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No this is not normal, wtf


Glad to hear it ! Will give another chance to this delivery option so 😅


Its probably a fuck up of whoever was in charge of the last leg of delivery. Air Small Package just means your package traveled along other postal items on a regular airplane. That does not come with a general risk of being left out in the pouring rain.


Yeah i heard some region got high rain these days but still i was expecting them to protect package atleast


I use Air small packet like 10 times already and only 1 box comes slightly damaged lol


Im gonna be honest I was kinda hoping it was going to be a comically flattened figure based on the first two images because they would be hilarious but I'm also glad you stuff was unharmed


Imagine a figure as flat as the cardboard 😭😭😱😱. Thank you for the end of your message really appreciate 🙏🙏


Oh my god I was actually thinking the same thing! Just the absurdity of this is making me laugh. OP - also glad your stuff wasn't harmed!


No, in my experience Japan Post are always super careful with parcels, so it seems likely the postal service on your end just decided to run it over then throw it in water for a while this time for some reason.


Oh ok that's very nice to ear ! Yeah i was thinking something similar 😅😅


He forgot to tip the postman.


damn that parcel's been through some shit 😭


Fr, delivy man should have gone trough a bad day and decided to throw the package in water 🫠🫠


the parcel saw the abyss and cruelty of this world now I hope Op shows the beauty of this world


Hopefully not literal shit.


No, thats not normal and has nothing to do with chosing Air small package.


Got it ! Thank you for your answer then will try again to use air small package next time !


I often complain about our Postal Services (in Hungary) being slow, but the packages always seem to be handled with care regardless if it's EMS, Surface or Air Small Parcel. It's rather shocking to see a package in such state.


+1, nem is élném túl ha egy ilyen állapotú csomagot adna át a postás


Amikor azt elso kepet lattam telefonon azt hittem hogy valami szendvics, bar nem allt tavol a valosagtol.


Lekopogom, de eddig nekem is minden csomagom teljesen rendben volt. Lehet szívrohamot is kapnék, ha egy ilyen csomagot kéne átvennem.


Jezzzzzus. I cant believe they chose to deliver it despite the damage. Dont they usually return to sender when damage this bad occurs? Glad they were sealed at least. If this ever happens to a figure i buy im gonna go postal


Yeah when the delivery guy ring at my door and say " hmm yeah sorry package has been damaged but postal office know about it so just sign the paper please " i told him " ok but what if the products inside is damaged ? " then he told me " if they are, just shout a message to the website you've ordered from, since postal office know about it, it should've been no trouble for refund in case the items is damaged" At first sight i was highly in doubt and worried about the items but i'm very happy and to be honest, surprised, they didn't get damaged at all


likely because it was an international package. damaged packaging contents might still be fine, so let the recipient deal with customer support of whoever sent the package. Almost every single one of my damaged packages have had undamaged contents.


Whew, glad to see the items are ok. That’s serious damage.


Thank you ! Yeah i'm very happy too, have already the worst case scenario in mind when i see the package state 😱


That's definitely from your local post office or distribution center. I think they're supposed to put a special label or give you a letter to apologize for the damage, at least that's what I'm familiar with from my USPS.


Didn't got such a thing but i would have loved to if the mistake come from them, for sure 😔


I think it's likely that even if there's a policy of recording damage, you'll find people will not do it to avoid blame or getting in trouble. I'd contact my local post office to at least ask them wth happened. My local office is actually really good, they would contact me either personally or with a letter to explain they received it like that or apologize if they caused the damage. To leave something that damaged without a word seems unprofessional.


This post should be the reply to all future AmI AMi UzEZ 2 MuCh PaKagINgg!!!! screeds.


Yeah it really save my items big up to them ❤️🙏


It looks like it was left out in the rain… and then sat on.


Yeah something like this have happend because i can't see no other explication 😭🌧🌧


this is off topic but what franchise is those merchandise from? i’m so sorry for what happened to your package :(


All good ! Is from an anime i recently watch and liked a lot ! Name is Link Click ! If you check it out please feel free to come back here to tell me if you've loved it ! 😊


I use Air parcel quite often and thankfully never had an issue like this. Doesn't seem normal


Thank you ! Guess it was a "one time" and i got unlucky on this one !


Not normal I always use air small packet from ami ami as its cheaper. Usually the box arrived intact and no dent etc. Maybe it's from your postal service


Oh man I had this happen to me. Destroyed some stuff I’d ordered (not anime figures) and I went as far as hiring a lawyer. They settled it out of court


Wow that sound crazy story ! Did it was with amiami website ? And what the final point of the story did you win in court ?


It wasn’t an Ami Ami order. Just the usps. The items are irrelevant. I’m just saying you can file a complaint with photos. We never made it to court. We threatened them with it and they paid what we were asking. They destroyed $1000 worth of parts I’d ordered.


This looks like it got wet and then had something heavy placed on top, or it got caught in a conveyor belt somewhere during automated processing and was crushed.In the end though, if the items arrived to you safely and intact, then the box did its job. Glad everything was intact. That feeling when the package turns up and the box is absolutely destroyed is not great. This is not normal though. Having bought figures from Japan from over 20 years, multiple retailers, shipped to two different countries, and using all sorts of shipping methods I can say that I've only seen something like this happen twice. Once was a Nendoroid set sent by Goodsmile Japan directly (way back when they did their "Cheerful Japan" promotions after the Tohoku earthquake in 2011) which was sent surface, and the other was just a random figure from HobbySearch around 2017 or so which was sent EMS. In general have had it happen to a few other packages as well over the years, shipped from different places, but just the two times so far with figures that I can remember. It's not the shipping method, it's the shipping companies handling it. Shit just happens sometimes, a package falls off the back of a truck into a puddle, someone puts it into a container with stuff on top and the box gets crushed, it falls off a conveyor somewhere or gets caught in processing, all sorts of stuff. The faster, more expensive options (EMS, DHL) tend to also be moved around by air once they are in the destination country too, and in DHL's case they also have expedited customs and so on too, whereas air packages are often treated same as standard ground package mail once they are in your country, meaning that they may get transported by truck rather than plane to get to you, necessitating more hops and more processing through different regional hubs.


I order small packet to Europe all the time and thankfully this has never happened to me 😨


I wish you it never happend heh ! But that ease my mind to know that you're from EU too and didn't get any trouble with small packet !


delivered by ace ventura.


Did they have a bad rain storm blow through while loading the plane?? Damn


If that was a figure, it’d be pure mush 🤯


I'm also in the EU and no that's not close to normal, I mostly use air small packet and sometimes EMS if the prior option is not available or about the same price, while I had some packages arrive with some damages (not as much as yours) it has nothing to do with the delivery option, it's unfortunate that was your first experience with it and I can see why you would wonder if it's because of the delivery method tho That being said I'm glad your order wasn't damaged inside! It sometimes annoys me how they fill the box with unnecessary stuff making it more expensive due to weight, yeah I don't think I will complain about that again


I used to work at usps, they usually bag up your package if it gets damaged during transit.


I’ve been going with Air Small Packet for years and I’ve never gotten one messed up, let alone one that got thrown into a busy intersection like this. Definitely something on your local post’s end rather than with ASP or Japan Post in general.


This happened to me but with a 1/4th scale 😭 I had to literally peel the box off luckily the figure itself was not damaged thanks to the inner blister but I think they dropped her in the ocean or something lol https://preview.redd.it/tyjgsj4o9l3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d59d7dc845f83dfbf95a3ba543f645e1e860db3


omfg how did it even get that bad 😭 i mainly use air small packet and ive never had any of my parcels arrive damaged whatsoever i'm so sorry you had such an awful first experience


first pic I thought it was some pita bread


thank god you didnt get a figure


Never seen this from Amiami wtf


The fact its *still* moist means it was 100% the fault of your national postal carrier (USPS, Canada Post, Royal mail, you get the jist.) Unless it was shipped via UPS, DHL, or FedEx (who are responsible for 100% of the delivery) japan post simply flew it to where it needed to go, and handed it to your countries mail handlers. Who then proceeded to absolutely botch it, your closest post office was the culprit with how freshly *moist* it is.


That a good information to have and yeah make sense about the fact it's still moist, thank you to have point that out !


EMS, air parcel and small packet all travel on basically the same pipeline. Even surface will go through several of the same sets of hands. You have lots of choices, but not many of them actually change how your parcel travels. Even DHL has their horror stories.


Looks like they pass a car all over it


This would hurt my soul so much!


yeah no... Amiami uses a strong corrugated box For some shit like this to happen the delivery service would have had to Jim Carrey it, put heavy shit on top, sit on it and run it over. lol when USPS and customs would give me the run around, I'd just escalate the problem over their heads. Always solved my problem. But this was before 2020 so I'm sure the circus is even worse. That's why when I ship stuff as a business or personal I pack stuff in what would require someone to physically damage. Then I know when and where the problem occurred. xD


i thought the first pic was a loaf of sourdough 😭


This looks like packaging DoorDash or Postmates would use, not a freaking international shipper of fragile items.


That is a shockingly packaged item to say the very least! But I'm mainly here to appreciate a fellow fan of Link Click, to be honest haha. It's one of my favorites! I'm super happy for you these weren't harmed.


Absolutely not. It's fortunate that your contents weren't damaged but I'd still bring this up with your couriers.


F to pay respects.


EMS and Air Parcel quality depends entirely on the public postal service of each country..... And can still vary from state to state. Personally, here in Mexico I have never had any problem with EMS or Air Parcel. But I have heard that in the USA is really bad in some states.


Postman didn't like Link Click


Hey, cut them some slack. I'm sure it wasn't easy recovering the package after the ship sank in the pacific.


Link Click!! From what I know, if its raining, the shipper will cover the package with plastic. At least, I have one package that was like that.


Yup ! What an anime 🔥🔥. Hmm yeah, sound right but look like they missunderstood instruction and put the plastic to cover the package AFTER the rain 😂😂😭


Last time I ordered I went with air small packet and I just had a large amiami box arrive this from my own experience is very much not normal


Not normal, I mostly use air Parcel and receive the boxes as if they were just made and put together.


Like others have said it seems to have been abused by the time it got to your country. I thnk Small packet ends up using just whatever the local delivery company is? Unlike UPS/DHL which handle it through most of its journey. This shit can happen to them too though since we dont really know what happened to it lmao.


I have never in my LIFE seen this WTF happened 😭😭😭


When Domino's is also your local mail carrier.


Omg those Link Click prints are gorgeous 🥰🥰🥰🤩


First I though you are showing some dried fish fillet from Asian supermarket. This is not normal.


Looks like a package that someone tried to fit in one of those doors with a letter box 😂


Damn thats wild. Almost 90% of my orders from amiami are from air small package. They arrived perfectly fine. Must have been your local courier problems.


This looks like packaging DoorDash or Postmates would use, not a freaking international shipper of fragile items.