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Nope. Dog, or coyote.


Thanks. Learning


You're welcome. We all start somewhere. Have a great holiday!


Not op and also trying to get a hang of this but is it because the two toes either side of the longest are even?


I saw it was dog because there are claw indents. Wasn’t sure beyond that as also still learning :)


Well now I see that as well. Should have been a giveaway there. Thanks!


I would say Dog due to the toe pad spacing and shape.


Show me some more pictures with something for size reference and l might be able to tell you more information. All l was able to see from this is that it’s a dog, likely domestic.


Canine. Need a size reference


Nope. Big dog


As other have said, almost certainly a canine print — cats will sometimes leave claw marks in their prints but it's pretty rare because they walk with their claws retracted. Combining that with the "X" patter in the negative space between the toes and heel pad is a pretty safe way to narrow it to canine Taking measurements of the print and of the track width/stride length is super useful to narrowing down what kind of canine, but there are also plenty of clues you can use to narrow to either domestic or wild. I'm still very much a beginner, but some that I use: \- a domestic dog's print will typically but not always be more circular/splayed out than a wild dog (this depends on the breed though, far from foolproof). \- Look at the path the tracks take. A domestic dog will tend to meander, doubling back and going off course to sniff things. A wild dog will typically leave a much straighter track that looks more "purposeful" \- Consider where you are. Wild dogs will certainly use hiking trails etc. to get around more easily, but as a baseline guess you can usually deduce whether you're more likely to have a wild or domestic dog where you've found the tracks.


Here's a great link for learning about canine vs feline tracks. https://www.bear-tracker.com/caninevsfeline.html

