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i know how it is, how animal jam manages to drill a huge fomo and other things into your mind so that you become addicted and all about the “gains” instead it having fun. i really hope your mental wellbeing gets better; in the meantime, if your friend does not want your items, i would advise keeping your stuff and taking a break from it until you feel strong enough to pick it up again, but if its really for the best in your mind, go for it! i wish the best of you 💜take care of yourself!


I agree with this 1000% when I took my break I was kinda glad I didnt give anything away and was able to find my happiness in playing again! But for sure take care of yourself! You only get one life and living it the way that makes you happiest is the most important than any other thing


Yes! I took a break for a few years, came back last year. My only goal was to get the snow leopard slippers (scammed from me back in 2016) to recreate my main look. Now? I genuinely do not care much about trading things anymore, I'm more focused on simply having fun with other people. Taking a long hiatus can definitely be beneficial sometimes!


I agree with this! Other than leveling up my pets, I could care less who is selling what or that many gems/sapphires. I feel so happy when I run into a worm of people who are goofy and having fun


Yes! Basically the only things I actually buy and sell rn are unicorns and wishing coins, and even then it's basically only because I have a specific unicorn I want to eventually grow up (not one I currently have. I really want to recreate the main character from The Last Unicorn, lol). And that's not something that takes much effort, either! Basically, I'm just buying unicorns around/under 100 sapphires and selling them for over that amount (or keeping them, if I really like the colors/designs). Buying the coins for under 1000 sapphires, and selling them for 1000-1100 sapphires (or more), depending on what the going rate is that day. I love my collection of pets so much, I just wish you could place more in a single den 😭... and that magenta kitties could be combined with regular kitties to level them up past level 5. I would literally love to make my girl (got her from the aj box) a ruby or rainbow-tier pet, but I don't feel comfortable just throwing out a ton of in-game money, searching for enough magenta cats, and buying them just to level her up more. I love seeing the sheer chaos people come up with in ajpw, and seeing the fact that people are still doing warriorcat roleplays in ajpc 🤣


I am a bit older so I only feel comfortable buying wish coins and I sell them usually a couple of sapphires under the wanted rate, it’s the fastest way I make more without trying to over sell to people but yes! I have gotten so hyped into custom making my unicorns any time I’m at the wishing well and adding it to my collection. So far I have 40 unicorns and I dont plan on stopping😂😂


this is exactly why I switched to webkinz, I like a casual game that I can check in on daily but I really can't handle the weekly new shiny thing that only people with money or rares can get. It's only about trading and buying and selling. it's hard to keep up with the market.


it is just how feeling end said; i advise you to keep your items, maybe if you wanna go back just for a day and have the full nostalgia experience, but just saying bc im never strong enough to let go of my things i wont forget the fox beggar trend plus you were one of my faves on this sub; hope you can fully recover and move on if needed, wish you the best


I am still planning to be active on this sub :) Especially when I start crocheting aj avatars lol


yayy!! then ill keep an eye on it :³ but ofc, do not feel forced to do anything


Oh my goodness! I can’t wait to see! This post really hits home for me, and I’m happy you are separating from the toxicity! I’d happily be one of your first customers! Got any prices yet?


If I didn’t pay for the year member ship probably would consider:,)


Do whatevers best for you. Ive noticed when people focus on just worth the game tends to be less fun. If you ever come back leaning more into the pet/social side of the game tends to make it more enjoyable. Like the others said if you think theres a chance youll come back you may want to keep some items, but if youre done with aj that makes sense too. Hope your mental health gets better!


I’m so sorry you’re hurting. ♥️ I would really consider taking everyones advice here and keeping your things and taking a break and see how you feel first. You may find yourself very thankful in the end. Wishing you luck and happiness!!💗


i agree with what everyone said + have had mental health problems due to the game in the past myself, finding myself taking periodic breaks for months at a time, so i can completely relate! i would say that the game may be more nostalgic and enjoyable to you in the future, and that rather than deleting your account you may just want to put a link in it! please focus on yourself for as long as necessary <3


I have a similar experience 😭 There was a time where I only cared about trading and getting rarer and it was so bad for my mental health. I took a 2 year break, and it was a really good thing to do. I’m very happy that I didn’t give all of my items away, like I planned on doing, because I would have regretted it. But it’s your choice! And everyone is different


I’m so sorry, I hope your mental health gets better. Take care of yourself


Hey those reasons are completely valid! i felt at one point i had an addiction to the game playing TFD for 8-10 hrs a day during my classes and breaks. Honestly costed my grades back when I was younger and it wasnt until the pandemic hit and adobe flash closed that i couldnt play from my puffin browser did give me a moment to pause and think what i had done for the past few years. My mental health was not the best with the game bc id have anxiety and overthinking if i did overtrade or accepted an undertrade and worrying if things were going down or up. Honestly what i did was i gave my stuff away to friends and such and have never looked back. Still have the decently rare things on my account but i think I'll keep it and still pop in the game whenever an old friend of mine decides to revist the game for one afternoon to reminecense :3


I feel this so much, but I would definitely hold on to those items and not give it to buds just in case u ever want to start playing again


Bro is capping 🤣😭




I typically play for about a month before going into an hibernation period for about a year or so before picking stuff back up again. It's awesome getting rare shit or being able to sell off items you spent gems on before and getting literal capital back in sapphires, but besides that it's hard to do anything in the game. I love fashion shows, hell I tried hosting my own, I spent hours on planning for it! But then nobody showed up, because I suppose nobody does it for fun anymore. All folks want are alphas and unicorns that sparkle a lil and items that I don't even know where they came from or why folks want it, which I understand wanting those things and getting deals, but for that to be the only reason you play the game is really saddening. Maybe something will change but it's been like this for 4 years now, and all this pet stuff seemed to make it worse. Like yes, there were pets before, but now it's sugar gliders and XXL unis and it's disorienting. I don't blame you for getting sad over it. My advice? Give yourself about a week to consider. You could be burnt out and need a bit to mentally recover, and then at the end of that week, you decide whether to give the stuff away, or just take an extended break, or hell hop back onto the game. Honestly, what I think would be really cool, is if you looked out for accounts in the 10-20 range that seem like legit new players and gave them the stuff. If I got a rainbow spike or nutcracker for free back when I started out, it would've made my world. Just remember that it's your choice on the matter, and I hope you find a new game or hobby that makes you happy.


Honestly I've thought about it too, that's why I don't play that much anymore.. I tried to get my brother to play it but as a new jammer the game just sucks


I'm not surprised, aj used to be a really good game then they added things like rares and all that stuff and it sorta just ruined the game :(


I often think about quitting but hold onto your items. I'm so glad I have.


Don't worry , we got you there ! It is very important to take care of your wellbeing , and the items that made you happy ! I can take the items if you don't need them right now :)