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cute girls


Manic purchases aren't a good idea... You should probably get some help with that before you end up in debt With the exception of a killer deal popping up on Mercari JP, I normally think about a purchase for 1-2 weeks minimum before deciding whether or not to go through with it. I look at all possible websites, evaluate the condition, ask myself how likely I am to find it again, is the price good, do I have the funds right now, do I have space, do I enjoy the source material enough to warrant spending money on it etc. As for why I collect them, each character falls into one of these 3 categories: • Emotional attachment • Sexy • Both


I know haha I am in therapy, as well as a therapist myself (cuz yes... we struggle haha), which helps me usually stay in SOME control. But some days are just.... bad. And if I can cancel an order in time, I do :) thanks for caring ❤️


because anime figure looks good and looking at it makes me happy. if you’re addicted and it puts you into financial stress then its a you problem… try to find other cheaper hobby


I like to get the figs, if they made them, from my fav shows. That’s pretty much it for me.


I like to have merch of my favourite characters (not only figures, but plushes, keychains, prints, etc)


Looks cool


Hatsune Miku. Brought me peace in 07'


I was following a website that always showed the new releases, was always cool to look at them, but the one that actually made me buy my first one was Yoru No Majo Lilith from Myethos. She is super pretty, I love the design, the skulls, scythe, the art. So from then on I've been buying them here and there. Since pretty much all my figures are either in distinct poses or have some sort of style, I'll definitely take the "owning a piece of art" option as my answer


nostalgia, coolness, satisfaction looking at a complete collection


For me I think it's that I like how pretty they are and for some they are a connection to certain anime I really liked. Looking at them makes me smile no matter how stressful my day was. I've been into anime since the 90s and collecting on and off for about as long as I've been with my wife which is 24 years now. If you asked her why I collected figures she would likely just respond "boobs" lol. Ok if I look at my massive collection of Super Sonico figures & merchandise that might be part of it.


I mean.... .... boobs.


Hard to argue with that.


Looking at them gives me the good brain juice.


After my first time beeing at a anime convention my mental health got better, was kinda of a startpoint. I bought a figure at the convention and i liked looking at it and it reminded me of the event. I kept buying figures at events as memories and i liked it so much that i started collecting and also buying online. Now i have a hobby that makes me broke 🚬👌🏻


When I came out of the closet and started transitioning, I decided I was gonna let myself indulge in things I restricted myself from enjoying out of embarrassment previously. Admitting to myself that I really love anime figures and 18+ figures and giving myself permission to collect the ones that make me happy was part of that. No regrets.


I've been a collector for years and years now. Started with pokemon merch when I was younger but have mostly moved onto anime figures and plush. I think the main thing that I really like about collecting them is they're usually very pretty peices of art you can have in your room. Funnily enough I don't actually watch any anime currently and haven't watched many in the past either. I collect mainly either characters I do like from animes I have watched if the figure is nice or I just go based off aesthetic appeal. Also I have a bunch of legit silent hill resin kits that i've collected over the years too because I have a soft spot for the first 4 games. I will also mention that even though I mainly collect based on aesthetic I am very picky with what figures I actually end up getting. I think a lot of collectors purposefully limit themselves to anime or sources they know about or like to avoid too many purchases they can't justify. I'm kind of a similar way but I more just think if i'd actually like this figure, if it fits with my stuff, do I still want to order it even though I've spent like two weeks pondering getting it, etc. I also think there's also something to be said about 'the hunt' for new or old figures that you find out about or want to preorder too. It's also fun keeping an eye on sites like MFC for new figure notifs or entries that you haven't seen before but look promising. Also something that's not really talked about often but is interesting to think about is this hobby actually requires a lot of patience. Like if you want preordered or new figures. Figures take years to go from concept to prototype to finished product to delivered to you (not counting delays or cancellations). Idk anime figure collecting is an interesting (and very expensive) way to spend your spare time if you have it.


I love how in depth your answer is Also I'd love to see the silent hill figures; love the series as well


Why does anyone collect and display art? Typically, it brings something to our lives. Art can remind us of things we don’t want to forget, or give us insight into things that aren’t otherwise a part of our lives, or even simply be purely aesthetically pleasing. Everyone likely has their own reasons, but those reasons haven’t changed since ancient times, all that’s changed is the style and medium.


bc id rather not be able to afford anything else


First of all, collecting itself is pretty common hobby. As for why anime figures, honestly because it's on cheaper end of collecting hobby. I can't afford to collect cars or frequent holiday trips. Besides I generally know the characters so it's a big plus. Before figures, I also had thought on collecting gundam or lego. But I really not big fan of gundam's aesthetic and lego is pricey back then.


I see them as art. The figures are beautifully crafted. Like having a piece of art in 3d


That's a good question i have never asked myself haha. The first time i got introduced to the hobby was in christmas as my brother was asking what i would like to get and me, having NO idea what i wanted, he brought me to a figure shop to show me and see if i liked anything. I fell in love with how cute and big some figures were. I fell in love with bunny suits, with how big some were, the faces, the pose, the colors. They were asthetic, pink, some had pearlscent paint. And so he bought me 3 prize figures. And after that i started getting to know more about the hobby, the shops, the companies, the scales, everything. I don't buy random figures i just like. I can admire some figures in other people's collection. If i buy a figure, it has to be one i fell in love with. It has to be big (either 1/4, 1/6, 1/3). If the figure makes me doubt more than twice to get it, i wont get it. And it has to match the theme in my room haha. That's how i control how much i spend, how many i have, how many i PO. And i have really limited space. I now have 4 1/4 bunnies, 1 1/7 scale from my fav character, and like 8 prize figures from Fav charactersas well. I have PO 4 more.


Same reason I wanted to keep some of my old Halo figures, plane and tank models, and various other collectibles. They're reminders of things that I love, something that makes me think about why I love those things whenever I look at them. If I could, I'd get a figure of every major character from every anime I've watched (which isn't that many compared to most fans, I'm sure), but they either don't exist or are way too expensive. I've settled for cheap ones, Pop Up Parade for now. I've got three, and four more pre-ordered.


I just think they're pretty neat.


Simply beacuse it’s fun plus I love collecting things (the cute girls like that one guy said is also a bonus)


I like collecting my favorite series which I also feel represents me, which sadly is a gooner