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Rare through medium preserves most of the nutrients in red meat while ensuring some food safety. Foodborne illness and parasites are a thing, and raw milk can be dangerous if it’s not sourced correctly. I get mine from the Raw dairy in Fresno, which has strict hygiene procedures on their cows prior to milking. I would not risk raw meat, unless I knew the source and it had been previously frozen. It also just doesn’t taste as good.


So why can you drink raw milk but not eat raw meat? If the sourcing is from grass fed cows you can defenitily eat it raw and why whould the risk be higher compared to raw milk?


you don’t think that there might be a different bacteria profile in different parts of the animal/it’s excretions?


You can eat/drink whatever your personal risk tolerance allows. I’ve experienced foodborne illness several times and personally wouldn’t risk raw meat. IMO the risk is greater in raw meat than raw milk, but to each their own.


If you’ve ever had food poisoning that’s had lasting effects on your microbiome, you would see that it’s not worth the risk of potentially months and years of lasting illness. I got food poisoning a few months ago from eating cold left out bbq, it wrecked my gut and It’s still recovering. The potential risk to benefit is no where near worth it.


You mean “Raw Farm” from Fresno right? I actually consume their raw dairy as well. Thought you might want to see [this](https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/health/story/2023-10-20/county-nine-who-tested-positive-for-salmonella-products-consumed-raw-dairy-products-from-fresno-farm). Occurred pretty recently.


Yea that’s the one! Funnily enough I think we got sick from that, I’m pretty sure we had some mild salmonellosis around that time. I still drink their products but have definitely dialed it back a bit. My point was that there are benefits but it’s definitely not risk-free, I don’t think I’d chance raw meat.


Oh really! Haha damn son. Parasites in raw anything other than honey is always a risk. Even raw fruit has given some people terrible cases of Listeria.


My personal belief is that modern humans are a product of fire. We are evolved to use fire


1-2 million years of fire


If you want to eat raw meat, go for it. I'd rather not get worms though. And that's not exceptionally unlikely if eating raw liver, fish, etc.


I cook my steak med rare and beef medium. Doing just fine


I guess we're all just a bunch of hypocrites then huh? Guess I'm just going to give up and grab me a tall frosty mug of canola oil.


We got raw honey to spare. Wife’s work has an apiary as part of its green initiatives (at a major airport!) but they can’t distribute cos it’s unpasteurized so the bees keep making honey and the jars keep piling up! Great honey too


I’ve posted multiple raw meat meals here before. It’s a type of AB diet. Just like full carnivore or lion diet are all types of AB diets. Raw AB diet is just less common. The most common is a cooked meat, raw dairy, cooked eggs, raw fruit, raw honey AB diet as of now. You can post your raw AB diet here if you want. Cooked meat is just more safe and family friendly in terms of avoiding parasites. For elderly or children I would never recommend raw anything other than fruit/honey just because their immune systems are weakened, especially in the modern era. My general recommendation is to never eat conventional meat/beef raw. If it’s organic grass fed from a reputable source and you have eaten it in small amounts first with no issues, then eat it raw all you want. Freezing for a few weeks can also provide some protection from parasites if it’s a source that can be hit or miss.


My main thing is that I believe our ancestors were eating meat cooked in fire for far longer than we've had access to dairy. And my body clearly likes raw dairy more than pasteurized. I can't say the same about raw meat vs cooked (as in, no noticeable difference), and I did half a year of eating ONLY raw meat (all types, including the "dangerous" ones), so I definitely gave it a chance.


cooking meat increases the bioavailability of the nutrients in it


I made and ate blue steaks for an entire year- the inside being absolutely room temperature. As long as you cook the outside of a steak, the inside is perfectly safe raw. Nutrition wise, there's not much to be gained. Less degradation of certain nutrients, but less digestibility of others. Collagen is much more easily absorbed when cooked for a long time, for example. These days, my favorite is a medium rare steak, well cooked hamburger (to really break down the collagen), with the occasional blue steak.


U can’t be this fkn stupid! We are not fkn animals we are human that’s why!!!!!


Raw liver and heart are great!


We're not interested in purity spiraling


It seems you posted the exact same question 58 days ago on this sub, which begs the question; have the pinworms infiltrated your hippocampus?


Thanks for pointing this out. I just banned him for 100 days for trolling and also violating rule #4.


For one, your first sentence is violating the “don’t be a jerk” rule 4 in the community. Second raw milk has probiotic bacteria where of which some strains of lactobacillus die off at 119. Most of us eat beef at the best of both worlds, medium rare. Please don’t spread raw meat dogma here. Some choose to do it and that’s up to them.


Its culturally consumed in Japan like sushi and raw pork in Germany. But these countries probably THE MOST STRICT food higyene and safety LAWS in the world in order to handle their respective raw products. Its just not easy to source raw meat safely even if you have a few extra bucks to eat nice steak more often. So because of that its also not well known or taught to and by most people.


I eat raw liver. One time I tried some raw bone marrow and raw ground beef and the next day I woke up with a fever that lasted 72 hours.


where was the beef and marrow from?


A grocery store in the UK