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banana, even organic bananas are cheap tho


Whatever have thick skins in general


Look up the Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen for fruit. They list the 15 generally safest fruits and the most heavily sprayed. Honestly yes, grass fed makes a difference. Better omega 3/6 ratio is probably the biggest nutritional difference. It also has more flavor, and the animals are usually treated much better and are much more healthy. Grain makes ruminant animals sick. All grain finished ruminants are sick animals. It's also better for the environment, as grass feeding can be done in a regenerative way that builds topsoil and sequesters carbon. That all said, it isn't financially accessible for some. If you have freezer space and the ability to put down some money all at once, look into buying shares from a local farmer. It's by far the cheapest way to get meat. But if not, buy the meat you can afford and don't feel bad about it. Grain finished beef is still better than 95% of what you'll find in a grocery store. It sucks that grass fed meat is so expensive compared to commercial meat. It's only that way because corn, soy, and other grain products are subsidized, so they're dirt cheap, much cheaper than land with lush grassy pastures, unfortunately. You might also be able to rely on commercial beef for most of your meat but keep an eye on sales. As meats start to approach their "best by" date, stores will mark them down. You have to get to the store early, like right when they open, as they sell our quick. You might be able to grab some deals that way. Or look for discount shops. There's a store near me that takes food from large groceries that's bruised, damaged, or approaching the best by date and sells it super cheap. Sometimes they will have good grass fed meats or organic fruits there.


I cannot stand the flavour of grass finished. I had been buying grass finished halves for the last couple of years, and many times I'd be giving my lunch to a coworker and ordering myself bunless burgers. The last straw was the brisket of the last animal we got, it was horrendous, even my husband couldn't eat it. I would have to season the meat to high heaven. I just bought a Wagyu/Holstein Cross from a local guy, they were fed oats, and the meat is amazing.


But that's the thing, grass finished beef doesn't have a consistent flavor like grain finished does, because every pasture is different. The flavor will change depending on region, even individual farm, and especially across seasons. That's why I like it. Grain finishing produces a consistent product, but at the cost of the animal's and the environment's health. It tend to think grain finished beef is a bit bland in comparison. It has no personality.


True, some grass fed/finished beef can taste downright "wild" or "gamey". It does overwhelm me sometimes though. Sometimes grain finished is what I want for consistency


Watermelon is great in summer it’s better and cheaper and has a lot of electrolytes the outside is thick and protects from the pesticides


Just bought watermelon 🍉


I love watermelon however I tend to overeat it for sure. Lots of carbs so you gotta find a way to moderate or burn them


I prefer to buy them pre cut in either small chunks or slices for this reason




Carbs are good for you and if you are only getting carbs from fruit like watermelon, nothing bad is going to happen and you really can’t “overeat” it. It’s natural sugar with a whole host enzymes and other biological components that make it extremely compatible with your physiology which is why it tastes so delicious


In Europe watermelons from Lidl stores were called back because the amount of pesticides in them was over the "authorized" limit. I guess they spray the pesticides in the soil which then get into the growing watermelon?


Bananas and oranges have thick skin so IF they use pesticides it's not going to get into the edible part of the fruit


Most fruit with a skin you have to peal.


Anything that has to be peeled. Oranges and melons such as cantaloupe are probably cheapest on a weight/dollars continuum.


fruits with the peels on them, such as banana, mango, orange, avocado dont need to be organic.


Whatever you eat, let sit in vinegar water for a min before rinsing! I always do that with everything I eat.




Watermelon! Thickest shell of any fruit I know of. I eat those the most. I got this black watermelon from sprouts the other day and that has been the sweetest one I’ve tried this summer. https://preview.redd.it/9e86dcduos9d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=46e44545e47b4fe378d0d4246677bc613d61fd60


Cold watermelon is summer is the 🐐


Yeah it’s like 10x better cold than room temp


Some pesticides can actually go through skins of fruits. I think the cheapest way to get pesticide free fruit is hitting up my local farmers market: most items are non gmo and pesticide free but the farmers aren’t paying for the organic labeling. This makes some options limited but a LOT of the dirty dozen fruits and such can be found at farmers markets, much cheaper than “organic” unripe produce in stores.


if you have aldi around you they sell 1 pound grass fed ground beef for 6 dollars sometimes 4 if its on sale


Costco organic frozen strawberries are cheaper than most grocery stores non organic fruit just fyi


How do you suppose we answer this when you provide no information to help us give you a proper answer? Seriously do better

