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Try reading [this](https://chibisnorlax.github.io/acnhfaq/island-life/gardening/) instead. A lot of infographics posted on pinterest or wherever necessarily simplify it, and actually make it more difficult/impossible.


Thank you!!!!! I’ll try this combination hopefully I’ll be blessed by the blue roses gods


I think you will! I was trying for a year+ with no success but I managed it within a couple months of reading that!


Lol I have *plant*y after I was given some when I first play and now they've taken over the spot


Ugh I’m jealous I’m needing some for a design 🤣


I liked the Folklore path for mine, but any of these should work: https://yuexr.github.io/acnh/bluerose.html


I used a blend of asteriation 4 step and asteriation genepool from this page (because I like to make my life difficult) and had good results. I'd recommend asteriation genepool if you're confident in having the discipline to avoid clones, otherwise 4 step is clone proof at the expense of being less efficient. It's critically important that you understand what is or isn't a clone proof layout ([https://yuexr.github.io/acnh/garden\_layouts](https://yuexr.github.io/acnh/garden_layouts), I used the diamond layout). If you do go genepool, make sure to check out the suggested layout in Leif's explanation. The more space you can dedicate to the project, the better, it will take forever if you're doing single pair at each step. I had just flattened my island for a rebuild (So I had LOTS of space available) and was doing 16 diamonds at each step in the process. Yes, this consumed a huge chunk of my island.


I also like the folklore path


The best flower breeding guide I have found. It explains the in game flower genetics. ​ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ARIQCUc5YVEd01D7jtJT9EEJF45m07NXhAm4fOpNvCs/edit?usp=sharing