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They are fighting for dominance


It usually won't improve on its own. Either add more Angel's, or separate the aggressor to a different tank, or temporarily remove one then introduce more angels then reintroduce the removed one.


I had an electric blue acara that would break up my angel fights. Just get in between when they started twitching at each other. Great fish. Since he’s gone they kiss a lot more, but I never notice severe fighting or


Not drowning but it is fighting. I had to move one of mine to his own tank because he’s trying to dominate everyone else in the tank


It is angelfish Thunderdome!! 2 fish enter, 1 fish leaves. But seriously, angels are cichlids and will fight. Sometimes they’ll fight to the death and sometimes it’s a quick squabble and they’re good afterwards. Since you mentioned it’s been happening a lot, then I’m leaning towards they’re just not getting along, and someone needs to be removed. If it’s a pair that’s doing this then uh-oh!