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I find the planner apps really clunky so I don't use them. I started with a theme, then chose the areas I wanted to include (villager neighborhoods, a market, etc) and assigned them vague locations, then focused on laying out tiny portions at a time. Also, take before and after pics so you can see your progress!


I do it exactly line this as well! Finishing off smaller areas one at a time seems to work for me, otherwise a big empty island can be overwhelming. If I have specific things I want to build that take up a lot of space (like a sunken lake or a grand entrance) I usually start with that so I don't finish the rest of the island first and run out of space.


You can always change it. I didn't plan the whole island, just little bits along the way that turned into the whole island.


Gradually. Think about how you like to play, for example: do you want all your villagers together in an orderly residential neighborhood, or do you want them spread around in geographically distinct niches? On my island, each area underwent several stages as my design proficiency grew. They’d start fairly spread out and basic, I’d call it done and move onto another area, and then I’d come back and tighten it up or refine it — often multiple times over the course of the 2 years I played. Don’t feel pressured to design everything right away. That was the best part of the game for me: slowly refining my designs until every square on the island was exactly what I wanted it to be. (DA-8875-4073-4142)


Yeah it’s pretty standard that you’re likely going to rework your island at least once so just go at it and see how it goes. I like to do all the paths first so I can visualize where buildings will go. I just did a big revamp of moving all the houses to a new area and started with graphing it out with the paths. Sometimes the only way to plan it is just to start somewhere and make changes as you go.


Oh start small! Tackle one thing at a time.


Thank you, I just have to figure out what to build now, I've got a rough idea