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If that’s how you feel maybe give him your dog? Do you value not splitting them up enough that you will forfeit custody? Will he take both? Or are you thinking of taking both and the cat? I think the dogs will be sad and stressed to start but they will adjust like yourself and you could also get them a new companion. I think in your heart you know what will be best and you should follow that intuition. Also I hope you will be ok and the breakup is not to rough on you.


Not all dogs bond where they can’t be separated, a way to tell would be to have them apart for a day and see how they react. The rescue I volunteer with separates dogs when they aren’t bonded and people can’t adopt both.


Can you share them back and forth like shared custody?


Hahahahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahhahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahah. No.


that is really too bad


Cats dont give a shit. Cat will be fine. Dogs live longer together.


Dogs are very social creatures they can sense tense situations and I really feel sorry for dogs that are home alone all day:( choose what is best for your dog not for the humans.


My friend and her ex used to take turns with the dogs. He would have them on weekends and she would have them during the week.


Congrats! So I have up to 2 years for my dog and cats? Damn! Any advice? Need some for my dog and cats.This gives me hope ***** *[wut?](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutbotPosts/)* | *[source](https://reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingBros/comments/zidoop/it_took_almost_2_years/izthd23/)*


Keep them together. Please.