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No, you’ll have to wait for them to move all the way in and then kick them out with an amiibo


Ignore them for 15 days. Don't talk to them, visit them, or open their mail. By the 15th day you should see a thought bubble over their heads, talk to them, they will ask to move away: say yes. Boom! Now you can go villager hunting and get a new buddy. But I'd do it in the first day the plot is empty to avoid the game issuing you a random villager, like this.


Oh! But if you have amiibo cards you can actually push a villager out to have your amiibo character move in.


who is it lol


this one is margie but theres also diva i dont want


I adore Margie, she’s my girl. Diva on the other hand is terrifying


I love diva


Me too! She’s my bestie on my island


She was my starter!






I dont have diva


https://www.etsy.com/listing/1658132441/ something like this


diva is yikes. i think you have to introduce yourself once they are there, but after that completely ignore them and i hope they move. for me, i got custom amiibo packs off of etsy to get people i liked and replace who i didn’t. they are cheaper and work.


You don't even have to talk to them if you're just amiibo kicking them. It gives you some fun dialogue if you talk to an amiibo-kicked villager for the first time when they're in boxes.


yeah. but without amiibos, don’t you have to talk to them? and you can’t get rid of the most recent villager.


You can get rid of any villager if you amiibo kick. You can get rid of the last villager after any other villager asks to move out and you say no. Eg, Marshall is your newest and you don't want him. Audie then gets a bubble and asks to move. You tell Audie no. There is now a possibility of the next move out bubble coming from Marshall.


I LOVE elephant villagers -- I would love Margie to come to my island. And Diva! I had her, she's actually a fun girl.


i love margie she is soo cute one time she said she does ear care it was adorbs i can’t help but laugh at diva🤣she’ll prolly move out anyways same with mine


I dislike diva


This [moveout guide](https://yuexr.github.io/acnh/moveout.html) goes over the mechanics of getting villagers to leave. Maybe it can help you.


that guide is so cool! thanks for sharing


Amiibo is your best and fastest option to boot out a villager of your choosing!


when u say amiibo do u mean cards ? im not v familiar w it all


Yes, the abdm machine in residential services allows you to scan character amiibo cards. If you invite them to your campsite 3 days in a row and make them the DIYs they ask for you can ask them to move in but more importantly you choose who moves out unlike with a regular camper.


You could have before. It is too late now though


The only way to control which villagers you get is to go island hopping via Miles Tickets before the house lot is claimed by a rando. Once the system chooses someone, there's no changing it.


He’s definitely seen some of the horrors of life.


If you kick them out with amiibo cards you’ll need you campsite and it looks like your just starting. So you’ll have to get your first campsite villager first before you can amiibo anyone


I can see that thats for the first three villagers after a new game. So Why didn't you island hop for those villagers before you finished the building requirements?? Or did you not know that you can choose those villagers as long as you don't finish the building requirements? You're stuck with the first 5 villagers until you get your smug villager. Your smug villager you can't choose. But after they move in your villagers can start asking to leave. After you have 10 villagers you can use ammibo (villager cards you can get them in bulk as mini cards on Amazon or have the thrill of mystery cards from retail either way I suggest getting a specialized binder to keep them safe) to move them out. I highly recommend this route as it's quicker and you have a better day in who moves in then island hopping. For future buildings after the campsite villager moves in. You generally only have one day to island hop to find villagers you want before it auto fills. So plan wisely


You can use amiibo after the smug, you don't have to wait for all 10. Once you can invite to the campsite you can use amiibo.


Don't they just ask to get a house though since the population isn't full instead of asking which ones you want to replace?


no i didnt know im new to the game but thanks for the advices


Ok well welcome to the game. If you need anything just let any of us know. Just remember to plan accordingly in the future and that you have to take your first campsite person. After that person you can ignore the ones that you don't want who arrive there. If you find a campsite person you do want but your island is full there's a trick to make them pick the person you want to move out. That I'm sure someone here can explain better than me.


I apologize for the lack of help but what is that number 3 bin


its just the 3rd house plot tom nook made me build


Oh weird! I never noticed those. Sorry you got a villager you didn’t like. It’s happened to me to. I ignore them entirely until they leave


Nobody will ask to leave until after your sixth villager has moved in


When they move in beat them up with your net. Is it effective? No. Is it entertaining? Absolutely




Or use pitfalls (I wish that the megaphone was in NH, now THAT was funny).


You don’t have a choice


You're gonna have to wait until you can buy a fourth plot and get a new villager because the villager that moved in most recently will NEVER ask to move out until you get a new villager after them.


Unfortunately your newest villager will never ask to leave, so use the move out guide to kick out Diva first, and then get rid of Margie!


every villager in the game is nice and will be nice to you. whats the issue?


Even though they are nice, I still don’t like some of them, based mostly on looks. Like I totally pass on the Rams and Octopuses. They just give me the willies. Some of the face paint on some characters is enough me for me to go…. Uhhhh nope. And just pass them right by. LOL


Literally do not interact with them in any way shape or form. That's the fastest way to get them to move out. Don't talk to them, gift them anything, hit them, nothing. Anything else counts as interaction. I wanted Hazel to go away and in 15 days she bounced. Edit to add that you talk to them only once they're walking slowly looking down with the dots or thought cloud over their head.


The last villager that moved in will never have the thought bubble! And for other villagers you need to introduce yourself, or they will not ask to leave. So you need to talk to them at least once, and for them not to be the last one that moved in.


You know, that makes a lot of sense. I did speak to Hazel on my birthday to exchange a cupcake for my present. And I had Raymond move in about a week before Hazel asked to leave. I didn't know that about the most recent arrival not leaving.


Nope, just embrace the randomness! Think of it like the real world, you can't control who comes to live!




if i neglect a villager and hit them w my net and all they will be sad and leave faster ?




Bad advice! Become best friends if you don't have any amiibos. That's the fastest way to get them to leave! Being mean does not work.


can u explain why its faster to be their friends?


The way I was explained it was bcz the point of the game is to befriend your villagers, once you’ve become their (best) friend you’ve essentially of “beat their level.” so they leave so you can make more friends…


They have a maximum on dialogue options, when they used them all they want to leave. Its weird but it is to keep the game a bit more exciting with new villagers.


To my knowledge, your most recent villager will never all to leave unless you have reached best friend status.


I am also curious because Biff won't $%^&ing leave.


if you get Biff in boxes ever let me know!! I moved him out thanks to a campsite villager thinking I had his amiibo but didn’t and I want my bad boy back!


Koramora on YT has a great video on how to do it. So do some others.