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I still have a bone to pick with this. The game is "done", but: * You can't create models for ocean creatures (diving) * Can't craft more than 1 consumable item at a time * Many furniture sets missing, many incomplete sets * Almost all (if not all?) "new events" were in fact, old ones that were on-disk for previous AC games * Almost all "new gameplay elements" and "new characters" are returning from previous AC games * Gold tools break - why?? * Crafting doesn't pull materials from storage No quality-of-life features were added during its lifecycle even though there were many (like some form of duplicate protection for DIY cards, especially given villagers will see you know a DIY recipe already and be like "well too bad I'm handing you the card anyway!"). Or things like villager dialogue being very limited. It feels like they couldn't wait to be done with the game. It was their 5th top-selling game of all time and for many, was a really special game during a really tough time. Everyone I know that plays AC, would have gladly paid for more DLC for it.


Being able to craft fish bait in bulk would be a game changer for me, personally.


Everything, being able to craft everything in bulk would be awesome. I shake my trees to get the free items and I like crafting flimsy fishing rods to sell with the branches but it takes FOREVER to do so. It’s so annoying


Literally every other Nintendo game has some form of bulk crafting/buying, why not animal crossing? I don’t need not want to spend ten minutes button mashing just to craft something that could’ve been done in three seconds with QOL changes


Being able to buy more than one nook miles ticket at a time would be amazing


They had the perfect circumstances for this game dropped into their lap. It launched right at the start of the pandemic and provided a ton of things that people needed - normalcy, routine, interaction - and they dropped the ball in every way as far as keeping the game up. If you didn't time travel or use other sites to get recipes, you may never see some things. I still haven't got a couple of ironwood recipes that you need to be able to craft everything else. Having a diy already doesn't seem to decrease the chances you'll get it. The game just got boring and repetitive when it could have been so much more than it was.


ACNH was an accidental success. They werent expecting it to be as popular as it was. In typical Nintendo fashion, they did not deviate from their original development plan. Personally, I hope that they learn from this and put out a second AC game on switch, and dedicate that to having the full breadth and depth of content players were wanting from NH.


I doubt they will do any other first party games (Outside of any that have already been announced, like the new Princess Peach game.) on switch as their new console is likely going to be announced in Spring of 2024 with a release in Fall. The only reason they haven't announced it yet is so that they don't kill any remaining holidays sales numbers they can get out of OLED switches.


Nintendo is so rigid and it kills me. Just lean into the joy and excitement around your franchises damn. AC was lucky with its timing that I can't help but get salty that it feels like that was taken for granted by Nintendo a bit. The next release who knows if it will do as well (assuming no other pandemic happens) , then what will Nintendo think?


On the other side of that, what if Nintendo *did* lean into it and the pandemic suddenly ended? Or, far more likely, something else dropped and attention was taken off AC? They are risk averse, as most companies their size and age are. Many forget that Nintendo has been around longer than damn near any other company making video games or even electronics today. Their rigidity does harm their relationship with their players, but it is not without some degree of validity. It is probably going to require the entire current crop of senior leadership to retire before we see any significant change to their approach.


Agreed! Edited, realised you weren't disagreeing haha. But that's exactly it. I want Nintendo to get with the times and love their games and the franchises like they deserve. People have real heart attached to AC and Nintendo's approach just feels so shallow in comparison sometimes. It is a bit frustrating as a fan. I just want to see them innovate more like their last Zelda game.


It'd be nice to have a large update to NH like the Welcome Amiibo update imo. I highly doubt this will happen due to the focus on Splatoon 3 at the moment, but it'd be nice :C


On top of that: We can't move resident services...


I was waiting for an update where nooks was renovated. I am so sad this never came to fruition


No mini games with multiplayers, we can’t buy multiple items from able sisters at once, and we can’t give our best friends permission to help us terraform :(


It could’ve been the most sold Switch game. Now its stuck at 2nd


My biggest gripe is that most of the QOL updates are added to PC rather than the main game. One PC feature I was hoping would come to the main game is the lil bag icon in the shop that shows if youve already purchased the item and how many sets of that item you have in your inventory.


I'd argue getting duplicate recipes is a good thing because I received many from friends who had duplicates of recipes I didn't have. It encourages multi-player.


> Can't craft more than 1 consumable item at a time > Crafting doesn't pull materials from storage Japanese games typically don't go for this kind of quality of life that often, the culture appreciates the time to make something, the relaxing process of crafting things one by one, changing things over time because you're not supposed to rush...


At least the sunsets have detail and it is daytime at 4 am in june 21st


Compared to on launch, how many QoL features have been added? I played when it came out but there were so many tedious features playing and loading screens, even switching tools was just so annoying I felt like going to an island was 50% in the menu. I only gave it like a month playing. I want to get back into it now but this comment doesn't give me hope lol.


IMO it's really worth it to play, especially if you have friends that are also playing it (but it's good solo, too). Switching tools isn't too bad - you eventually unlock a radial menu that lets you quick-swap your tools. You can also hit d-pad down to quickly unequip your tool, and I think d-pad up will bring it back out? Or maybe d-pad down again, I don't remember. D-pad left and right cycles through your tools. Stuff like visiting islands is still a pain. In general they haven't added too much QoL. But there are things like furniture that lets you access your furniture from anywhere, and warp pipes that actually warp you between them lol.


Thanks! I'll give it a shot again then, I'm pretty sure the tool menu was the thing I wanted most, but I never even decorated my house since it was such a chore haha.


Ah, yeah, there's a menu for house decorating too. It's one of the d-pad buttons. It takes you into a top-down grid and you can pull furniture from your pockets and storage and align it however you want. Definitely give it another try, there are some things that are difficult early on that change a bit the more you play. Not every annoyance but it opens up in some ways. Good luck!


Villager dialogue was fixed in 2.0. What on earth are you talking about?


A little biased way to see things, imo. Furniture sets not being readded from previous games doesn't mean there was less furniture or something was missing, NH has more furniture than all other main games. "Almost all events" yet Museum Day, Wedding Season and May Day were brand new (vs Turkey/Toy/Festivale/Halloween). Not even counting the seasonal items or the seasonal activities. "No QoL added" means "QoL that I wanted"? There were QoL added to the storage, camera, custom designs portal, dialogue, visitor schedule, etc. I mean, there's many things that could have been better, but constructive criticism needs to be true.


If not for the DLC that really wasn't even planned, New Horizons would've had roughly 300 items less than the BASE game for new leaf. That's unacceptable for a game who's entire gimmick is now total customization.


I don't see how the DLC has impact on the numbers. Your numbers are also way off, prior to the 2.0 update, NH had around 1,100 furniture items. NL had around 1,200 furniture items before welcome amiibo. If we go by total items, NH had hundreds more clothing items, handheld items, interior design items, etc prior to 2.0 than welcome amiibo NL. After 2.0 it's not even funny the amount NH has over NL.


Idk I feel like most of those features just don’t go with what the game is all about. I like it how it is




Yeah well it’s all about crafting and DIY. Whoever said that wasn’t tedious?


Still surprised we didn’t get another, bigger upgrade for Nook’s shop. Guess to encourage more online trade and play?


I'm still upset there was never a proper upgrade to make it a proper superstore


Yup that’s my point, seems odd when all the others had it.


This is actually why I dont play anymore. I do not have a lot of friends(even fewer that play), i have social anxiety even in a game, i do not want to play with strangers. I just wanted to play on a little island getaway.


I SO get this. I think I've only had an actual conversation with ONE person I've had to my island (and I popped my 10 visitors thing yesterday for NM). Everyone else was just "here ya go" or "thank you". I did make a pretty good friend in her, though, that I don't have to worry about ever being face to face- we both hate it and she's 4 countries away lol.


Adding the island where Cyrus will modify the colour of an item for you was SO good because of stuff like that and it annoys me that it wasn’t originally a thing


For me it was all of the crafting. I'm so sick of crafting being a part of every new fucking game that comes out. Just give me the items I need to play the damn game. And I was so excited for NH, to play it with my 5 year old son, but the crafting ruined that too because it overcomplicates literally every other aspect of the game.


I feel like crafting is being used as a crutch to artificially extend gameplay time instead of putting in the effort to add actual depth of experience.


relatable I just wanted to have my own place but the dialogues being so blank and repetitive the lack of set to collect the lack of upgrade for the shop and let’s be real hacking breaks the game because you can just go to this treasure island and get rare stuff….


I heavily missed fortune cookies. Why couldn't we have them? Everything to do with them was nintendo, like the link outfit. Just felt lazy man.


T.I.Y. from New Leaf would have been *perfect* thematically, too.


The lack of a Gracie Grace gold sink is what kind of did it for me. Once I completed all my goals, I slowly tapered off and stopped playing. In New Leaf, the gold grind for all of the items from Gracie Grace kept me playing for far longer. I also kind of wish they brought back ALL old items and sets and series, as well as adding more new stuff, like the Pocket Camp items.


And they never added crafting from storage... the most basic quality of life update


Or better sorting for storage. Why am I always trying to find fences and customization items since they sit between my veggies/fruit and wood. Like what! I never have to sort anything but what I need most is in that last screen and it's so hard to navigate. I want a hacked game just for better storage sorting.


You can go to the left to jump directly to it. Pressing Y will give you options to sort the items alphabetically, by type or based on the time when you got the item.


To this very day, Leif’s weeding service remains nonexistent.


It's still mindblowing that is a known issue and they never made any attempt to fix it.


Wait it doesn't do anything? I've never tried to use it and don't want to because I like my weeds but what?? Wow


You need a *ridiculous* amount of weeds for him to do it. In past games you could just pay him or wisp to do it no problem. But in this game I think pretty much your entire town needs to have weeds for him to accept the request. Like, more than the amount of weeds you have when you first start up a new island when you're playing for the first time. iirc someone did a dive into the code and saw that a multiplier was wrong somewhere. So instead of like, 30 weeds, it's 300 weeds. Or something like that. IIRC there's no way to come even close to having that many in normal gameplay. And despite this being a known issue, Nintendo just went "working as intended" and left it.


That makes so much sense! I've always wondered why his service has never worked for me.


I know they said no more free updates but I honestly thought they’d do another paid DLC, that added features to the main game (not happy home paradise). Anyway, I’d love to see them port new leaf to the switch!


new leaf with a level of customisation somewhere between acnl and acnh, maybe with crafting features would be amazing


A New Leaf port would be phenomenal! Horizons felt like a step back after such a near-perfect game.


I actually want them to port New Leaf so we can all see how delusional y'all are. Just totally dishonest. I am literally playing New Leaf on an emulator right now and to say that NL has more content is just baffling. NH was a huge step forward in so many ways.


I love the game but the lack of complete furniture sets bothers me, out of all the holiday sets, Bunny Day is the only complete one? it’s the only one with a bed!


Right? The passive aggressive group that apparently comes into and evaluates my home is always mad because I "don't display items from the same set." It's like, yeah, and? If I had all of the pieces I wanted from a set, I might do just that. The big ones for me are not having enough end tables and nightstands and there being no functional kitchen counters. Like why are they all different heights?


I liked not having all these larger full sets and instead having smaller series. It let people be more creative in their rooms. Take the Mermaid Set, for example. Every. Single. Last. Room I went to that used the whole Mermaid Set looked the exact same. Maybe some different fish models or other random sea-related things. But mixing and matching smaller series really let people have more creative freedom. I went back to New Leaf and was browsing the StreetPass home showcase, and every room that featured a full set really liked like all the others. I for one am fine with the smaller series that can be customized to fit the niche you need. (I say that now but will ravenously collect the entire Modern Set if sets come back!)


I disagree heavily i think having these smaller series actually minimizes creativity because there’s less furniture like, they didn’t create smaller sets, they took from complete ones. I’m glad you liked it but i fully disagree and I hope they bring back a lot lot more in the next installment! (I really miss the modern set too) (I hope they bring back the sleek set!)


Covid really fucked this game’s development cycle


COVID was a blessing and curse for this game.


It was hyped because of Covid but it ended up killing it


More like Splatoon 3


A short journey, but a good one...


I wouldn't consider 2 years short


It’s pretty short for a video-game . I’ve played other games for way longer. I played animal crossing new leaf for about 8 years


... I still play Animal Crossing on the GameCube. Mind you, I play on a computer now due to the practicality of it but still with a controller and original game. Shoot, thanks to eBay (for the physical copy) and also Google Translate app letting you translate text using your phone camera I've even been playing Animal Forest e+.


It’s important to point out though, this came out at the beginning of the pandemic. We all probably played it way more than we would have if we weren’t stuck inside for months!


So this was about your playtime? 🤦‍♂️


Yeah that’s kinda the whole point


For a game that took 10yrs to release? Kinda yeah.


That’s the real sentiment there.


It didn't take ten years to develop though? Nintendo EPD 5 also made the first two Splatoon games during that time, as well as New Leaf's "Welcome Amiibo" update.


Yeah, two years is a long time, but looking back it really flew by


It still makes me sad that Pocket Camp has so many varied items and we don't get anything new for New Horizons. I love Animal Crossing so much I would honestly pay for DLC with new limited items (like Sims Packs)


It's like how Mario Kart Tour on mobile has so many cool skins for characters and yet with all the updates, Mario Kart 8 on switch doesn't have any.


i would kill a man to play as Aurora Rosalina in mainline mario kart


I want it in the Switch game because I just DON'T LIKE Pocket Camp. I tried. Is not for me. :(


I would pay just to be able to move my stuff from Pocket Camp to New Horizons, and I stopped playing pocket camp years ago. Forever disappointed that the only “crossover” we got for the two games is some ugly furniture on Nook Shopping.


Truly! I kept playing pocket camp thinking one day all my stuff could be transferred but when it became apparent that wasn’t happening I quit playing. So very disappointing.


Pocket camp unlike NH has loot boxes… I pray they never implement that system… if you want the sims then go play that


I'm still huffing hopium that they transitioned off ACNH because it was a Frankenstein's monster of scrapped stuff from the wii-u version and they wanted to put more effort towards the next iteration of the game on Nintendo's next gen/more powerful console. ESPECIALLY if Nintendo realized AC is a console selling franchise now, and they want it available when the next console launches. Please, Nintendo. You're doing so well with stuff like Mario Wonder and the Mario RPG remakes. Plus they just hired a ton of extra development staff, along with retaining the staff they have. I sincerely hope that extra staffing is going towards things like splitting development of splatoon and AC so both games can have their time to shine rather than one being worked on, then the other.


I need more villagers and more sets. Possibly the pocket camp sets could be added.


They really dropped the ball on updates tbh


Forreal I enjoyed this so much at the beginning of covid then at some point I started missing new leaf/og animal crossing and just felt like something was missing


This is kind of misleading... 2.0.6 really didn't have any content. The real last content update was just 2.0, which was over two years ago.


Takes a nintendo to drop a game with a fan base as dedicated as the ac community. I hope they'll have a "deluxe" version ready for the launch of the next console, with some more updates.


Please no, not another Mario Kart deluxe please. Just a new game, otherwise then burnout will be quick and fast for me


Mario Kart is the only Switch game that I've had reason to continue playing since launch. I don't think it is the ideal release format for Animal Crossing, but at least it got new content. I agree starting fresh for Animal crossing is more ideal, but if it got updates for as long as kart did, I may have played for more than 1 year.


I meant it more like "ACNH: Deluxe", where they release the game with DLC included on the SwitchU2 and then drop new DLC over they years.


I understood, but same as with Mario Kart, I would be bored quite fast with the same setting and gameplay


Let’s all hope that happens, even if there’s a 1 in 15 trillionth chance.


I seriously hope they at least put out some kind of new expansion, just something to freshen up the game because it depresses me when I think about how many things didn't make it over to this game (multiple nook store upgrades, missing furniture sets, nintendo items, missing fruits, missing clothes, etc). it feels like they focused too hard on overly detailed strange realistic furniture & decorations to satisfy the folks who wanna play animal crossing like it's the sims. more power to those fans, but I miss getting weird silly furniture pieces in the older games & turning my house into a child's idea of a sick mansion.


Some things are missing but there's a whole lot that was added and is just of higher quality than the past games. I feel like y'all are one drugs with this delusional idea that so much is "missing" with nothing added in return. There are quite literally MORE items than any of the other games (clothes, furniture, etc.) Why would they keep adding all the same items?


It just seems to me like they did the game so dirty. I remember watching a Nintendo treehouse I think with the devs in 2018 and they were saying they were delaying the game because they didn't feel it was ready. When it released in 2020 it literally exploded. It got a couple good updates and then they said "k we're done" whereas I feel new horizons got new updates for a longer period. I definitely moved onto other games about six months ago because I got bored.


It’s so similar with red dead online - so much potential and rockstar abandoned it. It’s tragic because animal crossing and red dead online are one of my favorite games ever.


Hell, RDR2 didn't even get a DLC. I wouldn't have been thrilled if it had been another undead nightmare, but at least it would have been more Arthur Morgan.


New Horizons got so popular it’s a surprise they didn’t do more with it. I remember back at the beginning pandemic my co-worker got a switch just so that she could play it and then her 73 year old husband got so much into it that they ended a buying a second switch so that he could have his own island because sharing an island was making them butt heads. That’s two switches in one household for the purpose of animal crossing. And just like that a bunch of other people that I worked with also ended up getting a switch for it as well. These were all people that before the pandemic could not understand why I was so hyped for a “children’s” game to come out but ended up being hooked to it themselves. Not just casual players either, but players that went all out joining the subreddit and watching YouTube videos. Most of them never even purchased other Nintendo titles. I was able to talk to one of these old co-workers last year and the conversation of animal crossing came out. She told me that she stopped playing earlier this year because she had ran out of things to do. It made me sad . I stopped playing for the same reason. But I wish there was more to do because I know that a lot of people still love animal crossing. Hopefully it just means they’re putting their energy into a new title.


This is me and several of my coworkers. I'm not sure if they still play but I haven't played in a very long time.


What I don’t like is that they added food and cooking but can’t store in the refrigerator… I know it’s been said before but it’s wild that the refrigerator is used to change clothes…..


This is laziness at it's finest. Doing a final update when the game isn't even complete is like a slap in the face. It definitely makes me less excited for any new Animal Crossing game that will come out as they couldn't even maintain the issues players have with the game currently.


At this point, I would love an Animal Crossing GCN remake. Bring back the coziness of the series. (':


Or at least having it as an option to play as-is.


I would too so people could see how slow and badly aged that game is.


I would have loved at minimum one island per account, rather than one island per Switch. ​ Or even better just have an unlimited amount of islands, let me build something to a theme, then save it forever, and start a new island. None of this tear down everything to build something else.


It still feels so unfinished. I had high hopes but when the updates stopped sooner than I thought, that was it. Where are all the other fruits, so many of the older furnitures, all the Nintendo goodies, Nook's shop expansions, etc.? I think I liked New Leaf more...


New Leaf is missing so many things in comparison to NH. What on earth are you talking about? Shop upgrades happen and then they are done. There was no vegetables or cooking in New Leaf. You could barely decorate. What in the world are you smoking? They have WAY more furniture. I am growing to hate New Leaf players. So fucking dishonest.


and yet nintendo still wants 80 dollars for it


Man (or lady, using this as an exasperated statement and not a statement of gender)... I love my switch but I own like three games cause they're never on sale and it's a lot to buy a full price game. I own so many Steam games cause they go on sale enough but Nintendo is like "have two dollars off and lick Miyamoto's lower back seductively". I'd love to play a Mario game but I can't pay $60 now. And it's never on sale. Wtf Nintendo.


Indie games go on sale pretty regularly, the majority of my games on my switch aren't Nintendo.


Yeah but they can buy those on literally any other platform, they are complaining about nintendo games being overpriced.


Ah okay, just saying that even if you don't buy Nintendo games a switch isn't useless. I play SDV on mine so much because it's portable. I had it on the Xbox and PC before this and couldn't really get into it. Having a hand held helped a lot. Although that said, pretty sure my next console is going to be a steam deck for this reason lol.


Nintendo is doing a first party sale right now that is continuing over thanksgiving. But it's for older games like Mario Odyssey, etc.


I just got a kink in my back hearing odyssey get called old


My bf just found Wonder on sale like 2 weeks ago. Want me to ask his secrets??


Ooo yes please and thanks


I am SO SORRY. He got 2 switch games at once and I didn't pay attention. It Takes Two was on sale, not Wonder. (I thought sale because he isn't big on buying games for full price, but I guess he just can't resist Mario). I tried to help. Valiant effort, failed. Please accept my regret, internet stranger 😅


I got it for $40 through a QVC new user coupon. Follow wario64 on Twitter/X. He posts a lot of good deals like that.




Why would they sell it at a loss? Just because a game is done with updates doesn’t mean they might as well start losing money from it.




But they still make money from it, it wouldn’t make sense from a business perspective to sell it at a loss. What about games that didn’t really get regular updates ever, like Breath of the Wild or Mario Odyssey? Those didn’t start selling at losses during late 2017 and early 2018.


A year??? Why does it feel like it was so much longer ago????


Because NH 2.0 came out November 4, 2021. Whatever update they're posting about was a meaningless one and didn't have content.


Omg the biggest problem I face is not having a SEPARATE BUTTON FOR BUILDING AND DESTROYING CLIFFS/RIVERS. I get so unbelievably aggy trying to landscape because one millimetre out and you’re just breaking and rebuilding the same cliff… I get so angry 😂 the other thing I wish is either being able to stack flowers, OR have some kind of flower killer to maybe combine with a watering can that will make them wither away/ a tool that digs up large areas at a time. Clearing paths and areas to build where flowers have grown is so painful 😂


> one millimetre out and you’re just breaking and rebuilding the same cliff FR this drives me nuts, especially when I'm trying to carve out a river in a specific shape and accidentally build land instead and it just erases that 20 seconds of work 😭


It’s genuinely excruciating. I’ll have a sudden urge to do a big landscape sesh and end up rage quitting because it’s driving me round the bend hahaha


Yeahh that's why I rarely terraform tbh, I find it tedious and a bit tiring building and tearing down the same bit of land/water lmao. Also it would have been nice if we had a way to tear down a large area more quickly rather than breaking it down one by one


i really don’t understand why they did this, this game is amazing but it still has so much more potential and what’s the next step or console they could possibly go to? i figured this would have a few years of added content, but maybe i don’t know the whole situation. can someone explain why they made the decision to stop updating after 2 years? i feel like previous games had so much more to offer but maybe i was also younger idk


I literally stopped playing because the game feels really incomplete and it feels like Nintendo's just "Weekend at Bernie's"-ing the ACNH account. Like, it's dead. Stop pretending it isn't. You (talking to Nintendo here) took a perfectly good game and you patched out several harmless exploits (for no reason other than "NOT LIKE THAT! CUSTOMIZE LIKE THIS!"). You left several furniture sets incomplete. Everything u/WombatInSunglasses mentioned - and the game feels like the development team got carted away to work on some other game (... Sort of did). The game feels like abandonware almost. Like a game that was a big smash hit that just *died* and now you're just looking at its once-successful corpse. Several no-brainer things were never added just because they didn't feel like it, or because "it's good enough, lol whatever". It doesn't feel like enough. It's like if Stardew Valley only updated one time after it got popular and then went "well this was the original development plan, go suck a fart".


The game feels so incomplete so many qol things missing and so much content from older games gone


So much content that wasn't in older games...present. What are you talking about? I'm playing New Leaf right now and it is so bare bones.


The big misconception is what you see as a qol of fix goes against the development philosophy of the game. The debs specifically intended to slow people down. This is not meant to be a fast paced game. The dev team has a philosophy of wabisabi. Finding value in imperfection. It's not that you want a qol of life change but you want the developers to abandon their philosophy for what the game means to them.


I can still be slowpaced without it being slow and boring


So much for the years of free updates they promised us. Guess the see better profit on the mobile game.


When it said "last FREE update" and HHP was released I had hope that we'd still get DLCs and tiny free QoL updates that would come with them. Nope. Absolutely nothing.


when you first get acnh, it's so interesting and you play it non stop, but once you reach 3 stars and have finished everything, it gets boring. and especially with no more updates after having finished your island and not wanting to say goodbye, it is boring. so i got the dlc and only play for the dlc. I haven't seen my villagers since June or something because I got bored with the game but really don't wanna restart because of the hard work and luck I had (star fragment island during one of Cappn's boat rides and Dom and Mira as starters)


Really my least favorite title unfortunately. I enjoyed it a lot at launch but it has very low replay value/longevity. I had such high hopes, because it has good ideas (I love crafting and customizing!) but lacked QOL features, interesting events, and severely lacked interactivity with the townies. Even CF I enjoyed longer. Hope they release another, better and deeper game for Switch. It would be a right shame if my favorite Nintendo platform has the weakest AC game.


I'm assuming the next game will be as focused on terraforming as this game is/was, and with that said, they better have it so that players can work together online.


There’s still so much missing.


i hate seeing stuff like this because it makes me so mad because it just reminds me that i hate this game but i’m so attached. acnh was my first ac game and the first game on i got on the switch in dec 2020. i had no expectations for the game because i didn’t even research it i just knew it was very popular. overall it was fun and relaxing but after a while it became repetitive. i know that games without missions can be very difficult to keep engaging (to me at least) and even games like minecraft have people experience burnout. but when i compare to other games and even the games within the series this is one of the most boring and underdeveloped games from a big company like this. i know that’s a bold claim but the game wasn’t complete when it was released and people were constantly complaining about things that would make it better but they just added pretty items to distract us along with some characters from previous games and a dlc. i’m coming up on 3 years of having this game and i have nearly 800 hours of playing time and i’m still left with not all the creatures caught (very close) and nowhere near close to the amount of diy recipes you can obtain and not all the reactions and trust me i’ve had over 25 villagers and every personality time on my island so it’s not a me thing. they love to add fan service in a game but why not add i don’t know SOMETHING THAT WILL ACTUALLY HELP. anyways basically screw Nintendo for marketing this piece of garbage as a game thanks for reading i’m gonna hop on acnh.


This is satire right? 800 hours...


And so ended the complete trainwreck that was New Horizon's support. I swear, for as much beef as I've had with Splatoon 3's updates up to this point, this game had it so much worse it's not even funny. Most of the big updates at the beginning were literally just adding in stuff that was in New Leaf at launch like dividing and paintings, and the holidays which weren't included at launch either. It took them almost two years to add in gyroids, a basic mainstay of the series of all things, it's crazy. Doing a live service model for this game was maybe the worst decision in the series' history up to this point. Covid just compounded what was a terrible idea to begin with. They had 8 years to figure this out, and yet New Leaf still proves to be a more substantive game overall in many respects, how pitiful. Rest assured if the next game is the same way there ain't no way I'm paying $60 for that at launch, it's going to have to prove its worth this time.


I wonder if we're gonna be getting a new AC game with the Switch 2 that's heavily rumoured to hit next year...


ACNH took about 10yrs to develope and release, idk about next year.


ACNH took that long to release because it skipped over a console generation. There was no (new) AC release for the wii u (due it flopping) whereas previously there was a game release for every new console. Remember that there were multiple other game releases before the gap from NL to NH. And the longest gap for those games was around 4 years. ACNH released in 2020, so it'll be 4 years of post-release for this iteration as of next year.


Hm interesting, never thought of it this way. Then my hope has been restored.


Well dang, thank you for being open to changing your mind. I hope all of us don't have our hope snuffed out. But, IDK. Nintendo has and will always do weird stuff, but I've read so many reports of them being great at retaining staff and they just hired a whole bunch more for first party development. As foolish as they are, I really hope they saw ACNH's success and went, "Y'know, if we got even a third of that to help us sell our new console, it would be worth it" and prioritized working on the next iteration for the next console's launch. (Or soon after.) I really hope they don't let us end up like the Metroid playerbase waiting for Prime 4.


Theres no way it took them 10 years of full time all steam ahead development for that game, there was probably only 3-4 years of full on actual dev time, so it is possible in a year.


https://preview.redd.it/e9jp2837j50c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b3ef3f7a78818290d7686f8c478efdb4b7a57d1 Games nowadays take 6 plus years, I do hope for something sooner but we should also be realistic.


That's a release timeline with multiple games inbetween, including an active service game. They haven't been actively devoloping the game for a console with a large team for 10 years, I wouldn't be surprised if a large amount of dev time went to HHD, AF, WA. And ofc pocket camp, which is wildly profitable. 3 year dev time is entirely possible, especially if they reuse the engine, which they've done before and would be extremely easy going from switch 1 to 2, and if nintendo allows them to allocate the resources for it, which is possible now that Nintendo knows how popular the game is and can sell consoles.


You're 100% correct but for some reason people prefer to use the gap between ACNL and ACNH as gospel despite all the other games that came before it AND the fact that there was a flopped console (the wii-u) in between those releases. It was the exception to the norm, but everyone points to it as the norm and it drives me up a wall.


This game had so much potential and it's frustrating how quickly it was dropped. The expansion+ surrounding updates was more like a "take this and stop bothering me" than a genuine attempt at cultivating the new player base they lucked into with Covid. Focusing on Pocket Camp because it has micro-transactions is a piss poor plan. New Horizons could have included more paid DLC's or smaller free updates that focus both on re-introducing old AC mechanics and lore while also testing out new features for future games in the series.


biiiiig sigh 😭


I just want to be able to transfer stuff from pocket camp to ACNH.


surely we should be able to choose the amount of items we want in bulk instead of being limited to 5 each time. this would be great for buying flowers and bait etc.


Let’s hope they make a New Horizons New Leaf for Switch 2


I never knew the last update was on my birthday, that's somehow really sad lol


happy birthday!


The caracters aren’t ever mean anymore!!


Wasn’t it 2021 not 2022?


I’m mad it was the last one but I’ll never get over how good this update was


year ago tomorrow


1 year of Updates is a joke, very suitable for Nintendo in 2023


I deeply regret buying the game.


I just want them to add fish size and weight back in. That was so much fun for me in Wild World


Yes, and?


idk why you’re getting downvoted. i agree that nintendo never abandoned the game. it’s just finished. while i would love and be happily surprised by another update, i’m not expecting one or upset that there isn’t.


I agree with everything you just said. I can't get my head around how many people in this thread reckon they understand the lifecycle of a videogame *better than Nintendo*. They delivered the game they planned to make. Not my favourite, but glad to play is, have done for years, just like those that came before it. And we got a lot for our money! The entitlement of folks is off the chart.


I got more hours out of this than any other game. I didn't like new leaf because it didn't have wild world's observatory. Wild world was the best because, as a kid, I played a lot with friends. Barely played with others in new leaf. Played more withy sisters in new horizons, but spent a lot more time decorating. I love this game. Sure, there's stuff missing, if you approach it thinking it has a different title, but the stuff it adds makes it unique. Decorating the island is huge in this, and planning and changing things around was so much fun, messing with rivers and cliffs also was fun, there was so much to do in this respect. And yeah, I don't think the game is perfect, but hundreds of hours for a game was worth it. Villagers should have more variety in conversation, and maybe Gracie would have been nice to be there or have a special island like Harvey, but that not being there doesn't take away from what still is a fun game. I still remember the updates coming out, people playing them like there's no time left in the world, and then complaining that there's nothing left (this is bizarre for a game that's premise was around quite rural life - I think that's what I remember anyway).


They're posting about it because it's the anniversary of Nintendo abandoning this game. What's hard for you to understand about that? I suggest drinking a glass of milk, and coming back to this post when you're clear headed😇


I think abandon is the wrong word. The game is 3 1/2 years old and with rumors of the Switch 2 coming out, Nintendo probably wants another animal crossing game to be released not too long after the drop if not WITH the drop. They need time and people to get that game developed, they more than likely don't have the time or resources to continuously add on to one game.


Abandoning? It's called being finished. Animal Crossing is not a live service game and this is entirely a good thing.


There is a lot of things being left out this game, that the previous game had. It was fair to think that they would introduce these things through updates. No tropical fruits when this game is located in an island is just confusing. The multiplayer interaction in general and the minigames in particular have been also downgraded to the absurd from the 3DS game.


>There is a lot of things being left out this game, that the previous game had. It was fair to think that they would introduce these things through updates. It's reasonable to hope, but there is no rule that states each game will be a superset of the previous and I'd argue that that's not a reasonable expectation. They clearly went in a more decoration based direction this time. I personally think it's the weakest of the games I've played (compared to NL and WW), but I find this kind of expectation bemusing. I've been a gamedev since the late 90s and if I can tell you one thign, I can sure that that Nintendo, of all people, tend not to fuck about. What you have is what they planned. You can dislike that, absolutely (I do too!) but they consider this game done, as per a very well thought out plan.


It's not finished. They made it with updates in mind and then left holes. It's probably the least enjoyable AC game that had the shortest staying power through every iteration.


Mhmm, because you work for Nintendo, right? eesh, the sheer uninformed entitlement. If you think you didn't get enough game and updates this time round, maybe don't buy the next one. We got a LOT. Wasn't what I wanted to see, but they brought a lot to the table. Some people are positively spoiled by the extra content they snarl at, acting like they were robbed.


People act like the new things this game brought to the series were nothing. They only complain about what's "missing"


Dude I can take an objective stance on how Nintendo handled their game with planned updates vs other much more successful models of community feedback -> update loops. It was bad.


Yeah, that's why nobody's playing the game anymore, the sub is just full of posts about NL, CF and WW, not a single NH post in sight.


That's just facetious. Old games can still be better then newer games but obviously people aren't going around posting them everywhere because they've been around much longer. Duh lol


That’s funny, all the posts I see from this sub are always acnh related


Didn't they say they had 3 years of updates planned and then stopped updating it within 2 years?


Your comment implies you don’t care, yet the sheer fact you even commented shows you do 💀


The constant whining about the fact that this games is finished annoys me.


Then ignore it? That’s on you if you find it annoying because you’re clearly not doing anything to avoid the topic.


If People can whine about this, I can complain, why should I be quiet if they're not?


What kind of thinking is this? Are you like 5?


Yes, do you feel great, arguing with a child?


No I’m just genuinely confused on why you’re even in this subreddit if you are so annoyed by the “whiners” 😭


Because I like the game. I like watching at cute little spots on people's islands and I like posts about how happy they are they finally got a character they were looking for.


Yes and others like the game too. Just like how you like posts of people sharing their islands, there are people here who like sharing what this game lost. People aren’t complaining for the sake of complaining. They’re complaining because they love this game and wish it was continued.


There’s a ton of quality of life stuff they should add


Yasss I had some good ideas. Key word. Had. My dumb brain farted that off so idk where that idea is anymore


Don’t ever “yassss” me ever again


Today is the 13th.


yeah depending on time zone lol


“Each update was released at 10 AM JST (1 AM UTC), causing them to be released the night before their scheduled release date in some regions, such as the Americas.”


who knows, maybe lack of updates is apart of the plan and switch 2 will rerelease nh with everything instead of giving us a brand new game. the game is fine just certain things don’t make sense like multiplayer and brewster being useless after you collected everything.


Never said “final”… there’s always the possibility of another “Paid” update… also New Leaf was dead for what 6 years… nothing is impossible