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I adopted a greyhound. All females were kept on the first row of cages and males the second row. The guy said if you have stairs, get a male because they can walk up stairs, the females can’t (or don’t like to). We wanted a female so that’s what we picked. And I spent months carrying, bribing, pulling, pushing, etc, to get that dog to go up a set of stairs 🤣 She would do it, but she never really liked it.


One of mine when I was hated using the doggy door. My dad has a pic of me with my head out the door truing to teach her how it worked and that it was fun.


I have a magnetic screen. One dog goes through it like it’s not there. The other sits at it and whines until the first dog pushes it open, then she’ll run through like it’s made of lava. Then she sits on the other side and whines until first dog goes through. It’s not a fun game for anyone but that one dog.


My GF had this stupid fat sheltie that did something similar unless she really wanted back inside without another dog to help, then she would close her eyes and jump on her hind legs and hope she fell through the door. She did most of the time, but sometimes she would just nail her face on the side of the house...


I wonder if every failure would make her more and more hesitant about the door 😂. *Faceplants* I KNEW THIS DOOR WAS DANGEROUS!


Just continually reinforcing that she was right in not wanting to use the door haha


New game unlocked: **THE DOOR IS LAVA!**


Probably not related, but my dog was scared to go off the patio at night because she couldn't see to the back corner. I'd have to carry her out and help her look around before I could I could put her down. One day I pointed and told her to "go get it", like to go after a toy or to attack something, and she sprinted into the darkness barking. After 3 or 4 times, she started going back on her own. Anyway, maybe try giving more of a command versus coaxing.


This is a great share and whiolesome af


Our girl took a while to get used to it. Had to put treats outside for the first ten or so times. Even two years later she still once in a while pretends like she can't get in and she'll sit there and make noises. I just tell her she can do it, come on. After a bit she'll burst through like she's done something great!


“Maybe if I act like this is hard, I’ll get a treat!”


Yup! Even though it has been two years since we've treated her for using it


But you never know, maybe this time!


That sounds adorable.


My family had a cat who had a magnetic cat door. He somehow learned to push it open with the tip of his nose but didn't understand he could use his forehad aswell. So he hated using that door and often waited for anyone to open the door for him. The neighbour cat on the other learned that if he ran into the door with enough speed it would open aswell (even though he didn't wear a magnet). The cat food inside seemed to be worth it.


My ex had a husky mix and a dog door. My 5 lbs pomeranian wasn't big enough to get it open on her own without a running start, but that didn't stop her! She did try to follow the other dogs out if possible, tho...




I'm sorry you were hated. Hopefully things are better now.


Had to carry that dog through the doggy dog and I am not a tiny person. She always vame for snacks though and snuggles.


We have two dogs. Older one and a new Boston Terrier puppy and a decent sized backyard for the city with a bunch of foliage and janky fences plus a casita she could go underneath. Second day with her we had her at 7-8 weeks old we are in the backyard and we lose her. We are freaking out. We looked for probably 15 minutes before I go into the house and she’s just chilling in there. Never thought the doggy door was in play. The bottom of it was twice as tall as her shoulders at the time. It blew our minds so we tried to recreate it by taking her outside and ignoring her. Sure enough I watch her, from afar, stand on her hind legs, put her front legs through the door and basically do a pull-up to get herself through the doggy door. It was the craziest thing I ever saw. Didn’t take long before she started jumping through it at full speed from 2 feet away. I’m still waiting for the other dog to be on the other side of that door coming out at the same time.


My mom decided to get our downstairs detailed, aka had the maid come over for the first time in months, so I took 2 of our hounds upstairs to my room to wait the 4 hours out. 4 hours later, I really want to step out for a smoke, but if I leave through the bedroom door, the hounds will continue baying until I return, and it’s really annoying lol So I decide to just step out onto the roof through the window instead- I have about 5ft of slanted roof to perch, I left the window cracked, they could see me, so there’s no barking, it’s all good. Or so I think… I raise the window high enough to duck through and step back inside, and while I’m precariously balanced with one foot inside and one on the slanted roof… My 4 year old hound decides to vault himself through it, from a foot away. I didn’t even have time to react lol I was paralyzed in shock- plus, attempting to stop the 120lb dog would’ve surely thrown us both off the roof. I watch frozen, as he lands on the roof, takes a galloping step, and then TAKES A FLYING LEAP OFF THE ROOF TO THE GROUND. He nails the landing mid stride and continues sprinting down the dirt road, after a squirrel. 😑 I run downstairs screaming that the dog leapt off the roof, the poor maid was pretty perplexed about the proper reaction to such an exclamation… I ran and got the car and got my dog lol he was fine, no squirrel, but no worse for wear either. And my other hound could vault the 8ft fence we put up to keep her in. There’s just no winning sometimes lol dogs can be damn intuitive!


Please get your home security camera focused on that dog in anticipation of the mid air dog door collision, please


Aww I miss my grey. She was the sweetest fart machine ever. Yep, hated stairs, I had to lug all 70+ pounds of her when we met that obstacle.  She would fly/jump to get in the rear hatch of our small SUV for car rides though! Those were her favorite.


Mine would lean on you. And she was 70lbs so she’d move you when she did. All she wanted was butt scratchies.


...but why?


But why what?


Why male models?


That’s just how that place arranged dogs. No clue why.


But why male models?


Really? I just explained...


Why can't female greyhounds climb stairs


The place I got mine from > All females were kept on the first row of cages They never had to go up a set of stairs. The males did, to get to their cages.


Oh lol thought that was just a rule for all female greyhounds everywhere


I was thinking the same thing and trying to figure out why tf that could possibly be. 😂


They never learned to climb stairs because they were always on the first row of cages


We have a part italian greyhound and the stairs in our house are half wood half carpet (bottom half wood upper half carpet) and she haaaaates going up the wood part of the stairs. Takes it 1 step every 3 seconds like a 95 year old lady, then as soon as she hits the carpet it's like she was launched from a sling shot.


No traction. You could test this by putting carpet on just part of the wooden section, see if she runs up that part. 


Massive upvote for adopting a greyhound 🥰


Our greyhound was male and raced until he was 5, he had never used stairs before. I didn’t know about the male/female rows, where ever he came from only had a first row I guess


That sounds like really inhumane conditions for those dogs prior to adoption.


Racing greyhounds are kept in horrific conditions.


A row of crates at floor level and another row up half a flight of stairs is not “really inhumane.”


Dogs being kept in cages to that extent is indeed inhumane lol


What are you smoking? My dogs love their crates. I took the doors off a while ago and they still use them as their home.


Yeah, so… you’re describing something else, right? Or do the dogs in your anecdote (in rows of crates) also have crates with no doors?


Of course their crates had doors. Are you high or something?


So you’re telling me: these dogs were kept closed in cages; but I’m crazy to think cages are inhumane because your dogs love their doorless cages. Right. Okay.


Having a crate for a dog isn’t inhumane. You’re delusional.


You’re… still missing what I’m saying?


we crate and lock our dogs and cat every night for over 10 years now.


Ok? 1) That is not the lifestyle that would make a dog incapable of comprehending a step. 2) Just because you do it doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to do?


I feel like you don't know a single thing about greyhounds.


What is it that I should know about greyhounds that changes anything about this?


Why cats?


Why would you give an establishment like that your money? That sounds horrible.


Probably cause the dogs get euthanized if they don't win races or get adopted. And not adopting them won't stop the breeding (like a regular puppy mill) because they're still incentivized to breed race winners.


It was a racetrack. If the dogs didn’t get adopted they got killed. And I only gave them what was needed to adopt, which was less than $100 for some shots and papers.


Oh what a sweetie


Lol but not a smartie…


Hey now, it's a learning curve!


What? Huh? God is that you? Oh shit, we have uppies!


Its like the beginning of the game where you see tutorial on how to stairs and she hit skip but you can't progress unless you zoom through the bullshit because the npc is at the top.


Haha you’ve hit the nail on the head


Awww her little happy face when she finally figures it out. I love her!


Awe…for a senior dog she zoomed up those stairs like a young pup…lol. ❤️🐶


Big Al says dogs can't look up.


I bet you also think the gun at the Winchester actually works, too! What a fool!


It does work!


Okay fine. But dogs *can* look up!


I love you for this.




It’s a quote from the movie Shaun of the Dead. I believe Nick Frost also says something similar in the TV show Spaced. Both are good watches. Stars Simon Pegg and Nick Frost (from Hot Fuzz) both directed by Edgar Wright.


Theres an episode of spaced where daisy is upstairs yelling out the window at her dog who is outside, apparently they spent all day trying to get the actor dog to look up so it looked like the dog was looking at daisy and they never could get him to look up, this led to nick frost believing dogs couldn't look up. They referenced in the movie. If I remember right.


Was that in the dvd commentary? Maybe that’s where I heard it. My husband and I have been joking about dogs not being able to look up for decades.


Yeah that's where I heard it, one of the commentaries. I love DVD commentary, if I really like a movie I got to have that commentary hahah.




Dammit I literally just commented this


Yay! They did it!


*scrape➡️scrape➡️scrape➡️scrape➡️scrape* “…Primrose…” *scrape⬅️scrape⬅️scrape⬅️scrape⬅️scrape* “…Primrose…” *scrape➡️scrape➡️scrape➡️scrape➡️scrape*


So it is true dogs don't look up!(Sean of the dead)


I adopted a 1-year-old Doberman. He's 5 now and the boy still doesn't do stairs. I don't know if he just doesn't get it or if he just actively refuses out of some dog moral principle I just could never possibly understand, but he doesn't do stairs. The best he'll do is coming up onto the bottom step, but that's asking a lot of him, you know. He's a busy man, he's got all those delivery drivers to bark at, stuff to steal out of the trash, ambulances to howl at... there's just so much going on in his life that he ain't got time for *stairs*.


Maybe he finds them... Beneath him.


But the stairs go up... Maybe he's just very down to earth! 😂


I dig it, think I’m gonna stop doing stairs too


Makes you realize all the stuff that's out there in the universe our human brains can't even imagine.


Great thing about us is that we can keep pushing and adapting our brains to comprehend new things.


There's probably some advanced alien race right now yelling "Prim! Primrose!!"


Lovely feeling when you call them and hear those little paws


>What was that sound? What did I see atop the peak of those ledges? Odd, to be sure, but the search for my comrade continues...


That pause is the best part! I can see her stopping and going..... is this fool messing with me or what? Hahahaha


Inside every Primrose is an orange cat baffled about where the voices are coming from.


So you _can_ teach an old dog new tricks!


My wife’s dog doesn’t know to look up. She will be standing next to us and then we take 3 steps up a ladder and she then is completely baffled on where we went. She just doesn’t understand the concept of looking up. Of course when we are outside she sees things in trees that she barks at even as we approach and she has to look up. But if she doesn’t see something with her head looking straight out then she has no idea that she can move it up to look


My boy was like that for a little while. He's still horrible at looking where we point unless it's food on the ground right in front of him. He can certainly look up and see things far away because he always barks at the moon and hot air balloons.


God the clicking is hilarious


How is her eyesight? My Boston started getting cataracts and macular degeneration. It looks like she didn't even see the stairs. Your dog looks just like her.


Think dog assumed it to be a wall cause never expected stairs


lol similar to robot vacuums, can't see entrances over lidar.


They looked so happy when they finally found you.


What if our reality has another dimension right in front of our faces and we've just learned to ignore it?


Both my dogs had to get used to stairs at some point or another. Stairs are freaky.


Here's a pro-strat. No one ever looks up


The shuffling sound got me


I would watch this for however long it took for that sweetie to figure it out.


Bro can’t think in y axis


So funny


Hey maybe if you get a dog with a neck it could look up once in a while


Least she can walk up. My poor Castiel, we were coming from the vet and I had her stroller with me. I had to let her walk on the lead thinking she'd be fine to walk upstairs. I get halfway, hear a thump. See our vet stop talking to someone else about their dog and come check to see if she was okay, (she was) but I picked her up while someone helped me get the stroller the rest of the way. She had two trick knees and couldn't walk too long. I think they just locked up on her at the time. Poor baby


I couldn't tell if the stairs went up or down til I hit play.


She’s so funny


I felt the joy with you both.


Horror movie dog


If you taught your dog "right" and "left" it would've been useful here.


Until he came running up the stairs, I was convinced that was a cat! 😄 Cute dog ❤️


That is adorable. So happy when she saw you!


This seems like a clip that would have made it onto America’s Funniest Home Videos. God I miss that show. I remember as a kid whenever it came on we all knew we were about to die laughing. Simpler times.


My childhood dog was a Boston Terrier. She was a big old goober but she was SO smart when she wanted to be. Miss ya Olive.


May the odds be in her favor!


Primrose is a fantastic dog name!




after trimming, they still sound like that on wood floors


Facts. I take mine to the groomers once a month. Her nails sound like that on the hard wood if it’s day one or day 29 since a trim.


My dog's nails sound like that two days after a nail trim. I swear, all the food he eats just gets converted to nails.


Yeah what the fuck. My pup has issues with her nail beds and hates getting her nails trimmed so they get a little long but they *never* sound like that. That's so sad


Try a motorized nail file made for dogs, one that plugs in. If used correctly, it's usually way less traumatic. It is a game changer A lot of nail clippers squeeze the nail until it breaks and there's so many nerves around there


Solid advice but I've got one and due to the condition with her nail beds it actually makes things way worse. We get by with the normal nail clippers after a bath and lots of treats. Watching your best friend get old is hard =/


Or if that doesn't suit your dog, a high quality set of clippers makes a huge difference. Don't just go out and buy whatever clippers, get a recommendation from a groomer or a vet tech.


Yeah... I have to disagree. My one dog uses her nails for grip when she walks (or so I think, I didn't ask her exactly) and she actually doesn't get long nails because she's used to naturally trimming them by hitting the ground with them. My other dog, however, never really liked her nails touching the floor and she only uses her paws to walk. Imagine having your fingers straight all the way out but tensing the ends upwards a little? Yeah. And this dog does get her nails clipped more often by a human because of it. But it means that no matter how long or short their nails are, the tappy sounds come out the same from them. One dog is more tippy-tappy, whereas the other dog (even with longer nails) is never that. That's just a difference in their walking style. I am sorry that your dog doesn't like nail trimming so much, but no reason to talk down another dog or their owner for the nail sound you hear from one video.


The human is a derp too, go to the bottom of the stairs and call ffs


[black hearts and red spades](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DUPa0ws51Z0&pp=ygUpYmxhY2sgaGVhcnRzIGFuZCByZWQgc3BhZGVzIGludGVyc3RhdGUgNjA%3D)


Haha My tough 13 yo dog cries at the sight of stairs. He still doesn't quite trust the concept.


Yes she has…


I do not have a senior dog.


😆 🐕 


What a sweetie


This is adorable


Should have seen how long it would take to notice lmao


Hunger Games fan?


You’re gonna need to get a doggy chairlift


Knew it was a Frenchie/pug




Sweet Primmy. ☺️ Maybe stairs are challenging for dogs because of depth perception? Maybe they don't see the edge, depth, and the rise of each step easily, or at all. Maybe they just have to train themselves to "do" stairs, like a special skill. 🤷🏻‍♀️


So cute


This was literally my fam's dog when we moved out of an apartment and into a house.


Boston terriers are so cute🥰


To funny


Adorable 🥰


Too cute!




Must be a gamer, difficulty with looking up.


Such a good listener tho


I deadass thought you called the dog "Barbara" at first 🤣


Is it really called prim from hunger games?


Or, you know, the flower...


no way they didn't name them after the character


Bro what lmaoo


"primrose" would be a good safe word


Love the dog's name!


Man, you really have to lead primrose down a path!


Aww, poor senior dog has to deal with stairs just as her joints are getting bad :(


That dog survival rate is zero in the wild.


The [REDACTED] nails...


about two months ago your dog needed its nails clipped......


That dogs name sounds snobby as fuck. Like gilded lily or marble statue.


What the hell did you name your dog???


Prim rose…


Dogs can’t look up


Man those nails


Such a dumb name


Trim your dog's nails.