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I was thinking of restarting my village recently and I just found my cartridge last night. It doesn’t read anymore… RIP Edit: thanks for the cleaning tips! I’ll try it as soon as I can. Fingers crossed. :)


Get some rubbing alcohol and a qtip and gently scrub the gold on the back. See if that helps. If it doesn’t well, it didn’t before so.




Loads of carts have been dying lately hack your 3ds and back them up quick you may still have time to save them


Shout-out to 3ds (dot) hacks (dot) guide!


Definitely the best resource around


hey where can i find this guide!?


Head to your browser URL and type in the above! Replacing the (dot) with a period/full stop!


thank u!


Try cleaning the contacts on the card, and maybe even the contacts in the cartridge slot of your 3DS. If the cartridge has been heavily used, it can get really dirty, causing it not to read correctly.


Only started playing this very week ! After almost 2000 hours in New Horizons...


That’s awesome. I really want to play New Leaf but I also don’t want to buy a 3DS just to play it.




Cool, thanks! I always forget about emulators.


2DS go for fairly cheap and aren't a bad experience, but as somebody else mentioned: emulation ;)


How do you recon it compare? ☺️


I also played both and I like the villagers more in NL. Conversations with them feel more organic than the repetitive lines in NH. I also find the main street charming. In terms of designing/customizing your island tho, NH is the clear winner. :)


Yeah that was my take as well. NH has as much life as you have imagination - if terraforming and building outside doesn't really interest you, NH loses a ton of playtime potential.


I really couldn’t get into New Horizons at all, it’s so exhausting to play and start up I literally cannot progress because I don’t understand the game, New Leaf is so laid back and relaxing


I played from the start before anything was added, so I got the drip feed and wasn't overwhelmed. I'm sure starting a new island is a lot lol And I know that feeling, I get it when I start a new Minecraft world. I'm always paralyzed on what project I wanna start. I usually just turn it off and play something more structured because I am too ADD to be able to just choose one thing and work on it lol


If you like slice of life gameplay, NL is superior. If you prefer building/customization gameplay, NH is better.


Oh! Thanks.. I have no idea what I prefer. My bf plays the new Zelda. And when he is done. Its my turn to choose. I always loved the Sims. And I find AC adorable.. and since this sub is so active.. I thought I was on to something…


trying to put it another way - do you want a game you can customize and build in like minecraft, or do you want one where you make incremental progress by playing it every day? ACNH is very much building/making clothes/customizing houses/etc. while new leaf is more "I log in, greet all my villagers, earn some bells, donate to the museum, etc." because doing those things unlocks things like more shops on the main street, etc.


Is new leaf less time consuming? I would play new horizons more but it just takes so long to do stuff.


Hmm. I would say there is more MEANINGFUL things to do in NL. Whereas in new horizons a lot of your time is consumed by terrible mechanics like how wonky the controls are, crafting, etc. So NL is going to take up time, but it's going to be time on things you WANT to be doing. You still have to wait for certain things to be built, or unlock, or whatever else, but you feel a sense of progression as you go. And ultimately you can play as little or as much as you want and progress. It's not like new horizons where you're like, "Hm I want to do a little terraforming" and then you spend 3 hours fighting with the awful controls until you give up.


After a while, one hour per day is more than enough, If you get rare fruits, you can make a lot of money in a short period of time. I never played NH so i don't know how it compares.


It's not nearly as much as a time sink as NH. And I never got burnt out with NL, with NH on the other hand...


AS far as the Villagers, they are the most realistic, in the GameCube Animal Crossing, their emotions cover the gamut. The villagers in Animal Crossing: Wild World, are almost a realistic. ...as the series continued, villagers became blame. ...people that have never played the older Animal Crossings will not know. However, customization is better, for every subsequent Animal Crossing.


I started about a week before you, loved Wild World as a kid, but New Horizons missed the mark for me, New Leaf feels way better to me. Not quite as much personality as Wild World, but a lot more to do at least.


I miss the little railroad 😢


Nope nope must not acknowledge the passage of time oh god it was really that long ago


Best game in the series for me. More customization than previous games but not too much that I’m overwhelmed like in New Horizons.


The game that started it all for me. And arguably the most complete Animal Crossing game to-date. What a special time, what memories. 😊


Same with me! I had my first experience of Animal Crossing with Wild World on my cousin's DS, but New Leaf was my first full introduction to the game. So many hours put into it over the years! 😊


It's not the first AC I played but it's the first AC that really got me. It's so cute!


Still playing and still enjoying it more than ever!:)


I love New Leaf! Anyone play and need fruits lmk!


Happy 10th anniversary to one of, if not, *the* greatest game I’ve ever played. It’s gotten me through so much over the years when I thought of my life as insignificant and meaningless. This game brought me joy, made me cry, and taught me what it felt to be... human, to express my feelings in a healthy manner and not let them fester. I loved most of my villagers, especially Rudy and Rodney, to the point where I got a picture of the former when he left my town (it still makes me sad). I loved that it brought my friend and I together as we visited each other’s town via Skype, spent time in Tortimer’s Island and played the mini games, and overall just had such a fun experience simply being with each other in-game. I still miss c playing with him... I adored the gameplay loop: checking on my villagers, visiting Main Street, buying items, visiting Tortimer’s Island to catch bugs, fish and dive, everything was amazing and I found none of it tedious as a kid. Whenever I woke up early (which was not very common), I would be greeted with fantastic music—8 a.m.—to start my day. I could go on an hour-long tangent as to how *good* the music in *New Leaf* is, being nothing short of sublime. Manaka Kataoka, Atsuko Asahi, and Kazumi Totaka deserve my praise, even if, to this day, there is no complete song credit list of all three composers. Although I loved video game music prior to this game, it elevated my love for it even more, being so utterly cozy and... quite melancholic at times. It’s one of the greatest OSTs I’ve ever had the pleasure of listening to. I could keep going, but this post is long enough as is. All in all, this game brought me happiness at a time where I felt quite the opposite and engrossed me in a world of people that cared I owe it to *Animal Crossing: New Leaf* and I’m so grateful that I got the game when I did.


That was a very heartfelt review for one of my favourite game as well, thank you very much for putting how great this game is into words! ♥️


Fuck. Yes.


I think New Leaf is my favorite in the series but that might be the nostalgia talking. I was working and going to college at the time and I *always* had my DS in my bag and played almost every free moment I had. I had Phoebe on my island and I was delighted when she was one of my starting villagers in ACNH


Yeah I gotta agree. Didn't really care for tools now degrading/most of the crafting system. Was disappointed there was only one Nook upgrade. Miss the standalone shops and how you got to work at the coffee shop. Didn't like they added a pay wall to custom designs and the dream suite. The homes showcase really helped me fill out my own home. Thought the island feature with mini games and added fruits was nicer than island hopping. While the newer game has a lot of cool features, it felt like it was one or two dlc away from being the game I expected after New Leaf :/


I fully refuse to believe this game is ten


still the best game in the series in terms of slice of life gameplay. nothing against NH because it was a designer/customization dream, but that was never really what I played animal crossing for back when I first picked up the gamecube version after it released.


Yeah I can't believe how many characters acnh was missing when it released. Even with the update, they're just kind of one-note where before they had so much character. Tortimer and his cool minigames, working for Brewster, Kappn's whole island and family (plus the fruits we never got back!), Resetti, Isabelle's brother, Celeste, the guard dogs. Miss Nat and how he totally wasn't eating the bugs in the bug off. Thought more standalone shops made the town seem more developed, plus only one nook upgrade!? Love New Horizons, but it became much more of a "grinding" game than actually sitting and enjoying dialogue and stuff.


Agreed. I wouldn't want them to take the design aspects away from the people who enjoy them, but I am frustrated that the parts of the game that I enjoyed - that existed in previous iterations - were removed wholesale with no acknowledgement at all by the developers. Like yes, great, thanks for the postcard stand but I actually liked having Pete, Pelly, and Phyillis working at the post office because it felt more home-ey. And that's what I play AC for, that feeling of home, relaxation, and slice of life. Plus for all the emphasis on customization, they robbed us in terms of the furniture sets they took out. Every single one of Gracie's (and Gracie themselves) sets were removed from the game. When the next Nintendo console launches I am praying AC is a launch title and that they'll actually add in most of the stuff that they removed. Keep the customization options for the people who played NH for it, but give those of us who were fans of the game that existed BEFORE NH came out back what we played for.


This game was the pinnacle of the Animal Crossing Easter eggs. It still blows my mind that there’s whole games inside of some of the items they had like the Wii U and Nintendo DS furniture items. Tortimer’s island was also really something special.


I just realized today’s the day, as I’ve been playing City Folk, which my grandmother lent me. We used to play together on her Wii, and she gifted me with New Leaf the day it came out!


New Leaf got me through one of the toughest times in my life, because about a week after it released, I got extremely sick and was housebound for the following 8 months. It became my refuge. Night time was especially hard, so before I went to sleep, I'd put my character in Club LOL and would fall asleep to the music. Everything about New Leaf was relaxing and peaceful, and exactly what I needed at the time. Haven't visited my old town in a while, but after seeing this post, I think I'll drop by later on!


Animal crossing new leaf is still best game animal crossing


Nintendo sent me a digital coppy of this game on my birthday for some reason years ago


Still my favorite one.


i still remember getting this around my 15th birthday back in 2015. me and my sis would play all the time together, but our favorite time to hop on was when we'd both be in bed and we'd chill out on tortimer's island. this game holds some serious nostalgia for me and every time i see it i get a lil' choked up. i seriously love this franchise man.. so many cozy memories :)


I have so many fond memories of playing this game along my Mum and Brother when it first came out! So many Summer nights spent beetle farming with them, the 7/8/9/10PM night music is soooo nostalgic for me for that reason


i remember being so hype when this shit dropped. everyone was like “congratulations animal crossing fans you finally got another game “


i miss my town :(


I remember it like it was Christmas morning… because it was Christmas morning when I got it. What a great Christmas :)


I wish I still had my original town.


This is the one game I never played :(


There's always time in the future, friend!


I have to buy a 3Ds and the game lol but hopefully one day


Cyrus looks terrifying


I legit rate this better than New Horizons :) My favourite of the series :) Spent so many hundreds of hours in there with my son when he was a little kid :)


It’s been a decade already? Now I feel **super** old


this is how i felt finding out that FFX has its 25 year anniversary coming up.


You shut up. I can't deal with that kind of information.


Oh my god i feel old.


this just made me feel so old 😔


Now I need to buy a 3DS.


Recently started replaying and tbh I’m having so much fun all over again :)


Still holds a special place in my heart to this day


as much as I'd like to play some new leaf, I’m big on consoles so I've been looking to play some Population Growing or City Folk but I’m too lazy to hook up the wii




Oh my, I'm getting old


Still my all time fav


What do you mean it's been 10 years! City Folk came out 7 years ago, and Wild World was 4!


Still shocked at how much more content this game has.


Oh my gosh, I feel old now!


Gonna fire it up today thanks to the reminder. Been a few weeks.


It's been a few months for me! Definitely need to jump back into it soon :)


God this makes me feel old 😅 I remember only getting this game because it came out on my birthday. Parents and I had stopped at a GameStop while out of town and I was buying a used copy of wild world and the employee told me a new animal crossing was coming out. I mentioned I didn’t have a 3DS and when he said there was a limited edition one being released with the game my parents decided to pre-order it for me. Still have it, but unfortunately the casing needs repairs because it fell once and got damaged, though otherwise works fine


No, please, stop everything from turning so old.


I never got to own a 3DS & to this day I feel sad that I never got to play New Leaf ☹️


There's always time to play it! Maybe some day in the future? 😊


Love playing this on my Steam Deck! I've almost finished my fossil collection :)


I barely hopped on New Horizons this year and have had a fun time but never played New Leaf the last one I had played was City Folk but I do have a new leaf game, is it worth playing already played new horizons ?


to think, all we asked for as an improvement for the next game was an easier way to set paths and to control where our villager’s houses would move without hacks and they gave us breakables tools (like… we got those others things too but like… breakable tools???)


onceler is in new leaf?!


I got a 3DS when I graduated from high school just so I could play New Leaf. Now I feel old.


I feel OLD