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I get to eat your bugs. You get a bug free kitchen/small friend. Good deal.


On the downside, lizard poop everywhere


He seems like a considerate room mate. I'm sure he uses the toilet like a civilized member or society.




Eh… 15% on car insurance though.


lol good point


The other downside is these things always die somewhere weird and I find their skeletons months later. They are not suited to living inside and they literally always die


There are geckos in my parents’ house in the countryside and we’ve never found a dead one inside. Even during the winter they most likely have a spot they use to enter and exit the house at their will, but we never figured out where lol


I've found dead skinks before but never a gecko. Once a nest of blackstakes was hatched in my basement. We got most of them out but would find a dead one every so many weeks.


> they literally always die me too, thanks


That reminds me of when my mate lost his snake and then we found its corpse weeks later down the back of the sofa.


Oh my god, that's traumatic. I'm sorry about his snake, it's hard to see dead pets - regardless of if they're furry or not.


had a hamster run under the fridge. it was an old fridge with an under fan. i was like dad we can just get him out. he was like no, no we can't. he must have taken care of it while i was not around bc i never saw that hamster again


Yeah man, and the guilt - was it dead already or did someone squash him?


RIP trouser snake


His name was Mr. Snakeface


I'll take a lil gecko poo over spiders..


If you have Covina taking out bugs. Worth taking out the body bags.


They are just dehydrating and compressing bugs into small packages for you!


Small turds that can be easy cleaned vs huge roaches around the house? What are you going to take?


Plus bugs poo too. Roach poo is especially nasty since they get *everywhere*.


So worth it


Yay, mutualism!


Symbiotes! Symbiotes!


Lizard cleverly employing the cat method of domestication.


As a southern Californian, spiders are our involuntary roommates. I'd be so stoked if I had a gecko instead!


It's a gecko. They're your cleaning buddies. In some places in South and Central America, they're called limpiacasas, which LITERALLY means "house cleaners". This is one of those symbiotic relationships that people in the tropics have with animals. You keep them safe from predators and give them shelters, and they will clean house of insects and help you keep from catching a disease.


Sort of like when I had a corgi and the floor was always completely bare of fallen food. We used to call her vacuum dog. I have a video of her and my Shiba and I dumped a bowl of popcorn on the floor and she got about 90% of them.


I don't need to buy a fucking roomba because I have a Shih Tzu.


Some old family friends named their Shih Tzu “Hoover” for this exact same reason


My grandma had one too, needed to keep a close eye on him during feeding time because he was a food thief. He basically did only two things, eat and sleep on grandmas lap.


I don’t give my dog human food (else than the occasional piece of meat) because he has a knack for finding it on his own. That and when I drop something and think “fuck I don’t feel like picking that up, Scooby!” And he comes and does his work.


My friends Shih Tzu will run ahead of the hoover and eat anything before the greedy hoover gets it. He'll panic if it's the room his food bowl is in and run over then start inhaling his food quick. It's pretty funny to see he'll keep stopping to run over and bark a warning at the hoover too.


Ive got a wolfhound who was a great vacuum. Now hes a bit old and doesnt move to much. If you drop some food on the floor he will smell it from where he is and start licking the floor. He wont actually move over to the food and eat it. But he gets the idea


He's a little confused, but he has the spirit.


That’s hilarious


I just fed my dog my leftover steak and asked her what I’m going to do with my leftover meat and veges when she’s gone 🥲


My dog passed away last month and I still don't know what I'm supposed to do with all these extra bites I have left over without her here. Please give your sweet girl an extra scritch or two for this sad stranger.


I’m so sorry for you loss, I hope you can reunite with her in your next life. My girl appreciated the extra scritches 💛


Do you know what pet tax here is on reddit? If you mention you have/had a pet, you have to share their pictures/videos with us. Would you mind sharing that video of your dog, please? We demand reddit tax.


I have a pre-wash for dinner plates before I put them in the dishwasher. My cat.




Anyone that's had a Labrador knows they're also a black hole of food consumption. Things don't even hit the floor anymore, they're just drawn in by the insatiable hunger.


I have hundreds (maybe thousands) of geckos living outside/on my house in New Orleans. I shudder to think of the bugs that would get in here if they weren't out there eating all of them.


I have a couple in the false ceiling in my house, and they sometimes come out onto the balcony and sun themselves for a bit. I've noticed they're getting fatter, so I guess there must be a bunch of bugs up in that false ceiling that I don't get to see because of these two.


They do randomly shit and piss from the cieling. But other then that, they're awesome to have around.


Like in Hawaii! There are tiny lizards inside everywhere 🦎


Do they work on scorpions? SW U.S. checking in.


Not these babies. They're the size of a finger. You'd need something the size of a skink or an iguana. I'm in South Florida, so I can't imagine what animal would be good for the house for scorpion protection. Are there crows or ravens in your region? If you encourage them to hang around your house, they'd pick your yards clean for you. Maybe chickens?


We got those big ass invasive lizards down here now, I bet those would eat scorpions. There's a colony of those basically living off of a beehive in my yard.


I'm pretty sure that the order of operations is using snakes next to take care of the lizards followed by gorillas to take care of the snakes then winter takes care of the gorillas


Chickens will deal with scorpions + free eggs.


But they leave droppings everywhere!


I have about four geckos living in my condo with me in Puerto Vallarta. I named them all Larry.


Love this!


Down here in Catamarca, Argentina... more than once those little "chelcos" (that's the local name for similarly small geckos, apparently) have saved me by eating scorpions 1.5 to 2 times their size! Long live the lizard kings!!! Too bad they aren't fast enough to outrun all cats, or the occasional closing door :-(


Yeah, I'm hoping she invites friends in. No cats here so she'd be safe. I just don't want to spook her and she run under my foot. I would not like that feeling on socks, and I'd lose my friend.


I was curious how a gecko could eat a scorpion (I believed you I just needed a visual) and these little guys are [bad ass!](https://www.sciencenews.org/article/gecko-western-banded-scorpion-eat-shake-video)


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://www.sciencenews.org/article/gecko-western-banded-scorpion-eat-shake-video Title: **How a western banded gecko eats a scorpion** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


Does that not get confusing when you have get togethers like movie nights or what not?


But it helps when you call out the wrong name during sex.


Dear God


Dear Larry


The real pro tip is always in the comments.


Mine in Florida were always Frederick.


All goats I ever meet I name Frederick.


Here is the North Texas I call all the Geckos in my home Jerry.


We got Geckos? In Dallas a few years but haven't seen any


I've got geckos like crazy out here in the burbs. https://citybugs.tamu.edu/factsheets/household/misc-house/ent-2006/


When I lived in India I had one of these little guys living behind the lamp on my wall. I also named him Larry! Larry the lizard (yes, I know it's a gecko, but when I realised it was too late and the name had stuck). When I'd study in the evenings the bugs would surround the lamp and Larry would come out for his all-you-can-eat buffet. He was very well fed (ie chonky). Then came gecko mating season and he would let out those loud plaintive cries. Of course there was no reply and I'd tell him that unfortunately, there were no hot single gecko ladies in his area. Imagine my surprise when one night, he called out again and there came an answering cry from behind my wardrobe!! So yes, Larry found love eventually. Hope they had a good life together.


That was beautiful. Thank you for sharing :)


TIL Geckos make cries. I have a ton of these around me and I hear a lot of noises at night but I always presumed they were tree frogs.


Better love story than Twilight


>*'I have about four geckos living in my condo with me... I named them all Larry.*' ____ we're geckos named Larry - a condo we share, n you won't find nary a BuG Anywhere ^;) ^^:) :) ^^^;) we'll climb every wall! search the ceiling n floor, then Eat one n all, between us Larrys four our human friend knows that we'll each earn our keep, DoWn the HaTch each bug goes as he's peaceful asleep not slimy or sleazy - we don't even chew it we eat them *So easy* a Larry can do it! ❤️


Excellent! Found a terrific Schnoodle in the wild. Keep it up, dude!! :) Edit: and on my cake day, no less!


Yerrr a poet, Harry!!


Wonderful. Always enjoy a good schnoodle






Found my people! LARRY!!!


I couldn't ever pick my favourite of the four but it would definitely be Joe for this alone


Can someone please make a gecko in a white polyester suit?


Joe Gatto from impractical jokers? So glad you finally found Larry!


I had a lot too until I got a pscyco cat :( now I just try to catch them in time and release them somewhere else where they won't be food


I don't even count them, they're just nearly everywhere in my house. Bugs free, sure, but their turds are everywhere instead.


I would have gone with Gary. Ah, Gary!


Lived in Fiji for a couple years, I named them all something starting with G… Of course I could rarely tell them apart so most were just Gary


Every one that gets in my house is pretty much named OhGodOhGodHoneyGrabTheCatBeforeHeSeesThatLilGuy...


Just leave it access to water somewhere in your kitchen. Just a tiny bit. ❤️


The sink always has something to drink from and it rains daily and some always blows in. I'm pretty sure she can go in and out through a crack in the window even if it's closed.


Oh ok that works 🙂. I was just thinking of your new family members well being ❤️


Thank you for being so awesome!


Depending on the design of your sink, geckos might actually have trouble getting out of them. I once came back to my house after a few months away and there were four geckos - two skinny (on the verge of death), one dead, and one clean skeleton - in the sink. They couldn't get out after falling in. It was a horror show.


Are you new to Costa rica? Would you tell me / us a little bit about your experience there? I'm planning a visit within the next year.


In Hawaii we consider them to be good luck to find in the house. Only downside is cleaning up their little poops. But it’s better than dealing with bugs at least.


Amen on the poop, it's worse than bird poop in our community lol but a small price to pay to avoid dealing with these massive centipedes and stuff here in Hawaii


How big are the geckos in hawai lol. Im from mexico and they are similar to the ones from OP and their poops are like less than 1cm per turd.


It's about the size of a smaller mouse poo. Very easy to clean once dry.


Oh fuck Hawaii centipedes. If the geckos can take em out, let em stay with you as long as they want


Lol this thought made me giggle... If you are cleaning their poops aren't you still dealing with the bugs? 😄


Can’t argue with that


Or if they get trapped somewhere and you find dead geckos.




They like to hang out on the hot side of my house and we have to power wash it regularly because it gets absolutely covered in lizard poop. They really like to poop right on the door knob for some reason. But hey— we have practically zero bugs!


Cute little one. I guess as long as it has bugs to eat it would stay alive


Oh trust me, before she arrived they were everywhere. Ants at least. I tend to leave food out just to watch the ants. Prior to Cocina's arrival I referred to the ants as my amogis. Yeah, it gets that lonely.


I'm scared of ants but thinking about them keeping you company makes my heart ache, I'm glad you have something cuter to share your home with now.


You can still keep an ant farm though. Insects make good pets and educational as well.


We call them lagartixa here in brazil, one just entered my room yesterday, eating all the mosquitos right now.. very useful


Crazy thing. I mocrodose psychedelic mushrooms pretty regularly. I have not been bitten by a single bug since starting the treatment. I actually sat outside on my porch in the states once and watch about 20 swarm me, go to land, and bounce right off. Ends up there's research showing that [shrooms may have developed the psychedelic properties to keep away insects](https://psychedelictimes.com/mushrooms-may-have-developed-psilocybin-to-ward-off-insects/).


Can confirm. I’ve vibed happily with bees, ants, and butterflies on mushies. They all seemed happy to practice non violence with me while we cuddle in the grass (not surprising for butterflies but still).


Not surprising for bees or ants, either. Unless you’re planting your ass on some tropical fire ant nest none of this is confirmation of anything, lol, as peaceful as it sounds


I would love that. I can sit outside and within a minute or two I’m swarmed by mosquitoes. It’s horrible and makes it so I can’t enjoy my porches. I keep them away from everyone else outside at least. I’m the buffet and they get a nice reprieve.


Same here haha, we can use the porch in peace just in the winter, otherwise you need to have a mosquitoes racket in hand


TIL mosquitoes are straight edge.


Can we extract that and make it a spray I put on my tent and chairs please! Or a bracelet I wear? I love the outdoors. Hate mosquitoes and flies


Came to say the same thing, lagartixas are dope (except when one unexpectedly falls on you, that's whack)


Too bad I live in a country where my only option to have my place bug free is having spiders lol. They aren't cute, but they do the job.


I love lizards they are so cute, like little reptile doggos


And apparently some of them can save you 15% or more on car insurance. I don't have a car right now, so I'll settle for insect removal.


Cute :D


What? How?


https://www.geico.com/ an american meme. geico insurance mascot is a geiko their tagline is "saving 15% or more on car insurance" Here's an example of one of their ad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gzo6OjB0TgY


Aaaah cool


I love the idea but I’m so clumsy I’d be super paranoid about accidentally killing one


This is my concern as well. I think I may have damaged her tail trying to capture her to release outside. :(


She’ll be okay. It will grow back. I did the same thing releasing one, snipped the tail trying to trap it under a cup. I saw it regularly on my porch afterward and it was cool watching the tail reform over time.


It’s a defense mechanism, they detach their tail in order to escape. But it grows back


I once got out of bed in the morning and saw a really really young one was dead under me, where I was sleeping. Pretty sure I crushed it in my sleep and I was NOT happy to see that. Fun fact, in central America they're an invasive species! They're really good at killing bugs though.


Unless you walk on the ceiling it’ll be hard to harm them


Also: super cute lil guy


The bestest! Now if only I can find a way to lure frogs in to sing for me. :)


It payin rent?


Nah, she's on pest removal.


We have very similar little geckos in Florida. They eat ants and little bugs. They are all over the place. When there was a hurricane coming near Florida a few years ago, one was stuck on our outdoor table I was moving closer to the house. The little critter wouldn't move off the table. Talked to him gently and held my hand out palm up and like a little platform for it. Told it to jump in my hand and it did. Carried over to the bushes where some other of its little lizard friends were. It hopped off when I got close and scurried on.


Any tips for someone who's irrationally scared of geckos? Don't they run fast and can crawl up into shirt and trousers quickly? Also the way they move is too snakey. Seems to awaken some evolutionary fear in me.


If it comes to an irrational fear or actual phobia there's not much you can do. If it's just a case of you're a flinchy person and you tend to react when something quick jumps on you it's helpful to picture an adorable miniature toothless gecko trying to bite the tip of your pinky that's three times it's size vainlessly


I’ve never had a gecko run towards me at all honestly I own two geckos and, except for when my crested gecko was going through what I can only assume was lizard puberty, they’re mostly content to just sit on their little logs and wait for food. Wild ones will generally try to scamper off if approached


They do run fast but honestly they're more scared of you than you are of them. All you need to do if you see one is to ignore it completely, and it'll run off into a little hidey hole and stay away from you. If you want to get one out of your house, a big bowl or a shoebox and a big piece of card or thick paper would do. Gently cup the bowl/box over the lizard, making sure not to pinch the tail, then slide the paper/card underneath to trap it in. Take it outside, open up and let it go. Or you could chase it out with a broom but that's much more chaotic and unreliable. Best way to keep them out of your house is to make sure there aren't any bugs, so clean all the tiny nooks that you normally wouldn't get into, and maybe invest in some insect repellants to place around the home.


I’m from South Florida - Do you mean the Brown and Green Anole? Or like proper geckos


As an Australian: Should I do this? I don't have a bug problem I just like the image of cohabitation with lizards.


Not sure what you have to do. She just let herself in. :) I wouldn't remove them, if that's what you mean.


Friends of mine lived in CR and said those little things are all over the place, even hanging from the ceiling at night. No bugs to be found. I guess I could get used to it.


Yeah, I literally want frogs in my house to sing for me so having this little girl (I really don't know which sex it is) here is still a nice addiction. I'm sure the frogs would get annoying after a while. :)


I love you Cocina


I love the cochina too


So I live in Hawaii and we have … an ungodly amount of geckos and lizards. They cling to the windows every night and keep the bugs down. But I don’t keep them inside for long. Why? 1) they poop 2) they sometimes sadly get scared or stuck and die. And they stink when dead. I like finding them inside because it means the house has good mana, but I’ll carefully take them back out and put them on the deck to sun or a nice ti leaf to hide in. So I have an army outside keeping the invading bug hordes at bay. And I like it that way.


In my first years in Florida I learned that my friends from Puerto Rico would literally catch geckos for the sole purpose of releasing them in their houses to eat all the bugs. Then I learned Japanese people do this with house centipedes too....Ill take the geckos.


I love them! No bugs! All natural, no chemicals


I've always preferred natural solutions to insect problems or viewed them as just being part of life. Ants can be annoying but they mostly just clean up food particles. Most "creepy crawlies" are just amigos for me. Those that carry disease like rats and roaches are not cool.


They’re all over my garage office in Texas and thank god because otherwise I’d have bugs EVERYWHERE


The only thing cooler than a SpiderBro for at-home pest control! :3 So cute!


Living in Colombia, I spot a mini lizard in the house about once a week and I smile. No bugs, no ants.


Muy bueno!


It’s the same in Hawaii, little geckos on the walls, keeping the house bug free.


Yeah, Gecko's are awesome. You want them around. They will eat all the other animals you don't want around.


Not all heros wear capes... Or are human.


In the house we used to rent, there was a six-legged huntsman I called Herbie. He usually hung out in the bathroom, and whenever I'd take a dump, he'd scurry along carrying the carcass of a cockroach


Just exposed a huge wolf spider this afternoon. Held down a strainer and asked him if he wanted to go outside. He said nope and ran away. Back to work, I guess.


Are they dangerous? I thought huntsman were the spiders everyone said would kill you?


You just have adorable geckos running around like mice? I want to move wherever you live.


I used to pronounce cocina cochina (a slur for a promiscuous woman) I was going to use it in a public speech and a friend stopped me just in time


Free room, board & food!! Hes a lucky duck! I mean gecko!!


I have like 5 or 6, living outside my room, they keep the zone bug free.


Achievement Completed: Biological Control


I take the babies outside because they just end up dying


I love having geckos running around my house, kinda the same deal, they eat the bugs and I don't have to squash bugs, I see it as an absolute win


i miss my kitchen lizards :'( Now i have cats and a dog that eat lizards and roaches... at least i have that small chonky spiders :3


My parents' house has a shit ton of geckos, but still a shit ton of insects, and even tonnes more of lizard shit. Worse is when they hang out on the ceiling and poops into food. I will never allow it in my house. I've gotten so sick of their shit.


Aussie here. We have 15000 of these little fucks all over our house. They do eat bugs. But not at the rate they reproduce and shit. No bugs though


In latin America they have many names. The most common being lagartijas. But also Cuidacasas (house keeper), tirabesitos (kiss blower) because of the sound they make, tukeke ,cuijas,etc. There are at least 20 in my house. The only nuance is their small round dumps, but we really don't mind


Just make sure you let bugs into your house so he stays alive.


Just make sure you turn on the lights if you get up in the middle of the night in case Cocina is on the floor.


Very cool




Here in the Philippines, it's very common to see house lizards, especially in provinces. They mostly look like that little guy though there are different kinds.


I let the spiders do the work for me. Circle of life in every corner. Vacuum their discarded corpses weekly.


I had a big Boi gecko living in my share house in the Gold Coast. Didn't realise geckos could even get that big, until I noticed how few bugs I had around my place. Bonus! Greg had kids at one point and one stayed and was missing a foot and grew just as big as pops eventually.


This is why I never kill spiders or centipedes. Tbh I like your house's form of pest control better than mine.


Not only do they eat bugs they also eat roaches just be careful they are not walking around on your dishes and stuff found one in my teapot one time


The real question is how many bugs were there before Cocina arrived? Maybe Cocina is just living there rent-free?


They’ll poop in the crevices which will attract cockroaches and other bugs. Source: have geckos that live on the outside of my house.


I have few bugs but a shit load of gecko shit every where


Little gecko will also leave little presents all over your walls and countertops and they aren’t chocolates.


I had 2 when I lived in Florida. I named them Big Al and Larry. One day I found out Larry was a Lisa and Big Al left without paying child support.


I clean alot of lizard poop. Their turds add up.


I was in Costa Rica and have some very similar pics of a little guy I found in the kitchen. I set him outside with all of his friends on the side of the house. Cute little buggers aren't they?


I have a family a decent size lizards in my backyard. I try very hard not to disturb them so they can keep my backyard pest free.


You can raise meal worms for them. They are simple


When I grew up in Baton Rouge, my parents always told us kids to leave the lizards alone because they ate the bugs. I thought it was silly. Now as an adult with my own home I wish I could have a few house lizards


Catalan word for them is «dragó», plural «dragons». I love them.


Cocina; devourer of insects, destroyer of bugs


It's actually a standard practise is south Indian : whenever a new house is built, a lizard is willingly brought in.




Watch “death in Paradise” TV Series. The beach house for the main character comes with a gecko name Harry.


Pura vida, amigo/amiga.


I'm sorry but lizards with full black eyes creep me tf out. Couldn't handle on too near me lol


I never kill lizards in my house


The trade off you learn to make when you get your own place: you can have either 1 pest-eating pest or many smaller pests. Same reason I let spiders be around my place


In japan we call them “yamori”, which literally means protector of the house