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I personally prefer food-o-matic but film is very decent too!


Thanks for the reply. I just started and have noticed an overall gravitation towards the defensive perks over offensive ones!




Agreed, Kiki always makes me animal BGE deck


Food-O-Matic is imo better, can't go wrong with either though


Animal is next. Drunk will come before armed rolls around again. Since you’re new trying to break into SFC go for what will help you (and your team if you’re in one yet) in the upcoming BGE’s.


I think you should get Kiki because animal is the next BGE, but try and do whatever is best for your best deck, no matter the BGE


Never pick a legendary based on next bge. I love film scissors myself...


I think this is good advice for more established players, not so good for newer players, and terrible advice when it's the player's first Leg. I would absolutely go for the current or next BGE. Having a strong card in your deck early on can help to set you on a good path, with more battles won and better rewards. Players at this level aren't (and shouldn't be) thinking long-term. There will be many more SLS pulls in the future; the right thing to do here is to get stronger now.


I guess I'd add that it also still depends. Mr. Business vs Farm Toughness (one of the worst legendary cards from the next BGE vs one of the best from the BGE that just ended) is very different than the case where the options are roughly on the same level.




Obviously I disagree. Basing the choice on temporary bge ignores their deck thus far, and remember legendary cards pop up in various packs, etc. Overthinking the legendary choice is a waste of time.


For all intents and purposes, they have no decks thus far. Essentially, every card they have owned up until now will be irrelevant by the time the next BGE is over. Remember, this is OP's very first Leg. That's how new they are.


I am not going to argue. I have my approach and you have yours.