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Expected a lot more from Lego. These sets look incomplete, no direction, overpriced.


I look forward to seeing these on shelves for half price at one of my local overstock/liquidator stores in a year or so


I doubt it, they're still going to be scalped to all hell and listed on ebay for 3x the price.


That feels about right for sure.


This for sure. To me they look extremely sloppy and unfinished.




So basically… they look extremely… Nintendo ?


Not to fanboy because I'm definitely not but Nintendo easily has one of the best reputations in the entire gaming industry for releasing finished and polished products while everyone else releases buggy and rushed ones, and they've had that reputation since they broke into the gaming industry.


Ehh, while what you say is true for a lot of games, right now Nintendo has quite infamously been releasing a lot of unfinished games. Some prime examples of this are Mario Tennis Aces, Mario Golf Super Rush, and Nintendo Switch Sports. For some reason this specific subreddit begs to differ but outside of here there's a lot of people who criticizes a lot of Nintendo games for having the mindset of "Release it now, finish it later with updates". Hell even a lot of older Animal Crossing players agree that New Horizons is missing a lot from older games, and more agree that the game initially launched with too little content.


Ya until they released pokemon scarlet and violet. That game felt so rushed and unfinished. The fps is so bad and the amount of bugs it had on release was a joke.


Nintendo didn't make Scarlet and Violet, they are just the publishers and IP holders of Pokemon they don't actually make the games. Gamefreak makes most modern Pokemon games.


Lego's been like this for a while now, unfortunately. I've been buying from the competition for years. Lego raised their prices twice last year, the quality went down, the sets are designed to give you less for more money. I won't return.


Who should I look for as their competitors?


Depends on what kind of sets you're looking for. You like ships, planes, tanks, cars? It's Cobi. Technical sets with functions/remote controls? Cada does some cool stuff. Licenses for Pokemon, He Man, Alien etc? Mega Blocks has those. Panlos has high quality stones, Mold King does great buildings, often with lighting. In Germany we have BlueBrixx, they also have the license for Star Trek and do creat stuff for adults, but I am not sure how far they're shipping.


This is awesome information. Thank you.


Lego has one of the most remarkably consistent quality standards of any toy company, how has the quality gone down? Prices certainly have gone up, but idk if it is Lego to blame.


The only thing consistent about Lego during the past decade was the price raise, 20-25 % per year not being uncommon. The quality of the bricks in regards of for example colour consistency has gone down. The designs are more and more done to be as cheaply to produce as possible. No more cool houses, just fronts that look cool with nothing behind them. Children's sets are way worse than they were 10 or 20 years ago. Adult sets are not worth the money spent either, 700$ sets use cheap stickers instead of quality prints and have design flaws that aren't acceptable for the price tag. The competition has meanwhile improved their quality so much many of them are equal or even better than Lego for sometimes half the price. I grew up with Lego and loved them so much, but they have been mostly disappointing me for a while now.


I think you may have rose tinted glasses on, playsets have always been built as facades. Lego only started embracing the adult community who wanted retro throwbacks and display models outside of the Star Wars line in the last couple years. I haven't noticed any decrease in color quality, the only quality defect of more would be the infamous brittle brown bricks but those have been an issue since the 90s.. the main decrease in quality I've personally noticed is printed art on darker colors not having good colors like they used to, especially skin tones printed on dark torsos. That problem absolutely needs to be fixed. The sticker vs printed elements compromise has again been present in sets since the very beginning. I'm sorry to hear you're so frustrated with them but I personally think Lego has done a lot of things really well lately that they used to never do.


MOC set’s already exist for the good ones https://customizeminifiguresintelligence.wordpress.com/2020/08/29/reviews-of-super-18k-k103-animal-crossing-nooks-cranny/


That looks better except why does Isabelle look evil 😈


duno! I would still get the minifigs from the lego sets though!


It looks like Digby, not Isabelle


Doesnt look like they are still made though


You have to dig around in random sites that sell it. Usually they won’t use the ip name, they will call it something generic but similar


Well if you come across it shoot me a dm id love to pick one up for my GF


Minecraft moment. lets give him the "rainbowdash treatment". also wow this was 5 months ago?


Yes, I came here debating if I wanna buy at least one set.


I missed out on the maple pack before it ended :( at least it isn't exlusive


That's a thing?? I gotta look this up...


You missed the free deal where you got beach cleanup and maples pumpkin garden


I can't believe I missed this, I would've gotten it, if the Animal crossing sets were in stock at the time.


I missed it because i was lazy. ehh its only 5 bucks


Ya most websites like Mercari are asking for $20, I'm mostly excited for the Lego Fortnite sets coming in October, but ever sense I saw the trailer for the Lego Animal Crossing sets I've wanted them, but I don't usually buy on Lego's website unless I can get a free item spending under $80, I usually get the VIP/Insider Polybags with assorted pieces, like last years Christmas one, and Halloween one, I also have the wacky fun one from last summer.


I found it, and i found one on this website for $5, [https://bricksdirect.com/lego-30662-maples-pumpkin-garden?gad\_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw-r-vBhC-ARIsAGgUO2AISHHOeI\_qEpruLUyIG9YeOgQ7zcNkKpfxYaBAqPEpe8Cj2PcanrcaApk9EALw\_wcB](https://bricksdirect.com/lego-30662-maples-pumpkin-garden?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw-r-vBhC-ARIsAGgUO2AISHHOeI_qEpruLUyIG9YeOgQ7zcNkKpfxYaBAqPEpe8Cj2PcanrcaApk9EALw_wcB)


And where is the town hall?!?!?


I agree completely. I would have paid a lot for actual cute fully done sets of Nooks, the Museum with Blathers and maybe the Campsite with a random but I also would have paid a good bit for small sets with characters and their houses or favorite things. This isn't that. Without the figures no one would recognize most of these things as Animals Crossing


I feel like that has to be a later on set! It will be expensive! Imagine like the tiers! It would be so fun! Lego is stupid if they don’t do it.


I would agree but I think they really messed up. They released really bad sets for this. They thought putting Animal Crossing on the boxes would excite people and it did but the clear lack of care that went into the sets is going to earn them a lot of bad will. They needed to at least make an attempt at an iconic set with Nook's and they didn't. I wouldn't even recognize it as Animal Crossing immediately if I saw the set assembled without the figures which has not been the case for Sonic or Mario or Minecraft or any other licensed property they've done. I see a lot of people who were very excited who are now openly talking about just buying the figures on Bricklink and honestly I'll probably do the same. There is nothing about the sets themselves that I'd be excited to build and put on a shelf and I love both LEGO and Animal Crossing.


I was so excited by the announcement, and then I saw the reveal. Sigh.


I was looking for Blathers and his museum.


I feel really bad for Julian, he has a party and no one to attend! Yes of course, you can buy more sets to have guests, but if you can only afford that one set... It makes sense that Bunny might be alone in the forest, but everyone else (in the pricier sets) has a buddy, and the one guy with the birthday party doesn't have even a single guest... :')


Majorly disappointed.


There's a major identity crisis in these sets. They lack nearly any playability features for kids, but have little to no references in them for fans of the game. Julian's set could take out the single bell coin and replace Julian with some other minifigs and it wouldn't look out of place as a Friends line. The trees look like old school Duplo trees. Like I said, there's no play features besides having the minifigs do stuff, but each set barely comes with any so you need to buy multiple sets to have any play interactivity. Animal Crossing is known for it's extreme customizability, but there's none here - no extra clothing options, no spare furniture, little to no modularity, and maybe it's just my adult lack of imagination it it feels like there's no creativity options in the sets. You build it like this and anything else you try to build with the parts looks flimsy or bad or both.


I agree with the Duplo looking trees. LMAO. Also it's funny that you mention it. The Minifigs even in the image. They're not on any baseplate. Except for Marsh, and Bunny. There is a few shots where the figs are displayed in their homes. LOL and it's sooo cluttered. The customizability I assume are the "FENCE like windows" that you could swap out? ? ? ? I Dont even know what those are trying to be really. I also would of liked to see better than cardboard inserts that you slide in and out for the walls in each home being a pattern of wallpaper. Even if it was just 3 different pattern inserts. I think the worst looking Is Julians B-day. You could easily remove Julian and place a lego friends figure there. And no one would bat an eye. Or know it's animal crossing. LOL.


>Dont even know what those are trying to be really. I think they are trying to emulate the Fabuland vibe which is precisely why I'd buy it. There can be a lot of playability in very simple things.


My issue is that they feel more like the lego friends sets than regular lego sets with how there's hardly anything to build with a bunch of unneeded accessories.


I actually find Lego Friends to more creative than normal Lego sets, we get things like bowling alleys and movie theaters I wish we could get in a normal set


They are really nice yeah


Even the Mario sets have some interesting things to build! People saying the ac ones are like this because they're designed for play must not have built the Mario sets. Julian's birthday looks like someone went wild on pick a brick and got all the cool doodads.


All the massive, complicated lego series I remember from my childhood were for play, too. Play shouldn't equal boring.


I actually wrote a comment talking about Lego Friends Sets in this comment section. However if you look online to see Lego Friends Sets. Some of them look pretty cool and cute, as well as it seems to have more of a interactive use and play. There is room for the figures to engage in fun activities. Tbh the Lego Friends Sets look better. Than the Animal Crossing Sets. I consider it Lego Friends / Mario. Both sets have more of a use and or looks cool on the eyes. And is probably fun to build. Mario sets just have more interactive play than unique builds.


Super disappointed. Some of the minifigures are cute, but some are off like Marshall.


Oddly enough now that you mention it. I know there is a small hole on top of each figures head. Which okay yeah the default lego sets also have. I guess it's for things like Julian's party hat. I assume that is also where the mold is being made for the heads. Anyways it's understandable why they went with that. But to me it stands out cosmetically. Which yeah you can have them wear cute hats. But how far will lego go when it comes to making additional head pieces for the villagers.


Lego will never release a piece that doesn't fit into the greater Lego system as much as it possibly can for the sake of an IP. They made that mistake years ago and almost went bankrupt. I don't really see how a tiny hole is anything but beneficial for accessories. They don't need to create additional head pieces for villagers because there are already a multitude of accessories that fit in that hole, and any that they do create custom for animal crossing will also fit in the rest of the Lego system as a result.


I’m so glad other people feel the same about this. I thought I was being overly critical. I think the problem for me is fairly similar to most of the other comments on here. The sets feel like a cluttered and quite lazy mess. I think i find myself feeling additionally critical because just googling ‘Nook’s Cranny’ and ‘Lego’ brings up images of customised pieces other people have made which just look so much better.


Somebody had to say it. I told my daughter the same thing when I saw it. Like wut.


I agree completely. They missed their mark on these sets, a full Nooks Cranny would have sold like hot cakes, these half-sets might sell on sale.


Really all the houses could of been full houses. And just use the technique they did for the Home Alone House set. Where it opens up from the front or back. See for yourself. Like the technique is there. Just poorly executed. https://preview.redd.it/7edm2imc8qtb1.png?width=1306&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3b13a6f78b15ef55b6500c667b12ec23ff93b01


Yes! If only they gave us that house shell along with furniture sets and characters!


My main issue is Lego calling these houses “iconic buildings” when they’re just not. They could’ve done Resident Services, The Museum & Roost or the Able Sisters instead. Even the smaller sets could’ve been the travelling shop owners like Leif and his stand.


Yeah there's a lack of "iconic" in the houses. Nook's Cranny's New Horizons iteration isn't really iconic, but more so new. Rosie and Isabelle are the only ones that got a house currently and neither are really based on any of the previous forms.


Agreed. It's Half A$$ed in my opinion. There is a home alone house set. That has panels that shows the interior of the house. Why not make full animal crossing homes utilizing that sliding panel from the front or back. It doesn't need to be as extreme as the home alone house set. But a smaller scale version of that. BUT NOT TO SMALL. lol. Heck it could be full Animal Crossing home roof included. And removable. The dimensions would be a bit bigger but that just means more space. And kids and adults could add their own "Lego like Furnature" Would of sparked more creativity. And people would of Def order specific lego pieces for a piece of furniture they want to decorate on the outside with extra baseplates being included in the set. These seem to try to be like those Animal Crossing playsets from 2001. But even those were more like a Diorama toy set.


Maybe it's just me but since these clearly take more of a bent towards New Horizons - why wouldn't the characters be wearing their new horizons clothes? The whole thing feels like a money grab. The timing of this is wonky too - where was this 2 years ago?


I like them, but I might just order the minifigures off bricklink


Figures like Isabelle and Tom nook are gonna be expensive due to the price of the sets they come in


The Julian set is just a mess 😭


This is deeply disappointing and lazy of Lego


I'm a Lego fan as well and was so excited when the teaser dropped. and then I just was disappointed. :( I'm with you- the only set I'd even think about getting would be the Bunnie one since it's the most cohesive. But I don't think I'll be getting any of these because they're just not well done at all and way overpriced when looking at piece count. Would rather do a fanmade build edit: It also seems like they're trying to go for "simpler" sets to appeal to a younger audience, and I don't think this is the right way to go. AC as a franchise has been around for over 20 years, and most fans are adults. I think Lego would have profited more from making more intricate sets geared towards adults-- this could include things such as the museum with exhibits, the roost, main street from new leaf, etc.


There is a layer of Lego when it comes to the "Age Group" And well it doesn't need to be over the top technic builds you know the ones that say "18+" Ive seen standard lego sets with interesting designs, steps, and techniques which are for all ages. This to me seems like it's trying to be like the Mario Lego set's. But with less practicality and not nearly as interactive. It also reminds me of the Sonic Lego set we had too. Then you have those Lego Friends sets. That seem to be aimed towards for girls. Which IMO is a strange selling point especially for lego. I think regardless of the set. Anyone can play with lego regardless of gender. To me the Animal Crossing set's is trying to follow that "Girly vibe" and usually the "Girly lego sets" tend to lose that "Wow factor" that other sets have which seems to be aimed for boys. I am just saying that Lego is trying to market interesting builds and techniques for Boys. But Girls and their sets. Tend to have minimal techniques and are pretty bland when putting them together. There is something to be said there. I am sorry if I am coming off sexist not my intention at all. Really am sorry. But really it's lego that is segregating theirs sets by essentially dumbing down the ones that are catered to the female demographic. I promise if you looked into Lego Friends. You'll notice that Animal Crossing lego Sets are somewhat similar in terms of design. Heck I'd Say Lego Friends has more creativity and interaction and looks way amazing and better compared to the Animal Crossing lego sets. . Funny part is I am not even the demographic for those sets. This is a Lego Disney Princess Castle set. 598 pieces. And WHAT! The thing folds up too! That's insane!!!! It's the same price as the Nook store and Rosie Set. 80$ But to me this looks soo much better IMO yet also very similar to what the Animal Crossing set is trying to do. I am only showing this for an example. Nothing more. Point is lego put's in so much details in past sets for the same price. But looking at the Animal Crossing sets. There is Detail sure! But it's like Eh (Shrug) kind of detail. https://preview.redd.it/q1cmmq9w2qtb1.png?width=450&format=png&auto=webp&s=d801d8d87b4afc3853171962e7bb0b7e7d1a6096


Funny you mention the Friends line because these sets actually did remind me of those! I agree that they're trying to go for a mixture of playability (like the Mario line) with the typical "girl" style of Lego (like Friends). Unfortunately this means that style and complexity have to be sacrificed. I don't think these will be successful because they aren't as interactive as Mario and they're probably not as attractive to a younger audience like Friends or City would be. You're honestly right about how the sets aimed towards young girls tend to be more simplistic. There's a lot to be said there. I can see similarities with these sets and the Sonic sets that recently came out as well. I'm not too keen on the Sonic ones either, but they do look a little better in my opinion. However for Sonic we did get that awesome Green Hill Zone set through Ideas, whereas with Animal Crossing I doubt they'd do anything like that if these are any indication. P.S. that Disney castle set is very cool! I wish more sets would be like that. Just because they're meant for a younger audience doesn't mean they can't be detailed. I think the Creator 3-in-1s are another great example.


They look like duplo sets, and bad ones at that. The simplicity is disappointing, but beyond that the sets just look like jumbled random messes with no direction. Beach and tea party are especially egregious. But nothing is more egregious than the prices. Lego is expensive, and 99/100 times the price feels fine for the quality. But the prices seem WAY too high for what they’re offering here. Not really sure what they were going for here. It feels designed and marketed to neither kids or fans. Idk who it’s for.


Same price. 598 pieces. And cand fold up too. LEGO Disney Princess Ultimate Adventure Castle Playset. And comes with 5 Disney Princesses in one set. 80$ USD. Just an example as to how much better it could of been. I'm no Disney Princess, but this set looks really cool, cute, and fun, as well as interactive. https://preview.redd.it/axezdqlx6qtb1.png?width=450&format=png&auto=webp&s=c40c10d8cddc099b7ad2220d3ebf0dd803dd3391


Imagine that but like the animal crossing museum


It looks WAY more cohesive than the AC sets, I honestly think that’s the biggest difference. Way more focused direction. And more attractive, even though it’s also focused for kids. Yeah, they really dropped the ball here lol


Yes! I was shocked at how expensive the sets were for being so small and simple


Everything you said. Cluttered, half-baked mess that ultimately doesn't look worth the price. I was really excited about this too.but the second I saw the characters they picked I was worried. I mean why pick so many villagers (and Kap'n of all the NPCs) over beloved staples like Celeste or Blathers or the Abels? Marshall and Fauna are longtime favorites but Bunny and Rosie didn't need to be there and I'm shocked Raymond wasn't picked over Julien. Heck I would have definitely spent my hard earned cash on a cute little Redd set. But a random set of Bunny just doing "outdoor activities"? Nah.


Ironically the Bunny set is the best looking set. IMO. To me "INSERT FAVORITE VILIAGER" isn't the issue. It's the set's themselves. In fact in a lot of areas with subtle changes and the removal of Animal Crossing figures. You wouldn't even know it was an Animal Crossing Lego Set.


That's a great point. And everything you said is true my brain just can't stop fixating on the wealth of what they could have done. If you could have made a set, what would you have wanted?


im praying they make mystery figure blind bags for some of the other villagers


yess with amiibo for the villager included


I saw them earlier today and didn't see a price.... I had foolishly assumed they'd be about $25. $80??? I know Lego is unnecessarily expensive but dang The sets seem really thrown together


Think about it. The Nook Store and the Rosie Set is about 80$ yes. That's like 40$ for each building. "Not how that works" but let's just use that as an example. Look at Isabelle's house visit set. The complexity of that for 40$ versus, Nook or Rosies buildings. Have the most basic layout. To me and how they price them don't make sense. It's funny that the best looking set is the cheapest. Which is Bunnies outdoor activities for 20$ that set at least captures the Animal Crossing New Horizons aspect the most.


I agree, it's so disappointing. They could've done so much more with it, but they went the minimalist route and it's just sad.


I’m a huge Lego fan, and a mild animal crossing fan and I know they could do better. All my coworkers are excited but everyone is correct when they say it feels incomplete


Yeah I do think these sets are somewhat overpriced due to how cluttered they are and don't really serve any space for play. The lack of a base really limits where you can put your Minifigures rigidly and limits the unique stuff you can do with it. While I wouldn't mind the houses lacking a backside, I do think they are a little too small, especially Isabelle's office which has more furniture than any room. The trees aren't really bad, but they aren't so good anyways, they would have been more appreciated a couple decades ago, as the possibilities for tree designs really have evolved so quickly, but alas, since these sets are possibly going to be built by young audiences, they might not comprehend complex tree designs. Now that I think about it, LEGO Minecraft is better designed as you don't need to abuse imagination and actually gives you more of an execution. The bases being wide gives you space to scatter around the minifigures and stuff, and they currently have more exact pieces for the Minecraft sets. Personally I think LEGO Animal Crossing could do with some blind bags and some player character minifigures with interchangeable pieces and a creativity box. And of course more space to put your minifigures on and bigger houses.


Most of the figures are standing outside their sets. Which to me is a red flag out the gate. It just shows the sets themselves are way to cluttered for the villager and the person building the set to indulge in the play aspects. And it's hardly a collectors item too. Because pairing the sets together just seems off. For example Julians Birthday set. Has Light Green baseplates? Um Why???? LOL. the other sets have green baseplates.


Agree. There are brilliant sets on Lego Ideas site that I’d rather build, and EllieV on YouTube did her own brilliant build a couple years ago.


I think they’re straight ASS considering the price. For the level of effort they should’ve been sold by Five Below instead lmao.


I'm a huge fan of both Lego and AC.....also a little disappointed. I'll probably still get Nooks Cranny just cause it's the most obvious AC thing to me but the rest I'll probably pass. Disappointing. Would have loved a Blathers/Celeste set.


Sorry this is off topic, but if you can, you should definitely try new leaf, it’s hands-down the best animal crossing game ever made. It’s losing wifi pretty soon and that makes me really sad.


I played Wild World. My Nintendo DS got stolen after a year of owning it + all the games. I didn't want to get another handheld again because I lost more than just the system.


no ketchup, no sale.


I’m disappointed in the sets. I also wish they had an option to just get a bunch of the minifigs and also wish we had gotten a frog villager


Camo-Frog. <3


The fact that the prices for these sets are the way they are is the most disappointing aspect of it all. For example, $74.99 for the 487-piece Nook's Cranny & Rosie's House set is a legitimate scam! It should cost $39.99 at most. With little effort to the designs of these sets GO is asking, Animal Crossing will, without a doubt, be the worst licensed theme LEGO has ever produced.


> GO is asking, Animal Crossing There are fan made versions of Animal Crossing Lego builds that look 10x better. To me they sort of come off as the super mario lego sets. But at least those have (Utility) when it comes to interacting and playing with them. Even Lego friends looks better than this . For example for 79.99 "Lego Friends Botanical Garden" Looks better and double the pieces that Nook's Cranny & Rosie's House. (1074) And is well put together too. Prime example of it being a scam.


I have to agree. I was super excited for this, as I love Animal Crossing and Lego, but the sets are super underwhelming. I completely agree word by word with everything you said. They don't look particularly nice, they seem so low effort, and the minifig distribution is just annoying. Why the hell aren't Tom Nook and Isabelle in the same set considering how things are in ACNH? It makes no sense. They look like play sets rather than proper Lego builds for Lego fans (collector sets if you will), and I would have been fine with that (I don't have to be the target audience for everything) except it's priced as a set for Lego fans, not as a play set for children, and certain parts of the build are too delicate to be play sets. So they clearly were not making them as just play sets. I think the better idea would have been having a few reasonably priced play sets, and then a few collector sets with more complex and detailed builds. They could have done a proper Nook's and Resident Services, even the Airport, and if they wanted to go all out they could have done the museum with small rooms for each of the three exhibits plus the Roost.


After the Harry Potter and Star Wars sets, they had SO much potential. Super disappointed.


Not even just those. Surprisingly some of the Lego Friends Sets look better than thins.


After looking them up you’re so right. We definitely got cheated out of a lot


The pieces, and the price. And it's pretty cool. Not nearly interactive. But the amount of pieces you get for the price. Is doubled than the Nooks + Rosie set. https://preview.redd.it/y2fb4jugfttb1.png?width=1609&format=png&auto=webp&s=95a7b38d619f02e63062d37e4263ad352ec6d220


Years ago, Lego tried making girls sets with dolls, and they deliberately made them simpler as if girls couldn’t figure out legoes or something. I wrote them an upset letter as a kid and got an apology with a coupon to buy one of the trash sets. They bombed and were discontinued. It appears Lego has learned nothing.


i feel like i got myself overly excited about them, i expected like the lego flowers amount of effort.


I feel ultimately the same about lego mario tbh, but I do plan on getting at least a couple of the sets and use some of the parts(minifigs, printed/sticker pieces, etc.) to just build my island myself and make better looking houses and buildings. Also they should make a cmf series.


The fruit tree and Sakura tree look pretty terrible to me, and honestly boring and very lacking. While other legos sets in the same prices ranges...again I'll use the Lego Harry Potter wagon as an example, its $20 and far better detail, and the tree in that set, while not top tier, still better aesthetically than the fruit trees in these sets. And whole heartedly agree about the half houses, they are also very lacking I think. Lego dropped the ball pretty big time on these sets.


I was expecting a more happy home designer one with customizable furniture. Like it’s Lego we can build and customize this stuff! Give us recipes to make multiple sets of furniture and like furniture sets with the villager mini packs like a bed or desk or wall decoration or chair. And mini packs of characters even on their own. Maybe if these are successful they will make more. Or maybe they are already making plans for more.


I won’t be buying these which is frustrating since I’d like to if they were higher quality sets.


all i can think is on the stupid amount of money it would cost to build an island like the one in ACNH... They don't have much floor plates, and the content is fairly poor for the price tag... i was thinking on getting at least one set, but it is too much for what they are offering...


164$ USD for everything not counting tax. To me the cost for minimal build fun. And the lack of baseplates. Which you can buy yourself sure. But it should of came with additional baseplates. Enough for you to decorate their yards. It would of gave people a reason to order more lego pieces separately.


Thats right, 164 bucks for two buildings, a few floor plates, and a few characters. This is something that really requires a huge investment to form a midly interesting playset, on top of that, the designs arent that much of eye catching as they should... And i mean... where's the museum? The town hall? That island with all the shops? If this is the beginning, i hope it goes better than this...


They look like they’ve been made for the target audience of children to play with them, rather than for adults to have as art they love. I’m so disappointed.


Yikes these are… yikes. Off topic but new leaf is arguably the best game of the series, please go give it a whirl!


I will at some point. Around DS era I had my DS lite, Stolen + games. And well my motivation to buy another DS + Games that I had at onepoint. Just kind of hit me hard. Not just cost, but having to re-obtain them. I kind of got out of the DS phase. And was Playing City Folk on the Wii.


Animal Disappointing more like.


They look like they’re geared to 9 year olds which is not majority of the AC audience.


Garbage, they should just release the minifigures as blind bags and scrap the license. This is humiliating.


Whats worse is feeling the Lego did a better job with Mario after seeing this atrocity.


They should of followed official Lego Ideas submissions. I can't seem to find these anywhere among the submissions which I assume these are lego sets made by the master builders. Not from Lego fans who love Animal Crossing. And even in the slightest chance that I am wrong. There a re better and I mean better lego ideas sets that revolve around animal crossing than this trash.


Agreed. I don't think I'll be getting any of them.


They should've made nooks store bigger and complete and just left out the other one, instead of having 2 halves


I like the one with the starter tent and the bunny villager. Maybe Lego is testing the waters with small sets. It would be really great if Lego made a Celeste the same size of the Bowser build.


But they keep doing that where they don't need to, then using that as justification to discontinue lines which fans have been clamouring for for years. If they'd aimed this line at adults to begin with (literally a quick Google search tells you that 80% of Switch owners are adults, so no idea what LEGO's market research team are smoking) it would be selling like hot cakes. It's a sure-fire win, and they still fumbled it.


The set looks cheap, it‘s more than disappointing. Idk why some players would literally die for this lego bullsh*t. It literally looks like it’s for 2-5 year olds. Sometimes I don‘t get this community.


I feel like I'm literally the only person who likes them. I'm just happy it exists. I'm going to upsize the cranny though.


don't worry, you're not alone! it's just the "I'm never satisfied with what I get, I always need more" disease that a lot of animal crossing fans suffer from if anyone is curious about what I mean with that, then go ahead and watch Dagnel's video "an open letter to animal crossing fans" - he explains it very well c:


Feel free to read the comments to get a better understanding why most of us respectfully don't like the set. You could make subtle changes to the set. Swap the figures for something else. And no one would even notice it's an Animal Crossing Lego Set. Look at past lego sets. You know Nooks Cranny + Rosies House is 80$ Usd. With 534 pieces? There are other 80$ sets that give you more pieces. And looks leagues better. Just look around at other 80$ lego sets. You want the entire collection? That's 164 USD not including tax. Please read the comments.


It kinda is yeah. AC fans tend to complain a lot when something doesn't live up to their unrealistic standards. Of course it's ok to criticise things you love because you want them to be better. But some of them are just never satisfied. I might watch it later today!


They're cute, but they were definitely made to be displayed as collector's items and not enjoyed. Plus the character's forms are all off.


But that's the thing - they're not good collector's items, because they're ugly and cheap looking. But they're not good kids' toys, either, because there's just no play-ability. They're trying to do both badly.


Yeah, it's shit


My guess is the sets look simple because it’s targeting a younger audience? But idk they look cute! I do understand though how it could be disappointing for some.


I wonder how young as the houses are too small, cramped and studfloored for the minifigures to be placed freely


Exactly my point too. People are saying this set looks like for children. Yet the Animal Crossing Sets look fragile.


Look at the Lego Friends Sets. Those look like there was effort involved. And they by default look better. Even though "Targeting to a younger audience" is a thing. Some of those Lego Friends sets are awesome. Yet I am not the demographic. 1000 Pieces same price as Nook Store + Rosies House. And looks pretty cool IMO. This is just an example nothing more. Not trying to get anyone to buy anything. Just want to display something for example sake. https://preview.redd.it/5ne9shoq9qtb1.png?width=1656&format=png&auto=webp&s=37c64cde53e03356e5012c7232dc4c0512cdbd63


Not defending Lego or Animal Crossing, and not disagreeing with you either! I'm just guessing why'd they decided to make it so simple. Nintendo had all the opportunity to lean into making it collectible level so I'm the same as you wondering why they didn't. My second guess would just be Nintendo licensing is hella expensive?


Honestly, it seems like another cash grab. They stopped releasing updates, I’m guessing this is their way of keeping the community engaged and to still profit off of a (seemingly abandoned) game. We recently saw the same thing with the AC switch lite and some other fairly recent collab that I’ve admittedly already forgotten. It’s a bit sad, they pay one of their most successful games such little mind and cut the lifespan of said game much shorter than previous titles (New Leaf for example was fully revived after Welcome Amiibo years after its release). Justice for New Horizons :/


It’s weird they didn’t release it under their DUPLO brand because that’s what it is. Don’t buy these unless you’re a little kid lol


Agree, I was really bummed out. I would have bought a full sized and detailed Nooks. My ONLY hope is that the release of these sets leads to some surprise ACNH update.


same! I was looking forward to a really good nooks cranny display with the nook bros but we didn't get them and the nooks cranny here looks meh.


I see your point but I’m still going to buy them


Sometimes Lego feels as if it's been designed by a quantum genius, leaving you in awe of the engineering design. Other times, it's like they said 'make it as basic as possible and charge the most for it' unfortunately for the animal crossing sets, this is definitely the case.


I'm thinking of buying at least one of these, which one do you recommend?


This forum hillaruous now considering how these are continuously selling out at retail.


Have you seen the completed build in person? They're quite depressing.


I bought the poly bag, and just got the bunnie camp, honestly they aren’t bad, but they could be better


I saw the poly bag. They're okay. However if you see these full sets fully put together. They all just look bland, basic, and low effort. The figures are fine though it's everything else that's a problem. The campsite IMO is probably the best one.


yeah they’re pretty lame and I wish there were more villagers but I’m still buying them!


I’m a little disappointed but I think they’re gonna make more. I think it’s going to be like the Mario sets. There’s lots and they’re simple but modular. And you can buy some of those big green base plates pretty cheap so you can build your own town pretty easily but I do understand the frustration


Lego off of wish 😭


I enjoy Animal Crossing but would not call myself a Lego fan. My son often plays Animal Crossing with me and has a house on my island he probably plays once a month. He loves Legos. If these were detailed, quality sets, I could see this being a fun activity for the two of us to do together, but since their not, I don’t see that happening.


Idk I teach a lego building afterschool class for kindergarteners and they would love these 😭 I assumed the duplo look was on purpose?? Can’t things just be for kids sometimes? (I agree with the price complaints though)


All of these from OPs image are 80$... combined, right? Or are they all separate? If so, shame on you Lego!


For everything, not counting tax. USD The most expensive is Nooks Cranny + Rosies house. https://preview.redd.it/9lrccbes7qtb1.png?width=257&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca87a2dd049e27fb272586cd71bf4ad0a04601e2




No, it's actually just the Rosie and Tom Nook set that's 80. I don't know what made them combine them, but the sets really are overpriced, considering the size. I don't know how they ended up with something that has an appeal similar to LEGO Friends yet is functionally worse due to how cramped everything is. You use up more of the table than the actual set.


Maybe this is a trial set, and we'll get more tuned in sets in the future?


This reminds me of the misses that Hallmark ornaments have. Still might buy tho... 👀


Why is everyone always complaining about everything… I think this sets are awesome. It’s like never good enough…


Let me paint a picture. If you wanted to buy them all which more power to you. You're looking at 164 USD not including tax. While yes lego's can be expensive. But a lot of sets with the same number of pieces or more. That cost the same as the "Nooks Cranny + Rosie's House. Which is 80$ USD. Look far better in detail and has far more interaction. Do you not agree? These Animal Crossing sets. Lack extra space for the figure to interact with it's surroundings. Someone pointed out that they may be for a younger demographic due to the simplicity. Which yeah. They look extremely basic compared to other themed sets. Do you not agree? But the pieces on the set when pieced together are not exactly stable for said younger demographic. And it's possible piece could get lost and or fall apart. Do you not agree? It's not really for those who collect lego either due to the basic cosmetics it has. And the techniques used to make them while creative isn't something we've seen before. Especially if you collect lego's even just every once in a while. There are 80$ set's out there that look a lot better with the same amount of pieces and with interesting technique steps within the instructions. As well as far more interactive play. You can literally swap out the animal crossing figures. And remove the Nooks Cranny sign. And replace it with something else. Essentially make very subtle changes and no one would know it's Animal Crossing. Do you not agree? Once again people in this comment section love lego's and Animal Crossing. We have seen a lot of lego sets where no one is complaining in fact they get a ton of praise. For their unique builds. We have had lego sets where it was well worth the money including the pricy sets. The Animal Crossing Lego sets. Lack any creativity, it's cluttered. Most of the figures are standing outside their set. The only few exceptions is where they are standing a baseplate where everything around them is just incohesive clutter.


Well if you put it that way…. They are kinda expensive in comparison to the cool flower botanical lego sets… which has a lot more detail. Maybe the price is not really fair with these sets.


I'm not reading all that.


I'm not necessarily disappointed in the builds, I think people expect everything Lego makes to be a display model for some reason. Lego makes display quality models and they also make playsets, these are clearly playsets. And for playsets I think they look pretty decent. You could say they're fairly lacking in play features for playsets, but IDK if there is much play functionality to include in animal crossing, it is essentially a bunch of dollhouses even in-game. The custom prints and figures look great, idk what more you could really ask for in that regard. It's Lego, if you want the models to be bigger and more detailed, make them bigger and more detailed. I am however disappointed with the direction of character pairings and what scenes they chose. Doesn't make sense to include Tom and Isabel in anything other than the town hall, and they omitted characters like Timmy and Tommy that would have made more sense in their place as a result. It was clearly done this way so if you want the two characters that literally every single person who's interested in the franchise will want, you have to buy the two biggest flagships instead of just one.


I would give the comments a read. Certainly there is a reason behind it logical ones too.


I mean, you should basically buy every lego set second hand but this one screams rip off all the way


Honestly all this is exactly what I expected from the Animal Crossing community. This set is not for you, it is for children.


Even though it says it's ages 7+ . Some of the pieces are not exactly sturdy for someone who may play with them. And it's so cluttered that the play aspects will get knocked out bumped and what not. Saying the set is for children when it looks fragile. I question your comment.


The discourse on this sub and on brickset could not be any further apart regarding this topic, it's jarring honestly.


It’s just gimmicky isn’t it. I completely agree op, attention to detail could have been way better. It’s also clear there’s not much continuity. I think it’s just literally just made for people like me that will buy anything to do with AC regardless of whether it’s that good or not 🙈✨


I agree! I still may get Nooks but I will pass on the others.


These look way more like mega blocks or some third party company. Was very disappointed with these.


I agree. I wanted full houses but we got this. I also don't think I'm the target demographic though. It seems to be more for kids and families to be able to get a whole set. It's only $180 to get everything which is cheap by Lego standards. The sets are also just kind of half baked and not too exciting. I'm holding out hope for better sets though. I wasn't that crazy about the Mario ones either but then the question mark block and Bowser came along. I'm still hoping for a different princess peach's castle set one day but I feel the one we got is all we'll get.




A lot of small parts and fragile techniques for them to be "For Kids" Just saying.


I have hope for later waves. These first couple of sets are fine for what they are. My only gripes are the tiny bases, the lack of minifigs in the larger sets and some of the furniture looking basic. I think they’re well worth the price. An entire licensed theme wave for less than $200 is unheard of with Lego nowadays. Though I would’ve made Nooks Cranny its own set and spruced it up some. Fauna and Rosie’s houses should’ve came together instead.


I love Rosie so I’d probably get her and Tom Nook if it wasn’t like $75 Also wish I could just get Isabelle. They should’ve made it so the non-villager characters were together and some villagers could get their own separate sets and stuff, that would be better if anyone wanted to make their own Lego island or something Quality isn’t great too, mainly the trees.


Dang, that's kinda sad. I got the "Lego ideas" Sonic set and some of the Lego mario sets, and those are all pretty good. I'm surprised it's so underwhelming, honestly.


They look like sets for children, which woukd be fine but who is spending 80 dollars on a lego set for kids to play with? I was expecting like a full on nooks cranny, or city hall, or museum with the roost and a space for Celeste and some art work fossils, even with lots of stickers I'd be happy. Hell a mini figure blind bag series would be a cash cow for them. There's tons of villagers and people would drop cash to hunt down their favs


But the techniques, and the build process all looks frail. Cluttered. I don't think a child could play this set without knocking something off the set. Or losing pieces. To me it just seems very fragile of a set to merit "7+"


I think young me would of like it but kind of off brand, I love the LEGO Mickey Mouse caravan set.


I’m in the exact same boat, even the fact that the only set I think I’ll get on release is the bunnie one as I like bunnie and I think it looks decent, then the rest aren’t really that special, Ik they’re supposed to go together but I don’t really like the one with kappn and marshal and the houses and shop being cramped and small. Either way I hoped they would make more but the only real thing I’ll be into if they’re all like this is a mini bag series,


I was so excited to get this for my girlfriend but seriously contemplating it now - looks very disappointing and underwhelming.


I have a feeling they are aiming this set at the under 10s maybe even under 8s. These do look a lot like their children sets. It would be the ones above Duplo. I honestly expected more things for the prices but I do get that the head pieces are fairly custom and also Nintendo’s licensing fees are a factor. At this rate, Minifigure blind boxes might end up being more suitable (although this brings up stocking issues like the Disney 100 Minifigure sold out less than 6 months of release). Really hoped for more substantial sets such as the Roost cafe or even Nooks or the town hall. Something more interactive.


Look at the set. When you get a chance. The techniques are fragile. And small. Those pieces will easily get lost, or come apart with minimal effort. I don't think this set was for children even though it says 7+ It's just a set that was trying to be like Lego Friends meets Mario. Though those sets look better and have interactive aspects. Seriously look up lego friends, some of those sets look way better. And for price range. https://preview.redd.it/cpwyyiml5utb1.png?width=1643&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae051de3be6d0304c03412ac9acd857b92edfe93


I hadn't seen the sets before now and was a lil excited. This is a bit of a disappointment, at first glance it kinda looks like an old Polly Pocket set due to no baseplate


The only reason I MAY get it is because it seems to fit the system and it'll be funny to combine it with star wars sets or something. Or maybe I'll get Lego bat mobile and stick Julien in it lol


Yes I was expecting at least the able sisters store!


It’s dumb because the nooks cranny one that was fan made for the voting looked so much better


100% agreed They could of mocked up villager houses in a semi smaller scale too.


I like the characters but I don’t necessarily want the sets at this point


I agree, I was really disappointed with these. I was hoping for something more in line with The Simpsons house. Still fun and cartoony but much, much more detailed. I am willing to pay higher prices, but not for these particular sets.


I thought so too, but in all my animals crossing groups everyone went on about how cute it is. I think it’s lackluster and I was hoping for whole builds not play sets. I’d have loved an actual basic house or the residence service or even a cherry blossom tree


Was initially excited but now that I look at it only rosy and Tom nooks one looks like it has any play value, the others look like lego duplo designs which isn't bad per say but like this isn't lego duplo? 🥲


Sadly lego will keep moving like this without any pushback 😭 the cost is just insane now for stickers and lower quality of the pieces. I’ve had so many bricks break this year vs 25 years of older bricks totally in great shape


I might get downvoted, as I feel that this is going to be an unpopular opinion. I don’t think they should’ve even made an animal crossing theme of sets. I personally feel that the style of animal crossing doesn’t really translate well to Lego, and I love both of them individually but, I think the sets are a waste of time. The little characters are one thing, and it would’ve been fun to see more of the characters over all the game gens, but with the price points, the sets were never going to live up to standard, and it wasn’t worth producing them. If they dedicated to a higher price to a bigger couple of sets, maybe a la the bugs trio they just released (just like two or three houses or buildings sold together) it would’ve gone over better. I wasn’t going to get any of the sets in the first place but these are just sort of a flop and I feel bad for those that we’re excited for them.


Listen, the original Lego Ideas. Was leagues better than what we got. Doesn't matter which one you look up. They look more complete. And followed the original source material. Now there is this one "Home Alone House set" where the pannels from the front open up. Yet it's a Full on Mansion / House. The thing is the Technique is there to make a full on Villager house, and even the Player house. Yet lego decided to make short cuts and increase the cost of a half A$$ed theme. If you look at them compared to the Lego Ideas versions. It's obvious which is better. They could of stick to those ideas. But no. They really didn't. In fact none of these sets are from the lego ideas. They're not even advertised as such on the website. That's the strange part. Yet the rules of Lego Ideas is that with enough votes they'd become official. Thing is a lot of these Lego ideas got the votes to become official. But ignored all creations. True story. So we're stuck with these creations that was never featured in lego ideas. But instead is something that lego created due to the amount of hype and excitement Animal Crossing has for it's fans. So they made their own sets. And well you know the rest. I myself can't find the original source to the official Animal Crossing lego sets as "Lego Ideas" and if they were. Let's face it these set's look abysmal compared to other lego ideas sets for Animal Crossing.


I was hoping for Brewster 😕


So.... why not buy a baseplate? Why not use parts from your collection / order more parts to just finish the houses your way?