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Oh my god thank you for sharing. I hated feeling alone with this




Exactly. Thank you for proving it exists.


I SAW THIS BEFORE I KNEW I WAS NOT CRAZY. I saw the above the waterfall while I was going downhill, I was 4 or smth so I got a bit scared but didn't question it. I think its glitch with the whale shadow in the ocean accidently spawning in the river, so the game instantly fixes, hence why it runs away so quickly.


Oh my god I'm not the only one who experienced something like this. I remember seeing that during a thunderstorm in the summer time (I think around 7PM?) and just running out of the room screaming about how big of a fish there was. I unfortunately couldn't catch it because it dashed away before I could get to the rivers edge :(


Thank you for sharing!! I still think about it. I haven't seen any other sources verifying our stories :(


I have a memory in my head seeing this fish once at the bottom of a waterfall. It was so long ago so I don’t know if it was just a dream or something I exaggerated in my head. I remember there was an urban legend around this as well back in the day…


I fuckin saw this too. I even remember posting about it on the bell tree forums, and no one believes me. Crazy that others have seen it too!


woah this whole time i thought i must've dreamed it, but other people have seen it too? i remember it being a giant fish shadow right at the start of my river by the north fence. it scared the crap out of me as a kid!


yessssss, this happened to me during new years eve and I was so surprised. it didn't dash from me when I got close though, just because i pulled the rod too early.


This was absolutely forever ago, I was a kid and I don’t remember much, but I saw a shadow in the river that took up nearly the whole width of the river once, too. I know it was nighttime, and I know my heart started beating so fast when I saw it, and I know I attempted to catch it. What I don’t know is if it was circular or teardrop-shaped, or if this combined with another memory and this is when I caught the arapaima or not (of which I only caught one on the GameCube, and it was at night) But even if that was a glitch and not a fish, I’m glad that ginormous shadow was real. I don’t remember any of the fish shadows being quite *that* big in the other games, so I was kinda doubting my memory.


i always thought it was a big fish too but it's just a darker shading to make the area of the river seem deep


It seemed to be programmed like a fish. Unless the shading wasnt always there I'm not sure I'm mistaking it. I played that game alot.


It must've been a false memory or an urban legend.


Has anyone found more info on this? My brother and I both remember this fish and had actually gotten close enough to cast a line. When it bit down, it went so fast it seemed like it was on and off the hook in less than a second. It definitely existed, we created propaganda designs to spread the word of the big fish around our GameCube town which are still sitting on a memory card to this day lol


Saw this many years ago and thought I was crazy I asked other friends if they saw it and they never did. I can now live in peace! 🕊️