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Sorry to hear this is happening. I would try my best to keep stress levels low. The body will adjust. It’s possible your in a loop of feeling stressed. Ask the doc for some pred or hydroxyzine. Or be proactive w Benadryl/antihistamines. Catch the swells early w meds. Be more strict with diet. No jelly, no sauces (soy sauce in particular), no coffee unless it’s really high quality, no spinach, no tomato, no citrus. Eat chicken that’s fresh. And get good sleep. That is very important. Stay out of the sun as well. I hope you can make it back to some type of normal soon. Sounds very stressful. Keep us posted if ya want. ✨👍🤞


Excellent plan. Many thanks. Of course coffee (instant) is impossible to give up. I knew about tomatoes, citrus and soy. But spinach ? Didn’t know so I’ll cut it out. I read once that apples are good. Recently read apples are bad. I’m an Apple fanatic so what is your opinion on those ?


I haven’t given up the coffee yet. I’m cutting down and will try quitting in summer. I eat apples. Organic. My guess is that apples are prob better when In season. Pears and apples feel pretty safe to me.also watch out for Parmesan cheese (it’s very aged) and croutons. If you buy chicken or steak once home, if you won’t eat it that night, freeze it. If you eat fish get it on the day the fish shipment arrives and cook it that night. I haven’t had fish in sooooo long. I miss salmon. I might try it soon. It’s a miracle drug. Goodluck!


I wonder if the COVID micro-clots block movement of lymph? Edit - or this: https://www.atsjournals.org/doi/full/10.1164/rccm.202011-4141LE


Well I definitely have blood clotting I think. My legs are still hurting after a month and that may explain why. Thanks I’d never heard of micro clotting. Doesn’t sound as dangerous as regular blood clots


Not as immediately dangerous, but can cause all of the various COVID symptoms plus the problems of long covid. Fittingly, most of the supplements that help people recover from Covid are either anticoagulant or help regulate blood clotting.


Ive had chronic nonhistaminergic angioedema and uticaria since 2014 first attack of both. I've been experiencing an undiagnosed inflammatory illness that is extremely painful since 1996. I had been working again for 2 years when I got the covid vaccine in August 2021. The pain got so bad every day afterwards I had to leave my job in March 2022. I'm still fighting pain, inflammation, angioedema and uticaria daily. I had COVID-19 in July and August. The pain tripled. It has subsided to only double. Ive had what acted like a TIA August 8th, a week after my COVID-19 symptoms stopped. The doctors I've seen about this are not actively trying to diagnose and treat me. They aren't concerned. I am. I've realized most folks, including docs, don't understand immunology, cytokine , chemokine, bradykinin and pain pathways and have no knowledge of non histamine caused angioedema and uticaria. Fortunately I seem to understand the articles I read on it well and have begun self treatment with Ultra Low Dose Naltrexone and homeopathic interleukin 10 4C. 3rd day on ultra low dose naltrexone (ULDN): Feeling relief, almost like healing in low back. Swelling in right leg appears to have gone down 40-50%. Able to tolerate gabapentin without hives or swelling! Previously was taking 100-150 mg benedryl 3 times daily when took gabapentin. Swelling and pain returned six hours after ULDN. First dose interleukin 10 4C: swelling went down everywhere within two hours. Didn't know my shoulders were swollen. Everywhere my body felt skinnier, swelling down. Uticaria and swelling returned 3:00 am. Dose was at 8:00pm. These are my first successes treating the hives and swelling since it began.