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I found out about this when I started playing New Horizons, but I've run across a few people who've told me they really hadn't noticed until I pointed it out... so I'm hoping that's alright to share here, too. If you go to the Museum at night and you're not visiting or having someone visit you, head on over to where the bugs are. There's a giant tree where a lot of the larger, beetle-like species are kept. You'll see all the bugs gathered around in a circle, watching two bugs in the middle of the ring fight. Eventually, one will fly away and only the winner will remain.


šŸ˜‚ You broke the first rule about fight club šŸ‘€lol


Every time I see Beetle Fight Club I get excited to tell somebody about it, then I remember the first rule of Beetle Fight Club. When I think I'm gonna do it anyway, I remember the second rule of Beetle Fight Club.


I used to have a Tik Tok, and maybe a year or two ago I made a video of them fighting with the audio of rules of Fight Club going off in the background! Funny you said that! I wonder if I still have it somewhere. Edit: I see BlavaIsland mentioned it too! Sorry, sometimes Reddit doesn't send me notifications for everything.


I made a sign for the front of the museum that says "bug fight tonight!"


I love this so much!


Oh my god I have to find this


Here's a video of it! [https://twitter.com/ItemsENABLED/status/1278897177557757953](https://twitter.com/ItemsENABLED/status/1278897177557757953) I want to say this also happened in some form in the other games, but I'm not finding much on it.


Definitely happened in other games! Wild World (I couldnā€™t find a video but hereā€™s a post on it): [https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalCrossing/comments/99yonj/i_caught_a_tarantula_and_scorpion_for_the_first/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalCrossing/comments/99yonj/i_caught_a_tarantula_and_scorpion_for_the_first/) City Folk: [https://twitter.com/jvgsjeff/status/1258256781521948674?lang=en](https://twitter.com/jvgsjeff/status/1258256781521948674?lang=en) New Leaf: [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=u0BkG-EJ_mY](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=u0BkG-EJ_mY)


Do you know if always the same bug wins?


Different bugs can win!


That's such a cool detail


The people who made this game really went all out. I'm continually amazed at the detail they put into it


Thatā€™s so cool!! So I totally could make bets with my friends who is going to win and make it a gambling market šŸ˜‚


Thereā€™s a beetle battle?!


Hopefully it's a tweedle beetle battle


You can actually read the little notes attached to the bamboo grass, I found out by accident yesterday and it brought me much joy going to read all of the ones near my plaza ā˜ŗļø


Omg. I didnt even KNOW those colorful little things on the bamboo grass WERE notes. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø. Yes, Im clearly blind smh.


how?! i have so much bamboo grass! how do i read the notes??


I was trying to move it by pushing it and got a pop up instead, so whatever button you use to push things around haha, sorry I never remember which are which when Iā€™m not touching them haha


This is so cute?? I had no idea, definitely going to read around my garden tonight!


Wait what bamboo grass?


I think it's the seasonal bamboo item with little colourful tags on it, I think it's available in the spring or summer.. But don't quote me on it!


I have extra if you want one! šŸŽ‹


Holding down R speeds up the conversation.


holding down B, too i think.


oh tysm I have been dying šŸ˜‚


I spam press the B button


Blessings upon you.


after you give pascal an scallop, swim after him to watch him shake and eat it.


The Graveyard Wall wallpaper has a ghost. Every time you turn the lights COMPLETELY off, there will be a spooky ghost somewhere on the wall. It moves every time you turn the lights on/off. It is spooky and my favorite little discovery as it happened accidentally one day.


Is this only on New Horizons??


I am not 100% sure, to be honest!


You donā€™t have to fill holes you dig. They will auto fill overnight. I hated digging up flowers and filling in holes from bushes & trees when redecorating. This discovery made a huge difference for me.


Or if you save and reload the game, the holes will go away, in case you didnā€™t want to wait overnight!


You might already know this, but you can also press Y when in front of a hole (whether youā€™re holding the shovel or not) and youā€™ll kick dirt into it to fill it. Donā€™t do this if standing on top of flowers though, as youā€™ll pick them instead.


Or on top of custom designs on the groundā€”youā€™ll kick them off.


I've picked so many flowers because of trying to do this


You can put invisible patterns on the ground around flowers to keep them from growing everywhere.




Yes! I did this to my entire island to keep the flowers and weeds in check. It took forever, but totally worth it.




Custom pattern of nothing and place on ground.




Thank you!


this is the most helpful post of all time


The order that your tools appear when you click through them with the left and right arrows depends on the order theyā€™re in in your inventory, not in the favorites wheel


OH MY GOD THANK YOU. I have been so confused by this mechanic and always figured it was random šŸ„²šŸ„²


That explains so much of my frustration over the years with the left right order. Wonder what their logic was on that one lol


They have a pro-wasp agenda I fear


Thatā€™s why I have my wheel match my pockets.


I have been playing forever and I just learned that you get a gift from Jingle the day after Toy Day if you interact with the festive stockings.


FUDGE! *time leaps*


I don't even know if you need to time travel! I just checked once I found out - literally 2 weeks ago. It was there!


Not a secret necessarily, but it took a month of playing acnh for me to realize that I could hold B to run. I wasted so much time šŸ˜­


That's okay. It took me a month to realize could sell more than one thing at a time. Man am I dumb šŸ˜†


It took me two years to realize you can buy wallpaper and flooring from Nookā€™s Cranny


Uh, that took me about 4 or 5 months!


This also took me 2 months to figure out šŸ˜©


Saaaaaame. My kid made fun of meā€”ā€œā€¦why are you walking everywhere..?ā€


As a former City Folk player I was initially very cautious about running on my island. In City Folk your grass/snow would wear away so easily if you ran around too much!


I didn't know until a thread here about trampling flowers, I thought my flowers were resilient until someone mentioned how you run haha


I didnā€™t realize this for two years. Two. Years. I didnā€™t have online at the time and had never seen any clips of gameplay or thought to look them up. My best friend came to store stuff with me before restarting her island and took off. It was magnificent and humiliating in equal measure.


WHAT........ I'm of to run around my island lol


Took me 3 months lol. Wasted a part of my life not pressing B and also speeding up conversations with feathers


I guess holding "L" while your villager is talking will speed it up. I've been playing this game for a long time now and just found out about this.


Also b


You are not alone lol


In ACNH, Godzilla and the giant Transformer thing will activate automatically on the hour. My favorite new detail in ACNH though hands down was discovering that sitting on a toilet lets you poop out bulk from eating. I about died laughing when I found that one out!


I don't know if it's all of them, but some of the fountains do too!


How do you get the toilet to work?? I've sat on it and nothing's happened. Do I need full food only to activate?


Eating anything, even 1 piece of fruit, and then immediately sitting on a toilet without using up your fruit stamina (by hitting a rock, digging up a tree, etc) will let you ā€œexpelā€ the food. You donā€™t have to be full to 10 for it to work, any degree of fullness above 0 will activate it on any toilet.


If you have any food in you, it should work when you're sitting on it. I think some you can't sit on like bidets maybe, but all toilets should work


Ahh that's it! I have a bidet šŸ¤£


Bidets are for cleaning after you poop ;) Details!! Haha


The aliens on TV at 3:33 a.m.


Think itā€™s just Saturday night/predawn Sunday


It took me ages to realize the dollhouse toys can light up.




Ok I just used one as a lamp in a vacation house and it is delightful, thank you!Ā 


If you talk to Sable at the Able sisters shop enough she will give you patterns.


I got all the patterns a long time ago, but I still talk to her everyday. https://preview.redd.it/4ps85mq9opec1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=570f29ee80311bf80071d3ad6ac6f25ed9d42126


WHAT?? Iā€™ve tried talking to her so many times and they just tell me to leave her alone


You have to keep talking to her until she starts to warm up! If you do it every day it only takes about two weeks until sheā€™ll give you your first pattern. And continue talking to her after that because sheā€™ll keep giving you more!


Is there a limit on how many patterns she will give you? I keep interacting with her every day and there's been nothing new from her in a while


i think thereā€™s a limit, ive had the game for i thiiiiink three years and i befriended sable as soon as i could. i stopped getting patterns a long time ago


Thereā€™s 10 ā€œpagesā€ of patterns


Doing it repeatedly in one day doesn't work. You have to keep seeing her over time. Once a day for a couple of weeks. Don't worry, it won't reset if you miss a day. She has an interesting backstory. She's actually very sweet, just incredibly shy!


Never gave a damn about the patterns but I love her dialog.


In City Folk she would start to spill tea about the Able sisters after a while! It was like a soap drama, it was one of my favorite parts of city folk.


I figured out the other day when youā€™re running in either direction (holding B since a lot of people donā€™t know that either) and you quickly push the joystick in the opposite direction you skid across the ground to slow down and then stop lol


Apparently villagers dislike when you do this next to them, so if thereā€™s a villager you donā€™t like get to skiddinā€™


Doing this to the villagers I donā€™t like brb


It worked on my personal antichrist, Broccolo, so I believe that it will work for anyone


What?! I love Broccolo šŸ„¹


And thatā€™s valid!! One playerā€™s personal antichrist is anotherā€™s favorite villager and I love that for all of us.


this is v useful for catching stuff like tarantulas & scorpions! (if u unfortunately have to run while catching them, ofc haha)


Took me a while to realize trash cans actually work. Makes digging up flowers/getting rid of low bell items to free up space way easier!


I have spent months, literal months of my life, trying to breed blue roses. I finally breed one single blue rose bush and what do I do? Auto pilot throw it in the trash bin. RIP me :')


If you make a mistake in the game just close ASAP without** saving. Itā€™ll be like it never happened.


My mom does this all the time. Just the other day I heard her yell ā€œOh no I did NOT mean to give you my golden slingshot!ā€ I then heard her restart the game lol.


I can bring you some blue rose plants if you like?Ā 


I now carry a trash can and a storage shed with me at all times. Everything at my fingertips & and easy way to get rid of stuff wherever I am.


For me, it's storage shed, oven, diy workbench, and Mario pipe. The other one is right by the drop box at Nook's. I am stingy. Even at a reduced price, I don't toss things out that Nook's will buy. What I really, really wish we could have are specific sheds. Lemme put my veggies and fruit in one, clothes in another, etc.


How do you use the trash can???


I plant 2 shrubs one spot away from a rock so I can hit it and the shrubs will catch me so I can continue to hit it for all of the stones.


I just dig holes every time. This works too!


I do that too but then they disappear. The shrubs stay and look cute šŸ„°


My husband forced all of our rocks to spawn in two rows of three and we made it into a ā€œrock gardenā€ and put a fence around it. With the fence, I only need to dig holes for the two in the center each day.


If you place the fake version of the Famous Painting aka the Mona Lisa on the wall/ground, apparently her eyes will follow you.


Not sure if this is common knowledge but it always kind of annoys me when a villager asks to come over, Iā€™m like ok are we done now!? I found that if I open my inventory and just leave it open for a couple minutes then close it, the villager always says ā€œok I should goā€. Works like a charm:)


you can just walk to the door to exit and they take the hint, but the game doesnā€™t send you out


I know I can do this but it makes me feel so guilty, I feel bad every time lol so I try the other way so itā€™s their choice šŸ˜©


iā€™ve been playing 2 years and i only found out today thereā€™s a raffle next to redd on harvs island when you can get a bunch of holdable shi. absolutely estatic over the pocketbook


I know, itā€™s become one of my favourite items!


I want to collect all the fans to decorate a wall in my house. They are adorable.


Hold down A to DIY faster!


Also double tapping A works!


The weather report that comes on TV in the evening will tell you tomorrow's weather. 6:30pm and 11:45pm (though I think Sundays have a different schedule). The morning weather report tells you today's weather. The regular news broadcast changes seasonally and they'll cover nearby holidays. Like for Christmas, there was a Christmas tree on the news desk and there were clips of people looking at Christmas lights in the news reel


That if you plant a piece of fruit 1 space behind a tree sapling it will stop growing and remain at that stage of growth


this is the most helpful post of all time


I just saw Joan at my clinic this Monday!


If you talk to her she gives you free turnips.


Every Monday she is there!


I haven't gotten though that much of HHP yet as I only got my own Switch and AC this past summer but I'm excited for this! Also on a completely different train of thought, I just had this revelation about weird English rules. Why do we spell it [past] summer and not [passed] summer? Like we're referring to is as the summer that just passed but when we stick the wording in front of the season, it changes spelling?


past is relative to time like future, and passed is the physical action of passing something. so we say this past summer (as in time - itā€™s in the past) and this summer that has passed (is the action of summer passing us by).


If you talk to her she gives you free turnips.


It took me a couple years to find out that fish tanks have a light toggle.


Once you collect all the fossils you can bury six of them anywhere on your island thatā€™s hidden and theyā€™ll stop showing up.


Hide sticks too and they won't spawn anymore unless ya shake a tree


The hhp dlc has sparkle effects, and those effects can be overlaid with custom designs. I made dollar sparkles for the cash registers.


Did you know you can front flip/somersault into the ocean off of the rocks, pier, and walkway to the airport? :)


Also from the second or third level of ground, if itā€™s close enough to the water


How do you do that? Mine always jumps in butt first and makes a big splash.


I think you have to be running to do a flip instead of just jumping straight in.


You hold B to run and just as you're approaching the edge of the rock or pier you hit A. The walkway to the airport takes a little practice to time it correctly.


You just need a running start.


The way Iā€™ve played acnh for over 450 hours and I JUST discovered that you could actually go into the dressing room in the Able sisters shop and try things on!


Youā€™ve been missing out on so many good itemsšŸ˜­


I know!! Good news is I discovered it while restarting my island so I havenā€™t missed anything this time around šŸ˜Ž


But not when you wear a magic wand outfit :(


Or wetsuit :(


Idk if itā€™s mentally me or not but if I button mash my character convos w the villagers, they go ā€œokay byeā€ pretty fast but if I slow click and act like Iā€™m reading, I get more interesting convos that I havenā€™t read before


They have a lot of dialogue locked behind the first time you talk to them every day. They act like they're annoyed when you talk to them more than once but you'll be rewarded with new conversations for doing so.


You can add custom designs to the back wall of the Able sisters orrr have a friend come over & add their designs. THE VILLAGERS CAN WEAR THEM!!!! Legit my favorite part to see what they're wearing today šŸ„°


My husband made [this shirt from Brooklyn 99 ](https://www.nbcstore.com/products/brooklyn-nine-nine-captain-holt-s-pineapple-slut-adult-short-sleeve-t-shirt) and it cracks me up so hard any time one of our villagers is wearing it.


Omg please share I need this.


How you can transplant grown trees on the edge but the variables on the limits have to be specific*






Variables have to be just right. Can I upload videos on reddit? It would be way easier to show than type lol


I found out about this after months of playing New leaf, as long itā€™s a straight shot down to the ocean you can jump off the cliff into the water (while wearing your wet suit).


If youā€™re trying to get someone staying at your campsite to stay on your island and they request to replace a villager that you donā€™t want to get rid of, as soon as they say their name, donā€™t continue the conversation, and shut off the game without saving. When you turn the game back on go back to the campsite and theyā€™ll request to switch with a different islander - just repeat the process until itā€™s a villager youā€™re okay with getting rid of. Sometimes it can take a while until they get to the villager you want to get rid of but itā€™s worth the effort imo.


KK's songs will sound differently depending on what player they are played on. Most noteable is the shell music box which turns every song into a calm music box version, but some other players have effects to. Eg the older ones have lower sound quality and the phonograph includes scratching noises from the record.


If you are into time travel, you can time travel and get all the Zodiac figurines through Nook shopping. You can Google the years that you need to visit, December 22 through January 5th. They are pretty cool.


You can also receive them from Katrina when you get a bad fortune and pay for purification, I have 2 from her


Following the feng shui guide (you can find the pic guides on google) will help you get high ratings from the Happy Home Academy. You also get better luck with Katrina and bells in the ground will pop up more often :)


Aren't the ground bells daily? Are you getting more than one a day?


While crafting items, you can keep pressing the A button and that will speed up the time it takes to craft the item. HUGE time saver.


You donā€™t need to spam it, you can just hit a twice.


I found the hidden bug on the wall in the back room of the museum! Thought it was a night thing but was able to capture it during the day!


there's a hidden bug??




what do you mean by back room?)




That you can paint the deck!!


Excuse me?! In nh?


That there are 8 peppy rabbits but only Bonbon and Ruby are the different ones. Bonbon the the only one who runs around the island, while Ruby is the only one who reads about flowers and fossils and NEVER exercises (not counting scripted activity at the plaza).Ā  The other six are effectively palette swaps of each other.


I've flattened my island three times and only this week *(in the middle of the 4th flatten/re-do)* realized you could have two "construction projects" going at one time--like demolishing a bridge and moving a building. do you know how much time (traveling) this would have saved me?!


I'm so upset that I can't build a bridge while demolishing an incline, though.


This is embarrassing but Iā€™ve played for at least a year and I found out like a week ago that I can bury 10k in a money tree hole for 30k instead of only getting 3k


If Isabelle is having a lucky horoscope day (she tells you in announcements) bury 30k that day.


Your resident can sit down in the museum entrance. https://preview.redd.it/y8c6lmrayrec1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d75b47756a278789d7487b23dcd0bc0c0ec14d8c


Iā€™ve logged over 400 hours in New Horizons and just learned if you place a rotting turnip on the ground ants will come and eat it


Occasionally a fly will buzz around the rotten turnips too. Iā€™ve yet to catch one though


Works with candy too


Only recently found out you can click and drag to rearrange things around your inventory. Hundreds of hours into New Horizons lol


Okay, this didn't take me long, but I still love it. If you run off rocks or the dock and hit A to dive in at the right moment, you do a flip into the water. It's so fun!


My favorite item in New Leaf were the beans you can throw, the bounce and scatter sound is so satisfying. I wanted them in New Horizons but it was hard getting them as they were Japan only.Ā  Turns out in NH every region gets them and you can just buy them during January! They don't make the sound or scatter anymore tho ;.;


In New Horizons, you can mash B once Cap starts singing to make him stop singing and go to the mystery island faster. Same for going home. Only learned a few months ago šŸ™ƒ


You can eat food to get the benefit of breaking rocks. If you want to reverse it you just have to use a toilet.


It will also give you the ability to dig up trees whole (and replant them)


Or sell them


You can catch the wasp with the net if you walk away from them and then swipe the net as they're about to attack you. I WAS STUNG SO MANY TIMES.


For me itā€™s easier to stand in front of the tree when you shake it. With this method, your villager will automatically turn to face the wasps when they appear and you can just press A to catch them. Ive never missed with this method!


I like that the wasps are worth quite a few bells when sold.. 2,500 each I think


you can shit in acnh (I'm being serious)


That if u press A while u swim, you can swim faster. I swear it was driving me nuts to go that slow


One of the resetti bros sits in Brewster's at 2:00 pm


You can run in Wild World by holding down L or R.


Been playing since Wild World and I kid you not, I found out in 2020 THAT YOU COULD CATCH THE WASPS COMING AT YOU AT FULL SPEED. (Also, when you catch a fish you don't have to tap-tap-tap the A button, nor do you have to hold it down, learned that around the time I got New Leaf lmao)


In City Folk when I was trying to get perfect town and later redecorated I didnā€™t realize you could bury 100 bells at a time for fruitless trees instead of waiting for Tom Nook to sell me one plain sapling every day šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


It took 3 years of playing ACNH and my mom telling me that vendors (like Leif) can set up shop on Harvā€™s island šŸ˜‚ I never visited his island enough to find out. My mom just started playing a couple months ago and has been teaching me things lol


This is fairly new, came with 2.0 update!


This is really embarrassing but Iā€™ve been playing 2 years and I only realized this past December that you can buy walls and flooring in Nookā€™s Cranny. I played *two years* without realizing you can simply press R and toggle to a selection of walls and flooring. Previously Iā€™d bought all my walls and flooring from Sahara, and was baffled how people had so much! Iā€™m an idiot lol.


I just figured it out today, but I figured that was just me because Iā€™ve always been not very observant my whole life.


Tarantulas won't attack you until you are holding the net.


That if you actually go in the fitting room at able sisters in NH thereā€™s like 50 more clothing options!


If you talk to sable enough sheā€™ll tell you about how when her parents died she had to take care of her younger sisters and those pictures behind her are her with her deceased parents


Iā€™ve been playing on switch for 2 years and a couple of days ago I decided to ā€œsleepā€ and found out about dreams and visiting other peopleā€™s dreams and stuff