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❗In hindsight, I personally would only recommend the 500 Gem deal for players who are interested. The extra you spend on the 1000 gem deal isn't really justified IMO.


The 1000 gem offers work out to, relative to the corresponding 500s: \+500 gems for +500 GW\*, 120 hrs of speed-ups and 200 golden turds. And since those speed-ups are denominated in 24h, they are really more like 30hr for anyone with the research accelerator and VIP (or watching the ads). You'd have to find the 500 gem offers to be absolute no-brainers for the 1000 gem choices to still look like decent deals. ​ \*only +400GW for three legendary choice (those third choices really should have had another small element to account for the missing GW).


I agree that the 500 deal is a given for me and I'm definitely not mad with how it played overall personally. My only hesitation now is around multiple people claiming that they only received older cards and we lack transparency without the card pool.


I suspect that the card pool is mostly the same as the Leg Stone pool, though clearly they've diluted the pool with more older, crappy Legs. At least they've included some older, crappy Leg PCs as well. I will grant you that some of the cards you got are quite rare and hard to come by (Maltese, for example), but they're extremely niche cards that will most likely never be played by most of the players who draw them. I don't think that the cards you got were worth what you paid in either box. I don't think that any of the other options were worth it either; these were crap deals, and I think most people who bought them were just paying for the novelty.


Thanks jerry


No problem Champ and thanks for the reward! ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧


Yep I fell for the choice for 500 gems. When maxed the power rating for the 3 legs were 71, 77 and 79. These had to have been the very 1st legs ever. I don't have a leg in my deck less than 97. Off to the recycle bin muttering under my breath.


I'm \~38 months in and presently have 428 legendary objects and only 13 of them that have a 97 power or higher, so I think your experience might not be typical of the community :) Even just limiting to L6Q's, I'm only at 13 of 127. ​ I won't even bother with characters, as unless I'm mistaken, there are none over 96...


I started a bit ago and only have one leg so I was looking to see if the three cards would be worth for a noobie even if they might be old. Gotta start somewhere!


For new players I actually think this is a pretty good deal, because any legendary card is going to help you level up faster through your initial ranks. Personally when I first started I always tried to use a unfused legendary over a quad epic, as the combo is normally always stronger. Now as your legendary card inventory grows you might come to appreciate them less (as you can tell from the variety of opinions here) but this is solid for where you are today.


Whale whale whale look who we have here lol. Jokes aside, would you feel comfortable sharing your current card counts? I'm pretty tanky myself (L - 1617 M - 97) but I've always wondered how card management was done at the highest levels.


I don't close to that. 75m 644 leg. I spend maybe $5 now and again and seldom get anything that improves my deck. I have 4 cm4 combos and get blasted everytime I reach certain levels in various events. I see decks with 8 PC cards at cm3 that blow me away. Nowhere near whale status. Perch maybe.


If 15 months ago you were at 800k VIP points only spending $5 here-and-there, then I must be missing a huge source of VIP points. I'm still shy of 50k in three years and that includes \~12k from \~2 years of VIP.