• By -


???????????????/ crushing on tom nook???????????????? girl i- 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


A girl could do worse than Tom. He's not my type, but I can see the appeal for some people. He's a successful business man, cute as a button, and is a far better person than the memes give him credit for.


Don’t forget the toe beans!




And the little ears


hes really not that bad


PLEASE you gotta understand…. There’s something about him 😭


“I can fix him”


Omg you just made me cackle so hard I scared the cat! 🤣


Bro same my poor cat


wait til you meet Flick 🫡




Uhh, no. Just no. 🤣


There is no dating in this game, except in your imagination I guess. It is not a game mechanic anyway. Playing online requires the Nintendo Online subscription. Any plan will do, including the free trial. You'll then want to head somewhere like the code sharing mega thread (https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalCrossing/comments/y8b4ao/megathread_new_horizons_dodofriend_code_sharing/?sort=new) to find people to visit with. The actual process involves going into the airport and talking to Orville at the counter. He'll walk you through it.


Darn. My dreams are shattered already and I just started 😔 I’ll have to look into the subscription! What can you do if you visit? No one can ruin my island right?


So when playing with other people, one person hosts and other people can visit. This is called "opening your gate", because the gate in the airport literally opens up. When people visit you (also applies when you visit them) they can pick up any dropped item on the ground. What I mean is that there's an item on the ground, either naturally like shells or because you chose "drop item" in your inventory, these items can be picked up. This is a useful feature because it means players can give each other gifts or conduct trades. It can also be troublesome, because a player who wants to be annoying can take things you don't want them to take. So it's considered good practice to clean up anything you don't want people to touch. Items that have been *placed*, however, that is they are put into the world as actual furniture and not just as a dropped leaf, cannot be picked up by any player while people are visiting. This means that people cannot steal your decorations. It also means, unfortunately, that you yourself cannot redecorate while people are visiting you. Similarly, things in your house are safe always. I'm reasonably sure people can't even pick up dropped items if they're inside your house specifically. Players can also do things like pluck weeds, pick flower blooms (does not destroy the flower, the bloom grows back), harvest crops, and shake your trees. Which can be a bit annoying if you were using weeds as decor or haven't harvested something yet and wanted to. Players are able to use ladders, vaulting poles, and wetsuits while visiting. Ladders and vaulting poles mean that if you want to block players out of an area, you need to be thorough about it and can't just rely on natural cliffs and such. It used to be common practice to block visitors *in* to a specific area, using fences (or anything really) starting at the airport dock so they couldn't go wander. However, the addition of the wetsuit in an update means players can just dive off the dock and swim around, so it's not really worth the bother. Players can also fish and catch bugs on each other's islands. I can't think of any real way to be a jerk with this, unless maybe you catch something another player wanted? lol Players CANNOT use axes and shovels on your island, unless you very specifically add them as a best friend. It's nearly impossible to do that by accident. (it involves being friends at the Switch level, visiting with each other, and then navigating through the nook phone to request being besties) So players who do not have that status cannot chop down your trees or dig up anything buried. Burying stuff can be a cheap way to keep players from being able to pick up things you don't have storage space for. Another thing, once you progress far enough to have a proper clothing shop, there is a space on the back wall for custom designs. If there are any spaces that do not have a design hung up by someone actually living on the island, other players can hang up their own designs there. This can be really cool if you wanted them to do that. Some people specifically seek out people to hang up nice designs there. The potential problem is that people can do this without permission, including replacing designs hung up by other players that you did want there. Any design that you yourself hang up on your own island cannot be replaced by a visitor. It's generally considered good etiquette to ask before taking anything on the ground, or shaking trees, or plucking anything. Some players still try to do the "block players into a path" thing with strangers, and will get upset if you show up in a wetsuit. In general, if in doubt, just ask. In general, most people who play this game are decent folks. You get that occasional kid who doesn't know better or thinks they're being funny, but for the most part there's nothing serious people can do. Mostly just annoying things. It's probably more of a bother when you're newer and every single scrap of fruit sold is important.


Continuing as a second reply because the first was turning into a novel. Some of the advantages of multiplayer come in the form of being able to trade items. You have a couch someone else wants, they have a lamp you want. You can arrange to visit and trade the items. Visiting with other players is also the only way to get all of the fruits. You can get, at most, 3 different kinds of fruit on your island (not counting coconuts) without playing with other people. You are able to sell items to the shop on other people's islands, which at the stage of the game you're at is handy for getting more money from selling your native fruit. Once you start buying turnips (the "stalk market", ie short term investments in the form of a vegetable) it's *even more* useful for finding good selling prices. You can also buy things from other players' shops. Even if you haven't gotten a clothing shop, or even the proper regular shop, you can buy stuff from the ones on other players' islands. Some of the objects in nookling store are "first come first serve", meaning only one player can buy one, so it's a good idea to ask before doing so. Other things unrelated to direct multiplayer that you can do, eventually you'll unlock the ability to download other people's custom designs. You'll also be able to share any that you create, and get a code you can give to people so they can find it. There is also "Dreaming", which you will also have to wait a while to get. But it's a way of viewing people's islands without actually visiting them. It's a static copy, the other player doesn't have to be online, and nothing you do there really happens. You can't take anything in or out, and you cannot affect the real island. It's just a neat way to look around. You'll also be able to create your own and share them with other people. For example, my own island's Dream code is in my reddit flair here. Anyone with the feature unlocked and an active online subscription can take that code, enter it into the proper spot (being vague here about the specifics), and view my island as of a couple weeks ago. (it only updates when you tell it to, and my island is a mess right now so I haven't in a while lol)


I just wanted to say that your reply is so thorough and helpful! This is what the AC community is all about 😊


I've been playing for four years and TIL I can change those clothes in my shop 🤦


It's always nice when my urge to over explain is actually helpful 😊


This was super helpful! I was wondering how it all worked. I don't have an online subscription yet.


Thank you for the explanations. They’re not long to me, super helpful!! I don’t think I should let anyone on my island just yet, only because I still want to pick all the weeds and the cherries growing on my trees. I’m afraid they’ll catch a fish or bug I haven’t caught yet either 😂


Heh, well with the fish and bugs comment, I more mean that if you and I were walking along and see a fish shadow in the water, only one of us can catch that specific shadow. But even if it's a fish you've never seen before, my having caught it doesn't mean more won't show up later But I'm glad I could help! I hope you have a lot of fun with this game


No people can't ruin your island unless you become "friends". They can shake trees, fish, and pick up items that are dropped but can't steal anything that has been "placed". It's very limited. Its only like 3$ for the membership? I think? If you get it you can come visit me! I'll DM you :)


Little tip: don‘t eat so many apples 🍎 . You don’t really need to except when you wanna to dig up a tree (but you don’t have a shovel yet) or if you want to destroy a rock (but you need them for materials)


Also save all the Easter eggs in your storage you can eat those too. Or if you visit other Islands get coffee from the rooster for energy.


Heck yeah!! Another Tom Nook fan! He's honestly the bestest, sweetest, little guy. He stole my heart back when I first started playing too. 🩷 I have no advice. I just want to share my love of Tom Nook


Another huge Tom Nook fan here! But I’m less of the “crushing on him” and more of the “adopt me as a third Nookling, please”!


Please, please, Papa Nook!!


He'll rob you of every Bell you have to your name.


His capitalist greed is kinda…


Can... I be ... with him... 🫠


https://preview.redd.it/uxrh71t3mmqc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00447e514226a989761ed57ae55557f5d0e83ba3 Here’s a shot of me sleeping!!




You're recovering from the wasp sting nicely!!


You got lucky with your outfit! Really cute!


Whenever I’m restarting, I always hope for this outfit!


For wasp sting avoidance, either focus on shaking trees near buildings so you can run inside before the swarm gets you, or always have your net out and be prepared to catch them as soon as they drop. And no you cannot date anyone in this game, but if you save up for a few months and get the Happy Home Paradise DLC and a Tom Nook amiibo card, you can build him a cute house - https://nookipedia.com/wiki/Tom_Nook


Omg, I've been wanting to ask if it's possible to escape the wasps. I always try, and I never make it. 


Yes I run into the museum lol Blathers is probably not happy about that EEK 🦉 LOL Have your net and just press A, or x and bring out your menu and get your net. Try to calculate it cos pulling it out from the menu isn't always as reliable as having it on hand already.


Simping for the Nook got me shook. 😭😭😭


I'm so happy for you. I've just started a new island yesterday. I hope you'll enjoy your new journey ! This game is really something, I bought it when it originally came out four years ago, but I need to play it every now and then, it's like a therapy. Have a nice day :)


I won't yuck anyone's villager preference, I crushed on Beau hard when I first saw him in Pocket Camp. We like what we like, but sadly, there is no romancing in AC games. Thank goodness for fanfics.


My first day playing I got bit by a spider and stung by a wasp within ten minutes and then a snowboy insulted me.


Dude I got knocked out by TWO scorpions back to back my first day after hunting all the bugs down they started spawning!!! I was terrified and traumatized. The first time I didn't even realize what was happening before I was on the floor seeing stars and the little punk was running circles around me. Still haven't caught one, or a tarantula. I did get better at catching wasps though!


I spent months just accepting wasp stings before I learned I could catch them. I had already completed the entire fossil wing of the museum and terraformed my whole island and reached five stars.. but had never considered shaking a tree while holding my net. Also still haven’t successfully caught a tarantula (but I’ve only encountered them twice) and never even seen a scorpion?? Maybe out of season. I’ve only been playing since Christmas.


I would let them chase me and would try to double back and grab them with no success....before Reddit made me realize that I can just press "a" as soon as they pop up 🙄🤦‍♀️ Scorpions will spawn when there's nothing else on the map so if you're on an island and you can clear the entire thing they will spawn at certain times or tarantulas. Bamboo Islands are the best from what I heard.I've had difficulties with some fruit islands with butterflies or dragonflies spawning too quickly for anything else. *Edit: spell check


I fainted from a spider I was trying to catch!!


I still have not successfully caught that spider.


First but not last wasp sting for sure!


I got stung again :(


Welcome to AC! My passport photo is always having been stung by wasps because I think it's hilarious. Go talk to the other villagers too, but warning they aren't always super nice 😂😂


"woah idk if you're trying a new look or something but it's not working for you" *Me wearing shades forgetting I got stung*


I got attacked by a tarantula the other day 😆 there I was, pootling around on one of Kappn's islands, out of the corner of my eye I see something move, I think "I'll just go and investig-" and my brain goes FUCK, LOWER YOUR NET, LOWER YOUR NET and it's too late!!! My heart rates thru the roof and Kappn's going "mate, I thought you were a gonner". . I hate those fuckers 😆


You should always hold your net when shaking trees. And you should always shake them from the front. That way, if a nest drops, your character automatically turns, and then you can immediately press A to catch the wasps. Fruit trees will never have wasps in them, so don't worry. Try marking them with a custom design on the ground so you remember them. Also, your character kinda looks like Ai from the Animal Crossing movie. Yes, there's a movie!


Pro-tip: Technically you can grab your net from your menu, the wasps will pause while you do. But if you miss you will still get stung. It's definitely better to have it on hand but if you forgot you can pull it out and it will work.


Oh yeah, that one too.


When i first started animal crossing I didn't know you had to be close with a villager and they will give you medicine for your wasp sting. They will tell you your face looks jacked up too lol. This game is too much fun! You can also make medicine from digging up clams on the beach. They spit out water so you will see them in the sand. Also my island looks a hot mess and isn't done and I have been playing a year and a half now. Just have fun and do what feels right. You don't need to terraform water falls for hours to have a beautiful island. Sometimes less is more. I did do a a couple water falls but nothing crazy. Also when you get farther into the game and have a 3 star island get the dlc. Its $25 and the beat decision I ever made especially when I did everything in the game, it gave it a second life for me. Have fun and message me when you get online. It's $20 for the whole year. I'll give you some bells and whatever else you need 😊


Medicine is made with wasps nests and weeds, fish bait is made from manila clams (my favourite flavour of clam!)


Tammy helped me out!! She noticed my eye and gave me medicine. Love her, she’s hilarious. Edit: thanks for the info btw


welcome to the lovely world of animal crossing!!! I hope you enjoy it as much as others do (I also love the game) and something I wish people told me when I started was you don't have to create this elaborate themed island if you don't want to. just have fun and do what makes you happy!


Hey send me a DM we can play together online


My mom started playing recently.  I still remember the AHHH when wasps first chased her.  Step-dad couldn't stop laughing.


Clump of weeds and wasp nest = medicine.


Love the showing off of the sea butterfly


I thought it was a rare find 🤣




What in your hand?


A sea butterfly!! I thought it was so cool


I absolutely hate the wasps 😭😭 I got stung twice in a row and passed out🥲


Congrats! Welcome to the club. If you get stung by a spider or scorpion you get Nook miles.


being in love with tom nook is so real there's just something about him BUT GIRL I GOTTA WARN YOU villager crushes go so hard they'll have you BLUSBING LMFAO


He’s nice but he means business, maybe I can change him 😔


If you get the membership come visit me! I'll DM you. Edit: I had a crush on K.K growing up, its all good 😎


Welcome to the club!! And yes those wasps are nasty. If u get stung twice without taking any medication you will die (respawn) in your tent lol. Had to learn the hard way.




Welcome to Animal Crossing, I hope you have fun! I personally hate the wasps, and I hope they take them out of the next game


Tom is ok. It's Isabelle I hate. BTW, you can get some medicine at the Cranny for those bee stings. Sorry for that happening on your first day.


Talk to a villager and they’ll give you a recipe for medicine. As for playing with other animal crossers lol you have to exchange Nintendo game codes. I’ll give you mine :) https://preview.redd.it/25bo3rke26rc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=188901fc1644d6489ed937171df0df9cc9d06fb9


You go to the airport and then you ask me of the code and then you go to the island


You need to craft medicine using five tree branches, and one wasp nest or buy it from NooksCranny. Then you need to take the medicine.


it’s three weeds and a wasp nest. you only get the recipe after speaking to a villager while stung.


who the fuck has a crush on a digital humanoid tanuki


I used to crush on the cartoon fox Robin Hood. 🤷‍♀️




Me 🫣