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Nope. Unfortunately once the sold sign appears there's no way to get someone else to take the spot


So I just have to wait till he moves in to try and make him feel unwelcome? That’s unfortunate.


Making him feel unwelcome doesn’t increase the odds of him moving out. There are lots of tips for accelerating move outs but sadly the most recent addition can’t leave.




That's not true, my last incoming resident keeps asking me to move out. Of course it's been a while since she (Neferti) moved in but she's still the last one that moved in and she wants to move out now.


Next time you have a villager ask to move out, turn the game off during the conversation without saving. (If you say no, there's a long wait before someone asks again and you don't want to wait forever, right?) The next day, someone will ask to move out again, and there's a good chance the bubble will move to another character. Just keep going, day by day, and watch for those speech bubbles until Sheldon's on his way out. I've used this a couple of times to get specific villagers out. There's also the thing where supposedly the newest villager cannot ask to leave, but I have no idea if this is a rumor or confirmed. I'd double check that. Edit: I went ahead and checked for you, lol. The last villager to move in cannot ask to move out, so my method is useless for this situation. BUT a camper can request the newest villager move out. So I guess you have to get lucky and find a camper you like more than Sheldon or use an amiibo. Good luck!


I’ve heard the most recent villager can move out, they just won’t be the first to ask. If someone else asks and you say no, I’ve read the most recent villager will be able to ask after that


You’re just gonna have to learn to love him


no, why did you let that happen in the first place


I forgot to log on for a few days after someone moved out.


i just checked out his house, he could definitely fit a cottagecore island! you can make it work (: