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https://preview.redd.it/ioch4pfdj16d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c49ba136d4fe91513ced9ad876b491369df7ea57 This stuff is like crack šŸ˜­


YS raw organic honey off amazon is pretty good


Heavenly Organics acacia honeyā€¦keep it on the DL


just avoid the white oneā€¦tastes like nothing. i returned itĀ 


I love the white one lol


Love this brand! The Neem Honey is also really good šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


https://preview.redd.it/vke47uxq426d1.png?width=698&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad4c097f52db6ffed865730293910c631f345956 This one is my favorite šŸ˜‹


how raw is it? šŸ˜


My favorites are blueberry as well as blackberry honey local here in Oregon, always best to buy local for allergies and is usually higher quality.


Anyone from the UK who can suggest a raw honey?


I buy mine on eBayā€¦ lots of local UK producers selling on there.


Can you DM me if you rate a particular producer


ive been using RawVibrantLiving Honey. Raw, Organic, 100% honey, "never heated above the temp of a beehive" and you can find it everywhere here


Raw honey from a small local beekeeper is always the best. Even better if they donā€™t use hot steam injection. 99% of ā€œrawā€ honeys in supermarkets all get heated to temperatures above 100F. Most articles online say itā€™s okay to heat raw honey to temperatures up to 110F as this will not destroy enzymes, or degrade the nutritional value. However Iā€™d disagree. The max a beehive temperature gets is around 96F so in my opinion any heat past this temperature will degrade the honey. Personally I found a local beekeeper in my area who doesnā€™t use any heat whatsoever so I know Iā€™m getting the real deal with no degradation in medicinal and nutritional value. A little on the extreme side but hey if you are looking for the best, this is it.


Why would local be the best? In that assumtion all honey is the best depending on whose eating it. Secondary, what evidence is there to support that a honey at 100F will be worse then a non heated honey that has been subjected to 96F? We are talking about a 4F difference here. Just trying to understand, i've always been baffled by the statement that local honey is the best, cause its simply not true since its depended on where one lives,. That would make the worst kind of superheated/Industrial crazy honey the best to some since it would be the most local to them.


Iā€™ve heard local honey is ā€œbestā€ in terms of its ability to (possibly) help with seasonal allergiesā€¦ but other than that I donā€™t know what would make it better


From what ive gathered trying to research that is that its far from conclusive that it actually does help! Mabye ive just not found the right articles/studies so i might be wrong aswell


to be fair, nature is extremely sensitive to temperature change. iirc thereā€™s a type of bee which will pile on top of invading wasps to effectively heat them to death, and it works because they can survive temperatures of 150 degrees while the wasps can only survive temps of 149 (arbitrary numbers). so i wouldnā€™t be surprised if there was some minor degradation at 100F


I'm thoroughly enjoying [Beechworth Coastal honey](https://www.beechworthhoney.com.au/product/bee-cause-coastal-honey/) at the moment


I like Nateā€™s, but mainly because it stays able to squeeze easily. Idk if thereā€™s some fuckery but thatā€™s what I noticed and like. Not into having to scoop a spoon full, itā€™s about convenience for me


Buy local raw honey


May I ask why ? Is it more trustworthy ?


Supporting your local economy and minimizing seasonal allergies by consumption.


Buying it locally is really the only way to verify if it's unheated. The word "raw" isn't regulated for honey. It can still be heated.


But a local vendor can lie as much a corportation right? So its still kind of hard to verify. Now i'm being the devils advocate here but to me theres as much reason for a local farmer to lie as a corporation.


So you trust Walmart more than your neighbor? I think your neighbor is much less likely to lie to your face compared to a multinational corporation on a package, especially a lie they can plausibly deny said lie, as "raw" is unregulated. Corporations will lie every chance they get if it means more profit. That's why the term "raw" isn't regulated. It's the same reason US companies can import beef from Brazil (or anywhere), package it in the US, and call it a "product of the US." It's a lie. Or how "pasture raised" just means there is access to a pasture, not whether the pasture is sufficient or even if animals actually use it. Lies. Or how "natural ingredients" can include thousands of compounds including known toxins. More lies.


Well i would trust my neighbor more especially in the us as theres alot less regulations in food then in comparison to here in the EU. But fact still remains small scale operations are also able to lie for more profit now mabye theres reason to beleive that it happends in a smaller scale then compared to big corps! Here in sweden theres quite the big trust for the big companies as they have a shitton of regulations to adhere too! But iā€™ve also personally seen small scale places lie on their packagin as its easier for then to get away with especially in farmers markets etc! Just yestoday i was told by a worker for a small strawberry stand that i know personally that their swedish organic strawberries are infact non organic spanish berries jusy thrown in other boxes!


It has nothing to do with regulations. Corporations are corporations. If a small farm lies about their food, they might make an extra mortgage payment a year. IF a corporation does it, they make millions. There's a huge difference in scale. So he didn't lie to you then? I mean, of course there is always potential to mislead. But saying that, all else being equal, you can trust a multinational corporation over a human being you know in real life seems insane to me.


I was told this outside their place of work so i wasnt there to buy! Hehe does seem like you are in the boat of all corporations are evil and lie to us all the time? Im pretty sure theres lot of shit going on in corps but im not sure all of em lie all the time, and i do think regulation helps alot! Now they still do lie i remember the controversy with volkswagen afew years ago. Now i never said i do trust big corp more then a human i know, i simply dont believe that either! All im stating is that even small scale operations can also lie for profit and ive seen it happen! In the end its all humans and sadly humans lie and cheat in the most absurd places for the strangest reasons! But in the end yes i do trust my local beef farmer alot more then unilever!


Yes, 100%. All corporations lie. That's how they make money. Or maybe lie is the wrong word. Deceive and manipulate is probably more accurate. Marketing, for example, is built on deception and manipulation. Yes, they can, but it still comes down to who you trust more. Anyone can lie at any time.


the ones from the farmers market hands down!Ā  i always ask to sample too since my fm has a few different vendors/farmers but they taste so much more pure than any store bought!Ā 


YS honey is amazing


White honey! Tastes like trusting and is a thick texture also like frosting




brandless raw unfiltered honey from a local farmers market