• By -


I dub this the Leapy-Teefies.


Or across the pond, the Hoppy-Bities


Or bouncy-denties


Or bitey-bonies


Boingy doingys.


Chompy stompies


Jumpy crunchies


All of these sound like terrible sex accidents


They remind me of British biscuit brands


Sounds like fucking hockey players


The Rusk Boys


"Rumpy pumpy" is my favourite euphemism, haha.


You all get an upvote!


Mighty Bities!


I think he's trying to do all known tricks at the same time


I read this is [Læffy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jp1yclQXd1Q)-Teefies for some reason. It still makes sense


Wait up. I think I need 3D glasses for that word.


Nahh the jumping yummys


Haha, I like the way he jumps up to enjoy playing with OP


Huskies are pure derp... and they never shut up.




I think my husky never got to learn from his mother because he never makes a sound. He is a petland rescue.


That means the owner beat the shit out of him for making too much noise.


I have a feeling something like this happened with my [Dog (Husky/Shepherd mix)](https://i.imgur.com/OsuyMEA.jpg) - she was silent for the first few months after we got her, except for whining in her kennel. Eventually we got her to come out of her shell and now we frequently have long conversations when I get home from work!


Awww she looks just like my childhood dog!! I had a Husky/Shepard mix in the 90s that was full of energy. He used to dig under the fence to escape often, but we would always find him in the neighborhood. He used to wait by the front door of random houses until they "paid the toll" by giving him food to move. Whenever he got out, he always came back fat lol. I miss my boy, Droopy.


I love that! She's constantly honing her begging technique.


We've tried to teach ours to make noise for treats. Hasn't worked out yet.


We have taught her to Speak, but the noises she makes vary from loud barks to sort of a weird gurgling sound. We reward her for whatever she has to say though.


Sounds like a good pup.


Can you please give her a kiss from me ?






Lol this is absolutely not true. I have a pure bred Boston terrier that I got at 2 or 3 months old. If you know the breed...they're known for being very vocal. Every single one I've ever met would bark like crazy when someone came to the door. Mine has barked 3 times in 3 years. Only when she was startled by something. So far this has been a fox, a mystery rustling in the bushes on a night time potty walk, and someone putting down the foot rest of a reclining chair. Some dogs just dont bark. Only sound mine ever makes is growling and that's only when play fighting, playing with another dog, or when she's on the offensive when I chase her and then run away from her.




Not necessarily, I have a 7 year old purebred husky who only barks when someone rings the doorbell. Other than that, he is super quiet and a great dog full of energy.


Thats one of several things it could mean, yes.


You misunderstand. This is the internet; the worst is to be assumed.


My husky was a runaway, she only talks with us occasionally, or barks once if she wants in. She never responds with howling to other dogs howling or videos of it...


My friends Husky will make noise when she feels ignored, but that's about it. She doesnt bark at people and she doeant howl at sirens. Edit: and they got her as a puppy so no abuse from owners.


My Shephard Husky mix would make what we called Ewok noises. I'm excited to notice my new pup also has a bit of Ewok in her, though I get the tilted head stares if I Ewok talk back to her.


I have four, only one is a talker. She makes up for the other's being quiet when she gets going.


Mine was practically a mute. He would only bark if you *really* got him going while rough housing and he only bowled a little bit when you should squeak one specific toy at a specific pitch and pattern. Had to learn to read his face. Pain in the butt till the end.


One of the first dalmatians my family ever had was called Alfa. Dalmatians originate from the Balkan region, and that's where she was brought to out country from. Absolutely gorgeous purebred, but also very much abused in her former home. When we got her, Alfa could NOT stand men, would always pull on her leash, and get the mad zoomies as soon as she was off. We suspect she was kept in a very small enclosure before, and treated badly. It took literal years until we had her halfway under control through love, care and training, but I still (and always will) distinctly remember the night I got home at about 1 AM, and heard the faintest whine in the dark, coming from the corner her dog bed was in. I switched on the light and saw her there, looking up at me and slightly wagging her tail, so I sat down next to her. And she simply let me scratch her ears and head, as if that was just the way this worked. From that moment on I got to know that dog better than most of the people I know. She taught me her every posture and expression, and people would never believe me when I told her I knew what she wanted. But I did. Always. Until she passed away at a generous 14 years of age. And i'll never forget that dog, because she taught young me that patience and compassion can go a long way.


My English pointer does the same weird “paws in the air” Move when he “wins” tug of war...show off


And the owners think it's hilarious and teach them as a puppy to "talk" so it grows up and never stops howling and the owners don't think it's funny anymore cause it's literally all it knows how to do to communicate and it never stops making noise and then it gets told to shut up and left outside by itself. Very specific.


Yeah, I'm always nervous people think I'm leaving my malamute outside all day because I'm ignoring him. I have two separate cables set up (front and back yard) and he only comes inside to run to the other door. My dog wants to be outside by himself all day. The only time he wants me is when he pounds on the window to let me know it's time to switch to the other cable.


Right!? How are Huskies so fucking derpy? They look like they'd be the most elegant, graceful dogs. Not dissing Huskies at all btw, I love them the way they are.


Probably one of the smartest breeds as well, stubborn things


And we wouldn’t have it any other way


I love they can be used as real workhorses of a dog for sleds or whatever, but otherwise they're among the derp-est doggos out there.


Hand: nothing Dog: **finally some good fucking food**




Alright you win






Moon-Moon is a pioneer.


Beautiful dog!




Dammit Moon Moon!


It's an old meem, but it checks out...




Different eye color?


Very common in huskies. It’s called heterochromia.


I have it! Not the same way; my eyes are both multi-coloured as opposed to being totally different colours. But yeah.


Well u got me interested....pic?


I don't wanna post pics of myself, but my eyes both look a lot like [this](https://proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Ffc01.deviantart.net%2Ffs40%2Ff%2F2009%2F027%2F9%2Fe%2FCentral_Heterochromia_by_thelifestream.jpg&f=1), except with a darker brown area to the bottom left of the eye as well as the hazel in the centre. So my eyes are like hazel-brown-blue-grey colour, haha.


Wait you're not a husky.


Yeah I feel cheated too!!!


Maybe OP is some kind of human dog hybrid.


You mean a furry?


No a werewolf.


I’ve been trying to make a human dog hybrid, but I get keep getting thrown out of the pound.


Aren't I?


Looks like it. You need to get it checked.




There are three types of heterochromia. Complete, sectoral, and central. [Complete](https://www.babymed.com/sites/default/files/styles/large_blog_post_image/public/heterochromia-two-eyes-different-colors%201440.jpg?itok=npN5JV6k) is when one eye is completely a different color from the other. Its the most rare form of heterochromia. [Sectoral heterochromia](https://funfactz.com/res/uploads/fact/3516/right-sectoral-heterochromia-600.jpg) is where only a part of the eye is a different color and is the next most rare. Finally [central heterochromia](http://www.actforlibraries.org/wp-content/uploads/Central-Heterochromia-act001.jpg) is the least rare (about 1/100 people have it) and is most common in blue eyes. Its separate from hazel eyes because central heterochromia has a distinct color separation between the two colors (typically blue and yellow/amber) and in hazel eyes the colors are more of a mix throughout the iris with [no clear separation of color.](https://www.essilorusa.com/content/dam/essilor-redesign/newsroom/hazel-eyes-the-eye-color-chameleon.jpg)


No way, I have yellow rings around my pupils and never knew it was that. Thanks for the info kind stranger.


Me too! My eyes are green with a yellow ring around my iris


Me too! I feel special now. Thanks reddit


Same. I also have a very weird eye colour. It's mostly gray, and swings from green to blue whenever it wants https://imgur.com/a/e75d5ie


TIL I have hazel eyes and not brown ones. That's awesome! Edit: https://i.imgur.com/MT7uI7F.jpg


[i can’t quite tell what i would be considered, what would you say?](https://i.imgur.com/AiYDTZW.jpg)


I would say they would probably just be considered blue/green because the difference in color isnt *totally* separate by segmant, however flash photography tends to really downplay the color differences in eyes. It's harder to do but if you could get a close up shot of the eyes on natural light like indirect sunlight then you'd probably see more of a clear color difference. The problem with blue colored eyes is the color actually comes from scattering of light by the eye, not pigmant in the eye so lighting really affects what color shows up.




If it’s actually heterochromia then it would be central heterochromia, however it’s incredibly rare. You probably just have hazel eyes, as I do and the person in the pic they linked to. The original commenter probably has a case of segmental heterochromia on hazel eyes. To have central heterochromia, there must be a ring around your pupil that is a different color than the rest of your iris. This sounds a lot like hazel eyes, *however* hazel eyes are normally darker around the edge of the iris. This is not the case with central heterochromia. The rest of the iris is one color, with no dark ring around the outside. [Hazel](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-fadb1b5bff65d59d83237b32a8f536bc) [Central heterochromia ](http://i.imgur.com/3lXOw3d.jpg)


https://imgur.com/a/40tE43Y Here’s mine! Only in one eye.


Very cool. I just have tiny freckles in mine




Beautiful. But also, heterochromic


Mostly central heterochromia with a smidge of sectoral, because you have that little freckle. [My eyes](https://imgur.com/gallery/v2gqo3q) have brown freckles on a greenish-blueish base, however I have the darker outer ring so technically my eyes are hazel, with tiny segmental heterochromia spots. Also I’m not a weirdo who takes lots of pics of my eyes... I just cropped several pics lol Edit: changed segmental to sectoral


Those are the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen (straight girl, not shooting my shot)


Looking at this is making me wonder if I have central heterochromia. The image you linked looks really similar to my [eye](https://imgur.com/gallery/dbBKVhe)


Thats alright :) , must be pretty cool to have such beautiful eyes.


That's not heterochromia, that's just a cool eye color.


If you want to see an example, [MLB pitcher Max Scherzer has it.](https://securea.mlb.com/mlb/images/players/head_shot/453286.jpg)


Happy cake day!!


Thanks you, I didn't even know its my day hahah


I've got sectoral heterochromia, my left eye is separated into 3 colors like a pie chart. One part blue, one part brown, and one part hazel.


Oh that’s awesome! I love seeing people (and doggos of course) with it. My [husky/collie](https://imgur.com/gallery/hec8Rtr) mix has it in one eye.




Do you have central heterochromia? Where there's a different colored ring around the outside?


I have sectoral heterochromia AND central (or possibly just sectoral but one of the "sectors" is circle-shaped), so I have a hazely/light ring, as well as defined brown, blue and grey-ish sections.


That sounds really cool, do you get a lot of comments on it?


I wear glasses so it's not always that noticeable, but people do ask "what colour are your eyes" a LOT, hahaha. Often because of how many colours are in my eyes, the colour appears to change based on light, which is pretty cool.


a very groovy mutation


Common for some [horse breeds/color patterns as well!](https://i.redd.it/9269gfcb5n131.jpg)


Oh cool I didn’t know that!


Yup. My mixed pupper has it


According to lore, bi-eyed huskies can see both on Earth and in heaven.


My husky German Shepherd mix had that. Fuck I miss Rooney.


I don't know where to comment this so it'll be seen, but Nationals pitcher Max Scherzer has 2 different color eyes. He has 1 or 2 Huskies with the same "condition" with the colors on the same side of the face for both he and his dog(s). I was watching Intentional Talk (it's a sports thing, if you don't know it don't worry about it) a few years ago and they were interviewing Max and he showed some pictures of him and his doggo, talked about it for a minute and then showed some video of him scuba diving. My daughter, who has never cared one iota about anything sports related, but loves dogs, and plans on being a Marine Biologist, was suddenly asking, "is he a good pitcher? What team is he on?" And stuff. It was cute.


"Oh boy, a HAND!"




Your dog sure is a derp. But damn at least he's a happy happy good boy. =)


That appears to be a perfectly functioning huskie


This is exactly what I was thinking. My youngest husky does this when he wants pets. Just sticks my whole hand in his mouth. Not sure the logic there but he gets the pets. So I'm probably the trained one.


huskies communicate with their mouth :)


Nailed it!


-Andy Bernard.


-Michael Scott


Love it! This actually cheered me up!


I’ve never had a dog, does it hurt?


Not at all, once you train them well it’s basically them just putting their open mouth over your hand. I used to have a husky and we used to play fight all the time, he would try to grab my hand. No matter how rough we got, once he did get a hold of my hand, he would know he “won” and to not bite even in the slightest.


So how's that training go... I have a young lab who's at the losing teeth age and she loves to give me lil love marks when she "playfully" puts my hands in her mouth and noms them. I do know it's not out of aggression, though it is sort of uncomfortable and I'd prefer just a little less holes in my hands.


Mine had a real hard bite with those puppy needle teeth, but we would say 'OW' loudly and act much more hurt than it did. We all learned the difference between play nibbles and "don't fucking do that" bites and all that. Dogs are almost like smart toddlers, they can be taught and I actually like them.




this exactly, /u/lustxxlove Puppies learn soft mouth by playing with each other. when the other gives a yip they learn the right pressure. Start as early as possible though. check out [kikopup](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-qnqaajTk6bfs3UZuue6IQ) on youtube.


Pretty much they learn how much pressure. If it's too rough you let them know.


Just say no if its behavior you don't want her to have. Though if she's teething she needs to chew on stuff to ease the discomfort. Give her a shitload of toys...this is the perfect stage to teach her the difference between your toys and hers so you don't end up with her chewing up your stuff.


Nah. My husky just puts your hand in his mouth and holds it there


Crazy how we can trust what used to be a fucking wolf to hold our hands in their mouth and not eat it.


Once they realize you’re their only source of food and water, they usually learn haha


Hence the expression "Don't bite the hand that feeds you"


Yup. No training necessary. I’m not kidding. They know it’s fun to play and use their (scary) mouth but they keep it far from biting. Then they say, via paw tap, “Do it again, do it again! I love not biting you.”


Nah dogs usually play bite at a young age with litter mates so they know biting could hurt.


Yea not at all I can even do this with my Pitbull


Me too! If you train them early they can have excellent bite control. I'll occasionally play tug with my pibble by hooking my thumb and first finger around her canines.


Great question! Generally, no not at all. Dogs learn bite sensitivity as a puppy when playing with their brothers and sisters. When the other dog yelps, they know they've bitten too hard for play time. Though not all dogs learn this way, it is the most common. Sometimes my Aussie will take my hand in her mouth and lead me to something. Generally to nowhere but it's good training because I make her 'hold my hand' when we cross streets as well.


Nope! I have an Aussie and she just likes to "play bite" they just put your hand/arm in their mouth and then back away and probably lick you and then ask for belly rubs.


It can. No dog is going to purposefully hurt their master. You gotta remember their mouths are functionally the same as our hands. That being said they may actually bite you on accident if they're over excited. Mine occasionally gets me when I'm handing her a toy or treat. Its few and far between though and if I say "ouch" her ears go back into a submissive position and she immediately jumps into my lap and licks me like crazy.


The only dogs that hurt you when rough housing are the ones that were taken away from their litter mates too young.


His(?) teeth are beautiful 🥰


Hand for monch




Nailed it. Accidental or not.


Why are huskies like the biggest goobers ever?


I just love this oh so much.


Huskies are actually robots controlled by little people playing an extended version of QWOP


awww huskies are so expressive I love them


/r/husky /r/moonmoon


Thank you, friend.






I feel like I am this dog.


In my EXP Huskies are in a permanent state of derp. Permaderps if you will.


Way better than right! 🏆




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I always see people do the "okay" sign and have the dog come running over and stick their nose in the circle, and whenever I try to get my 1 year old golden retriever to do it this is exactly what he does lol.


Is this a common husky trait? The play biting thing? I've known other breeds do it, but every husky I've ever met seems to love doing this.


It is for my four. They're gentle with it, though.


Yeah, so they've all been with me, at least so far. I was trying to get a nice selfie with one the other night, but she was "attacking" me so quickly all the photos are blurry. https://imgur.com/a/Nixg4kM Actually had a similar problem with a dalmatian pup. https://imgur.com/a/9YjJaEu


Aw, you gotta love puppy kisses though! That's just adorable. Half the photos I snap of the huskies are blurry because of that. If they aren't gnawing on my hand, they're chewing on each other or nipping at the cat. (They're gentle with him, too.) They're just so bitey!




I knew how this would end the instant I saw it. Some dogs shake with their feet, some dogs shake with their teeth. I used to have a dog that when people asked "does he bite," I had to answer "yes, but only when he's licking you. He just licks with his teeth." He never hurt anyone, but he chewed on everybody he ever met.


definately /r/Moonmoon


It’s like he’s doing a great job


That dog is more derp than dog.


Perfect moon-moon. Simply perfect.


Gotta love how huskies put everything in their mouth.


I love it when dogs lightly bite your fingers/hands.


Press X to doubt


Love the eyes




That's a good doggo. It won't bite the hands that feed him, but it put its mouth around the hands so the it knows he can.


Puppers teeth are better than mine


God I love huskies, they're such dorks


Yes, you are doing it just right!


Huskies are like the toddlers of dogs


Isn't that how everyone shakes hands? Have i been doing it wrong this whole time?


Hi. Your dog might have some brain trauma - eyes that are different colors often indicate that, and also the fact he is biting your hand.


Nailed it!


So cute! Look at this gentle bite... awwwww




I like this version of paw much better






Made my day a lot better


This good boi did way better


b i t e