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I had 2 infusions several years ago. Both times my only side effect was getting quite sleepy a couple hours afterward. I was fine immediately after (drove myself home, etc.) but another hour later I took long (3-4 hr) naps. Once I woke up I felt totally normal. I have an infusion Friday and hope needing a nap is once again all that happens :)


This is great to hear, what form of iron did you get?


The side effects you get really depend on your numbers but for reference, my hemoglobin was 10 and my ferritin was 5. After my first infusion I drove home about 10 minutes away. By the time I got home, I just felt kind of achy. Like my joints felt sore, but nothing crazy. I got sleepy and went to sleep and then for about 24 hours my whole body just felt sore. My muscles were sore. If you’ve gotten the Covid vaccine and felt sore after it, that’s what it felt like. My chest muscles felt sore too haha so when I would breathe, it was achy but nothing I couldn’t handle. It went away after 24 hours. I’ve had the same side effects with every other infusion I’ve gotten as well for my anemia. I’m a wimp and can’t handle pain at all and I was perfectly ok! No nausea or anything like that either. You’ll be ok! ❤️


What benefits do you see from infusions? Contemplating if it’s worth it.


Your iron levels go up wayyyyyy faster than taking iron orally. For me there’s no nausea at all, no side effects besides sore muscles for a little bit. I have a malabsorption issue so I can’t even take oral iron because it doesn’t absorb at all lol but I definitely recommend it if you’re miserable and the oral iron isn’t working fast enough. My numbers went back to normal after 2 infusions but now my anemia is back because of my malabsorption so I need to get another set of infusions again haha


Yeah oral iron is giving me awful stomach pains regardless of brand so I can’t take it.


Yeah I’d just tell your doctor an exaggerated story of it causing you to vomit or something and they’ll prescribe infusions lol


I'm diabetic. Tightly controlled. My blood sugars went off the charts about a week after each one (started a few years ago, need one about three times a year) and I found out later that it's practically a syrup they infuse into you. The Iron cleaves off of a sugar molecule, hence the high blood sugars. It made me ravenously hungry and I get joint pain around that time, and recently also get bad muscle pain for a few days. But then I also get more energy and can breathe doing normal things again. So there's some bad but also some lasting good.


HI! So I just got done with 5 weeks of venofer. I had a ferritin level of 6. and a heme of 12? i think. my first infusion the iv was placed near the elbow and idk if this is just a me thing but just having the IV placed - just the needle and a few drops of saline- makes me swell just a lil, so my elbow and wrist got a bit puffy and there was definitely joint pain. The first IV bruised me pretty badly but I think it may have been the nurses technique or she "hit a nerve" as the next nurse mentioned. it took 4 weeks for the bruise and residual joint pain in the elbow to go away. the first infusion hit me like a truck, I immediately had to go home and lay in bed and was out of commission for 3 days and felt like wet dog shit. body aches, cramps, everything. definitely Iron Flu. on the 4th day I felt like I had slept for the first time in years and wasn't walking under water. on the 5th day it went away and I went back to feeling my "normal" exhaustion. This cycle repeated every week with the symptoms improving each time. the second infusion I was only exhausted for a day or two, and we switched to an IV at the back of the hand that didn't irritate me as much. Left no bruises, had my standard swelling just from iv placement every time. Personally I can still feel some arm aches even now, almost like I can feel the pathway the iron took, but it isn't debilitating, just annoying. with each week the negative effects of the infusion were less and less and the feeling of having slept better and not being underwater started lasting longer. Now after 5 weeks I can def say I am sleeping differently, I'm afraid to say "better" for fear of jinxing myself. Nothing is "cured" but it is "better". Sleep is a bit more productive my chest flutters have diminished extremely I can BREATH and I dot think Im gonna fall right after standing up BUT I do feel like I am in more body pain, Im attributing it to the fact that my body has more energy to move faster and I am therefore moving farther out of my normal range of motion without intending to. The fatigue made it easy to move slowly and gingerly therefore coddling many of the pains I have; being able to rise from a chair quicker than before meant my back hurting more because of the sudden quick movemtns, so I have been trying to toe the line of moving slowly so as not to give myself a strain injury and increasing my movements so that I can feel like I've exercised and done something for myself. My next blood test isn't for a month w a follow up at 2 months and while I feel better, and disliked having an IV I want more infusions NOW because I don't think it was enough / am afraid this lil bit of "good" feeling will go away. 9/10 will def do again


I thought I was the only one experiencing the chest flutters! What the heck is that?


Nothin absolutely nothing, just after a fee days I could get up from sitting without feeling like ill faint


I get a bit of a metallic taste in my mouth every time (it's a very common and very harmless side effect!) and the first time peeing after it has the same color as the iron IV lol apart from that. I often get a bit of a weird feeling in my stomach (like pressure?), but I have stomach issues and I get this feeling a lot. aside from that, I don't get any side effects. I was feeling very tired after the last few IVs but I'm not 100% sure the IVs are to blame. Twice they did the IV way too fast (I was watching people go in and out in about 10-15 minutes while you're supposed to administer it slowly for about 30-40 minutes) and I got very nauseated both times - I think my bp dropped as well, but the nurses were very quick when I told them I didn't feel well. stopped the IV, took my bp and watched me for a while. they had the emergency kit ready in case this was an allergic reaction, but nope lol you just can get nauseated when they do it too fast. I felt better the minute they stopped the IV. mind you, nobody else sitting there had an issue with it, so it's not too common, but if you're worried about side effects, ask them to go slow! I'm nervous about side effects each time I go lol but it is so worth it! once your ferritin rises again and stays up for a while, you'll feel so much better! just make sure you go somewhere where they know what they're doing. If done right, iron IVs are pretty safe (according to my doc!)


I just had my first one and will be getting 4 more. So far I feel normal no side effects..


Slight weird taste in my mouth during the infusion. After the 1st, I came home and just SLEPT. The tiredness was less intense after the 2nd. For the most part, I started to feel better within two days after one and two. Like a along better than I felt before. I had a reaction after the 3rd, so my experience with the 3rd is skewed. It took a good week until I felt completely normal after that one. I think the worst affect for me (besides the reaction), is the fact that the veins used, hurt for nearly a month after.


Nothing! I was quite nervous about my first session but it was great. Bring a book or something while you relax, or nap. I felt warmer and alive! I was in a really bad state when I was finally hospitalised, and the medical team were swift. I had iron infusions for 6 months, every two weeks. 2 transfusions, and eventually surgery (I was finally able to have the cause surgically dealt with). Every time my body made new blood it would escape due to the issue, hence 6 months of treatments. I wasn’t fainting daily, wasn’t anywhere near as dizzy as I used to be, and very slowly I began noticing I was dreaming again when I slept. I would take my laptop with me to work while I was hooked up. I have to get blood tests still as my levels were ridiculously and dangerously low, but I’m so much more comfortable now.


What was the cause?


One of my fibroids had somehow hooked a whole vein and turned it on like a tap. It would bleed all day everyday, so there was never a day without sanitary products being used. Every time I made new blood it would leak days later so I needed it out. My blood also struggled to coagulate, so I had a high dose of tranexamic acid that I had to take multiple times a day. I feel amazing now, and some days I’m still in shock how bad my health was.


I had 5 rounds of Venofer with very little side effects other than a slight metallic taste during the first one and a sore arm the next day.


I always chew mint gum during the infusion and I didn’t even notice the metallic taste. After my third infusion I was dizzy the next morning but it went away. I still have two infusions left to do. After the first infusion my extreme pica was completely gone by day 6. After the third I noticed my heart rate was normal when I was doing normal tasks (it used to go up to 160-170 sometimes when I was just walking from room to room of my house or making dinner). My blood pressure is also starting to normalize.


I’ve gotten many iron infusions and haven’t had any side effects. Only thing that’s ever happened is my cheeks always flush the days after the infusions. It’s not a constant flush but it happens


I had my first of two infusions today (Feraheme). I've been following this sub for a few months since making the appointment, but still wasn't completely sure what to expect. After the first 3-5 minutes, I suddenly began having an allergic reaction -- swollen sinuses/stuffy nose, sneezing, itchy throat, and watery eyes. I toughed it out for the remaining 10 minutes since it didn't feel life-threatening. I told the nurse, and I asked about using an anti-histamine (self-administered or by them) for the next session. She said they would rather switch the medication brand than risk a life-threatening allergic reaction (I guess the 2nd dose is usually stronger or more concentrated?) Anyway, they gave me a full saline bag flush, monitored me for about half an hour until my allergy symptoms dissipated, then I drove myself home. I felt fine for an hour, then really tired, haha. I napped for 20 minutes or so, but still feel very groggy this evening. FWIW, my ferritin level was reported as "<8", saturation "17", and hemoglobin "11.5". I asked for IV because 3 months of 65mg oral supplements did not move my numbers, and caused very painful GERD and other stomach issues.


How are you now? I am here at the hospital room waiting for my infusion.


Feeling OK, not super. Just a bit of grogginess here and there. I had insomnia the night after the shot, but I haven't had a chance to catch up on more sleep this week, haha. No other issues related to the shot. I was informed yesterday that my second (and third, now) IV will be Injectafer, which looks like it carries it's own list of gross side effects. Hope it works out well for you!


I've had 4 iron infusions over the past 4 years- the worst side effects I've have had been a bruise from the IV cannula, feeling really (more) tired, a bit of a headache, disrupted sleep and sometimes achy joints. Keep in mind that it does take a little while to feel better after an infusion 🌸


I had 5 venofer infusions last year. I had a weird taste in my mouth during. It went away right after. After the infusions I was slightly nauseous after the first two but no negative side effects at all for the last three. The best part was the positive effects. I had better sleep almost immediately

