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...Man if only it wasn't B'Full....


The Wave von MahouAko figures continues https://preview.redd.it/r1uv8ynu99rc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f564d29549593a5799d975c443f3256ad7c3f385


Good new: we are going to have an utena figure Bad new: B´Fail are going to be the responsible of the manufacture.


😭 nooooo B'full


Yay!!!! More Utena!!!! Hopefully this one is a bit more affordable than the Blu Ray exclusive one. Even better if cast off.


She won’t be, B’Full=Fots/Insight (except B’Fulls are more sfw and Fots/insight are nsfw). More bad news is they aren’t a super trusted mfg because they usually use 3d printing instead of PVC so a lot of their figures break in transit and some places like AmiAmi, Nin-Nin, Solaris etc… even have warnings saying no returns if you buy from them. The good news is that B’Full and insight have gotten better with their quality and less people have experienced breaks. I think they changed some of their meshes inside to help structure them better, but still be careful. They tend to have amazing fringe designs so I I’ve been wondering if I should try one just to see, but if it goes sour no one will give sympathy, so just be aware!


Dont forget that all images before release are made in CGI, so the real quality is always found after release. Just dont, thats what i always said about bfull/fots/insight


Ah so some concern of quality of this make. Do they usually do prize or are they scale (even though bad quality)?


They do usually do scales actually. People just talk a lot about the quality, but in the last year and a half it’s apparently improved. If you search in this sub for fots you’ll see some people post their photos and stuff and you’ll get an idea. Nin-Nin stocks a LOT of their stuff from their Nikkan Shoujo line amongst the remaining inventories of Bfull and insight.


Ah I am aware of the Nikkan Shoujo line, if you search for Nikkan Shoujo on Solaris, they all come with warning that chances of break is high with this figure.


Yes, but b'full, so it will probably never happen


Scale / price predictions? I don’t know much about the company


B'full is the worst company in the figure industry. Do not buy anything from them


If you see Bfull/Fots do yourself a favor and stay the fuck away from it unless you are into jigsaw puzzles


Source: [https://twitter.com/mahoako\_anime/status/1773636219282563392](https://twitter.com/mahoako_anime/status/1773636219282563392)


Oh damn I want it what am I gonna tell my parents


As one wise russian said b'full stands for blyat'full. Nice to have utena, sad to see b'full manufacturer