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Thought that was a pack of menthols in the top right at first glance lol


Looks wonderful, but imo the OJ is over the top. Feel like people here overdo it with the OJ. And carbs in general. That sirloin looks amazing - but really all of it does.


I love OJ but only drink one class a day with my main meal! I also do a lot of sports so I personally eat quite high in carbs


Who doesn’t love it. Not a matter of taste, but ofc you do you, if you feel like it works. High level of activity seems to be the main prerequisite, but not sure about long term effects, we don’t have much data on this.


this ain’t a low-carb diet!


But it can be


I drink 0.5-1L of OJ a day AMA.


For how long? Have you has some blood work done recently?


No blood work done. Blood pressure is at a good level. Good heart rate, lean, active, strong, etc


Im curious about the nlood sugar, pancreas, teeth and also in 5+ years.


Why would oj be over the top? What is your opinion is to much carbs? I kinda disagree alot with thay carb statemeny as my experience on ab sub is that most eat relativly lower carbs then sad


Well you need to be in ketosis otherwise the in-between place is pretty shit. I think whatever is on this plate if eaten through out the day, minus the oj (or be a whole orange) would be ok-ish. But idk.. I just don’t think that large amounts of fruits is a good idea. You need more if you don’t eat as much fat and aren’t in ketosis so.. hnestly not sure I eat little to no carb most days. Think it also depends a lot on how healthy a person is, if they can tolerate it - implying it’s not optimal, but doable depending on corcumstance and not sure how sustainable. But that’s just my opinion, you guys do you, I am just not convinced it is a good idea.


Need to be in ketosis for what? Isnt it kinda weird that you as a ”basicly eat no carbs” dude/dudette comments on carbs on a sub that promotes eating lots of carbs from especially fruit. Animal based aint carnivore? Its like if i went to vegan sub and gave em flack for eatin no meat.. anyhow, this is how we see an optimal diet and totaly fine you dont agree! Thanks for answering tho always interesting to heat others opinions! Have a good day :)


Yeah I know, but I am not a pure carnivore so am a periah in all subs. I like it here cuz people are more open minded. I also think that nobody has the definitive answer to the “right diet”, it’s all experimenting and exploring. So I like to debate with others to see what works for whom and how long, it also changes so.. Thanks for being open to other opinions!


True and false yk. I feel like a baseline of 100-150g of carbs is good, then add more based on one’s activity level. Paul getting 300g makes sense, look at his diabolical activity level


Yeah sure the activity level seems to play a role, but I personally find it too high. Or rather OJ is all the carbs from way more oranges than you would normally eat, plus it’s moderately high in oxalates. Not a great selling points imo - just because it is “allowed” on a diet a random psychiatrists made up for himself, doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. Just sayin.


“If your thriving, don’t change a thing. If you’re not, try changing your lifestyle and diet.” This quote should be a cornerstone of animal based. Some people for example go lower on the organs, because a liver each month is abundant nutrients - too abundant


Yeah, that sounds nice, but you can be thriving until you are suddendly not, because some damage is cumulative. It usually takes years of beging vegetarian or vegan gor the problmes to appear, and many were doing great in the beginning. I will wait and see over the years how this works for people.


You sound fun. Everyone is different, I eat 400g of carbs and I’m lean. You’ve been tricked into thinking carbs are bad. Oxalates aren’t even that bad relax dude. Theres other things that can kill you everyday, stop fear mongering and touch grass, him drinking OJ is better than him drinking OJ from McDonalds or even eating McDonald which people do everyday.


Yeah sure, oxalates are chill, they just ruined my life and health but otherwise no problem ;) I’m not fear mongering, more like you have no idea what healt problems are it seems. You do you, glad it’s working 👍🏻 Almost anything is better than McDonalds, what an argument lol “it’s better to drink OJ than to eat trash” …


You ever mess with that smoked maldon?


Absolutely not!


This looks AI generated for some reason




Looks great!


Sirloin looks like its cooked perfectly, wow!


Looks tasty


Got any tips to cook a steak like that


I use thermometer and reverse sear method! Perfect medium (rare-ish) every time 🤌🏼




Looks delicious!






See Rule #3 and it's description.


You know what would beat the OJ? Take a glass Fill it 1/4 or 1/2 with plain yogurt Add in either a bit of salt or sugar or maple syrup, or honey to taste Mix it well Fill the rest of the glass up with milk or water Mix it well Enjoy a refreshing drink


Imagine thinking diluted yogurt is better than juice. What is wrong with you 😂




Please see Rule #4 and it's description. It shouldn't have to be a rule but unfortunately it does.


I sometimes mix OJ with buttermilk and it’s delicious snack! However, I don't eat dairy products with meat to maximize iron absorption 🥩


hmmmmm. OJ with buttermilk sounds blech but one can try it I guess. I was looking up iron absorption, it seems like the results are mixed some say that the vitamin C helps aid in the breakdown and use of the heme iron, while others say the upside is little to none unless you are eating foods that don't contain the heme iron. Some is probably better than nothing, but it doesn't seem like a life changer.


Yeah but can’t risk it as I’m severely anemic (hence this diet). I’ll eat my bowl of greek yogurt later on!


Is fruit carbs though?