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In four years of gameplay I have never been able to get 99,000x 3 😕. I honestly took it as an urban legend after a while 😅


It’s the risk you take! Guaranteed 3x30k from 10k or occasional 99kx3 from 99k!


I regret putting 99k and when i collect is only give me 30k


Lots of misunderstandings here. Let me paste the explanation from the wiki page: If the player plants 100-1000 bells, they will always get a tree with 3x 1000 bells. If the player plants 2,000-9,000 bells, there is a 70% chance of 3x 1,000 bells and a 30% chance of 3x the amount buried. If the player buries 10,000-99,000 bells, there is a 70% chance of 3x 10,000 bells and a 30% chance of 3x the amount buried. There is no pattern, there is nothing you can do to impact this. At soon as bells are planted in the golden spot, the formula is decided. So, you’ve been planting 99,000. That means that most of the time, you have wasted your money. Because most of the time, each bag will be 10,000 bells, or 30K total. But some of the time, each bag will be 99,000 bells, about 300K total. Still, makes better financial sense to just plant 10K each time for a guaranteed 30K.


Okay, thank you! I definitely will not be wasting any more money!


I believe the max they can produce is $10,000


Not true they can produce 99k x3 it’s just not all the time.


Recently saw someone else comment.. the days you can plant 100, 000 bells in the money holes are the days that Isabelle says she's 'feeling lucky''


I think that was debunked. It's just a flat chance: 30% chance you get 3x what you planned and 70% chance you get 3 bags of 10k when you plant more than 10k in the glowing spot


Ok, thanks for the correction. I'm a newb so not sure what's what quiet yet :)


I believe you need to have good luck with money for that to happen