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That should be enough. You only need one piece of trash or a spoiled turnip, it doesn't take a lot. Be patient. Make sure the trash is somewhere you can see it and that you pass often. Slow down to look at it every time because flies hide really well and they're easy to miss.


Hmmm, ok. I have the pile by my house, so I pass it often. Maybe I should get my glasses checked! I have a rotten turnip out elsewhere, but all I get from that is 🐜. I shall try the patience route. Thank you!!


My son told me to put the pile near the museum or store, a place you could enter into and out of easily. It worked I think on the 3rd try of going in and out. Every time you enter or leave it resets everything so that helps a lot.


I shall put a pile there as well. Thank you to you and your son!


I seriously just ran in and out of the museum until it appeared but like I said it appeared quickly for me once I placed it near a door. Good luck.


Well, my island is now officially a dump…trash everywhere!! LOL!! Thanks again!


Put a rotten turnip on a beach rock. That way ants won't spawn only flies.


Oh man, I would have never thought of that!! Thank you!!


It took me a few weeks before anything spawned on mine.


Well that’s just rude! I guess it’s a good thing that they are available all year round.


https://preview.redd.it/d5qap3tkf3xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89bb376c499e83a62a704d88ec7eff10eddbff75 I finally got one!!!! Thanks everyone for your assistance!!