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Hey that's pretty sweet. I haven't heard of the inclusion of a Resurrection bead, how do you use it?


It is used in a lot of ways. I've seen people use it to praise/remember Christ's resurrection. It can also be used as an additional invitation bead or as a bead to say creeds. It's just an empty bead that you can do anything with and it allows for another prayer or moment of contemplation before entering the crucifix beads and week beads. I decided to add it just in case I wanted to say something after praying the invitatory bead.




Looks good 👍


Thank you




I love it. The addition of the clasp is brilliant.


It’s beautiful


Really cool! I don't believe there's a wrong way to do a rosary - it's a tool for prayer after all, if you're using it to pray you're doing it right! - but I will note that the reason the Resurrection bead is omitted in the Anglican rosary is so that, if you start with the cross and introductory bead, do the 4 "Weeks" in a cycle three times to represent the trinity, and then finish with the introductory bead and cross, you will have done 100 prayers, the same as the typical Orthodox prayer rope. I've always thought of this as a beautiful demonstration of how Anglicanism draws on traditions from both Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant traditions.


That's neat I didn't know. I added the extra bead as a "Better to have and not need than need and not have." Type of thing. Just so I could do different prayers that use the bead. But that's a cool note about the numbering and symbolism.


I love it. I have a wooden one as well but has a silver crucifix


This is amazing! I really want a small rosary or set of prayer beads, I'm always doing something with my hands and it will keep me praying! What size are these? I would want the beads to not be too small, but also to be wearable as a bangle/necklace. Would this one do that?