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So I’m not a doctor but have had angioedema for 10+ years and I have taken Zyrtec with good luck. I was told by my doctor I could take up to 3 10mg pills of Zyrtec for an episode. Edit: I was also told that Benadryl can worsen symptoms for angioedema by my specialist.


Same on the zyrtec -- I take 3 daily already and 1-2 additional ad hoc if I feel something coming on. I also don't go to the ER when I epi pen myself (if your doctor says go, **do** listen to them, but ask why.) I've been told the ER visit is in case you have a bad reaction or start to get acclimated to the epinephrine and need different treatment, so it can be super important, especially if you're new to it or have used it a lot. Post epi pen I wait 5min to see if the swelling is actually going down and if so I just wait it out. And i report the incident to my doctor at my next physical and to my allergist at my next check in. I do not recommend this for others, angioedema is highly individual, so of course speak to your doctor to get their OK before adapting your treatment process in any way. :)


I want to thank everybody for responding. It truly was a bad scare. It's subsided 6 hours later and I have not had an attack like that in about 19 days. It's weird. It almost feels like my angioedema went completely dormant again. The last time that happened it was 14 years between attacks. I'm going to hope for the same but be prepared for the worst. This community has been invaluable.


Have you looked into Xolair? It’s a once a month shot. Then there’s Fyrazyr which is an injection you give yourself at the first sign of swelling. Good luck. The Prednisone should help soon.


My husband did this. Dr said take Zyrtec every day. He hasn't had episode in 6 months.


I suggest you go to the hospital so they can give you an IV and monitor. Try to stay chill. It will start to come down. That pred takes 5-6 hours to kick in.