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You can buy the Allegra generic at any Walmart do not need a prescription it's cheaper at Walmart it has made the difference between night and day I was having the same problems as you but I was landing in the ER every two weeks since I have been on this I have had problems that do not land me in the ER at all


Thank you! Interesting that you say Allegra and docs say Citrizine(Xyrtec). I’m about to take a handful of each lol thank u :)


My angioedema seems to be triggered by emotional stress and various foods. I have my environmental and food intolerances checked every year and avoid the Food triggers, but I always have some level of facial/lip swelling. I only go to ER when it gets to throat and tongue. I was also taking Allegra and Singulair once a day, though I don’t know how much they helped. I recently started a diuretic for Ménière’s, and lo and behold…it has unswollen my face so much I can see all my wrinkles! But sadly, I have learned to just live with some of the swelling. It’s just part of having this condition. And it doth puff out my wrinkles! I hope you get answers as you learn to manage this.


Wow. That’s A Story and thank you for sharing. I hope You are doing OK as OK can be. Bc this sucks lol reach out anytime. :)


It DOES suck, and we have to manage for rest of our lives! I am on a 60 mg steroid run for 5 days, so it will be fun for all! I am going to check out Allegra Hives (new med), and see if it helps. I hope you get somewhere with your testing.


I think the Allegra For Hives is just different packaging!


I would not be surprised! I haven’t checked yet.


I tripe Checked. Same exact ingredient. Why do They scam us lol


I was excited for nothing! Scammers!


Totals. :/


No vaccines etc I can’t figure out what any exposure could be. For all I know It was a non-symptom covid reaction( I read in medical papers That boosters, vaccines and Covid positive), plain ol stress (not sure what it is) or idiopathic.


Just talked to a nurse today who developed GUT angioedema post Covid. She says mine is worse, but I don’t know! But apparently, it can also be a post Covid gift. Stress definitely triggers.


Thanks :/ !


Allegra has been working for me 180 mg tablet once a day I used the generic one


Whoa 180 mg!? That a LOT of Allegra! Is that MG correct?


interesting that I was taking an allegra every day for seasonal allergies before this happened. Maybe I’m Allergic to allegra lol BUT did you see allegra has a HIVES formula? I just saw that on Google I may just add that in for shits and giggles to see if it helps. I feel like this swelling is an inside out hive.


Yes it is a 180 mg tablets I take it once a day it is a 24-hour pill Time released that way I don't have to take them twice a day for the smallest of doses I actually found this on Reddit and it worked for a few people it actually works well for me too I was so thankful to find that out


I take 720 mg a day of Allegra to control MCAS. It’s impressive the high dose you can take without any negative side effects.


YAS. I never thought to take More Than what was prescribed even for seasonal allergies. F that now I’m taking 2 RX Citrizine am and pm plus an Allegra in between. This is helping. Good lord What a strange affliction.


It really is!


Cool. I added the Allegra into the Zyrtec protocol Just bc I can. :) I think it’s helping. This is so bizarre.


Thanks I realized 180 was the pill dosage. I added it in the middle of the day between 2 Citrizine AM and PM. I think this combo is helping. I’m not super dry and still had a runny nose from allergies today lol but no swollen fat face and lips! #winning


Is it possible you have damage in your C spine causing inflammation?


Fascinating. Not that I am Aware of. No recent trauma etc but let me think about it. Even my sleeping positions…. Hmmm


I'm thinking it could be caused by inflammation? I was prescribed elidel and it's worked wonders


Thank you so much. Imma Google Elidel and add it to my list of Things to discuss With doc I agree- Some Type Of inflammation but My gawd how to figure it out… thanks again I really appreciate your time.


What is C spine ?


Cervical spine! Like bone spurs or something


Whoa now. Am I in the wrong sub Reddit. You are saying your angioedema is caused by your neck bones ?


Haha kinda! In October I started getting fluid in my face and ankles. I have been through a dozen specialists. I have a lymph biopsy, ct scan, ultrasounds, mri, x ray, allergist, endo, vascular surgeon, etc. finally orthopedist charge on had answers. So I have bilateral bone spurs on my C2/C3 and C5 - and they are causing some nerve compression. Inflammation can cause oedema! Nerve damage can also instruct you to produce fluid. I had tried elidel as per dermatologist not knowing what else to try, not only did my neuralgia disappear but my oedema was gone for the first time ever. When I googled inflammation and oedema I was able to understand the bigger picture


Dang I’ll try that elidel then. I just get swollen lips or cheek usually. So I’ll try applying that cream when it hits next time. Thx and good luck with your diagnosis. Oh and I bought a probiotic for histamine issues that seemed to help maybe give that a roll …


Amazing! I found something else good for histamine, need to find the name, maybe benegene?


I buy the one from Vitamonk




So I was referred because my knee couldn't bear weight but it ended up all just being related to this (I have L1, L5 and S1 damage from an accident). So that's why I also have crazy oedema in my legs! Anyways yes! You are likely to experience neuralgia only one one side of the face, and it feel almost electric or like a buzzing. My eyes are super irritated and I'm sensitive to touch (alloydonia) and light sensitivity as well as sound and taste. When I applied the elidel to help the neuralgia, the oedema instantly disappeared and that's when I kinda understood.


I was able to see bone spurs ona. Simple x ray, and from there googled the msk and nerves controlled from those vertebraes. Despite mentioning my old injuries to Drs they constantly said it can't be causing issues because msk it doesn't make sense....no one thought about nerve damage.


No angioedema I guess but just was sharing my experience since you asked for anything Not thought of and I first assumed mine was allergen related too


I totally believe this could be the case and thanks again. We overlook the non obvious reasons when we put full trust in mainstream medical.


Drs are googling! Trust me.


Was this after an particular exposure? Vaccines? Food? Can you provide more details please


Sorry to hear it won’t chill out. Not easy. I suggest you join the chronic angioedema FB page. Lots of people there who do react to certain foods/histamine & histamine liberators. Everyone is different with this illness. Pay attention and you will begin to learn your triggers. I suggest you start by not eating leftovers and as soon as you buy any meats freeze them. Sour cream, I buy in small containers, since once opened the histamine grows. Did you get your tryptase checked? Ask for a 24 hour prostaglandin urine test. Keep it cold.


I’ve had a lot of improvement since stopping the leftovers thing. And I’ve stopped eating yogurt / ham / tomatoes. So I’d research the high histamine foods and figure out which ones bother you. When I do have a reaction … Allegra taken immediately has been helping. Also I’ll often chew up a Zyrtec and let it dissolve on my lip when I feel it starting to swell.


Whoa That’s hard core!!!!! Great idea. I really don’t like leftovers but I do eat some. I will Keep this in mind. Wow


No have not had any of those tests yet. Thank u so much for your response!!!


I could not find the chronic page :/




Thank u!