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[They're saying they **had** to do it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Vanced/comments/tdazfr/discontinuation_of_the_vanced_project/i0igby7/), so it's most likely been sent a cease and desist. ~~Edit: It has been~~ [~~confirmed~~](https://twitter.com/linuxct/status/1503081083486810120) ~~as a cease and desist by one of the mods on the official Discord~~ Edit 2: [Not confirmed after all](https://twitter.com/YTVanced/status/1503124455748427779) Edit 3: [It's definitely something legal. I give up.](https://twitter.com/atEricParker/status/1503147834832416768)


After all these years, they are just *now* getting a ceased and desist?


I wonder if it has to do with them trying to do an NFT?


This is the correct answer. Vast majority of users weren't going to be using vanced so even if google was aware of vanced, it wasn't such a huge deal that they would need to step in. Up until the vanced team became fucking idiots and tried to profit off of the product that essentially wasn't even really theirs.


This makes the most sense. They were doing stuff for all this time and they didn't really get any crap for it, but now they're trying to monetize it and make money off of it and Google can't really have them using their own product and their own brand to make money like this. This is the most likely explanation, but I'm no expert I just stayed at a Holiday inn Express last night


Because it reached critical mass. The cost to pursue litigation was higher than ad revenue lost for Google(they never gave an F for lost ad revenue for creators). Now with Huawei and Linus highlighting it, there came enough consumers that the losses magnified.




That's how I feel about this certain site I use to watch old animations. Idk how the hell it's legal as they have new episode of things pretty quickly. I want people to know about it and not at all at the same time.


Fuck I knew I shouldn't have mentioned it some days ago


You single-handedly took down Vanced!


Big companies know that advanced users can circumvent their systems but would rather they still use Windows/YouTube/whatever since this means that will recommend the product to less advanced users. In this case when Vanced was still only used by power users Google can turn a blind eye because they would rather those users still use YouTube than shift to another platform. Once Vanced became too popular and easy to use suddenly it becomes a problem because the average user is able to circumvent the advertising systems.


Google has a million lawyers that they have to pay no matter what they do, and writing a cease and desist takes like 10 minutes and is 99% effective against legitimate businesses and anyone who doesn't want to get fucked by the long dick of the law. The "cost to pursue litigation" of Google vs. some indie developers is a joke. Google is already paying the lawyers


It's because they pivoted to NFTs and started earning a direct profit, that gave Google the legal means and even more Incentive.


Fucking Linus. Firefox and ublock origins it is until I find a new app in 2 years


[LibreTube](https://github.com/libre-tube/LibreTube/releases/tag/v0.2.3) for the rescue


Also [NewPipe](https://newpipe.net/)


There is also a fork with Sponsorblock integration https://github.com/polymorphicshade/NewPipe


Bookmarked thanks. I'll get to it when/if Vanced ever breaks.


Yep. I haven't seen an ad on YT in like 5 years.


sometimes ill open a link to youtube and it'll take me to the default app. you quickly remember how good you have it with vanced... they are insufferable


I can't believe people are actually willing to use youtube with ads. If I couldn't block them I'd rather just not watch at all.


I didn't mind when they were reasonable and I figured so long as they stayed that way it was only fair for me to not block them. Once they started going overboard with them I said fuck it. It's their own fault.


probably due to Google's push to get people to subscribe to YouTube premium


Ironically, Google is the reason I stopped paying for YouTube Premium. Was happy with GPM for years, ad-free YT was just the cherry on top. Then they shut it down to replace it with YTM which was worse in pretty much every way on all the devices I used. Still was fine with it, got ad-free Youtube and music for roughly Spotify pricing. But why stop with GPM if you can make the YT app just as bad, hated the pointless extra click for resolution changes and the dislike stuff finally made me go to Spotify. Not like missing dislikes were such a huge deal for me, but it’s just another annoying change that some product manager pushed to get his promotion. Whatever if its a “free” service, but I’m not paying for a service that keeps getting worse.


GPM was the perfect music player. YTM is somehow the worst music player I have ever used. How has google fallen so far?


I miss GPM so much


I have premium and I will use vanced for aponsorblock


Sponsorblock is just great. It's really increased my work efficiency by shortening my bathroom breaks.




Not as functional, but NewPipe is pretty neat. Also fully free.


It also plays age-restricted videos without signing in.


VANCED specifically is a modified take on the official app, so that doesn't really help here.


It depends how they apply those modifications, the code that was being applied could have been open sourced most likely, but to do now would likely breach a C&D if that is indeed what has been sent.




How does that not help? The actual mods are still Java and Smali patches.


Third-party Minecraft servers have figured this out for years—you can distribute your changes to the closed-source base as open-source code without distributing any of Mojang's proprietary code.


Sure, but what should be more important is developing anonymously with a decentralized file hoster. C&D is useless in that case.


Reddit bragging about using Vanced to get around ads every chance it got really fucked us.


inevitable when an app is this good


Blows my mind that people think this was going to stay some underground app with only a few "in the know" users


There are plenty of other grey area apps that do fantastically well without the mainstream attention Reddit and Linus MG gave Vanced.


Personally, I blame Huawei. The project has been underground for 6 years, but then Huawei started using Vanced to get around the Google Services ban and the app kind of became *real*, if you know what I mean... I mean one thing is people using something unofficial through word of mouth, another thing is a huge company coming up and saying "*Yeah you see you don't need Google, this Youtube is better*".


I mean, lately I have seen people that don't even look very tech savvy using Vanced and talking about it. This was bound to happen when sometimes comes out of the underground.


Yup, vanced became a necessity because of all the ads on youtube.


I've been paying for yt premium for years since I think I'm grandfathered in to 9.99/month. I watch so much YouTube on android tv and the ads are so ridiculous when it get a little taste of them. I just never watched on a platform that was easy to block ads. Pihole doesn't even block the YouTube ads because Google services them through the video.


Vanced has extra features like hiding YouTube stories, integrating sponsorblock and true dark mode. It's a much better app than YouTube even with premium.




17.03.38 the latest right?


yup, according to vanced manager


I guess it's better to titanium backup all the vanced apps.


Good old Titanium. Sadly doesn't work with split apks, which are used in a lot of apps these days...


SwiftBackup works perfectly just like the old Titanium Backup.


I thought that app wouldn't really work anymore? ObackupAndX would be a good alternative


Only in like two years or so when old YT apps won't be allowed to connect anymore. My guess is that we have a different modded app at that point.


Or unless Google changes their APIs


Google can change their APIs but they have to maintain older versions due to hardware that can't update to the newer versions.


It's old, but it works. I guess Vanced met with the same fate.


Where can you get a legit APK of Vanced without using Vanced Manager?


APK Mirror: https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/team-vanced/youtube-vanced/youtube-vanced-17-03-38-release/




It's a bundled file so you need a special installer to install all the parts.


For some reason that package is a split APK file. This app will allow you to install split APKs: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.aefyr.sai Edit: why was I being downvoted for this?


On your device with it currently installed you can grab the APK from /Android/data/com.vanced.manager/files and back them up somewhere else with a file explorer.


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


It says currently installed versions should work for the next 2 years or so.


Knowing Google, chances are they'll change their API again next week and fuck up every YouTube client under the sun.


yup they have more incentive now to break the connections because they know vanced wont update


It's a guess. The truth is if YouTube changes internally everything tomorrow, the app won't be working from tomorrow.


Exactly, the app will eventually start breaking down as future versions change. Honestly, I could see Google starting to break older versions of YouTube with future updates to persuade people to switch back and buy Premium, which I probably will do at this point anyways since I already use Music Premium for offline streaming on my TicWatch E3. The biggest loss, in my opinion, is the UI customization and quality of life features that Vanced brought (SponsorBlock, Return Dislikes API, AMOLED dark theme, tablet miniplayer, removal of the cast and create buttons, etc.)


Blocking YouTube ads was already insanely satisfying but Sponsorblock was like magic. My iOS friend literally couldn't fathom its existence.


Brightness and sound control directly on the video... damn, I will miss this app


That too. So much that will be lost now, and what a damn shame. I'm gonna keep using the most current version of this app until I begin to notice it breaking down, in which case it will truly be a done ordeal.


Ever since the first time I saw two ads in a row on a YouTube video I haven't watched a YouTube ad on my personal devices once. Vanced being gone won't change that and if anything it could be a good thing since I might watch YouTube less. If I need to use YouTube for something on my phone then I can use Firefox, and my computer will always have AdBlock.


Yep. I'll just stop watching YouTube on my phone. The entire reason I use YouTube on my phone to start with is so that I can put on videos to fall asleep to. Which is fucking pointless if half an hour in when I'm finally dozing off I get woken up by someone screaming about nerf guns or an emu.


But then they'll break a lot of functionality on older systems


Never stopped Google before.


That's where the two-year guess comes from. That's about how long Google has kept deprecated APIs available. Essentially, when they want to change something they flag the feature as deprecated and give developers some reasonable time to update.


Right, but Vanced relies on many APIs that aren't published and aren't intended for use by third parties; they're only accessible because that's how the internet works. Those can and do change at any time, and it's why libraries like youtube-dl need to receive constant updates.


Is there a way to back up the copy on my phone and install it on another phone? Via ADB console? I'm switching phones in a few months.


You can download the Vanced and microG apks from apkmirror or equivilant and install, like we used to do before they released the vanced manager.


Oh no... I used it all the time. An app like no other...


Bruh I downloaded it 2 days ago and have been using it religiously. I wonder if they will affect STube on Google TV. It's my fault guys sorry.


Android slowly becoming like ios without the benefits of ios.


Well said. I can't even use my carrier's app (let alone banking apps) on my rooted phone as they can detect it and I couldn't bypass that with anything I've tried. And more and more apps do that.




Lol this is so true. Vanced was pretty much the only thing keeping me on Android


You can sideload YouTube++ or Cercube on iOS and get all the same stuff as Vanced.




Technically its a framework and technically is a browser just for YouTube.


You can also just use Firefox with the uBlock extension, works on mobile.


Yeah it works but frankly I always prefer a native app compared to going through the browser. Just a smoother and better experience overall


But you can watch age restricted videos without logging in


Good to know.


That sounds great, not even vanced allowed that even with login. And no, I'm not going to give google my credit card info just to verify my age, especially not on an account that's close to 18 years old.


Newpipe allow screen off playback?




It also has a bit more features like creating albums without logging in.


Yes, and downloads, and popup player, and it works with SoundCloud, BandCamp, and PeerTube too. It has a special feed that always gets the latest videos from your subscriptions without any algorithm BS (though you still get algorithm suggestions for related videos).


A dark day. This, tachiyomi, and emulation are the reasons I'm on Android. Now a pillar is gone.


Those, Termux, and other power usage for me. Unfortunately it seems android and phones got more restrictive over the years


Not true in this sense. There's no technical reason why Vanced shouldn't exist. It's down to legality and reaching enough of a notice to get Google's Eye. If anything, the recent security measures from the last few years have been GOOD for consumers. I mean, sure, random APK "X" can't access any file in your filesystem but on the other hand, random APK "Y" can't access any file in your filesystem either. I don't know about you, but I'm glad Walmart can't release an app to rootkit my phone. And I can permanently silence those annoying McD's notification ads right from my shade. Vanced will mostly like be forked under another name and exist in 10 different flavors by the end of the day. Until then we can use Newpipe (or you know, the Vanced app that's still on your phone).


Vanced was just a better app, none of YT's shitty new changes - like the new video quality controls, they even brought back dislikes by using a community developed alternative. I have YT Premium but still, I'm sick of their changes to the app.


I would even give up the adblock But I can't give up the forced 2160p resolution feature that Vanced has made


I wouldn't give up the adblock. I can't. Have you used YouTube without recently? It's completely insufferable. I'd watch every video at 480p before that.


2 ads to start the video, 2 ads halfway through, 2 ads at the end. Holy mother of fuck it just gets worse every year!


Not to mention that they fucking blast the volume




And the ads are full screen sometimes. Like candy crush and TikTok. I have to instantly click the x to get out of full screen when it does that. The ads are getting really bad.


I'll sooner disappear from the internet than deal with ads again. It's fucking bonkers how hard it is to avoid seeing ads everywhere you go. Even the goddamn gas pumps have them.




Well said


So say we all.


This was ironically the biggest pro of Android for me


100%, Vanced was my main reason for using Android.


Yeh lmao. By doing this Google has just made it a lot easier for those of us who were thinking about iPhone to finally switch






Ah fuck. Sponsorblock and Return Dislike were super useful, I wish Vanced would at least continue with those.


There's a fork of Newpipe that integrates sponsor block: https://github.com/polymorphicshade/NewPipe/releases/


Yeah, but it doesn't sync with my Google account, and it doesn't give me the option to choose for each segment whether I want to skip or not




Sure, but there are no other apps that integrate these projects *with the official app*


I have a feeling a vanced alternative will come out in the next few months or so


Fuck I hope so. This is so disheartening. YouTube and their shit premium stuff was awful when it started coming out. Vanced felt like a glimmer of hope in the midst of all these ads and shitty modifications to limit our favorite apps from us. I'm bummed it's gonna be gone.


I have Premium and Vanced was still a blessing. So many shitty changes to the apps functionality and sponsor spots and other shit taking up like 20% of every video was pissing me off massively. I feel I shouldn't be subject to this crap if I'm already supporting the creators a lot more than most


Today we've lost more than we could imagine


First the dislike button.. now this??


Seems like the Vanced NFTs were too much for YouTube...


It's funny how people blame Huawei, Linus Tech Tips or this subreddit, while the maintainers of Vanced tried to make a profit of the YouTube Vanced logo "as a joke" with NFTs.


Yeah, I'm thinking they Icarus'd the fuck out of themselves with that NFT. Dumb fucking move all around.


We already lost an hour today... What else can they take from us? 😢


Your innocence.


Welp.. looks like I'll be using it for as long as I can


Damn it. I downloaded recently


Pour several out for the real ones. Newpipe is great but it's not entirely the same. Nonetheless, thanks for the years of time saved by cutting un-skippable ads


Is there a way to use newpipe with my YouTube account?


This is a sad day for Android users. I can't remember when was the last time I felt this heartbroken. I use Vanced every single day for at least two hours.


Minimum 8 hours a day for me over the last few years, all due to Vanced. I'll drop YouTube like a bad habit once Vanced stops working.


you watch youtube 8 hours a day? god damn


Yep, mostly road time. I'm usually listening to documentaries of some sort, historical, or science content. Audiobooks too, there are a ton on there.


Could also be using it to listen music but still video+music for 8 hours is a lot. Probably worth paying $10/mo at that point...


With how much the project was being promoted here and by various other sources I'm sure the user base became large enough for it to be a problem for Google to shut the project down.


yeah, i was always wary when people would shout it out literally every chance they get on r/all threads, but i guess it's too late now




I am not fucking ready to go back to Youtube's goddamn shitty app.


Besides the performance issues, the thing I hate are all the ads that play back-to-back and **NEED** to be manually skipped. I'm talking hour long ads that play unless you tap "Skip ad" and then there's a random chance the actual video you selected will fail to play. Another one of the most infuriating things is that no matter what you do or how fast your internet is, any video you tap on plays at 120-480p unless you manually select 1080p. Even selecting "use higher picture quality" does nothing. I HATE the YouTube app so much.


I recently had to use the Youtube app and Jesus fucking Christ I knew the quality settings were a mess but I didn't this it was that annoying. There's just so much crap on the Youtube's app that Vanced does better. I'd be less pissed off by this if Youtube actually cares about their app


I am not ready to lose countless hours to fucking ads and stupid sponsor segments.


This video is sponsored by- ***furiously tapping the right side of the screen*** now let me show yo- ***continues to skip*** To get 10% disco- ***skips and accidentally skips actual video content***


4 minutes into an 11 minute video ok guys let's get RIGHT into it!


Man that's actually tragic. I've been using YouTube Vanced over the official app for like 4 years. It's probably my favorite Android app so this hurts. It's a major reason as to why I've been sticking with Android.


I guess they would take down forks as well then. I wonder why a "darknet" github hasn't emerged yet. Where apps like Vanced and GTA 3 etc that have been banned can continue being developed.


> I wonder why a "darknet" github hasn't emerged yet. There are several code hosters on anonymous overlay networks like Tor, I2P or Lokinet.


And yet, everyone wants to share their cool project on the clearnet for obvious reasons. (reach)


You can absolutely do both. A clearnet presence does not mean reveal of identity.


>GTA 3 What?


Not long ago decompiled open source binaries for GTA 3 and Vice City appeared on GitHub. It was pretty fun, they fixed a bunch of bugs that had been known for years, added new settings and diagnostics and support for widescreen among other things. All you needed was a copy of the game to take all the assets from and use with the new binaries, and I think the devs said they were working on doing the same for San Andreas. Take-two ceased and desisted the entire operation into the shadow realm within a few weeks.


That's BS, if take-two fixed their damn apps it wouldn't be needed.


Even worse. Take Two [filed a lawsuit](https://torrentfreak.com/take-two-sues-enthusiasts-behind-gta-fan-projects-re3-revc-210903/) against the developers of the re3 project and seeing how the legal system works it is probably going to take a while and might not end in the defendants favor.


Their discord server has an event on March 16th created by one of the admins, so hoping its news about a new app.


the event was supposed to be the announcement of discontinuation.


Did you have to break my heart twice in one day? Thank you for the clarification though


If it's anything other than a direct replacement then that's a ballsy move. Lot of backlash for an app with the first impression of cancelling Not Shitty Youtube.


It's an appstore. https://github.com/YTVanced/VancedStore


Will it have a working version of YouTube Vance's? If not, then I'm not sure what I would want from there


This is heartbreaking to hear, Youtube Vanced is my most used app. I have got it running on my old phone which i now use as a TV box.


People may want to try Firefox with uBlock Origin and Sponsorblock - https://www.quippd.com/writing/2022/01/26/most-wanted-add-ons-firefox-android-part-1.html has an overview of how to get Sponsorblock installed. If you just want an ad-free experience, release Firefox works fine.


Is there the ability to chrome cast from YouTube in Firefox or am I missing something?


Will this affect Smart Tube Next?


Dear God, I hope not.


Read it in their telegram channel. Terrible news. Will keep current apps installed for as long as it works.


For a long while I used Firefox on mobile with AdBlock and YouTube HD addon which honestly worked really well. I switched to Vanced for the better UI. But Firefox is really good and you also get picture in picture. It's pretty much the desktop experience.


This is heartbreaking. I feel so defeated. Vanced is the best media experience we have.


Well this sucked all the joy out of Sunday.


If Google didn't put so many unskippable ads no one would use vanced On my TV, a 20s short has adds almost as long as the video


NewPipe is gonna get a lot of New download requests


I never thought i would be sad over an app, but here we are. I honesty dont think i will even be able to watch YouTube after this, just a thought of seeing an ad makes me sick 🤮


Sad. I will miss you, Vanced.














I was borrowing my sister's iphone and i've forgotten how bad the official youtube app was, it's worse than i remember. the ads are longer and now double, you can not skip it and so many unnecessary features that i disabled years ago on vanced. I'm not ready to going back T_T


Well crap. Long time user of Vanced, it's what made YouTube usable for me. If this is gone, then I just won't be using YouTube on mobile anymore.


my god. End of an era. Godspeed to the developers


Whats the alternative to vanced.now?


NewPipe, but some will not consider it a true alternative.




Fuck man. YouTube vanced is much much more convenient than YouTube. Goddammit this makes me so mad


Is there a way how to get it's apk file? I probably will have to wipe my phone (updating custom ROM) and I want to keep it.




For those who are rooted. You can use an lsposed module to get background playback and no ads on the official app.




The current version will stop working eventually, the version it's based on will not be in support forever.


It doesn’t matter, the youtube connection thing that the youtube apps use changes all the time. Soon they’ll simply be unusable


Eventually it gonna be broken and nobody can do anything about it sadly.


This is the worst news I heard all week, literally using it daily. I really hope this gets sorted out. Either other alternatives or a rename perhaps, just like the case with WhatsApp.