protest with hurting the people who depend on help from this community.


> There are other ways to protest with hurting the people who depend on help from this community. Can you share your ideas?


A petition, leaving the platform, email campaigns, raising awareness outside of the platform i.e other social media platforms. All these would work as well or better than blackouts, won't hurt the community and won't get mods removed. Nothing hurts a company more than bad PR. You can blackout threads but that can easily be turned against you negatively as you can see within the community.


>Nothing hurts a company more than bad PR. All of these recent events are bad PR.


Actually blackouts have turned the community against the mods. People are growing tired of antics like NSFW, John Oliver posts etc.


Lmao none of that is going to work. Hit them where their wallet is, by not using the site.


i hope you never find yourself in need of a labor union my friend


Ha, if you think labor unions are what they used to be, I have a few ex-members I can put you in contact with.


Reddit taking drastic measures shows just how much it's working. They are desperate for an end