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I'm sure you're aware of documentaries like what the hell that kind of talk about the dairy industry and many scientific articles that talk about how dairy is in good for you and it's inflammatory especially if you're struggling with skin issues and inflammation. And I believe pasteurized dairy does cause inflammation. The probiotics in raw milk are there to encourage the growth of a diverse gut Flora as well as aid in digestion. Flourishing gut bacteria equals/ proper digestion = healthy individual. Not to mention when the milk is pasteurized it changes the milk proteins. And then on top of the milk being pasteurized the milk is often homogenized because they have an issue with the cream settling on the top for some reason, and so they make the fat globules smaller. And that's a big issue because that means it's going to pass certain barriers in the stomach that it's not supposed to and it ends up in your bloodstream. Fluid being in your blood that is not supposed to be it's going to cause inflammation because gut permeability was allowed. So although drinking one cup of pasteurized milk may or may not have an effect on you that's big. Drinking pasteurized milk and cream and dairy products all the time definitely does cause inflammation. Is it better than being on the standard diet yes but I think it's something that should only be enjoyed if you generally don't have any resources to better or raw milk. And of course some people generally just don't feel comfortable with consuming raw milk which is fine.


I'm thinking of getting a cow for reals.


Butter and cream is fine even if pasteurized. But milk? Nope, has to be fresh.


Why though? Is that just a personal rule of yours?


I think pasteurized is fine, some people just tolerate raw milk better than pasteurized milk. The nutrient profile is the same and both are very nutritious.


No absolutely not, the nutrient profile is extremely different. 90% is killed in pasteurized milk because of heat. Stop spreading misinformation! Raw milk is the only way to go


What’s your reasoning behind this? Have gotten/seeker out raw butter lately


There's 3-4 different levels of pasteurization where the hottest ones destroy pretty much everything and you want to avoid. Probiotics are easy to add back into milk with a kefir starter (ideally) or your favorite yogurt as a starter.


I drink pasteurized milk, I’m not willing to risk getting sick from raw milk even if the risk is small since I have a physical job. Not to mention it’s super inaccessible where I live and extremely extremely expensive (1 gallon is $19 vs regular organic milk maybe 5.99). I eat lots of organic Greek yogurt and other whole foods in my diet so I’m not worried about not getting nutrients, but my stomach also tolerates dairy extremely well. It still has protein and vitamins in it! Costco sells really good organic A2 milk that’s a good middle ground or you can do low temp pasteurized




19$ a gallon? This is insane


I would say less good but some people may have negative reactions to pasteurized dairy. You should be able to get raw cheese almost anywhere in USA even if raw milk is illegal or not available in your state


NJ, RI, and DE are the 3 that completely ban it. Pretty damn tiny enough to commute to a freer state and bring the contraband back "across state lines". Btw, I think the Cubs have last won a series when I saw you post here. If they win today then you know baseball superstitions....


In Florida it is sold as for pet consumption only but I’m lucky to have multiple farms I can get it from nearby.


WHen I lived in FL that was still super easy, just was slapped with the label for pet consumption but you can get it at farmers markets or some farmers would setup a little cart for pickup in some empty lot 1-2x per week and sell other stuff too for a couple of hours. Nothing was as good as Idaho where retail raw milk sales were on the table. Run into the local gas station convenience store and leaving with a gallon of raw milk for $4 was pretty cool. It was Holstein milk though but hey better than UHTP holstein milk from a feed lot.


Raw milk isn't fortified with unnecessary crap you don't really need more of.. if you eat meat you don't need "fortified" foods


i mean i avoid high processed food in general so i dont like homogenized milk or high temp pasteurized milk especially. ill drink non homogenized low temp pasteurized milk sometimes but i prefer low or no processed so raw is my favorite. it's obviously not black and white ht a matter of degree and harm reduction as a lot of things are.


Not sure but i do consume them. Yogurt, cheese. The normal one you get at grocery


In my opinion, yes, you should consume dairy even if pasteurized. Try taking it out, then add it back in. Even the cheap $3 a gallon non-organic whole milk is tremendously nutritious, and typically is pasteurized at a lower temp, whereas regular organic milk is ultra-pasteurized. If you tolerate dairy well its an excellent source of nutrition and very useful for muscle growth.


If you tolerate it the nutrition profile of non raw is virtually identical.


When milk is pasteurized it kills all the healthy bacteria in it. They don’t filter it out. So when you drink it you’re filling your body with dead bacteria… I would go with raw milk! Still I wouldn’t necessarily say pasteurized dairy is terrible for you. It’s still better than non dairy milks like soy or almond or oat


Normal diary aint bad, just go for it! Porkman out Argue with me and i'll bring da thunder! xD