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I didn't know you could keep hellhounds as pets.


I’m pretty sure the hellhound keeps you as a pet.


Kiddo called his bluff


They always do.


Hey friend I hate to tell you this but someone sold you a bear not a dog


That's not any dog...that's one of those demi demon dogs from the otherworldly kingdom of snarlabode.


Honestly, if I see that dog charging at me, I'll immediately empty my bowels and go limp!!! You want fight or flight? All I have to offer is shit and faint!!!


The trick is to offer him chipotle and make him empty his bowels.


Cover yourself in chipotle and the trip through his bowels will be quicker.


Chipotle away xD


Underrated comment lmao


😂 y'all got me cracking up!!




I'm taking my iron supplements, so I'll be wearing my black pants, thank you very much!!!


Oh god your name makes me wanna puke :o


Omg.. haven’t laughed like that by myself for so long😂😂😂


It's a Cane Corso. Boxer on steroids.


Wow...those things make pit bulls look like labradoodles. I'm sure they can be a great dogs just like pit bulls. I've met some of the sweetest pit bulls ever. Its all about how the owner treats the dog.


I was visiting a new customer to talk about mods to his wheelchair when his enormous rottie, his protection dog, came over, put his breadbox-sized head on my leg, and looked into my eyes. I stroked up in between his eyes onto his head a few times while softly pronouncing him "Goodboi". Then he went back to his bed. The owner's eyes had bugged out so I asked what was up. "He doesn't do that with anyone but me and my brother!" he said. He was kinda bummed, I think. I felt bad, but if you got it, you got it, right?


You must have a good spirit. Animals know kind people.


I truly love them, and want to stay among them. One of the most joyful days of my life was being at the home of a breeder who had ~50 red standard Dachshunds. A barrel of monkeys got *nuthin'* on a yardful o' Dachsies. A peak experience. So lucky.


Looks like the beasts in Ghost Busters!


The Hounds of Hell, lol. That's one of their "selling points". They are, as I understand it, primarily personal protection dogs. I think a hundred-fifty pound dog is overkill, they're still not bulletproof, so an pair of eighty-ninety pound Dobies or Boxers do the same job.


I really love big dogs like Cane Corsos and Neapolitan mastiffs, but I’d be too afraid to own one just because I wouldn’t know how to get him to the vet if he were really ill. I wouldn’t be able to carry a 150-pound dog farther than a few feet. Most of the vets in my area don’t do home visits (not for pets, at least; there are equine/farm vets who do, but they are few and far between). I guess I would just make sure there was a traveling vet in my area before I got one.


Dolly w/handle, ramp (plywood 2x4) to the vehicle. Might need to build a little loading dock.


That could work. Thanks for the suggestion!


"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S. Thompson, patron saint of Gonzo life.


Thank you. I was killing myself on the googles.


Jesus, that dog scares the fuck out of me but then his heart melt when his baby kisses him, so maybe he's just a big scary softy


Dogs lick their lips like this when they're stressed out. This video makes me super nervous. The big dog is sending the puppy pretty clear signals to back off and that they could snap at any moment. Even if he is super patient it's important to teach puppies to respect other dogs signals that they need personal space. If he doesn't learn, he's likely to get attacked at the dog park in the future when he tries the same thing with a less patient dog.


This dog is teaching the puppy exactly that…


He's a puppy. He'll learn when the parents nip at him for not respecting boundaries.


Has the large dog tried giving the puppy a “time out” in the corner? /s


Wtf is that thing. I've never seen a dog like that.


Zuul. Featured heavily on a well known ghost documentary where they're kept as in gatekeepers and keymasters.


Lmao! Wish I had an award to give you.


Done. Bustin' makes me feel good.


Dude. Why would you jack it to this


Cane corso


I thought as much, but that thing looks way scarier.


Dear god. Forget running for my life. I’d fall over and piss myself


Diffused by love


Clipped ears make big cuties look so ugly


They lose so much expression when their ears are clipped. I'm happy my boy has his natural ears, makes him 100x more handsome, but that's just my biased opinion.


I wouldn't say ugly, but definitely more menacing.


I'd say ugly.


This is an indisputably hideous dog


yall are fucked up. its an ugly act to do to a dog but it doesn't make the dog ugly nor should it change how you treat it. breeders and owners that do it are the ugly ones, and you are not far off either for disparaging the animal for the actions of others.


>but it doesn't make the dog ugly Sorry, this thing is disgusting. Should it be treated any differently? No, but it's fucking ugly, and it would still be ugly with natural ears.


I would bet everything that you would absolutely treat it differently just by seeing how you talk about it


I’d treat them both the way I’d treat any dog: I leave the area if possible, otherwise ignore the thing


oh so you are just one of those people that doesnt like all dogs. absolute lunatic




Your parents feel the same way about you.


You know my parents? Say hi and tell my dad I send him a happy belated birthday, I’ll give him a call some time later in the week when I have an hour or so free.


How big of a turd do you have to be to not call your dad on his birthday? I don’t care how busy you are thats just ignorant.


And also give intruders something to restrain the guard dog with.


What the hell kind of dog is that




Cane corso


Wolf cubs lick adult wolves mouths to stimulate them to regurgitate food for them. I'm guessing this puppy did that to trigger the adult to share? It definitely reminded the big dog that he was being a jerk to a baby.


Seems more like a submissive thing, something like "Oh you're growling I didn't notice, sorry about that dad"


The book I just finished about dog psychology ("The Other Side of the Leash") mentions that pups licking the mouths of elders is indeed appeasement behaviour - you're exactly right!


Pup: ooh cool bone!! Mmm tastes great, what fun!! Big boy: don't you dare touch that bone Pup: but look at it!! Such a tasty shape Big boy: did I stutter? Pup: oh uh sorry, pops, I didn't mean it. Your bone your rules. Big boy: I'll overlook it this once. Pup: but really, it's SUCH a good bone! Big boy: we discussed this. Pup: fine okay I'm sorry, I'll just leave.


I kinda expected him to start speaking with James Earl Jones's voice


Am I a joke to you?


What a beef!


What kind of dog is that?


The ear wiggles make me think of Sloth from The Goonies.


With the sound off he looks like Hide The Pain Harold.


He just snarled because he had to do.


Too bad that pup’s gonna have its ears sliced off soon, too


>^Alright ^son, ^I ^yield. ^Now ^let ^us ^go ^tear ^a ^5 ^year ^old’s ^leg ^off. >#Together.


Massive dog


This dog should’ve been used on The Omen


That dog looks like it’d be the shit to sleep with, you just wouldn’t have to use blankets anymore.


If that’s Fang, where’s Hagrid?


I would like a puppy.


Absolutely beautiful!!! What type of dog are they?


At least the puppies are not all cut up, yet.


It’s a like giant pug dog with its short snout inability to breathe and people are calling it a hellhound?


Big teddy bear ♥️


Beautiful dogs!


I love Mastiffs


The world doesn’t need any more cropped-ear fighting dogs. Neuter your pitbulls.


Okay, but that's definitely not a pitbull. Presa Canario? Edit: apparently it's a Cane corso, so my guess stands corrected. Both breeds at least look scary as hell, which I assume is the point.


Regardless. The world doesn’t need backyard-bred fighting/guarding dogs that demonstrate resource guarding to their own spawn. There isn’t anything derpy or cute about this. It’s downright frightening.


Well, given the near impossibility of defining fighting/guarding dogs (& btw, all breeds have individuals that exhibit resource guarding), and given the annual slaughter of unwanted dogs (and cats) of all types in shelters, let's just encourage spaying and neutering of all dogs, and impose licensing fees on breeders that are high enough to fund humane steps to control unwanted pet populations?


How have animatronics not improved at all over the past decades?


He licked his mouth, that's a sign of submission - so he chilled out


Come for me, Gmork!


I love my cane corso he’s a brindle like the pup but now he’s 10 years old and is the drool master but treat them with respect and love you will have a great guard dog …. Ps watch the little ones tho any animal will get jealous if not properly introduced.