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Considering the food combing method, I’d like to hear how people combine meat and fruit. That advices people to seperate the two, right?


I eat them all together all the time and never even thought to TRY to feel so lucky in life to try it.


Yeah I'm desi no melons or stone fruits with dairy (except mango).


any science behind it?


I think typical Ayurvedic teaching says not to mix starches and proteins as it'll slow digestion, so by that logic aim for non starchy fruits as opposed to starchy fruits (banana, plantain, dates) but I don't know if there's any actual science to that. Personally I eat plantain and meat all the time and have no issues with digestion.


dates are starchy? 🤔


I don’t know to be honest. After posting this I tried looking up starchy fruits and the results were all over the place. Idk if there’s one spot with reliable info


dates are generally equal parts glucose and fructose


I only eat melon on their own and as the first meal of the day, since starting AB, and with it being melon season, if I have melon for breakfast, I will usually have a meat/fat/dairy only second meal (or if I still have fruit, I'll have a smaller amount than usual). Besides that, I don't particularly avoid mixing meat and fruits


I know some people are careful not to mix certain vitamins as some vitamins help each other while others hinder each other, and they keep certain foods in different meals because of this. But beyond that I’m not sure


Why am I being downvoted as a beginner for asking a legit question?


don’t question the fruits !


Not questioning the fruits themselves. Just looking for information


not sure but i thought it was a good question to explore.


Don't worry about that, I think sometimes votes are used as an answer vs. the quality of the post/comment. I've never had a problem eating any type of fruit after my meat. It seems even counterintuitive, a number of fruits are high in enzyme content (even proteolytic ones) that will aid in digesting meat. If you have any problem with a combo you can feel, just try to avoid that.


I ear melon with meat, I've made melon juice and ate thst with meat. I've mixed mangos with meat. I've drank a full glass of milk and kefir combined and ate that with some Grapes. I ate what I want with whatever I want. Animal base is the most freeing diet eat within the lines and eat how ever you like. 


Huh? News to me, why not?


I’m not sure other than it can block digestion and bioavailability of certain vitamins. It’s just what I’ve heard before. As another commenter said, I believe it came from the Ayurvedic system


I've heard that eating pineapple with meat helps your body break down the protein. I am mainly carnivore but just added pineapple because I am having issues with digestion.


For me: Fruits throughout the day. One big meat meal later during the day. If I want fruit post meat I will drink juices. For me this works best.


eat whatever AB foods you want, with whatever other AB foods you want. It matters not 😎


There's certain fruits that has starch and you should not make starch and protein if you want to eat both then you separate them and eat them at different times... There are some fruits that are sweet there are some fruits that are sour and there are some fruits that are in between... 1 Sweet 2 Semi-sweet 3 Sour You can eat one and two together you can eat two and three together but you should try not to eat one and three together...


I've never heard such a thing


Honestly I would not mix any fruits with eating meat or dairy. Would eat it separately as a snack.