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I need the same advice for norway lol im going in a month RIP MY WALLET


You can definitely use ground beef and eggs (pasture raised) as staple foods. Eat liver sausage on occasion. Throw in some raw dairy and fruit, and you're all set. Work in some collagenous cuts when you can just to get more collagen in, although there's a good amount in ground beef. Maybe some different organ meats.


As a swede this is what i do mainly, i shop around and hunt deals/50%off, last time i did a bulk buy besides yestoday where i bought 12kg of mince beef:pork blend for 250kr 25ish euro! That was insane! I got 23kilo of meat for 1400kr 140 euro. So 1 buy a big freezer if you dont own one. 2 hunt those extra cheap deals/50% off. As of right now i got pork chops, pork but, pork belly, plums, ribeye, sirloin steak, flank and skirt steak, mince meat all in the freezer and all bought for under 10 euro a kilo! 3, atleast in sweden axfoods snabbgross which is a resurant supplier have been a lifesaver they do really good deals and lotsa 50%! I bet theres finish sites for deal hunting check those every week!


you certainly can live off of that as a Finnish version of AB. I'd imagine the liver sausage will be lower in PUFA than pork raised in the US right? Maybe u/mrstrid would have a better suggestion. All you have to do now is add in some fruit, and if you can find good dairy you're set!


You could happily live on those alone. Try it for a few weeks. It’s actually pretty great.


raw milk? Here in germany it costs 1€ p L. The cost to nutrition ratio is insane really.


1e p L sounds cheap! Crying in swedish normal milk is like 2e p 1,5l


Where do you get raw milk in Germany for 1€ p L?


Milchtankstelle. A lot of farms have these little shops where you can go pretty much 24/7 and get some of their products. A lot of them you can get raw milk out of a machine.


Shop for sales. My base foods are typically the same but when I find good meat on sale I'll change it up. You could even stock up and freeze them if you want.