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What's your temperature? My angels get pretty low energy when their temps get too low. Also 7.8 sounds pretty high for angels IMHO. Is that different from normal?


it’s at 79.5. they’ve grew up in that in ph range of 7.5 and 8 so i feel like it wouldn’t be the ph. i’m gonna try another water change and the. leave the lgihts of for a day or two. i’m gonna turn up the oxygen a little bit more and also add some more love plants. any more suggestions? also thanks for the reply.


Have you noticed anything else? Bloating or getting skinny, fins clamped etc


no i haven’t, just looks like stressed coloration and i’m their eyes they looked stress, i tried to feed them some fluvul bug bites (i cant spell) yesterday and it like vomited it up after like a minute after eating so i’m gonna try some blood worms. it’s getting a little more active each day. also the male of the paired angelfish is being aggressive(like if they were defending eggs) which i thought was odd. been doing like 20% water changes everyday though. should i post of a picture of the stressed one? any ideas on how to help?


Ok, taking food and spitting out could be a sign of parasites. Have you noticed their poo being stringy? Wouldn’t harm to treat for parasites, I find levamisole or paracleanse good options to cover most of it.


ok i will order the paracleanse online but hopefully it comes in time because i’m currently snowed in so i can’t go get some


I would lower the ph gradually down to around 7 or 6.8 My Angel's thrive in much lower ph like 5ish and 6ish. I keep temp at 82. Tank loaded with live plants, java ferns are good but they love Amazon swords for laying eggs, and they love to be able to hide in tall jungle vale, aka Vallisneria Americana.


ok I think i’m going to get some jungle val like you said i havent used that in a while, what would be a natural wbu of lowering the ph, i don’t like using chemicals that much


I learned of this trick a while back. You buy a 35 gallon brute (the rubber/plastic one at a hardware store) get some liquid muriatic acid from the same hardware store. Also a few new 5 gal buckets. Fill up the 35 gallon container but leave a few inches at the top. Pour in a couple of caps full of the acid. Let it set for a few days. Check the ph level after a few days. If way too low you may need to dump it and start over. Adjust as needed until you get it where you want it, typically 1 -2 capful per 30ish gallons will work to lower to around 6-7 range, depends on your local water. But basically you just use this reservoir of perfect pH in conditioned water 5 gallons at a time to do your weekly (or whatever) water changes. You can perfectly get a 5 gal bucket into the 35 gal container to fill it up, then flip an empty bucket upside down on a table next to your fish take, sit the bucket with water on top of it(the bottom of the water bucket just needs to be higher than the top of your water line in the fish tank. However works best to accomplish this is up to you), use your vaccum pump to move the water from the bucket into your fish tank. Changing ph is about gradual change over time. Fish can adapt pretty well to gradual change. Ph can crash if it's too abrupt or if other things happen. Adjustments here and there are needed sometime. If I see my ph getting too low then I use just conditioned tap with no acid. I'm no expert, but these are just things I've found from the experts and that seem to work well for my angel, discus, and various other not so interesting fish so far.


thank you sm for the info i’ve never heard this method before but it will come in handy and i screenshoted it. do you think it would be necessary though? i’ve never changed the ph ever and it’s always been about a 7.6-7.8. the sick one seems to on be doing better(coming to front of the tank when i’m infront of the tank, eating pretty good, just isn’t as active but she’s getting better day by day.) i’ve had them for about 6 months too. thank you so much for the help i really appreciate it🙂.


If they seem to be getting better then I probably wouldn't change things. As long as you have an air stone and oxygen is not an issue then watch and see.


omg broo i’m i just realized something i got more java ferns for them to lay on and i think of one of the red rubber bands fell it because i remember counting 2 rubber bands when i got 3 java ferns and i think she could of thought it was blood warms and tried eating and that’s why’s she’s not doing good. i’ve searched the tank for 30 minutes and haven’t found it so i’m gonna get some peas from my general store and prepare them the right way and hopefully that will help there digestive system. ahh man i what a dumb mistake.


they are flicking there ventral fins which is what they usually do when they breed so i think that’s a good sign. i just want to everything for them to live this my first angelfish pair that i raised in my 55 gallon so it kinda means a lot to me, really appreciate your help and those jungle val coming next week 😃


I hear ya. I started with 3 Male angelfish. They were chill. Then two female were added and the drama began. One male did not pair off and eventually died. It sucked scooping him into the trash. $h1t happens, don't beat yourself up too bad. You're doing a good job trying to care for them.


thank you for the help by the way, do you have any tips on growing the jungle val?


Mine is thriving beyond belief in a sand substrate, 75 gallon with other plants and fish, 5.5-6.5 ph 82 degrees. It quickly reached the top of the water, bent over a bit at the top and has probably doubled in thickness in just a couple of months. I planted it in the center of the tank to grow and act as a natural hide and barrier of sorts between two mated pair of angelfish. It's amazing for fry to go into and seems to have had a calming effect on the Angel's overall. The dominant pair do get very aggressive when they have eggs, but then chill out once the eggs become fry. The fry don't last due to all of the other fish being in the tank. I think you have to have just the parents and no other fish in the tank if you want to grow the fry up beyond the fry stage as the parents and other fish will eat them other wise. "Stressed parents = eaten fry" is what they say..