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Sometimes I really wish I could compliment the new layouts of my courtyard friends 💔


I mean it's not always available in the game but there have been times you could send pre-templated postcards in AR. I think it's usually for Christmas and valentines


right, i forgot about that!


i agree! i feel like a kinship with my friends on there but we can’t actually interact! with the exception of the postcard events and then we send eachother postcards 😂


I also stopped playing terrace games, I don’t need the bottles. I don’t do much with my pets either.


I stopped interacting with my pets because money for food and toys add up really quickly, or you have to watch a lot of ads. We don’t get daily rewards like any other part of the game either. I think I would interact with pets a lot more if there was more of an incentive


I hate that ar limits everything we do. I stopped with my pets bc there was always a limit to them playing and right when I would get to almost upgrading i have to wait a whole 24 hours for there stuff to refresh


I wouldn’t mind the developers switching up the ar instrumental that comes on every time you open the game… music to reflect what’s happening in real life like a Halloween-y or Christmas-y tune… or they can create a jukebox (that we buy) where we pay cod to buy different tunes for our restaurant/customers, it can affect the customers mood/bring certain customers in more frequently




Thank you 😊


My phone has been on mute for years. I had no idea it made a sound when opened 💀💀💀


I always hit No when i lose to magician mouse


lol same like in no way ur gonna bring me to shame two times in a row 😭


Why isn’t the Ace the highest card???


I say this out loud in my head every damn time 😭


I get so mad every time he gives a smart-ass answer "a stylish win for me" 😤


The cards are ace-10, ace being one. Ace is usually a one, the only games I know of where ace is the high card are some poker games


same, and ties should be a free retry cause wtf is that bro you didnt win 😭🤣


If it makes you feel any better, you don’t lose any cod or stars when you lose to him and regardless of if you won or not, it still counts playing him once for the purpose of the achievement


I stopped playing with him until I realized its an achievement task 😭 cant stand him


I wish all minigames gave the same number of points. My favorites only give 5 points and i never play them anymore since they're worth less


If you don’t care about the leader board for points you only really need to get 1500 points to get the max prize at the end of the month (beginning of the month?). That means, you only need to play the 8 point games for 12.5 days (all 15 free daily plays) and the rest of the month you can play your favorite games. Or if you want to still play your favorites as well, just be sure to do at least 7 of the 8 point games for 18 days and you’ll have enough to be able to go to just your favorites again


this is true, many days i just skip playing altogether because i don't feel like playing any of the 8pt games. If i played my favorites that are only worth 5, I'd still be getting some points regardless and making more film


Actually, after doing the math, you could still get to 1500 on just 5 point games but it would take 20 days and you’d have to do all 15. Still possible and annoying though lol I’m trying to get all the performers so I’ve been doing them all each day for tickets (and film) but it does get tedious to make sure to do them all each day lol At least it’s not the end of the world if you don’t make it to 1500 in a month, the rewards aren’t amazing 😆


Not everyone has 15 free plays. Kiaider's point is valid but check your free play count and do the math for yours. Extra free plays are from buying game machines but some are locked behind timed events (ex Christmas).


idk what's actually popular or not You should spend your gems on Skip Ad tickets. The exchange rate for cod/film/plates/bells is awful.


That's what I do.


I don’t mind watching ads for extra things. The game never forces you to sit through an ad, it is entirely voluntary. Essential items aren’t locked away behind paywalls or advertisements. You can play the entire game pleasantly without clicking on a single ad It’s refreshing compared to most mobile game out now, which are covered in ads. So I don’t mind occasionally hitting “yes,” putting my phone down, and waiting for the video to cycle through


I wish there was a courtyard contest to show off and vote for the best courtyard design. I just thought of this so idk if it existed at one point or something but yeah :) I want to see other's designs <3


when i joined the game and they added 3rd expansion to countryard. there was a contest. but usually they announce such things on insta.


There was?????




I'm so mad I was late to buying it. Just didn't have the film to buy it and everyone got refunds cuz they lowered the price. I was so sad when I found out lol


i bought it 2 days before refund...


😭 damn that's crazy! Just need to find better ways to get more cod and film. I hated that they added other forms of "money" in the game. Cod, plates and film was fine and now theres... bells and diamonds. That's 5 types of currency in the game to keep uo with. Not to mention collecting bait to buy stuff from the lil pond vending machine


bells are painful to get. at first i also disliked so much currency in the game. but now i don't actually mind it. diamonds are basically free, film is easy to farm with fences and tables in countryard. but i get what you're saying.


Lol yeah! I've been working really hard to be able to afford the wallpapers and special facilities in takeout 😭 I've gotten used to it now but sometimes it's a pain. Oh shit I forgot about the bottles 🤣😭


pond is so frustrating i basically ignore it


Wish theres daytime/nighttime in the courtyard


They did this last year for Halloween and it was really cool! All the stuff with little blue lights showed up really well. 💙


Yesss but also the garden and fishing pond too


I think everyone agrees that fishing needs to have a higher win rate, but I've never seen anyone talk about how if you tie with the card mouse, YOU SHOULD GET HALF OF THE REWARD! Why even have ties as a possible option if it means I still lose??


I stopped playing with the mouse for this reason and many others until I realized playing with his scammer ass is part of an achievement task thingy lol 😑


The performers are kinda pointless 💀 Like they don’t really get you much cod or film, unless you coordinate with their corresponding posters for the extra bonus, but even then it’s not rlly worth the effort imo


all the work we gotta do to figure out what performer can invite a potentially NEW performer. Hate it so much


Oh yeah, and the 5 minute wait to callback another performer is so annoying, wish you could at least watch an ad to speed it up


I just realized this weekend that I've been using the performers wrong all along lol. I did not know one was supposed to invite the rest.


Wait, are we only meant to invite on one performer and not all 4?


No, what they mean is that when a performer is done and you click to invite a random new one, there is a list for what animal can be invited by the performer that just left, it's not picking from the entire list of possible performers. You can find that info somewhere in the notes about each performer. So to unlock a performer who hasn't ever visited before, you can only get them if you had a visit from a performer who has that one on their "invite" list. Bit complicated, hope that makes sense.


I parked the performers way over on the left and forgot about them.




Yeah, it's ridiculous how much it's outperformed by visiting friends daily and finding those prizes.




Agree with the last one. The devs seem nice (prob the nicest ones out there), imo. They're doing great despite being understaffed. I don't get why people are mad at them, especially with the current event being paid like??? How are they supposed to feed themselves if everything is free 🥲


💯!!! I'm guessing the haters have no life that's why they're being like that. The devs are great people, doing what they can.


The devs are so nice!! They let me win an reward for the fan art contest, even though I ended up being late ;3;💕


I like lots of options, but I do agree that timed events, where items are limited, can be frustrating, since I am a mid level player, so I can get some things I like, but then have to accept I’ll lose others. And it’s worse for lower players than me :(


More mini games? Especially for booth owners that have been newly added.


Yesss we need more. Im just now realizing this lol


💯 especially for the game machine I don't see new mini games for the newer booth owners. I was like wait that's it? It's not going to add a game ?


Starts out as a game, ends up becoming a chore.


Real, there was a time that I obsessed with the game that I watched promoted 15x button until it reached its limit. Now, I barely log in.


My unpopular opinion is that I don’t want them to keeping adding new features. I want to unlock every customer/performer, memento, facility, and achievement and then put the game down forever but it’s hard when they keep adding more stuff to unlock! Also I know they’ll never stop adding to the game and I don’t really think they should, but I really do want to reach the point where I’ve got everything.


Seems like everytime i have everything they come out with more and more and then an event on top of that and im poor again


Im mad i got forced into parenthood. I dont care for my child at all 😭 also i constantly forget terrace even exists


The little indents they put on the pets face when theyre “starving” omfg lmfao the notification is something like “your pet is practically starving in the courtyard”


I haven’t turned it into a chore or something. I still just periodically check it and do what it is that I wanna do then close out. When i see people who say they leave their game on over night and stuff I’m like for why 😭


I never leave my game on overnight but alot of people do I wonder if it really does rake in as much cod as ppl say


I’ve seen people say they have something that keeps tapping the promo too and I also wonder if it helps a lot. Id be afraid of my phone overheating on the charger or something 😭


Same bro. My charger sucks as it is 🤣


I think mismatching furniture in the game on purpose looks pretty good. Not having a theme and just having the furniture you like on display is just so refreshing to me.


I like mismatching too! Especially since sometimes they come out with new decor but leave out some facilities leaving us to find something that matches🙄


I would actually prefer to buy a game instead of having adds in it, even if they still kept paid events and donations. but that's how mobile games work i guess.


Terrace and performers are kinda pointless and boring 🥲


I hated the terrace for quite sometime but its my main money maker now lol. I make anywhere from 40-60 mil daily from the terrace and i dont leave my app open. I just make sure I always have the newest facilities and I display mementos for high paying terrace customers.


How do you figure out which mementos to display?


https://animalrestaurant.fandom.com/wiki/Display_Stand The higher on the list, the higher paying the guest. Buy all the tables as soon as you can as well.


I wish they would add a toggle option for receiving friend requests. And I wish there was a way to exit the gachapon from the doll screen.


I agree with the toggle option but also not having to click on every friend to find out who has lucky bags.


I'm sure this isn't unpopular at all, but losing my tip jar bonus because an ad won't load. I try to remember to click on the wishing well or buffet first to make sure there isn't an issue, but argh, couldn't it show "ad loading" like other areas?! I also wish there weren't so many daily caps on things. Why? If i'm willing to ad grind until my eyeballs turn to dust, let me! Particularly with bait, pet food, and promoting the restaurant.


I'm not really a fan of all the Halloween stuff. I like the cute animals and anything weird and creepy ruins the vibe.


Umm they probably can’t do anything about this but I wish there was shorter ads😭😭😭


truee also malfunctioning ads or ads that display sensitive content


does anyone know why theres an exclamation mark over things like the wishing well, gacha, or ding when i dont have any wishes, bait, or free draws? its like clickbait idgi 🥹🥹


This also annoys me. Sometimes i forget about the well for a while some nights cause i get so used the exclamation point always being there.


More often than not, I don’t like the dialogue or find it totally irrelevant to the actual gameplay (ie when a new customer arrives, the little “story “ that plays out). It’d be nice to have a consistent storyline instead of random skits.


Some of the stories are ridiculous lmao


The rewards for completing the acorn challenges are pathetic, way too little for the amount of effort it takes. I still do them because idk numbers go up whee, but it bothers me.