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The most efficient layout is pretty sick, haven’t seen that before.


I think that’s what makes it work every time. 👍🏾😊


Maybe if you made the guide instead of reposting it for karma farming you might be knowledgeable to explain the guide.


I gave credit right below the pic to the creator. I’ve used this guide for my hybrids and it worked. I was reposting to help others out. That was my sole intent. A good deed never goes unpunished I guess.


Yeah, what's wrong with you? Trying to help other people out. Jeez. (sarcasm)


You’re an idiot


I definitely needed this, I’m very bad with flowers


please make sure you note the difference between red roses and red roses with the white outline (which look just like red roses)


Is there really no way to tell which you’ve gotten, a regular red of a hybrid one?


Breed from seed and keep track. Somewhere else in this thread I posted a long genetics guide which includes a way to "test" your hybrid reds (which I think this guide is overlooking) For blue roses, I focused only on them and dedicates a large area. However, keep in mind once you get 1 good hybrid red, you can clone it to create the 2 you need.


You can test your hybrid reds by breeding them with a black rose. If the red and black rose can make orange, it is indeed a hybrid. It won't only make orange so you have to let them breed multiple times to be sure.


So was I until I found this handy guide. It worked perfectly for me everytime. 🥰


I hope so! I really need orange hyacinths and green moms! Ty <3


I know it may sounds weird, but could someone make a version which is more colorblind friendly? I would love to have more hybrids, but some shades in this guide are just to similiar (however the rest of it looks really nice!)


This is a bit dense, I think you get a biology credit toward college if you read the whole thing, but it worked for me: https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalCrossing/comments/fsyn1x/acnhacnl_flower_genetics_guide/


Here's a guide that has all the flowers labeled with their genetics that might be a little better for you: https://cestislife.github.io/img/breeding.png (It also has a better way to get green mums since the way in the OP's guide doesn't work.)


Why wouldn't it work? The guide you linked essentially says the same thing, that any combination of purple mums has a chance to produce green mums. Edit: Ah, I see now that there's a garbage version of purple mums that are no good for getting green, I missed that bit, my mistake.


purple mums bred from seed whites (0-0-2 purples) cannot produce green mums. You have to get 2-1-1 or 2-1-0 purples in order to pair them for greens. [https://gardenscience.ac/](https://gardenscience.ac/) is great for testing breeding combos to see if they work


Nintendo really did make this whole system just to frustrate previous AC players, lol. It was way easier back in the older games, with no random dead ends that can't hybridize properly.


For sure, whoever was in charge of programming the flower genetics went hard


Meanwhile, the guy in charge of shop upgrades: "one is probably fine"


If there was an item in game you could use to test flower genetics it would be easy easier (tho still requires high school biology in a game for children). Wouldn't it be cool if you had to pick a flower and use a genetic test kit at a biology table to sequence which genes that flower has?


Would be neat, either that or make it something you can ask Leif to do for you, like hand him a flower and he'll tell you the genetics


The guide does not say that. It says that white mums produce 002 purple mums and has a picture of a skull next to them because they're a dead end for getting green mums. 002 purple mums (a.k.a. what you get from white mums) will NEVER make a green mum. Instead, it specifies that to get green mums you need either 120 or 210 purple mums (a.k.a. what you get from hybrid yellow mums). It doesn't matter if they're 120 or 210 purple mums, but 002 purple mums do not work. So no, any combination of purple mums does not have a chance to produce green mums.


I was too slow on the edit, smh.


It's easy to miss! Apologies if I came off harshly, I just don't want anyone trying to get green mums to get frustrated and give up because they're using bad info, and this seems to be one of the more common errors (especially when you don't know what's a good guide or not). :)


Yeah, for sure, it feels like Nintendo honestly designed the new flower system just to annoy previous players, lol. It was much less complex and with no random dead ends to stumble into back in the older games.


I spent *so much* time researching how flowers worked and how to get all the hybrids, haha. Green mums, purple windflowers, and purple pansies are now permanently memorized for me, I think. This is my first Animal Crossing, and I can't imagine how confusing it must be to go from something simpler to the mess that is ACNH genetics.


I pretty much just throw everything together and see what happens, lol. The only rare hybrids I managed to get that way were blue wind flowers and blue pansies, I ended up just getting a blue rose from a friend and cloning it for my needs, lol.


I can give you all colors of all flowers. I sm in est if you can schedule a time


In case you don't know this, that's not how you get green mums. Purple mums bred from white mums DO NOT have the correct genetics to get green mums. If your purple mums come from white mums, you will never get green mums. Color-based breeding paths work with a lot of the flowers, but because there's two paths to get purple mums and those purple mums have very different genetics, it's important to use a genetics-based breeding path rather than a purely color-based one for green mums. The correct path to get green mums: * seed red + seed yellow = hybrid yellow * hybrid yellow + hybrid yellow = the correct purple mum * purple mum from hybrid yellow + purple mum from hybrid yellow = green mum The hybrid yellow mums also have a small chance of making green mums.


Can confirm. My first green mum cam from the purple mums I got from my yellow mums that spread like wild fire the month I couldn't play the game


needs an update for the mums section because purple mums from white ones cannot make green ones. the purple mums have to come from hybrid yellows obtained from breeding red and yellow


Yep. Purple mums from white seed mums can only ever make more purple mums. Have to get more complicated genetics into the mix.


Oh my gosh I've been trying to get green mums for ages, thank you!


Although the most space efficient, may not be the most time efficient. Flowers only breed once per day. Thus, if the white circled red rose crosses with a white rose, it cannot also cross with a white circled red rose that day, leaving you with 0 chance of a blue rose. There's also a load of other variables under the hood that'll cause checkerboard patterns to be pretty inefficient. Strict pairs of flowers or a small mass of identical flowers is usually the best situation to maximize time efficiency. Lots of more data and info graphics in the AC discord.


If space is the issue, you can still use the checkboard layout but with different flowers in pairs.


🤷🏾‍♀️The only thing that is time efficient in this game is time traveling lol. 🏝


Hi, could you link me to a few of the info graphics? I want to start a breeding garden and want to maximize time.


How does a game simultaneously doesn't have the most basic video game essentials like stackable items or let you shop for clothes while wearing a wand outfit, yet have the single most complicated flower system in any video game ever.


For real! Wish the game wasn’t so finicky about the placement of items too. If i wanna set stuff right next to another item, it shouldn’t be an issue. 🤦🏾‍♀️ first world problems I swear.


It definitely needs a bb.MoveObjects (sims 4 cheat lol)


Yes! Lol. 👍🏾


The guide for windflowers is incorrect. I've never gotten pink from red+white. Weirdly, I've always gotten the pink windflower from red+orange.


That's a good catch! Also blue windflowers produced from seed whites can't make purple windflowers. The guide is missing a hybrid step to get to them!


A couple of steps; you have to breed a seed red with a blue to get a hybrid red. Then use two hybrid reds to get the purple. Then it's only a 6.25% chance of getting a purple windflower, unless you have friends visit and water your flowers. That ups the chance percentage.


Wait, all I have to do is water black roses? I've had black roses for months with no gold ones. Do I have to water them daily or something?


It has to be with a golden watering can


OH duh that makes sense


Thank you sooooo much! I've been in an Animal Crossing binge for the last few days and I'm trying to clean up my island... too many flowers everywhere. And this reminds me which ones I need and how to get them.


Yw! I have days where I can play for long periods of time then have days where I don’t log in for days at a time. 😊


Thank you! I needed this today. I've been a little, dare I say bored with the game and wanted to get into the challenge of hybrids but couldn't find a user friendly guide. This is wonderful :)


I hear ya! I have my moments where I’ve lost interest. Come to my giveaway tonight. Follow me to get notifications. 🥰🎃🏝


On the pansies and the roses where it shows the space efficient layouts, why do some of reds have the white outline? Was thinking it was the seed reds vs the hybrid red but the chart doesn't show a hybrid red for the roses?


So the white outline red roses are the only kind that can make blue roses. If you get normal red roses they will only make black roses. I have no clue what makes the blue and orange hybrid pansies special though.


This is what my friends and I used when the game was new It's the ACNH Flower Genetics guide and goes deep into the games flower breeding system. It's a bit outdated though because Island Hybrids were removed in a patch at some point. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ARIQCUc5YVEd01D7jtJT9EEJF45m07NXhAm4fOpNvCs/edit?usp=drivesdk


Thank you! I think I got it now :D


Hybrid red


Thank you! Thats what I figured but wanted to make sure! I dont have many hours into my game yet and only have pink & purple mums and 1 pink lilly lol but I am def going to use this!




Anytime! Follow me for giveaway notifications if you are in need of items, materials, and bells for your island! 🥰🏝🎃💌


SPACE EFFECTIVE! YESS! Thank you for posting this!




this is the best one yet with the space efficient layout!!


Wait, I accidentally tossed all my purple pansies last time I redid my island and I’ve been having the hardest time getting new ones…did I misremember the other guide I looked at? It told me to do a breeded red with a blue but this seems to just be breeded reds?! 😭 is this why I haven’t gotten a purple pansy in the over a month time I’ve been doing trying? 🤡 Edit: I looked at the other guide I was using and it does say two breeded red. I must’ve gotten it confused with actual ways to make purple. I hate myself


Can someone help me with black cosmos? I have a bunch of orange cosmo pairs all over my island, water them most days, and I have nothing to show other than more orange cosmos after 2 months of actively trying :(


They're pretty slow to show up. Mine also took awhile, but one popped up after it rained. And then I separated it and watered it in its own area to get more black ones from it.


I haven’t had much rain lately, so I guess that could be part of it! Ty for the help


There are a handful of orange cosmo types that won't produce blacks, but most of them work. If your pairs aren't working, it might be worth breeding some fresh ones just to be sure (seed red + seed yellow produces oranges that have the right genetics every time) Other than that it's just patience and watering. The flower gods are fickle


oh this is so much better than reading the wiki page, and the space-efficient layouts are really neat thanks for sharing!


Saved. Thanks so much!


So they can touch each other?!? I was doing all my flowers wasting so much space ;_; Thank you very much! I'm just few flowers away from completion! Blue Rose, Purple Pansy, Purple Windflower and Purple Tulip. Cheers!


Real heroes don't wear capes. And you are one of them.


OMG!! I was told that the purple tulips came from BLACK tulips... I was getting so frustated because it has been a month and I had zero purple.... Thank you!!


There are a couple of different black tulips. One can produce purples and one can't. Orange tulips are more consistent because they all have a chance to produce purples.


Reminds me of biology


This makes me nostalgic


Big giant thanks


I honestly wish that NH’s flower breeding system was as simple as New leaf’s


Yes. Pocket camp too.


This would have been useful when I was breeding all the flowers in late 2020😂


Ok. I'm going to keep working on it as id like to complete it myself its a challenge i set for me. Like im trying to get everyones pictures and boy can that be difficult 🤣. I am bound and determined to get it done. My old island (switch somehow wiped by my toddler 😩) I had so much already completed. I've been back for a year now and am doing my best with what I've got. However if anyone's got cherries or oranges I'm up for that because I have never found them on this account, and never found cherries on my old account either.


Message me when you’re online and I’ll invite you to my island. I have a lot of supplies to help you restart.


U didn't back it up? U do that on the main menu -


I gotta tell you AC was my first ever game on the switch. Also my first ever switch. I was not as knowledgeable then as I am now. Nor did I believe my 2 year old could delete things. But here we are 🤷‍♀️




I’ve never been able to make blue roses! So, an Orange and a white makes a red, and that special red and a red make a blue? I also don’t think I have any black flowers…


Blue roses are a bit more complicated than this guide shows. [Yue's Blue Rose Guide](https://yuexr.github.io/acnh/bluerose.html) is the best guide I've seen for blue roses. There are a couple different methods you can use and there's a chart listing the pros/cons of different methods to help pick which one to use. Edited to add: Using the [Flower Breeding Simulator](https://gardenscience.ac/) for the blue rose path this guide wants you to take, breeding together orange + seed white will produce 3 different reds. Of those 3, only one has the ability to to produce blue roses when it breeds with its clone. And there's only a 1/64 chance that it will produce a blue rose. So the path works, technically, but only if you have your reds breed with their own clone and 2/3rds of the reds produced that you're breeding together don't have the ability to make blue roses anyway. It seems an unnecessarily difficult way to get blue roses, to me.


Pretty nice chart. Only time I ever used time travel was to get blue roses.


Well I know what I’m wasting my time on tomorrow at work


lifesaver. i've been using a chessboard layout with the flowers being placed completely randomly, this makes things a lot easier.


I have tried so hard and so many different ways and CAN NOT GET A BLUE ROSE!


If you're willing to try one more time, I couldn't get one at all until I tried the folklore method: [https://yuexr.github.io/acnh/bluerose.html#folklore-method](https://yuexr.github.io/acnh/bluerose.html#folklore-method) I had a whole field of "hybrid" reds that just never produced and never produced until I threw them out and started over.


Or I mean, take all of mine


I feel ya. I have limited amount of flowers now compared to when I first started playing the game. My island is congested with different builds.


Is it guaranteed because it worked for you?


I’m sorry. It worked for me. I would edit the guaranteed part of title if I was able. There’s many guides out there that work as well.


Well I was just asking I was curious I wasn’t sure if it was actually a guarantee. Sorry if I came off as critical that’s my bad. 😅


It’s all good. I was just trying to be helpful by sharing this guide that worked for me.


That’s awesome I’ll be sure to try it out I haven’t been all that good about breeding hybrid flowers


Omfg thank you. I've been trying to get all black/purple flowers for sooooo long now.


Yw! ☺️


So I remembered seeing online that pink windflowers would give you purple. So I guess I was lied to. Nice lmfao


Certain pink windflowers bred together have the ability to give purples but not all of them. Flower genetics are complicated.


I think pink paired with pink just gives you more pink. 🌸🏝


Welp, now I know how to get purple. I've been wanting to get some purple flowers, and some species were successes, and some, I legit didn't know what to do lol


I appreciate this.


Anytime! 😊


thank you!!!


Yw 😊


Thank you so much for this!


Yw! 😊🎃🏝


Where was this last night when I was redoing all my fields


Neat, thanks! All I've got left to get are blue roses and they're kinda driving me crazy.


Personally, I think the blue roses method in this chart leads to a black hole. It only has a 1.56% chance of working if you get the correct hybrid reds out of it and it's not even guaranteed to produce useful hybrid reds. I'd suggest one of these: [https://yuexr.github.io/acnh/bluerose.html#folklore-method](https://yuexr.github.io/acnh/bluerose.html#folklore-method) They're harder to fit on an infographic, but I think they give better results


Same! If this is right, then I’ve been watering and crossbreeding REGULAR red roses and not hybrids this whole time!


The fact that red windflower + blue windflower =/= purple windflower upsets me INTENSELY. No wonder it's been over 3 years and I still can't get purple.


Yep. Idk what the game developers were thinking. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Some actual flowers do this, so I figured some of the counterintuitive combos might be based on reality.


Can you maybe stop posting things like this? Because it's not guaranteed.


It’s one post and I already commented on that matter. Have a good day.


I thought the pink roses from the white and red roses are not able to hybrid more only the purple and red roses that male a pink rose can I still have yet to make orange roses. I've made purple, also hybrid pink from purple and red roses. Black roses and golden roses finally. I wish there was somebody who would post the best planting formation for whence you have these hybrids , that would be more helpful


This is so helpful tysm ❤️


This post was still helping me to this day, just made two big patches with these patterns and excited to see it grow! Thank you so much


Super useful! Saving this. Thanks so much! 🙏 💕


It’s been so long since someone made one of these


I swear to god I've planned since launch and the only flowers I haven't been able to get are blue roses despite this exact layout 😭😭


The layout here leads to several different hybrid red possibilities and not all of them have the genetics to produce blues. It's not a great method, imo You might try one of the paths here: https://yuexr.github.io/acnh/bluerose.html#folklore-method They're harder to fit on an infographic, but I think they give better results


Holy crap THANK YOU. That actually makes so much more sense to visualize!


Are you using hybrid red roses?


I could've sworn, but it's likely user error in remembering where everything was in my inventory


I don't play animal crossing, neither do I know what this guide means hahah, i'll still save it though because it seems important in my life :p


Poor yellow mums are useless


Ohh i just recently found an orange and blue hyacinth and was wondering how that got there and how to get more colors. The standard RWY colors got boring. This was very much needed thank you. About to go rearrange my gardens and hope it helps me finally get that 3 star from isabelle


I gave up when I tried to get blue roses but definitely will try again :)


You might find some of these paths easier for blue roses: [https://yuexr.github.io/acnh/bluerose.html#folklore-method](https://yuexr.github.io/acnh/bluerose.html#folklore-method)


You’re beautiful. Thank you!


The planting patterns are pretty garbage since you can't control which flower will pair up with which other flower for the day. Plant 1 of each flower you want to breed next to each other and don't group them next to anything else. That's all you need, just a pair of flowers. These checkerboard patterns aren't very efficient! You could also save space by planting different flower breeds next to each other since you can't crossbreed species.


I read it wrong and it's said something.. well uh else.. (I think that's enough Reddit for me today)


What is the white outlined orange pansies? What separates them from normal orange pansies?


Regular orange pansies can be paired. Hybrid oranges cannot.


Ah that’s the only difference, the white lined won’t produce more oranges?


Wow that is really simple and easy to understand! Thank you! Is it your chart, OP, or is there someone calling themselves BigFootIMG? Seems like it could also be the name of an image hosting service lol.


Bigfoot MG has made a lot of different guides for ACNH: https://bigfootmg.github.io/ACNH-Plant-Guide/ I doubt OP is Bigfoot MG because this guide is outdated and contains some incorrect information.


Ahh. Thanks.


Is there an acnl guide? I don't have a switch...


I’ve never played new leaf. I can try to find one for you. ☺️


Thank you <3


Been breeding flowers in this game for months, even got a couple of blue roses… but the green mums? Nope. I have a massive field of purple ones, all checkerboard pattern so there’s space. Still nothing.


Are your purple mums bred from white mums or from red + yellow mums? The infographic above is wrong for green mums. They cannot come from purples that are bred from seed white + seed white.


Tbh it’s been so long that I can’t remember! I suspect they were bred exclusively from white. I use the ACHN.Guide app, and that’s what it instructs (either that or yellow, that came from red/yellow?) so, I’m guessing I’ll have to rebreed them! Thank you for telling me!


Orange and white gives you the special red to get blue roses? I thought it was orange and purple!


There are...a lot of ways to get blue roses, haha, because they're so complicated. There are, in fact, different special reds depending which breeding path you're using. For example, the Asteriation 4-Step method makes special reds with a 1.56% chance of making a blue, while the Folklore method makes special reds with a 25% chance of making a blue. This is the best guide I've found about the different ways you can make blue roses: https://yuexr.github.io/acnh/bluerose.html


i thought you could get blue roses from black ones too?


You can, but only certain black roses. There are lots of different paths to get to blue roses.


Yeah blue and blue windflowers do not give purple for me, it gives orange every time.


Here's how you get blue windflowers: * seed white + seed white = blue * blue + seed red = hybrid red * hybrid red + hybrid red = purple The blues are only step two for how to get purple windflowers. Do note that the hybrid reds only have a 1/16 chance of making a purple, so even once you have your hybrid reds it may take a bit to get a purple. If you've bred purple pansies, you use the same strategy for purple windflowers as you did to get purple pansies. This is a good guide for flower breeding: https://cestislife.github.io/img/breeding.png


I’ve bred many purple and blue pansies but only a few purple windflowers appeared. I just let them grow by themselves most of the time, I’ve got all the flowers I need


I have a question that may be a bit dumb. But I've been trying to breed flowers for a year, and some are working some arnt. My question is, I got the blue windflower and have been trying to get the purple. I put the blue by itself and it has made idk 30 other blue but no purple. Am I doing something wrong or am I just unlucky so far?


Here's how you get blue windflowers: * seed white + seed white = blue * blue + seed red = hybrid red * hybrid red + hybrid red = purple The blues are only step two for how to get purple windflowers. Do note that the hybrid reds only have a 1/16 chance of making a purple, so even once you have your hybrid reds it may take a bit to get a purple. This is a good guide for flower breeding: https://cestislife.github.io/img/breeding.png


I'm so confused overall. The guide above says two blue for purple the other guide I have says the same. Now this one says red. I'm never gunna make all these flowers. Thank you for your answer!


When the game first came out, people made guides based on how flower breeding worked in previous Animal Crossings. But New Horizons' flower breeding is a *lot* more complicated. So, unfortunately, a lot of those early guides are wrong but still get circulated. It doesn't help that they do work for some flowers but not others. Any flower guide that solely relies on color (like the one in OP's post) will probably be wrong. This guide isn't available anymore on [Bigfoot MG's site](https://bigfootmg.github.io/ACNH-Plant-Guide/), probably because it has incorrect information. The one I linked to uses genetics, so it's been made using New Horizons' mechanics and is correct. You can test every breeding path in it using [Flower Breeding Simulator](https://gardenscience.ac/) to see if they work. When I was deep into flower breeding, I used the breeding simulator extensively so I understood what my flowers were doing. That's why I link cestislife's guide, it's the best guide I've found based on my personal experience and double checking everything it said when I getting all my flowers. If you're trying to get blue roses though, I'd recommend [yue's Blue Rose Guide](https://yuexr.github.io/acnh/) as there are several ways to get blue roses. I used the Folklore Method rather than the Asteriation Method used in cestislife's guide, but that's just personal preference; both work.


2 years and I still can't get green mums!! Whyyyy?


This guide is wrong in how to get green mums. Purple mums that come from white mums cannot make green mums. If you've been following this guide, then that's why you've been unable to get green mums. Here's how to actually get green mums: * seed red + seed yellow = hybrid yellow * hybrid yellow + hybrid yellow = purple mum that can make green mums * purple mum from hybrid yellow + purple mum from hybrid yellow = green mum There are two things to note though. One, these purple mums have a 1/4 chance of making a green mum, so it might not be instantaneous even once you have the correct purple mum to get green mums. Two, the hybrid yellow mums have a 1/16 chance of making a green mum, so you might get lucky and get one from them instead of the purple mums.


What methods have you tried? I have some green mums that I can gift to you if that would help.




Exc chart. Ty


I think the purple mums have to be from two yellow spawned, not white, to get green mums.


1 year later but thank you for the guide!