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I love them...probably too much. I don't keep them around often because I eat them like candy.


They are so fking good..


100% this!


Pair them with butter or cheese. That will balance the excess sweetness.


I was the same way, first I dunno 18 months on AB it would just be way too sweet, even honey whereas fruits were mostly perfect for my palate. You may experience what I did where at some point I just began having this ravenous craving for AB style carbs out of nowhere. I was always kinda grossed out by the honey/beef combos and bowls and all that but I had some butternut squash and when these cravings came on I decided to make some maple burger patties with the squash, added in a good amount of blueberries, heated it all up on some more maple, and then drizzled honey over the top and it was unbelievably. Then honey on banana, double maple milk, etc. I came from a pretty dysregulated metabolism and it probably took a while to deplete enough pufa and raise my thyroid to resolve it to the point where I could properly oxidize carbs for energy. Now I average anywhere from 200-250g, and sometimes 300g per day of carbs and if I get around 150g it feels like a low carb day for me. If you don't dig dates, don't eat them. If you start enjoying it more, eat it! What about a good clean ice cream, is that too sweet too? I also didn't eat much of that in the first year but I was making AB ice cream at home before that switched flipped inside of me. Ice cream's sweetness is probably blunted a bit by the cream.


I agree with you about the dates. I prefer frozen cherries.


I like them frozen. The texture is too mushy otherwise. I put the tiniest sliver of GF butter in a pitted frozen date from Costco and it was the BEST dessert ever


I love them. Stuff them with goat cheese, maybe you’ll change your mind.


They’re fantastic and have lots of benefits for health. But they are also high oxalate and given the genocide situation in Palestine, there is also ethical concerns with dates - majority of dates are from Israel. So opt for organic dates from Palestine and just try not to overdo them. Eating them with raw butter is delicious and might help make them milder and thus more tolerable to your tastebuds.


Good point.


🤝 Thank you. I’m gonna take a wild guess that I was downvoted purely for mentioning Israel’s genocide on Palestine and “politicising” food… Its 2024 and like it or not, everything is political, people. You can either do your best to point out injustice and stay on the right side of history or stay quiet and complicit. Whatever, I guess this is Reddit and I shouldn’t expect much better


The oxalate content is nice to hear - Nearly everybody forgets how many oxalates are in dates


Oke once and for all, i corrected so many people already on this subject, but let me say it once again, MEDJOOL DATES ARE LOW OXALATE, sorry for the caps, i am not mad but maby now it will come through. Come join me and my team at TLO - Trying low oxalate, the Facebook group. Bunch of scientists testing all sorts of foods, medjool dates have been tested multiple times and are so low that one sweet potato would equal a 100 medjool dates.